903 resultados para healing of bone fracture
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Medicamentos homeopáticos como o Symphytum officinalle e a Calendula officinallis são dotados de propriedades anti-sépticas, antiinflamatória, cicatrizantes e também agem como promotores da consolidação de fraturas ósseas. Neste trabalho, uniram-se esses dois medicamentos similares em um complexo para verificar o seu efeito no reparo em feridas de extração dentária em camundongos. O complexo Symphytum officinalle e Calendula officinallis nas potências de 6CH e 3CH, respectivamente, foi ministrado por via oral ao grupo tratado durante 5 dias antes e após a extração do incisivo superior direito. No grupo controle, administraram-se 5ml de álcool etílico a 70% diluídos em 30 ml de soro fisiológico. Após a proservação, os animais foram sacrificados, a maxila direita separada da esquerda, fixada e processada para inclusão em parafina. Após a microtomia, os cortes obtidos foram corados pela H/E. A análise histológica mostrou que, tanto no grupo controle como no tratado, o alvéolo dentário estava preenchido por tecido de granulação e tecido ósseo neoformado, com graus variáveis de maturação, rico em osteócitos. No entanto, nos animais tratados, o processo de reparo em feridas após extração dentária do incisivo superior direito mostrou um avanço progressivo de neoformação óssea mais acentuado quando comparado ao grupo controle, em tempos equivalentes. Estes resultados enfatizam as propriedades biológicas do complexo Symphytum officinalle e Calendula officinallis e sua possível utilização como recurso terapêutico na Odontologia.
Mutilation of extremities was very frequent in patients affected by leprosy in the past; although it is now much less common, it is still seen, mainly in patients with long-term disease. In general, mutilation of the nose and ears is caused by the bacillus and mutilation of the hands and feet a consequence of chronic trauma. Leprosy must be chronically treated and any decision to interrupt therapy is based on laboratory tests and biopsy. Scintigraphy is a non-invasive procedure which could be of great value in to determining disease activity. We studied eight patients (five males and three females, aged 64-73 years) who presented with mutilation of the nose (2), ear (1), feet (3) or foot and hand (2), Conventional three-phase bone scintigraphy (750 MBq) and X-ray examinations of the affected areas were performed in all patients. Bone scintigraphy was abnormal in four patients (the presence of bacilli was confirmed by biopsy in two of them), and normal in the other four. In all patients except for the one with ear mutilation, radiography only showed the absence of bone. We conclude that bone scintigraphy is very useful to determine disease activity in cases of mutilation caused by leprosy. It seems to be superior to conventional radiography and may enable bone biopsies to be avoided.
A 13-year old girl was diagnosed as having a bone hemangioendothelioma. Cytogenetic studies identified the presence of a small supernumerary marker chromosome in this patient. Classical cytogenetic methods using G-, C-, Ag-NOR-banding were supplemented by spectral karyotyping (SKY) and fluorescence in situ hybridization to reveal a karyotype 47,XX,+mar.ish der(22)(D22S543+) karyotype in cells derived from the tumor and lymphocytes. These findings suggest that the supernumerary marker chromosome originated from the proximal centromeric region of chromosome 22, and that trisomy of the region 22q11: was not associated with adverse phenotypic effects, but that the presence of trisomy 22q11 may be related to the development of this tumor. (C) Elsevier B.V., 1999. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Objective: The present study evaluated morphometrically bone loss percentages in experimental periodontitis in rats, comparing different locations (lingual mandible, palatal maxilla and buccal maxilla) and two evaluation methods (distance and area methods). Material and Methods: Ligatures were placed around the maxillary right second molar and around the mandibular right first molar in 14 female Wistar rats. The contralateral molars served as intragroup control. After 4 weeks, the rats were sacrificed and their mandible and maxilla were removed. The specimens were dissected and stained with methylene blue dye. Bone loss was evaluated by two different methods on the surfaces of the defleshed jaw. In the first method, the distance from the cementoenamel junction (CEJ) to the alveolar bone crest was measured in the roots of teeth associated with ligature. In the second method, the area of bone loss was determined using the alveolar tissue bone, CEJ and the proximal region of roots associated with the ligature as reference. The data were converted to bone loss percentages caused by ligature: (ligated - unligated) x 100/ligated. Results: When comparing the distance and area methods, no statistically significant difference was observed (p>0.05). Both methodologies indicated that the maxilla presented greater bone loss than the mandible and it was more accentuated on the buccal side than on the palatal side (p<0.05). Conclusions: The findings of this study show that both the area and the distance methods can be used to evaluate bone loss caused by ligature placement in rats, and suggest applying the morphometric methodology to the maxilla on the buccal side.
