913 resultados para human in vitro myogenesis


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Sirtuins (SIRT1-7) are a highly conserved family of NAD(+)-dependent enzymes that control the activity of histone and nonhistone regulatory proteins. SIRT1 is purposed to promote longevity and to suppress the initiation of some cancers. Nevertheless, SIRT1 is reported to function as a tumor suppressor as well as an oncogenic protein. Our data show that compared with normal liver or surrounding tumor tissue, SIRT1 is strongly overexpressed in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). In addition, human HCC cell lines (Hep3B, HepG2, HuH7, HLE, HLF, HepKK1, skHep1) were screened for the expression of the sirtuin family members and only SIRT1 was consistently overexpressed compared with normal hepatocytes. To determine its effect on HCC growth, SIRT1 activity was inhibited either with lentiviruses expressing short hairpin RNAs or with the small molecule inhibitor, cambinol. Knockdown or inhibition of SIRT1 activity had a cytostatic effect, characterized by an altered morphology, impaired proliferation, an increased expression of differentiation markers, and cellular senescence. In an orthotopic xenograft model, knockdown of SIRT1 resulted in 50% fewer animals developing tumors and cambinol treatment resulted in an overall lower tumor burden. Taken together, our data show that inhibition of SIRT1 in HCC cells impairs their proliferation in vitro and tumor formation in vivo. These data suggest that SIRT1 expression positively influences the growth of HCC and support further studies aimed to block its activity alone or in combination as a novel treatment strategy.


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Alternative fuels are increasingly combusted in diesel- and gasoline engines and the contribution of such exhausts to the overall air pollution is on the rise. Recent findings on the possible adverse effects of biodiesel exhaust are contradictive, at least partly resulting from the various fuel qualities, engine types and different operation conditions that were tested. However, most of the studies are biased by undesired interactions between the exhaust samples and biological culture media. We here report how complete, freshly produced exhausts from fossil diesel (B0), from a blend of 20% rapeseed-methyl ester (RME) and 80% fossil diesel (B20) and from pure rapeseed methyl ester (B100) affect a complex 3D cellular model of the human airway epithelium in vitro by exposing the cells at the air–liquid interface. The induction of pro-apoptotic and necrotic cell death, cellular morphology, oxidative stress, and pro-inflammatory responses were assessed. Compared to B0 exhaust, B20 exhaust decreased oxidative stress and pro-inflammatory responses, whereas B100 exhaust, depending on exposure duration, decreased oxidative stress but increased pro-inflammatory responses. The effects are only very weak and given the compared to fossil diesel higher ecological sustainability of biodiesel, it appears that – at least RME – can be considered a valuable alternative to pure fossil diesel.


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Using a human terato-carcinoma cell line, PA-1, the functional role of the oncogenes and tumor suppressor gene involved in the multistep process of carcinogenesis have been analyzed. The expression of AP-2 was strongly correlated with the susceptibility to ras transformation. The differential responsiveness to growth factors between stage 1 ras resistant cells and stage 2 ras susceptible cells was observed, indicating that the ability of stage 2 cells to respond to the mutated ras oncogenes in transformation correlated with the ability to be stimulated by certain growth factors. Using differential screening of cDNA libraries, a number of differentially expressed cDNA clones was isolated. One of those, clone 12, is overexpressed in ras transformed stage 3 cells. The amino acid sequence of clone 12 is almost identical to a mouse LLrep3 gene that was growth-regulated, and 78% similar to a yeast ribosomal protein S4. These results suggest that the S4 gene may be involved in regulation of growth. Clone 9 is expressed in stage 1 ras resistant cells (3.5-kb and 3.0-kb transcripts) but the expression of this clone in stage 2 ras susceptible cells and stage 3 ras-transformed cells is greatly diminished. The expression of this cDNA clone was increased to at least five fold in ras resistant cells and nontumorigenic hybrids treated with retinoic acid but not increased in retinoic acid treated ras susceptible cells, ras transformed cells and the tumorigenic segregants. Partial sequence of this clone showed no homology to the sequences in Genbank. These findings suggest that clone 9 could be a suppressor gene or the genes that are involved in the biochemical pathway of tumor suppression or neurogenic differentiation. The apparent pleiotropic effect of the loss of this suppressor gene function support Harris' proposal that tumor suppressor genes regulate differentiation. The tumor suppressor gene may act as negative regulator of tumor growth by controlling gene expression in differentiation. ^


