521 resultados para inalatory anaesthesia


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Four 6-day-old conventionally reared lambs were inoculated orally with a total of 10(9) cfu comprising equal numbers of four enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) O157:H7 strains. All animals remained clinically normal. Tissues were sampled under terminal anaesthesia at 12, 36, 60 and 84 h post inoculation (hpi). EHEC O157:H7 was cultured from most gastrointestinal tract sites. Small, sparse attaching and effacing (AE) lesions were found in the caecum at 12 and 36 hpi and in the terminal colon and rectum at 84 hpi. Organisms in the lesions were labelled specifically by an O157 antiserum. The results indicate that the well-characterised mechanisms for intimate attachment encoded by the locus for enterocyte effacement (LEE) of EHEC O157:H7 may contribute to the initial events. at least, of colonisation of sheep.


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Four conventionally reared goats aged 6 days were inoculated orally with approximately 10(10) colony-forming units (cfu) of a non-verotoxigenic strain of Escherichia coli O157:H7. All remained clinically normal. Tissues were sampled under terminal anaesthesia at 24 (two animals), 48 and 72 h post-inoculation (hpi). E. coli O157:H7 was cultured from the ileum, caecum, colon and rectum of all animals, but the number of bacteria recovered at these sites varied between animals. Attaching-effacing (AE) lesions associated with O157 organisms, as confirmed by immunolabelling, were observed in the ileum of one of the two animals examined at 24 hpi, and in the ileum, caecum and proximal colon of an animal examined at 72 hpi. E. coliO157 organisms were detected at > 105 cfu/g of tissue at these sites. In addition, A-E lesions associated with unidentified bacteria were observed at various sites in the large bowel of the same animals. Lesions containing both E. coliO157 and unidentified bacteria (non-O157) were not observed. Non-O157 AE lesions were also observed in the large bowel of one of two uninoculated control animals. This indicated that three (one control and two inoculated) animals were colonized with an unidentified AE organism before the commencement of the experiment. The O157-associated AE lesions were observed only in animals colonized by non-O157 AE organisms and this raises questions about individual host susceptibility to AE lesions and whether non-O157 AE organisms influence colonization by E. coli O157.


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Background: The aim of this study was to determine serum oxytocin concentrations following different regimens of prophylactic oxytocin administration in women undergoing elective caesarean delivery. Methods: Thirty healthy pregnant patients were randomized, after clamping of the umbilical cord, to receive intravenous oxytocin in one of the following groups: G1 (n = 9), 10 IU of oxytocin infused over 30 min (0.33 IU/min); G2 (n = 11), 10 IU of oxytocin infused over 3 min and 45 s (2.67 IU/min); and G3 (n = 10), 80 IU of oxytocin infused over 30 min (2.67 IU/min). Both patient and surgeon were blinded to allocation. Uterine tone was assessed by surgical palpation. Serum oxytocin concentration was determined by enzyme immunoassay before anaesthesia (T0) and at 5 (T5), 30 (T30) and 60 (T60) min after the start of oxytocin infusion. Results: Serum oxytocin concentrations (mean standard error, ng/mL) were not significantly different in the groups at T0 (0.06 +/- 0.02, 0.04 +/- 0.02 and 0.07 +/- 0.04, respectively, P = 0.76), and T60 (0.65 +/- 0.26, 0.36 +/- 0.26 and 0.69 +/- 0.26, respectively, P = 0.58). G3 showed higher concentrations than G1 at 15 (3.65 +/- 0.74 versus 0.71 +/- 0.27, P = 0.01) and at T30 (6.19 +/- 1.19 versus 1.17 +/- 0.37, P < 0.01), and were higher than G2 at T30 (6.19 +/- 1.19 versus 0.41 +/- 0.2, P < 0.01). Haemodynamic data and uterine tone were considered satisfactory and similar in all groups. No additional uterotonic agents were needed. Conclusion: Serum oxytocin measurements made using enzyme immunoassay in healthy pregnant women undergoing elective caesarean delivery showed that administration of 80 IU oxytocin over 30 min resulted in higher serum oxytocin levels after 5 and 30 min than the two other regimens. The concentrations did not differ between groups at 60 min. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Syftet med studien var att beskriva förekomst och typ av patienters eventuella oro inför anestesi. Litteraturöversikten har baserats på vetenskapliga artiklar av både kvantitativ och kvalitativ art. Trettioen artiklar granskades och 21 av dessa valdes ut till resultatet.De flesta studier som behandlade oro inför anestesi var av kvantitativ art. Oro i form av olika slags olustkänslor definierades av flera författare utförligt och på flera sätt. Resultatet påvisade att oro var ett vanligt förekommande fenomen och kunde objektivt mätas med hjälp av självskattningsskalor, där de vanligast förekommande är Visuel Analog Skala (VAS) och State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). Dagkirurgin har ökat och tiden att träffa patienten för mental förberedelse har minskat, vilket var till nackdel för både patient och personal. Vi har genom den här studien och kliniska erfarenheter uppmärksammat riskfaktorer för oro, till exempel kvinnor och yngre patienter. En studie påvisade även att patienter med sen placering på operationslistan hade en signifikant högre nivå av oro. För att ge känslomässigt stöd till patienter som har behov av ökad uppmärksamhet, krävs en bred insats som omfattar bemötande, information, patientutbildning och kommunikation. Trots all kunskap som finns presenterad i resultatet av studierna förstår vi det som att den psykologiska omvårdnaden är otillräcklig och måste prioriteras.