The aim of the current study is to evaluate fresh-frozen human bone allografts (FHBAs) used in vertical ridge augmentation clinically and by computed tomography, and to analyze the resulting bone formation and graft resorption. Sixteen FHBAs were grafted in the maxillae and mandibles of 9 patients. The FHBAs, which were provided by the Musculoskeletal Tissue Bank of Marilia Hospital (Unioss), were frozen at -80A degrees C. After 7 months, dental implants were placed and bone parameters were evaluated. Vertical bone formation was measured by computerized tomography before (T0) and at 7 months (T1) after the surgical procedure. Bone graft resorption was measured clinically from a landmark screw head using a periodontal probe. The results were analyzed by Student's t-test. Significant differences existed in the bone formation values at T0 and T1, with an average change of 4.03 +/- A 1.69 mm. Bone graft resorption values were 1.0 +/- A 0.82 mm (20%). Implants were placed with varying insertion torque values (35-45 Ncm), and achieved primary stability. This study demonstrates that FHBAs promote satisfactory vertical bone formation with a low resorption rates, good density, and primary implant stability.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência do cetoprofeno sobre o processo de reparação óssea em tíbias de ratos, por meio da análise da densidade óptica digital. Vinte ratos da linhagem Wistar foram divididos em 2 grupos: um grupo controle (sem tratamento) e um grupo tratado com cetoprofeno. Os procedimentos experimentais consistiram de: anestesia, cirurgia, administração do cetoprofeno e exame radiográfico. As imagens radiográficas foram adquiridas empregando-se o sensor digital Visualix GX-S-HDI™ e um aparelho de raios X. As radiografias foram realizadas nos períodos baseline (inicial), 7, 14, 21 e 30 dias pós-operatório, sendo a densidade óptica (DO) avaliada por meio do sistema Vix winTM 1.4. Os valores médios da leitura da do obtidos foram analisados estatisticamente por meio de ANOVA e teste de Tukey com nível de significância de 5%. No grupo controle, houve diferença estatisticamente significante (p=0,001) entre o tempo e a DO, enquanto no grupo tratado com cetoprofeno a diferença não foi estatisticamente significante (p=0,100). O grupo controle apresentou as menores proporções de do (%) no 1º e 7º dias e as maiores proporções de do (%) no 14º, 21º e 30º dias, com diferença estatisticamente significante (p=0,001). Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante (p=0,100) entre as proporções médias de do (%) no grupo tratado, independentemente do período de avaliação. Os achados deste trabalho sugerem que houve influência do cetoprofeno sobre o processo de reparo ósseo, uma vez que na primeira semana o medicamento proporcionou aumento na densidade óptica e provocou atraso na neoformação óssea após o 21º dia.
