912 resultados para health risks
Im Rahmen der interdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit zur Durchsetzung des »Menschenrecht Gesundheit« wurde ein geomedizinisches Informationssystem erstellt, das auf die nordexponierten Bergdörfer zwischen 350 m ü. NN und 450 m ü. NN des Kabupaten Sikka auf der Insel Flores in Indonesien anwendbar ist. Es wurde eine Analyse der Zeit-Raum-Dimension der Gesundheitssituation in Wololuma und Napun Lawan - exemplarisch für die nordexponierten Bergdörfer - durchgeführt. Im Untersuchungsraum wurden Gesundheitsgefahren und Gesundheitsrisiken analysiert, Zonen der Gefahren herausgearbeitet und Risikoräume bewertet. Trotz eines El Niño-Jahres waren prinzipielle Bezüge der Krankheiten zum jahreszeitlichen Rhythmus der wechselfeuchten Tropen zu erkennen. Ausgehend von der Vermutung, dass Krankheiten mit spezifischen Klimaelementen korrelieren, wurden Zusammenhänge gesucht. Für jede Krankheit wurden Makro-, Meso- und Mikrorisikoräume ermittelt. Somit wurden Krankheitsherde lokalisiert. Die Generalisierung des geomedizinischen Informationssystems lässt sich auf der Makroebene auf die nordexponierten Bergdörfer zwischen 350 m ü. NN und 450 m ü. NN des Kabupaten Sikka übertragen. Aus einer Vielzahl von angetroffenen Krankheiten wurden sechs Krankheiten selektiert. Aufgrund der Häufigkeitszahlen ergibt sich für das Gesundheitsrisiko der Bevölkerung eine Prioritätenliste:rn- Dermatomykosen (ganzjährig)rn- Typhus (ganzjährig)rn- Infektionen der unteren Atemwege (Übergangszeit)rn- Infektionen der oberen Atemwege (Übergangszeit)rn- Malaria (Regenzeit)rn- Struma (ganzjährig)rnDie Hauptrisikogruppe der Makroebene ist die feminine Bevölkerung. Betroffen sind weibliche Kleinkinder von null bis sechs Jahren und Frauen ab 41 Jahren. Die erstellten Karten des zeitlichen und räumlichen Verbreitungsmusters der Krankheiten und des Zugangs zu Gesundheitsdienstleistungen dienen Entscheidungsträgern als Entscheidungshilfe für den Einsatz der Mittel zur Primärprävention. Die Geographie als Wissenschaft mit ihren Methoden und dem Zeit-Raum-Modell hat gezeigt, dass sie die Basis für die interdisziplinäre Forschung darstellt. Die interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit zur Gesundheitsforschung im Untersuchungszeitraum 2009 hat sich bewährt und muss weiter ausgebaut werden. Die vorgeschlagenen Lösungsmöglichkeiten dienen der Minimierung des Gesundheitsrisikos und der Gesundheitsvorsorge. Da die Systemzusammenhänge der Ätiologie der einzelnen Krankheiten sehr komplex sind, besteht noch immer sehr großer Forschungsbedarf. rnDas Ergebnis der vorliegenden Untersuchung zeigt, dass Wasser in jeder Form die primäre Ursache für das Gesundheitsrisiko der Bergdörfer im Kabupaten Sikka auf der Insel Flores in Indonesien ist.rnDer Zugang zu Wasser ist unerlässlich für die Verwirklichung des »Menschenrecht Gesundheit«. Das Recht auf Wasser besagt, dass jeder Mensch Zugang zu nicht gesundheitsgefährdendem, ausreichendem und bezahlbarem Wasser haben soll. Alle Staaten dieser Erde sollten sich dieser Forderung verpflichtet fühlen.rn
Despite the many proposed advantages related to nanotechnology, there are increasing concerns as to the potential adverse human health and environmental effects that the production of, and subsequent exposure to nanoparticles (NPs) might pose. In regard to human health, these concerns are founded upon the plethora of knowledge gained from research relating to the effects observed following exposure to environmental air pollution. It is known that increased exposure to environmental air pollution can cause reduced respiratory health, as well as exacerbate pre-existing conditions such as cardiovascular disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Such disease states have also been associated with exposure to the NP component contained within environmental air pollution, raising concerns as to the effects of NP exposure. It is not only exposure to accidentally produced NPs however, which should be approached with caution. Over the past decades, NPs have been specifically engineered for a wide range of consumer, industrial and technological applications. Due to the inevitable exposure of NPs to humans, owing to their use in such applications, it is therefore imperative that an understanding of how NPs interact with the human body is gained. In vivo research poses a beneficial model for gaining immediate and direct knowledge of human exposure to such xenobiotics. This research outlook however, has numerous limitations. Increased research using in vitro models has therefore been performed, as these models provide an inexpensive and high-throughput alternative to in vivo research strategies. Despite such advantages, there are also various restrictions in regard to in vitro research. Therefore, the aim of this review, in addition to providing a short perspective upon the field of nanotoxicology, is to discuss (1) the advantages and disadvantages of in vitro research and (2) how in vitro research may provide essential information pertaining to the human health risks posed by NP exposure.