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Objectives To investigate the effects of levomepromazine and different desflurane concentrations upon electrocardiographic variables.Animals Twenty adult mongrel dogs of both sexes weighing 6-28 kg.Methods Dogs were divided into two groups of 10 animals. Group I received 1 mg kg(-1) lV of levomepromazine and 15 minutes later anesthesia was induced with propofol (3 mg kg(-1) IV). Desflurane end-tidal concentration was set at 1.6 MAC. After 30 minutes at this concentration, measurements were taken and the end-tidal concentration was reduced to 1.4 MAC. Thereafter, it was reduced to 1.2 and then 1.0 MAC at 1.5-minute intervals. The same procedure was followed for group 2, except that levomepromazine was replaced with 0.2 mL kg(-1) of 0.9% saline solution and more propofol was needed for induction (7 mg kg(-1)). The animals' body temperature was maintained between 38.3 and 39 degreesC using a heating pad. The electrocardiographic tracing was obtained from lead II throughout the experimental period. The measurements were taken immediately before the administration of levomepromazine or placebo (T-1), 15 minutes after pre-medication (T-2) and 30 minutes after the establishment of 1.6 MAC (T-3)The other measurements were made at the concentrations of 1.4, 1.2, and 1.0 MAC, respectively (T4-6). The numerical data were submitted to analysis of variance plus F-test (p < 0.05).Results the dogs that received levomepromazine had a decrease in heart rate. However, in both groups it increased with desflurane administration. Levomepromazine, in association with desflurane, did not induce significant electrocardiographic changes, and all mean values (except P-wave duration) were within the reference range for this species.Conclusions and clinical relevance This study documented that levomepromazine, in association with desflurane, does not induce significant changes in electrocardiographic variables, suggesting that this drug combination has minimal effect on myocardial conduction.