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The lack of a permissive cell culture system hampers the study of human parvovirus B19 (B19V). UT7/Epo is one of the few established cell lines that can be infected with B19V but generates none or few infectious progeny. Recently, hypoxic conditions or the use of primary CD36+ erythroid progenitor cells (CD36+ EPCs) have been shown to improve the infection. These novel approaches were evaluated in infection and transfection experiments. Hypoxic conditions or the use of CD36+ EPCs resulted in a significant acceleration of the infection/transfection and a modest increase in the yield of capsid progeny. However, under all tested conditions, genome encapsidation was impaired seriously. Further analysis of the cell culture virus progeny revealed that differently to the wild-type virus, the VP1 unique region (VP1u) was exposed partially and was unable to become further externalized upon heat treatment. The fivefold axes pore, which is used for VP1u externalization and genome encapsidation, might be constricted by the atypical VP1u conformation explaining the packaging failure. Although CD36+ EPCs and hypoxia facilitate B19V infection, large quantities of infectious progeny cannot be generated due to a failure in genome encapsidation, which arises as a major limiting factor for the in vitro propagation of B19V.


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Interleukin-8 (IL-8), a proinflammatory cytokine produced by human monocytes, fibroblasts, and endothelial and epithelial cells, is effective not only on cells and tissues of human beings but also on those of several animal species. We investigated the importance of recombinant human IL-8 for the activation of canine neutrophils in vitro and its potential for inducing inflammation in vivo. Shape change (10(-9)-10(-7) M IL-8) and chemotaxis (10(-10)-10(-6) M IL-8) assays were used to determine the activation of canine neutrophils in vitro. Chemotaxis was induced by IL-8 at doses > 10(-8) M with a maximum response at 10(-6) M. A rapid shape change of comparable intensity was elicited by 10(-9)-10(-7) M IL-8. Thirty minutes after intradermal injection of 10(-9) moles of IL-8, emigration of neutrophils could be observed and became more intense at 60 minutes and 240 minutes, respectively. Zymosan-activated canine plasma, which served as a positive control, induced a rapid, massive, and more diffuse neutrophil accumulation, whereas the reaction after IL-8 was weaker but still significant. The neutrophil accumulation after IL-8 was preferentially located in perivenular areas of the deep dermis. Recombinant human IL-8 is capable of activating canine neutrophils in vitro and is able to generate significant neutrophil accumulation in dog skin. Its activity is lower than that in human, rabbit, and rat systems.


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BACKGROUND Findings from animal and human studies have indicated that an oily calcium hydroxide suspension (OCHS) may improve early wound healing in the treatment of periodontitis. Calcium hydroxide as the main component is well known for its antimicrobial activity, however at present the effect of OCHS on the influence of periodontal wound healing/regeneration is still very limited. The purpose of this in vitro study was to investigate the effect of OCHS on periodontopathogenic bacteria as well as on the attachment and proliferation of osteoblasts and periodontal ligament fibroblasts. METHODS Human alveolar osteoblasts (HAO) and periodontal ligament (PDL) fibroblasts were cultured on 3 concentrations of OCHS (2.5, 5 and 7.5 mg). Adhesion and proliferation were counted up to 48 h and mineralization was assayed after 1 and 2 weeks. Furthermore potential growth inhibitory activity on microorganisms associated with periodontal disease (e.g. Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans) as well as the influence of periodontopathogens and OCHS on the HAO and PDL fibroblasts counts were determined. RESULTS More than a 2-fold increase in adherent HAO cells was observed at 4 h following application of OCHS when compared to the control group (p = 0.007 for 2.5 mg). Proliferation of HAO cells at 48 h was stimulated by moderate concentrations (2.5 mg; 5 mg) of OCHS (each p < 0.001), whereas a high concentration (7.5 mg) of OCHS was inhibitory (p = 0.009). Mineralization was observed only for HAO cells treated with OCHS. OCHS did not exert any positive effect on attachment or proliferation of PDL fibroblasts. Although OCHS did not have an antibacterial effect, it did positively influence attachment and proliferation of HAO cells and PDL fibroblasts in the presence of periodontopathogens. CONCLUSIONS The present data suggests that OCHS promotes osteoblast attachment, proliferation and mineralization in a concentration-dependent manner and results are maintained in the presence of periodontal pathogens.