Cotton is a leading agricultural non-food commodity associated with soil degradation, water pollution and pesticide poisoning due to high levels of agrochemical inputs. Organic farming is often promoted as a means of addressing the economic, environmental and health risks of conventional cotton production, and it is slowly gaining ground in the global cotton market. Organic and fair trade cotton are widely seen as opportunities for smallholder farmers to improve their livelihoods thanks to higher returns, lower input costs and fewer risks. Despite an increasing number of studies comparing the profitability of organic and non-organic farming systems in developing and industrialized countries, little has been published on organic farming in Central Asia. The aim of this article is to describe the economic performance and perceived social and environmental impacts of organic cotton in southern Kyrgyzstan, drawing on a comparative field study conducted by the author in 2009. In addition to economic and environmental aspects, the study investigated farmers’ motivations toward and assessment of conversion to organic farming. Cotton yields on organic farms were found to be 10% lower, while input costs per unit were 42% lower; as a result, organic farmers’ cotton revenues were 20% higher. Due to lower input costs as well as organic and fair trade price premiums, the average gross margin from organic cotton was 27% higher. In addition to direct economic benefits, organic farmers enjoy other benefits, such as easy access to credit on favorable terms, provision of uncontaminated cottonseed cooking oil and cottonseed cake as animal feed, and marketing support as well as extension and training services provided by newly established organic service providers. The majority of organic farmers perceive improved soil quality, improved health conditions, and positively assess their initial decision to convert to organic farming. The major disadvantage of organic farming is the high manual labor input required. In the study area, where manual farm work is mainly women's work and male labor migration is widespread, women are most affected by this negative aspect of organic farming. Altogether, the results suggest that, despite the inconvenience of a higher workload, the advantages of organic farming outweigh its disadvantages and that conversion to organic farming improves the livelihoods of small-scale farmers.
In the United States, rumenocentesis has been recommended especially for early diagnosis of subacute rumen acidosis (SARA). The objective of the current study was to evaluate health risks due to the technique ofrumenocentesis and to measure pH in ruminal juice using a commercial indicator paper (Pehanon) and a pH electrode (reference method). After 11 dairy cows underwent rumenocentesis, the clinical status of those animals was evaluated daily, and cows were slaughtered as well as pathologically--anatomically examined on day 7. During the observation period, the following pathological clinical signs were evident: forced inspiration (3 cows), transient episode of hyperthermia (2 cows), increased tension of the abdominal wall (8 cows) and positive foreign body tests (3 cows). One cow had to be culled on day 7 because of severe generalised septic peritonitis spreading from the site of rumenocentesis. At slaughter, hematoma formation in the area of the puncture site was found in 9 out of 10 cows. It was concluded that the severe complications encountered with this technique do not legitimate rumenocentesis as a routine procedure for collection of rumen juice samples in cows under Swiss conditions. The correlation between the pH reference method and the commercial indicator paper was the high (r = 0.926).