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Quando da utilização de bloqueadores neuromusculares, já foi enfatizado na literatura médica humana, que é de vital imporância a monitoração do bloqueio neuromuscular e que estes agentes nunca devem ser utilizados sem a mesma. O objetivo deste estudo foi o de avaliar o uso do monitor da transmissão neuromuscular TOF-Guard em eqüinos. Para tanto, doze eqüinos foram separados aleatoriamente para receberem como bloqueadores neuromusculares o pancurônio ou o atracúrio. Todos os eqüinos foram pré-medicados com romifidina, induzidos com diazepam e quetamina e mantidos com halotano. Foi administrado o atracúrio ou o pancurônio, seguindo-se a apnéia e início da ventilação mecânica controlada. O tempo entre a administração do relaxante muscular e a obtenção de um bloqueio máximo (T1=0), o retorno do T1 para 25% e da razão do TOF para 0,7 e o tempo do retorno do T1 de 25 para 75% foram mensurados. Concluiu-se que é de grande importância a monitoração do bloqueio neuromuscular quando da utilização de um bloqueador neuromuscular não-despolarizante, uma vez que ela torna o ato anestésico e cirúrgico mais seguro, com a utilização de doses adequadas que inviabilizam a superficialização do bloqueio durante o procedimento cirúrgico. O monitor TOF-Guard mostrou ser uma boa opção para a monitoração do bloqueio neuromuscular em eqüinos.


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A pesquisa foi conduzida com o objetivo de comparar duas técnicas de enterorrafias no cólon descendente de eqüinos, uma aposicional e outra invaginante, utilizando-se de avaliações morfométricas. As intervenções cirúrgicas foram executadas em 15 eqüinos adultos sadios, pelo flanco esquerdo, sob anestesia geral inalatória. As enterotomias foram realizadas na tênia antimesentérica do cólon descendente e as enterorrafias foram feitas com fio de poliglactina 910 n° 0. Os eqüinos foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em cinco grupos de três animais cada e submetidos à eutanásia aos três, sete, 14, 21 e 35 dias de pós-operatório para colheita de segmentos intestinais dos locais das enterorrafias para análise morfométrica. Com o auxílio de analisador de imagens, foram contados os números de neutrófilos, células mononucleares e eosinófilos ao redor do fio de sutura. Na contagem de neutrófilos, houve diferença (P = 0,05) entre as enterorrafias, com maior número na aposicional. Quanto aos mononucleares, observou-se diferença (P = 0,01) na interação entre os dias de pós-operatório e as enterorrafias. Não foram observadas diferenças (P > 0,05) na contagem de eosinófilos. Concluiu-se que a enterorrafia invaginante causou reação inflamatória de menor intensidade que a aposicional, sendo a opção preferencial para uso neste órgão.


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Avaliou-se o uso da acepromazina como pré-tratamento à associação de tiletamina/zolazepam. Para tanto, utilizaram-se 20 animais da espécie canina, machos e fêmeas, adultos, hígidos, divididos em 2 grupos de igual número. O grupo 1 (controle) foi pré-tratado com 0,1 ml/kg de solução salina a 0,9 % e o grupo 2 com 0,2 mg/kg de acepromazina, ambos por via intravenosa. Decorridos 20 minutos, todos os animais receberam, pela mesma via, 10 mg/kg da associação tiletamina/zolazepam. Imediatamente antes da medicação pré-anestésica (M1), antes da aplicação da associação (M2) e aos 15, 30, 45 e 60 minutos após a administração da tiletamina/zolazepam, realizou-se mensuração de: freqüência cardíaca (FC); pressão arterial sistólica (PAS), diastólica (PAD) e média (PAM); débito (DC) e índice cardíaco (IC); volume sistólico (VS); eletrocardiograma (ECG); freqüência respiratória (FR); CO2 ao final da expiração (ETCO2); saturação da oxiemoglobina (SpO2); e temperatura retal (T0). Observou-se estabilidade cardiovascular, miorrelaxamento e aumento do período hábil anestésico com o uso da acepromazina na medicação pré-anestésica. O tratamento estatístco dos valores numéricos pela análise de perfil mostrou que a acepromazina diminuiu a FR; entretanto, a SpO2 e ETCO2 não sofreram alterações estatisticamente significativas, permitindo concluir que o emprego da fenotiazina apresenta vantagens sobre o uso isolado da associação tiletamina/zolazepam, em cães.


