422 resultados para halogenated anesthetics
Strontium complexes of 5,7-dibromo-, 5,7-dichloro-, 7-iodo- and 5-chloro-7-iodo-8-hydroxyquinoline were precipitated from an aqueous ammonia and acetone medium. The complexes obtained were Sr[(C9H4ONBr2)2]·2.5H 2O; Sr[(C9H4ONCl2)(OH)]·1.5H2O; Sr[(C9H5ONI)2]·5H2O and Sr[(C9H4ONICl)(OH)]·1.25H2O. The residues of their thermal decomposition were SrBr2; a mixture of SrCl2, SrCO3 and SrO3 SrCO3, and SrCO3, respectively. All were characterized by means of thermogravimetry, differential thermal analysis, complexometry with EDTA, atomic absorption spectroscopy, IR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. © 1999 Akadémiai Kiadó.
Background and Objectives - Sevoflurane is an inhalational anesthetic drug with low blood/gas solubility providing fast anesthesia induction and emergence. Its ability to maintain cardiovascular stability makes it ideal for pediatric anesthesia. The aim of this study was to evaluate hemodynamic stability, consumption of inhalational anesthetics and emergence time in children with and without premedication (midazolam or clonidine) anesthetized with sevoflurane titrated according to BIS monitoring. Methods - Participated in this study 30 patients aged 2 to 12 years, physical status ASA I, undergoing elective surgeries who were divided into 3 groups: G1 - without premedication, G2 - 0.5 mg.kg-1 oral midazolam, G3 - 4 μg.kg-1 oral clonidine 60 minutes before surgery. All patients received 30 μg.kg-1 alfentanil, 3 mg.kg-1 propofol, 0.5 mg.kg-1 atracurium, sevoflurane in different concentrations monitored by BIS (values close to 60) and N2O in a non rebreathing system. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, expired sevoflurane concentration (EC), sevoflurane consumption (ml.min-1) and emergence time were evaluated. Emergence time was defined as time elapsed between the end of anesthesia and patients' spontaneous movements trying to extubate themselves, crying and opening eyes and mouth. Results - There were no differences among groups as to systolic and diastolic blood pressure, EC, sevoflurane consumption and emergence time. Heart rate was lower in G3 group. Conclusions - Sevoflurane has provided hemodynamic stability. Premedication with clonidine and midazolam did not influence emergence time, inhaled anesthetic consumption or maintenance of anesthesia with sevoflurane. Anesthesia duration has also not influenced emergence time. Hypnosis monitoring was important for balancing anesthetic levels and this might have been responsible for the similarity of emergence times for all studied groups.
Background and Objectives - Bupivacaine has been a very useful local anesthetic in Obstetrics in spite of its potential cardiotoxicity. In obstetric analgesia, ropivacaine is preferred to bupivacaine, and levobupivacaine is less cardiotoxic than the racemic mixture. The aim of this study was to compare the maternal-fetal effects of bupivacaine, ropivacaine and levobupivacaine in obstetric analgesia and anesthesia. Methods - Participated in this study 33 term pregnant women, physical status ASA I and II submitted to epidural anesthesia who received 18.75 mg (in 15 ml completed with 9% saline) of: GI - bupivacaine, GII - ropivacaine, and GIII - levobupivacaine. Pain intensity, sensory block level, onset time, quality of analgesia, motor block intensity, analgesia duration and time for labor resolution were evaluated. For vaginal delivery, 40 mg (in 8 ml of saline) of the same local anesthetic were used; for cesarean delivery, the dose has been mg in 20 ml solution. Newborns of these mothers were evaluated through the Apgar score in minutes 1, 5 and 10, and through the Amiel-Tison method (neurologic and adaptative capacity score - NACS) at 30 min, 2 h, and 24 h. Results - There were no significant statistical differences among groups as to sensory block level, onset time, quality of analgesia, labor analgesia duration, time for labor resolution, and Apgar scores at minute 1. Ast to motor block, GIII > GII and GI was intermediary. In relation to pain intensity, there was a trend for GI > GIII. For Apgar scores in minute 5, GII > (GI = GIII), and in minute 10 (GI = GII) < GIII. NACS at 2 h showed, GII > GI > GIII, and at 24 h, GII > GIII > GI. Conclusions - Ropivacaine has relieved maternal pain with less motor block. Newborns of GII mothers (ropivacaine) showed the best Apgar and NACS scores.