Invasive plant species threaten natural areas by reducing biodiversity and altering ecosystem functions. They also impact agriculture by reducing crop and livestock productivity. Millions of dollars are spent on invasive species control each year, and traditionally, herbicides are used to manage invasive species. Herbicides have human and environmental health risks associated with them; therefore, it is essential that land managers and stakeholders attempt to reduce these risks by utilizing the principles of integrated weed management. Integrated weed management is a practice that incorporates a variety of measures and focuses on the ecology of the invasive plant to manage it. Roadways are high risk areas that have high incidence of invasive species. Roadways act as conduits for invasive species spread and are ideal harborages for population growth; therefore, roadways should be a primary target for invasive species control. There are four stages in the invasion process which an invasive species must overcome: transport, establishment, spread, and impact. The aim of this dissertation was to focus on these four stages and examine the mechanisms underlying the progression from one stage to the next, while also developing integrated weed management strategies. The target species were Phragmites australis, common reed, and Cisrium arvense, Canada thistle. The transport and establishment risks of P. australis can be reduced by removing rhizome fragments from soil when roadside maintenance is performed. The establishment and spread of C. arvense can be reduced by planting particular resistant species, e.g. Heterotheca villosa, especially those that can reduce light transmittance to the soil. Finally, the spread and impact of C. arvense can be mitigated on roadsides through the use of the herbicide aminopyralid. The risks associated with herbicide drift produced by application equipment can be reduced by using the Wet-Blade herbicide application system.
Since it is very toxic and accumulates in organisms, particularly in fish, mercury is a very important pollutant and one of the most studies. And this concern over the toxicity and human health risks of mercury has prompted efforts to regulate anthropogenic emissions. As mercury pollution problem is getting increasingly serious, we are curious about how serious this problem will be in the future. What is more, how the climate change in the future will affect the mercury concentration in the atmosphere. So we investigate the impact of climate change on mercury concentration in the atmosphere. We focus on the comparison between the mercury data for year 2000 and for year 2050. The GEOS-Chem model shows that the mercury concentrations for all tracers (1 to 3), elemental mercury (Hg(0)), divalent mercury (Hg(II)) and primary particulate mercury (Hg(P)) have differences between 2000 and 2050 in most regions over the world. From the model results, we can see the climate change from 2000 to 2050 would decrease Hg(0) surface concentration in most of the world. The driving factors of Hg(0) surface concentration changes are natural emissions(ocean and vegetation) and the transformation reactions between Hg(0) and Hg(II). The climate change from 2000 to 2050 would increase Hg(II) surface concentration in most of mid-latitude continental parts of the world while decreasing Hg(II) surface concentration in most of high-latitude part of the world. The driving factors of Hg(II) surface concentration changes is deposition amount change (majorly wet deposition) from 2000 to 2050 and the transformation reactions between Hg(0) and Hg(II). Climate change would increase Hg(P) concentration in most of mid-latitude area of the world and meanwhile decrease Hg(P) concentration in most of high-latitude regions of the world. For the Hg(P) concentration changes, the major driving factor is the deposition amount change (mainly wet deposition) from 2000 to 2050.
A 22-year-old man with pre-existing aortic valve disease contracted acute lactobacillus endocarditis six weeks after a dental procedure despite adequate prophylaxis. We discuss the limitations of prophylaxis for infective endocarditis in use until the end of 2008 and describe the new updated guidelines. We also explain the treatment of lactobacillus endocarditis and speculate on possible health risks of the increasing use of lactobacillus-containing dairy products, especially in immune-compromised patients.
The widespread species Escherichia coli includes a broad variety of different types, ranging from highly pathogenic strains causing worldwide outbreaks of severe disease to avirulent isolates which are part of the normal intestinal flora or which are well characterized and safe laboratory strains. The pathogenicity of a given E. coli strain is mainly determined by specific virulence factors which include adhesins, invasins, toxins and capsule. They are often organized in large genetic blocks either on the chromosome ('pathogenicity islands'), on large plasmids or on phages and can be transmitted horizontally between strains. In this review we summarize the current knowledge of the virulence attributes which determine the pathogenic potential of E. coli strains and the methodology available to assess the virulence of E. coli isolates. We also focus on a recently developed procedure based on a broad-range detection system for E. coli-specific virulence genes that makes it possible to determine the potential pathogenicity and its nature in E. coli strains from various sources. This makes it possible to determine the pathotype of E. coli strains in medical diagnostics, to assess the virulence and health risks of E. coli contaminating water, food and the environment and to study potential reservoirs of virulence genes which might contribute to the emergence of new forms of pathogenic E. coli.