Objective. To evaluate the healing of experimentally induced chronic periapical lesions in dogs at 30, 75, and 120 days after root canal instrumentation with rotary NiTi files or manual K-files, with or without a calcium hydroxide/1% chlorhexidine paste intracanal dressing.Study design. The second, third, and fourth mandibular premolars and the second and third maxillary premolars of 5 dogs (12 to 18 months of age, weighing 8 to 15 kg) were selected for treatment (a total of 82 root canals). After pulp removal, the root canals were left exposed to the oral cavity for 7 days to allow microbial contamination, after which the root canals were sealed with ZOE cement until periapical lesions were confirmed with radiography. Group I and II teeth were instrumented with manual K-files using the crown-down technique. In group III and IV teeth, NiTi rotary files were used. The apical delta was perforated by using #20 to #30 K-files at the length of the tooth, thus creating a standardized apical opening. The apical stop was enlarged to size 70, with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite irrigation at each file change. Teeth in groups II and IV were dressed with calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)(2))/1% chlorhexidine (CHX) paste for 15 days before root filling. Group I and III teeth did not receive an intracanal dressing. The access openings of the teeth were permanently restored with silver amalgam condensed on a glass ionomer cement base. Pairs of standardized periapical radiographs were taken at the beginning of the treatment (0 days) and at 30, 75, and 120 days after filling.Results. There was no significant difference in the rate of radiographic healing of the periapical lesions between manual and rotary instrumentation. Radiographs taken at 120 days showed that the treatment with Ca(OH)(2)/1% CHX paste resulted in a significant reduction in mean size of the periapical lesions in comparison to single-session treatment. These findings were also true for histologic observations.Conclusion. The findings support the hypothesis that, regardless of the instrumentation technique (manual or rotary), the use of an intracanal dressing is important in the endodontic treatment of dog's teeth with experimentally induced chronic periapical lesions.
In this work we have:investigated the growth and differentiation of bone marrow stem cells in mice bearing Ehrlich ascites tumor-and treated with three dose-regimens of Dicyclopentadienyldichlorotitanium (IV) (DDCT). We also: studied the presence of colony stimulating factors In the serum of PDCT-treated animals as well-as the effects-of the drug on the survival of the tumor-bearing mice. The-results demonstrated that the myelosuppression developed in the tumor-bearing animals is prevented by the administration:of 1, 2 or 3 doses of 15 mg/kg DDCT. In the treatment with three doses, however, 23 % of the animals died. Moreover, DDCT treatment in normal animals resulted in increased numbers of CFU-GM. We observed the presence of stimulating factors in the serum of drug-treated animals which induced the growth and differentiation of bone marrow progenitor cells from normal animals in vitro. on the other hand, in vitro addition of the drug to these cultures had no effect. Thus, we conclude that the drug protects against the myelosuppression induced by the tumor and that this protection may be related to an indirect action of the drug. (C) 1998 International Society for Immunopharmacology. Published by Elsevier B.V. Ltd.
Background: Maxillary sinus floor augmentation procedures are currently the treatment of choice when the alveolar crest of the posterior maxilla is insufficient for dental implant anchorage. This procedure aims to obtain enough bone with biomaterial association with the autogenous bone graft to create volume and allow osteo conduction. The objective of this study was to histologically and histometrically evaluate the bone formed after maxillary sinus floor augmentation by grafting with a combination of autogenous bone, from the symphyseal area mixed with DFDBA or hydroxyapatite.Methods: Ten biopsies were taken from 10 patients 10 months after sinus floor augmentation using a combination of 50% autogenous bone plus 50% dernineralized freeze-dried bone allograft (DFDBA group) or 50% autogenous bone plus 50% hydroxyapatite (HA group). Routine histological processing and staining with hernatoxylin and eosin and Masson's trichrome were performed.Results: the histomorphometrical analysis indicated good regenerative results in both groups for the bone tissue mean in the grafted area (50.46 +/- 16.29% for the DFDBA group and 46.79 +/- 8.56% for the HA group). Histological evaluation revealed the presence of mature bone with compact and cancellous areas in both groups. The inflammatory infiltrate was on average nonsignificant and of mononuclear prevalence. Some biopsies showed blocks of the biomaterial in the medullary spaces close to the bone wall, with absence of osteogenic activity.Conclusions: the results indicated that both DFDBA and HA associated with an autogenous bone graft were biocompatible and promoted osteoconduction, acting as a matrix for bone formation. However, both materials were still present after 10 months.