Objective - To evaluate the effect of changing the mode of ventilation from spontaneous to controlled on the arterial-to-end-tidal CO2 difference [P(a-ET)CO2] and physiological dead space (VD(phys)/VT) in laterally and dorsally recumbent halothane-anesthetized horses. Study Design - Prospective, experimental, nonrandomized trial. Animals - Seven mixed breed adult horses (1 male and 6 female) weighing 320 ± 11 kg. Methods - Horses were anesthetized in 2 positions - right lateral and dorsal recumbency - with a minimum interval of 1 month. Anesthesia was maintained with halothane in oxygen for 180 minutes. Spontaneous ventilation (SV) was used for 90 minutes followed by 90 minutes of controlled ventilation (CV). The same ventilator settings were used for both laterally and dorsally recumbent horses. Arterial blood gas analysis was performed every 30 minutes during anesthesia. End-tidal CO2 (PETCO2) was measured continuously. P(a-ET)CO2 and VD(phys)/VT were calculated. Statistical analysis included analysis of variance for repeated measures over time, followed by Student-Newman-Keuls test. Comparison between groups was performed using a paired t test; P < .05 was considered significant. Results - P(a-ET)CO2 and VD(phys)/VT increased during SV, whereas CV reduced these variables. The variables did not change significantly throughout mechanical ventilation in either group. Dorsally recumbent horses showed greater P(a-ET)CO2 and VD(phys)/VT values throughout. PaCO2 was greater during CV in dorsally positioned horses. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance - Changing the mode of ventilation from spontaneous to controlled was effective in reducing P(a-ET)CO2 and physiological dead space in both laterally and dorsally recumbent halothane-anesthetized horses. Dorsal recumbency resulted in greater impairment of effective ventilation. Capnometry has a limited value for accurate estimation of PaCO, in anesthetized horses, although it may be used to evaluate pulmonary function when paired with arterial blood gas analysis. © Copyright 2000 by The American College of Veterinary Surgeons.
Background and Objectives - It is essential to reduce health care costs without impairing the quality of care. Propofol is associated to faster recovery and it is known that post-anesthesia care unit (PACU) costs are high. The aim of this study was to evaluate the advantages of two anesthesia regimens - propofol continuous infusion or isoflurane - taking into account the cost of both techniques on PACU stay. Methods - Forty seven patients, physical status ASA I, II and III, undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy were divided into 2 groups according to the anesthetic agent: G1, conventional propofol continuous infusion (100-150 μg.kg-1.min-1) and G2, isoflurane. All patients were induced with sufentanil (1 μg.kg-1) and propofol (2 mg.kg-1) and were kept in a re-inhalation circuit (2 L.min-1 of fresh gas flow) with 50% N2O in O2, sufentanil (0.01 μg.kg-1.min-1) and atracurium (0.5 mg.kg-1), or pancuronium (0.1 mg.kg-1) for asthma patients. All patients received atropine and neostigmine at the end of the surgery. Prophylactic ondansetron, dipyrone and tenoxican were administered and, when necessary, tramadol and N-butylscopolamine. Costs of anesthetic drugs (COST), total PACU stay (t-PACU), and PACU stay after extubation (t-EXT) were computed for both groups. Results - Costs were significantly lower in the isoflurane group but t-PACU was 26 minutes longer and t-EXT G1
We investigated the effects of an inhalatory anesthetic (ethyl ether) during the neonatal period of brain sexual differentiation on the later fertility and sexual behavior of male rats. Animals were exposed to ethyl ether immediately after birth. At adulthood, body weight, testes wet weight, and plasma testosterone levels were not affected; however, neonatal exposure to ether showed alterations on male fertility: a decrease in the number of spermatids and spermatozoa, an increase in the transit time of cauda epididymal spermatozoa and a decrease in daily sperm production. An alteration of sexual behavior was also observed: decreased male sexual behavior and appearance of homosexual