This study analysed mechanisms through which stress-coping and temptation-coping strategies were associated with lapses. Furthermore, we explored whether distinct coping strategies differentially predicted reduced lapse risk, lower urge levels, or a weaker association between urge levels and lapses during the first week of an unassisted smoking cessation attempt. Participants were recruited via the internet and mass media in Switzerland. Ecological momentary assessment (EMA) with mobile devices was used to assess urge levels and lapses. Online questionnaires were used to measure smoking behaviours and coping variables at baseline, as well as smoking behaviour at the three-month follow-up. The sample consisted of 243 individuals, aged 20 to 40, who reported 4199 observations. Findings of multilevel regression analyses show that coping was mainly associated with a reduced lapse risk and not with lower urge levels or a weaker association between urge levels and lapses. 'Calming down' and 'commitment to change' predicted a lower lapse risk and also a weaker relation between urge levels and lapses. 'Stimulus control' predicted a lower lapse risk and lower urge levels. Conversely, 'task-orientation' and 'risk assessment' were related to higher lapse risk and 'risk assessment' also to higher urge levels. Disengagement coping i.e. 'eating or shopping', 'distraction', and 'mobilising social support' did not affect lapse risk. Promising coping strategies during the initial stage of smoking cessation attempt are targeted directly at reducing the lapse risk and are characterised by engagement with the stressor or one's reactions towards the stressor and a focus on positive consequences instead of health risks.
Background U.S. Hispanic physicians constitute a considerable professional collective, and they may be most suited to attend to the health education needs of the growing U.S. Hispanic population. These educational needs include tobacco use prevention and smoking cessation. However, there is a lack of information on Hispanic physicians' tobacco intervention practices, their level of awareness and use of cessation protocols, and the type of programs that would best address their tobacco training needs. The purpose of this study was to assess the tobacco intervention practices and training needs of Hispanic physicians. Methods Data was collected through a validated survey instrument among a cross-sectional sample of self-reported Hispanic physicians. Data analyses included frequencies, descriptive statistics, and factorial analyses of variance. Results The response rate was 55.5%. The majority of respondents (73.3%) were middle-age males. Less than half of respondents routinely performed the most basic intervention: asking patients about smoking status (44.4%) and advising smoking patients to quit (42.2%). Twenty-five percent assisted smoking patients by talking to them about the health risks of smoking, providing education materials or referring them to cessation programs. Only 4.4% routinely arranged follow-up visits or phone calls for smoking patients. The majority of respondents (64.4%) indicated that they prescribe cessation treatments to less than 20% of smoking patients. A few (4.4%) routinely used behavioral change techniques or programs. A minority (15.6%) indicated that they routinely ask their patients about exposure to tobacco smoke, and 6.7% assisted patients exposed to secondhand smoke in understanding the health risks associated with environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). The most frequently encountered barriers preventing respondents from intervening with patients who smoke included: time, lack of training, lack of receptivity by patients, and lack of reimbursement by third party payers. There was no significant main effect of type of physician, nor was there an interaction effect (gender by type of physician), on tobacco-related practices. Conclusion The results indicate that Hispanic physicians, similarly to U.S. physicians in general, do not meet the level of intervention recommended by health care agencies. The results presented will assist in the development of tobacco training initiatives for Hispanic physicians.
BACKGROUND Epidemiological studies show that elevated levels of particulate matter in ambient air are highly correlated with respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. Atmospheric particles originate from a large number of sources and have a highly complex and variable composition. An assessment of their potential health risks and the identification of the most toxic particle sources would require a large number of investigations. Due to ethical and economic reasons, it is desirable to reduce the number of in vivo studies and to develop suitable in vitro systems for the investigation of cell-particle interactions. METHODS We present the design of a new particle deposition chamber in which aerosol particles are deposited onto cell cultures out of a continuous air flow. The chamber allows for a simultaneous exposure of 12 cell cultures. RESULTS Physiological conditions within the deposition chamber can be sustained constantly at 36-37°C and 90-95% relative humidity. Particle deposition within the chamber and especially on the cell cultures was determined in detail, showing that during a deposition time of 2 hr 8.4% (24% relative standard deviation) of particles with a mean diameter of 50 nm [mass median diameter of 100 nm (geometric standard deviation 1.7)] are deposited on the cell cultures, which is equal to 24-34% of all charged particles. The average well-to-well variability of particles deposited simultaneously in the 12 cell cultures during an experiment is 15.6% (24.7% relative standard deviation). CONCLUSIONS This particle deposition chamber is a new in vitro system to investigate realistic cell-particle interactions at physiological conditions, minimizing stress on the cell cultures other than from deposited particles. A detailed knowledge of particle deposition characteristics on the cell cultures allows evaluating reliable dose-response relationships. The compact and portable design of the deposition chamber allows for measurements at any particle sources of interest.