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ObjectiveTo evaluate and compare the postoperative analgesia provided by epidural lidocaine, lidocaine/morphine or lidocaine/tramadol in dogs following elective orchiectomy.Study designProspective experimental trial.AnimalsThirty-six mongrel dogs aged 2-8 years old, weighing 6.6-22 kg.MethodsThe dogs received 6.0 mg kg-1 of lidocaine combined with 1.0 mg kg-1 of tramadol, 0.1 mg kg-1 of morphine or 0.01 mL kg-1 of 0.9% NaCl epidurally. Analgesia was assessed at 4, 8, 12, 18 and 24 hours (T4, T8, T12 and T24) after the offset of lidocaine using a scale composed of physiologic and behavioral parameters. Rescue analgesia with morphine (0.2 mg kg-1, IM) was performed if the evaluation score exceeded 10 during the postoperative period. The scores over time were analyzed using the Friedman's two-way analysis of variance and the comparison between groups was made by the Kruskal-Wallis test with statistical significances accepted if p < 0.05.ResultsThere were no differences in the pain scores between the morphine and tramadol groups over time and no rescue analgesia was administered. In the NaCl group, rescue analgesia was needed at T4, T8 and T12. Within this group, the final evaluation times (T18 and T24) had lower pain scores than at T4, T8 and T12.Conclusions and clinical relevanceEpidural lidocaine/tramadol provided an analgesic effect comparable to that of epidural lidocaine/morphine during the first 12 hours after surgical castration without substantial side effects, suggesting that tramadol may be an effective postoperative analgesic in dogs submitted to this surgical procedure.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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ObjectiveTo compare cardiac output (CO) measured by Doppler echocardiography and thermodilution techniques in spontaneously breathing dogs during continuous infusion of propofol. To do so, CO was obtained using the thermodilution method (CO(TD)) and Doppler evaluation of pulmonary flow (CO(DP)) and aortic flow (CO(DA)).Study designProspective cohort study.AnimalsEight adult dogs weighing 8.3 +/- 2.0 kg.MethodsPropofol was used for induction (7.5 +/- 1.9 mg kg-1 IV) followed by a continuous rate infusion at 0.7 mg kg-1 minute-1. The animals were positioned in left lateral recumbency on an echocardiography table that allowed for positioning of the transducer at the 3rd and 5th intercostal spaces of the left hemithorax for Doppler evaluation of pulmonary and aortic valves, respectively. CO(DP) and CO(DA) were calculated from pulmonary and aortic velocity spectra, respectively. A pulmonary artery catheter was inserted via the jugular vein and positioned inside the lumen of the pulmonary artery in order to evaluate CO(TD). The first measurement of CO(TD), CO(DP) and CO(DA) was performed 30 minutes after beginning continuous infusion (T0) and then at 15-minute intervals (T15, T30, T45 and T60). Numeric data were submitted to two-way anova for repeated measurements, Pearson's correlation coefficient and Bland & Altman analysis. Data are presented as mean +/- SD.ResultsAt T0, CO(TD) was lower than CO(DA). CO(DA) was higher than CO(TD) and CO(DP) at T30, T45 and T60. The difference between the CO(TD) and CO(DP), when all data were included, was -0.04 +/- 0.22 L minute-1 and Pearson's correlation coefficient (r) was 0.86. The difference between the CO(TD) and CO(DA) was -0.87 +/- 0.54 L minute-1 and r = 0.69. For CO(TD) and CO(DP), the difference was -0.82 +/- 0.59 L minute-1 and r = 0.61.ConclusionDoppler evaluation of pulmonary flow was a clinically acceptable method for assessing the CO in propofol-anesthetized dogs.