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Engineering nanoparticles (NPs) for immune modulation require a thorough understanding of their interaction(s) with cells. Gold NPs (AuNPs) were coated with polyethylene glycol (PEG), polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) or a mixture of both with either positive or negative surface charge to investigate uptake and cell response in monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MDDCs). Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry and transmission electron microscopy were used to confirm the presence of Au inside MDDCs. Cell viability, (pro-)inflammatory responses, MDDC phenotype, activation markers, antigen uptake and processing were analyzed. Cell death was only observed for PVA-NH2 AuNPs at the highest concentration. MDDCs internalize AuNPs, however, surface modification influenced uptake. Though limited uptake was observed for PEG-COOH AuNPs, a significant tumor necrosis factor-alpha release was induced. In contrast, (PEG+PVA)-NH2 and PVA-NH2 AuNPs were internalized to a higher extent and caused interleukin-1beta secretion. None of the AuNPs caused changes in MDDC phenotype, activation or immunological properties.


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The goal of this study was to assess the in vitro differentiation capacity of human bone marrow-derived stem cells (hBMSCs) along retinal lineages. Mononuclear cells (MNC) were isolated from bone marrow (BM) and mobilized peripheral blood (mPB) using Ficoll-Paque density gradient centrifugation, and were sorted by magnetic-activated cell sorting (MACS) for specific stem cell subsets (CD34(+)CD38(+)/CD34(+)CD38(-)). These cells were then co-cultured on human retinal pigment epithelial cells (hRPE) for 7 days. The expression of stem cell, neural and retina-specific markers was examined by immunostaining, and the gene expression profiles were assessed after FACS separation of the co-cultured hBMSCs by quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Furthermore, in vitro functionality of the differentiated cells was analyzed by quantifying phagocytosis of CY5-labeled photoreceptor outer segments (POS). After 7 days of co-culture, hBMSCs adopted an elongated epithelial-like morphology and expressed RPE-specific markers, such as RPE65 and bestrophin. In addition, these differentiated cells were able to phagocytose OS, one of the main characteristics of native RPE cells. Our data demonstrated that human CD34(+)CD38(-) hBMSC may differentiate towards an RPE-like cell type in vitro and could become a new type of autologous donor cell for regenerative therapy in retinal degenerative diseases.


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Testosterone hydroxylation was investigated in human, canine and equine liver microsomes and in human and canine single CYPs. The contribution of the CYP families 1, 2 and 3 was studied using chemical inhibitors. Testosterone metabolites were analyzed by HPLC. The metabolites androstenedione, 6β- and 11β-hydroxytestosterone were found in microsomes of all species, but the pattern of metabolites varied within species. Androstenedione was more prominent in the animal species, and an increase over time was seen in equines. Testosterone hydroxylation was predominantly catalyzed by the CYP3A subfamily in all three species. While CYP2C9 did not metabolise testosterone, the canine ortholog CYP2C21 produced androstenedione. Quercetin significantly inhibited 6β- and 11β-hydroxytestosterone in all species investigated, suggesting that CYP2C8 is involved in testosterone metabolism, whereas sulfaphenazole significantly inhibited the formation of 6β- and 11β-hydroxytestosterone in human microsomes, at 60min in equine microsomes, but not in canine microsomes. A contribution of CYP2B6 in testosterone metabolism was only found in human and equine microsomes. Inhibition of 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 indicated its involvement in androstenedione formation in humans, increased androstenedione formation was found in equines and no involvement in canines. These findings provide improved understanding of differences in testosterone biotransformation in animal species.


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The formation of blood vessels is a complex tissue-specific process that plays a pivotal role during developmental processes, in wound healing, cancer progression, fibrosis and other pathologies. To study vasculogenesis and vascular remodeling in the context of the lung, we developed an in-vitro microvascular model that closely mimics the human lung microvasculature in terms of 3D architecture, accessibility, functionality and cell types. Human pericytes from the distal airway were isolated and characterized using flow cytometry. To assess their role in the generation of normal microvessels, lung pericytes were mixed in fibrin gel and seeded into well-defined microcompartments together with primary endothelial cells (HUVEC). Patent microvessels covering an area of 3.1 mm2 formed within 3-5 days and were stable for up to 14 days. Soluble signals from the lung pericytes were necessary to establish perfusability, and pericytes migrated towards endothelial microvessels. Cell-cell communication in the form of adherens and tight junctions, as well as secretion of basement membrane was confirmed using transmission electron microscopy and immunocytochemistry on chip. Direct co-culture of pericytes with endothelial cells decreased the microvascular permeability by one order of magnitude from 17.8∙10-6 cm/s to 2.0∙10-6 cm/s and led to vessels with significantly smaller and less variable diameter. Upon phenylephrine administration, vasoconstriction was observed in microvessels lined with pericytes but not in endothelial microvessels only. Perfusable microvessels were also generated with human lung microvascular endothelial cells and lung pericytes. Human lung pericytes were thus shown to have a prominent influence on microvascular morphology, permeability, vasoconstriction and long-term stability in an in-vitro microvascular system. This biomimetic platform opens new possibilities to test functions and interactions of patient-derived cells in a physiologically relevant microvascular setting.