Recently it has been proposed that the evaluation of effects of pollutants on aquatic organisms can provide an early warning system of potential environmental and human health risks (NRC 1991). Unfortunately there are few methods available to aquatic biologists to conduct assessments of the effects of pollutants on aquatic animal community health. The primary goal of this research was to develop and evaluate the feasibility of such a method. Specifically, the primary objective of this study was to develop a prototype rapid bioassessment technique similar to the Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) for the upper Texas and Northwestern Gulf of Mexico coastal tributaries. The IBI consists of a series of "metrics" which describes specific attributes of the aquatic community. Each of these metrics are given a score which is then subtotaled to derive a total assessment of the "health" of the aquatic community. This IBI procedure may provide an additional assessment tool for professionals in water quality management.^ The experimental design consisted primarily of compiling previously collected data from monitoring conducted by the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) at five bayous classified according to potential for anthropogenic impact and salinity regime. Standardized hydrological, chemical, and biological monitoring had been conducted in each of these watersheds. The identification and evaluation of candidate metrics for inclusion in the estuarine IBI was conducted through the use of correlation analysis, cluster analysis, stepwise and normal discriminant analysis, and evaluation of cumulative distribution frequencies. Scores of each included metric were determined based on exceedances of specific percentiles. Individual scores were summed and a total IBI score and rank for the community computed.^ Results of these analyses yielded the proposed metrics and rankings listed in this report. Based on the results of this study, incorporation of an estuarine IBI method as a water quality assessment tool is warranted. Adopted metrics were correlated to seasonal trends and less so to salinity gradients observed during the study (0-25 ppt). Further refinement of this method is needed using a larger more inclusive data set which includes additional habitat types, salinity ranges, and temporal variation. ^
Preeclampsia is a disease that affects 3–5% of all pregnancies. The cause is unknown and there is currently no treatment. The disease poses significant health risks to both the mother and the fetus. To date, research on the topic has not produced a convincing cause for the development of the hallmark symptoms of preeclampsia. The hypothesis of an agonistic autoimmune response to the AT1 receptor is presented. Immunoglobulin fractions from normotensive and preeclampsia patients were prepared for experimental tests. Model systems were tested in three categories to determine if AT 1 receptor specific activation and receptor-ligand interaction was caused by a suspected autoantibody. Activation was found in rat neonatal cardiornyocytes that caused an increased contraction rate. This activity was found in preeclampsia patients, absent in normotensive patients. The activation was antagonized by losartan, an AT1 receptor antagonist, and by epitope peptide competition of the receptor-ligand type interaction. This epitope was the 7 amino acid peptide fragment, AFHYESQ, a sequence present in the second extracellular loop of the AT1 receptor. The patterns of AT1 receptor activation were also found in a human trophoblast cell line, HTR8, with an effect on Pai-1 secretion, a factor that plays a role in preventing hypercoagulation. In human mesangial cells, the AT1 receptor autoantibody present in the immunoglobulin fraction from preeclampsia patients was found to stimulate the secretion of Pai-1, and IL-6, a factor that plays a role in the activation of an inflammatory response. This activity was found in samples from preeclampsia patients, but absent in normotensive patients. Tests including losartan, AFHYESQ, and a non-competitive peptide demonstrated that the secretion of Pai-1 and IL-6 met the criteria for AT1 receptor activation by the suspected agonistic autoantibody. These three model systems address relevant pathophysiology for preeclampsia patients, including increased cardiac output, abnormal placentation, and renal damage. The AT1 receptor agonistic autoantibody is potentially a key player in the development of the pathology and symptoms of preeclampsia. ^