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Obejective To study the echocardiographic effects of isoflurane at an end-tidal concentration approximating 1.0 times the minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) in healthy unpremedicated dogs.Study design Prospective experimental trial.Animals Sixteen mature mongrel dogs of either sex weighing 11.06 +/- 2.72 kg.Methods After performing a baseline echocardiogram in the awake animal, anesthesia was induced with increasing inspired concentrations of isoflurane via a face mask until tracheal intubation was possible. Following intubation, the end-tidal concentration was decreased to 1.4% for the rest of the anesthetic period. Serial echocardiograms were recorded at 25, 40, and 55 minutes after the end-tidal concentration was reached.Results No changes were observed in heart rate. However, significant decreases were seen in left ventricular end-diastolic diameter (Mean maximal change: 13.8%), interventricular septal thickness during systole (15.2%), interventricular septal thickening fraction (72.2%), left ventricular free wall thickening fraction (63.5%), ejection fraction (39.9%), and fractional shortening (46.7%). In addition, peak flow velocities across mitral, pulmonic, and aortic valves were significantly lower than baseline values. Decreases were also observed in end-diastolic left ventricular volume index (approximately 32.1% from the awake value), stroke index (58.2%), and cardiac index (55.3%) when compared with awake measurements.Conclusions Our results indicate that 1 x MAC isoflurane caused significant myocardial depression in healthy dogs. These changes in myocardial function need to be considered carefully when isoflurane is to be used in dogs with poor cardiovascular reserve.


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Objective To establish the correlation between the bispectral index (BIS) and different rates of infusion of propofol in dogs.Study design Prospective experimental trial.Animals Eight adult dogs weighing 6-20 kg.Methods Eight animals underwent three treatments at intervals of 20 days. Propofol was used for induction of anesthesia (10 mg kg(-1) IV), followed by a continuous rate infusion (CRI) at 0.2 mg kg(-1) minute(-1) (P2), 0.4 mg kg(-1) minute(-1) (P4) or 0.8 mg kg(-1) minute(-1) (P8) for 55 minutes. The BIS values were measured at 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 minutes (T10, T20, T30, T40, and T50, respectively) after the CRI of propofol was started. Numeric data were submitted to analysis of variance followed by Tukey test (p < 0.05).Results The BIS differed significantly among groups at T40, when P8 was lower than P2 and P4. At T50, P8 was lower than P2. The electromyographic activity (EMG) in P2 and P4 was higher than P8 at T40 and T50.Conclusion An increase in propofol infusion rates decreases the BIS values and EMG.


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Objective To examine the anesthetic effects of a xylazine-diazepam-ketamine (XDK) combination in roosters.Study design Prospective experimental trial.Animals Six healthy white Leghorn roosters weighing 2.03 +/- 0.08 kg.Methods Each rooster was pre-medicated with xylazine (3 mg kg(-1), IM) and after 15 minutes anesthesia was induced with a diazepam (4 mg kg(-1)) and ketamine (25 mg kg(-1)) combination injected into the pectoral muscles. Heart and respiratory rates were recorded before anesthesia and every 15 minutes after induction for 165 minutes. Cloacal temperature was measured before and 15 minutes after pre-medication and every 75 minutes thereafter during anesthesia. Quality of induction and recovery were scored subjectively; duration of loss of righting reflex, abolition of response to a painful stimulus and palpebral reflex were also recorded.Results Intramuscular injection of xylazine smoothly induced loss of the righting reflex within 3-4 minutes. Loss of response to a painful stimulus occurred at 13.1 +/- 2.9 minutes (mean +/- SD) after the administration of the D-K combination, and lasted for 63.0 +/- 5.3 minutes. Roosters anesthetized with this combination had a significant decrease in heart and respiratory rates and cloacal temperature. The recovery period lasted for up to 4 hours (227.5 +/- 15.4 minutes). Quality of recovery was satisfactory for four roosters but excitation was noted in two birds.Conclusions and clinical relevance The XDK combination was a useful anesthetic technique for typhlectomy in roosters. Nevertheless this drug combination should be used with caution and cardiopulmonary parameters monitored carefully. Under the conditions of this experiment it was associated with a decreased cloacal temperature and prolonged recoveries.