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Abstract OBJECTIVE: Signaling molecules derived from osteocytes have been proposed as a mechanism by which autografts contribute to bone regeneration. However, there have been no studies that determined the role of osteocytes in bone grafts. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Herein, it was examined whether bone chips and demineralized bone matrix release sclerostin and FGF-23, both of which are highly expressed by osteocytes. RESULTS: Bone grafts from seven donors were placed in culture medium. Immunoassay showed that bone chips released sclerostin (median 1.0 ng/ml) and FGF-23 (median 9.8 relative units/ml) within the first day, with declining levels overtime. Demineralized bone matrix also released detectable amounts of sclerostin into culture medium, while FGF-23 remained close to the detection limit. In vitro expanded isolated bone cells failed to release detectable amounts of sclerostin and FGF-23. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that autografts but also demineralized bone matrix can release signaling molecules that are characteristically produced by osteocytes. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. KEYWORDS: FGF-23; autologous bone; bone grafts; demineralized bone matrix; osteocytes; sclerostin


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BACKGROUND Asialoglycoprotein receptor-1 (ASGR1) mediates capture and phagocytosis of platelets in pig-to-primate liver xenotransplantation. However, thrombocytopenia is also observed in xenotransplantation or xenoperfusion of other porcine organs than liver. We therefore assessed ASGR1 expression as well as ASGR1-mediated xenogeneic platelet phagocytosis in vitro and ex vivo on porcine aortic, femoral arterial, and liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (PAEC/PFAEC/PLSEC). METHODS Porcine forelimbs were perfused with whole, heparinized human or autologous pig blood. Platelets were counted at regular intervals. Pig limb muscle and liver, as well as PAEC/PFAEC/PLSEC, were characterized for ASGR1 expression. In vitro, PAEC cultured on microcarrier beads and incubated with non-anticoagulated human blood were used to study binding of human platelets and platelet-white blood cell aggregation. Carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester-labeled human platelets were exposed to PAEC/PFAEC/PLSEC and analyzed for ASGR1-mediated phagocytosis. RESULTS Human platelet numbers decreased from 102 ± 33 at beginning to 13 ± 6 × 10/μL (P < 0.0001) after 10 minutes of perfusion, whereas no significant decrease of platelets was seen during autologous perfusions (171 ± 26 to 122 ± 95 × 10/μL). The PAEC, PFAEC, and PLSEC all showed similar ASGR1 expression. In vitro, no correlation was found between reduction in platelet count and platelet-white blood cell aggregation. Phagocytosis of human carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester-labeled platelets by PAEC/PFAEC/PLSEC peaked at 15 minutes and was inhibited (P < 0.05 to P < 0.0001) by rabbit anti-ASGR1 antibody and asialofetuin. CONCLUSIONS The ASGR1 expressed on aortic and limb arterial pig vascular endothelium plays a role in binding and phagocytosis of human platelets. Therefore, ASGR1 may represent a novel therapeutic target to overcome thrombocytopenia associated with vascularized pig-to-primate xenotransplantation.


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Osteoporotic proximal femur fractures are caused by low energy trauma, typically when falling on the hip from standing height. Finite element simulations, widely used to predict the fracture load of femora in fall, usually include neither mass-related inertial effects, nor the viscous part of bone's material behavior. The aim of this study was to elucidate if quasi-static non-linear homogenized finite element analyses can predict in vitro mechanical properties of proximal femora assessed in dynamic drop tower experiments. The case-specific numerical models of thirteen femora predicted the strength (R2=0.84, SEE=540 N, 16.2%), stiffness (R2=0.82, SEE=233 N/mm, 18.0%) and fracture energy (R2=0.72, SEE=3.85 J, 39.6%); and provided fair qualitative matches with the fracture patterns. The influence of material anisotropy was negligible for all predictions. These results suggest that quasi-static homogenized finite element analysis may be used to predict mechanical properties of proximal femora in the dynamic sideways fall situation.