This study examines and relates concepts from environmental risk perception and environmental justice and focuses on the perception of environmental problems, their consequent health risks and their impact on neighborhood attachment in a predominately Hispanic community along the U.S.-Mexico border. The findings indicate that the perception of environmental problems in the immediate area varies by problem and demographic subgroup. Ethnicity and income have the highest number of statistically significant associations across ten environmental problems. This result lies in the fact that Hispanics in El Paso County and those with low annual incomes live in neighborhoods that are faced with more severe environmental problems. Thus the findings lend support to the environmental justice claim that the poor and minorities bear the brunt of environmental degradation. ^ The findings also provide evidence that public perception of health risks from an environmental problem is influenced by the perceived severity of an environmental problem in the immediate area. Those who believe the problem is serious on a local level are the ones who are most likely to believe that they could become ill or injured from that problem and that the illness/injury will be serious. ^ The findings of this study also indicate that the young, Hispanics, those who perceive considerable environmental problems in their neighborhood, those who believe that their neighborhood has more environmental problems than others, and those who are angry about those problems are most likely to want to move from their neighborhood. ^ Efforts need to be made to enact policies and programs designed to reduce the environmental hazards in disadvantaged Hispanic communities along the U.S.-Mexico border. Future environmental education campaigns need to complement community-based projects with the media. Programs that involve and empower the community, particularly the youth, in improving the neighborhood could provide a sense of control and pride within their community in solving these problems. These neighborhood improvement efforts could also lead to the development and strengthening of social ties within the community, as well as enhanced community cohesiveness in tackling these problems. ^
Southeast Texas, including Houston, has a large presence of industrial facilities and has been documented to have poorer air quality and significantly higher cancer rates than the remainder of Texas. Given citizens’ concerns in this 4th largest city in the U.S., Mayor Bill White recently partnered with the UT School of Public Health to determine methods to evaluate the health risks of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). Sexton et al. (2007) published a report that strongly encouraged analytic studies linking these pollutants with health outcomes. In response, we set out to complete the following aims: 1. determine the optimal exposure assessment strategy to assess the association between childhood cancer rates and increased ambient levels of benzene and 1,3-butadiene (in an ecologic setting) and 2. evaluate whether census tracts with the highest levels of benzene or 1,3-butadiene have higher incidence of childhood lymphohematopoietic cancer compared with census tracts with the lowest levels of benzene or 1,3-butadiene, using Poisson regression. The first aim was achieved by evaluating the usefulness of four data sources: geographic information systems (GIS) to identify proximity to point sources of industrial air pollution, industrial emission data from the U.S. EPA’s Toxic Release Inventory (TRI), routine monitoring data from the U.S. EPA Air Quality System (AQS) from 1999-2000 and modeled ambient air levels from the U.S. EPA’s 1999 National Air Toxic Assessment Project (NATA) ASPEN model. Further, once these four data sources were evaluated, we narrowed them down to two: the routine monitoring data from the AQS for the years 1998-2000 and the 1999 U.S. EPA NATA ASPEN modeled data. We applied kriging (spatial interpolation) methodology to the monitoring data and compared the kriged values to the ASPEN modeled data. Our results indicated poor agreement between the two methods. Relative to the U.S. EPA ASPEN modeled estimates, relying on kriging to classify census tracts into exposure groups would have caused a great deal of misclassification. To address the second aim, we additionally obtained childhood lymphohematopoietic cancer data for 1995-2004 from the Texas Cancer Registry. The U.S. EPA ASPEN modeled data were used to estimate ambient levels of benzene and 1,3-butadiene in separate Poisson regression analyses. All data were analyzed at the census tract level. We found that census tracts with the highest benzene levels had elevated rates of all leukemia (rate ratio (RR) = 1.37; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.05-1.78). Among census tracts with the highest 1,3-butadiene levels, we observed RRs of 1.40 (95% CI, 1.07-1.81) for all leukemia. We detected no associations between benzene or 1,3-butadiene levels and childhood lymphoma incidence. This study is the first to examine this association in Harris and surrounding counties in Texas and is among the first to correlate monitored levels of HAPs with childhood lymphohematopoietic cancer incidence, evaluating several analytic methods in an effort to determine the most appropriate approach to test this association. Despite recognized weakness of ecologic analyses, our analysis suggests an association between childhood leukemia and hazardous air pollution.^