behavior when the male rats were castrated and pretreated with exogenous estrogen. Probably, the ether delayed or reduced the testosterone peak of the sexual differentiation period, altering the processes of masculinization and defeminization of the hypothalamus. Our results indicate that perinatal exposure to ethyl ether during the critical period of male brain sexual differentiation, acting as endocrine disruptors, has a long-term effect on the fertility and sexual behavior of male rats, suggesting endocrine disruption through incomplete masculinization and defeminization of the central nervous system. © 2002 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fish blood erythrocytes are frequently used as sentinels in biomonitoring studies. Usually, fish blood is collected by painful cardiac or caudal vein punctures. Previous anesthesia could decrease animal suffering but it is not known at present whether anesthesia can cause confounding effects. Therefore, using the alkaline single cell gel (SCG)/comet assay with blood erythrocytes of the cichlid fish Nile tilapia, we tested for a possible modulation of induced DNA damage (methyl methanesulfonate; MMS) by the anesthetic benzocaine administered by bath exposure (80mg/l for ∼10min). Furthermore, benzocaine (80-600mg/l) was tested for its genotoxic potential on fish erythrocytes in vitro and for potential interactions with two known genotoxins (MMS and hydrogen peroxide). Our results did neither indicate a significant increase in the amount of DNA damage (even after a 48h follow-up), nor indicated interactions with MMS-induced DNA damage when fish were exposed to benzocaine in vivo. There was also no increase in DNA damage after in vitro exposure of fish erythrocytes to benzocaine. Clear concentration-related effects were observed for the two genotoxins in vitro, which were not significantly altered by the presence of benzocaine. These results suggest that anesthesia of fish does not confound comet assay results and the use of blood samples from anesthetized fish can be recommended with regard to animal welfare. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Postanesthetic pain is a relatively common complication after local anesthesia. This complication may be caused by the anesthetic technique or by the anesthetic solution used. Tissue reactions induced by the anesthetic solutions may be one of the factors resulting in pain after anesthesia. The objective of this study was to comparatively analyze tissue reactions induced by different anesthetic solutions in the subcutaneous tissue of rats. The following solutions were utilized: 2% lidocaine without vasoconstrictor; a 0.5% bupivacaine solution with 1:200,000 adrenaline; a 4% articaine solution and 2% mepivacaine, both with 1:100,000 adrenaline; and a 0.9% sodium chloride solution as a control. Sterilized absorbent paper cones packed inside polyethylene tubes were soaked in the solutions and implanted in the subcutaneous region. The sacrifice periods were 1, 2, 5, and 10 days after surgery. The specimens were prepared and stained with hematoxylin and eosin for histological analysis. The results showed that there is a difference in tissue irritability produced by the local anesthetic solutions. The results also showed that there is no relation between the concentration of the drug and the inflammatory intensity, that the mepivacaine and articaine solutions promoted less inflammatory reaction than the bupivacaine, and that the lidocaine solution produced the least intense inflammation.
The cardiovascular, respiratory, and anesthetic effects of medetomidine-ketamine (20 μg/kg bodyweight [BW] and 10 mg/kg BW) (MK group) or dexmedetomidine-ketamine (10 μg/kg BW and 10 mg/kg BW) (DK group) were studied in golden-headed lion tamarins. Heart rate decreased after administration of both combinations; this reduction was statistically greater in the DK group than in the MK group after 15 and 45 minutes. Systolic arterial pressure decreased in a similar way in both groups, except at 15 minutes, when systolic arterial pressure was significantly lower in the DK group. Diastolic arterial pressure, mean arterial pressure, respiratory rate, and rectal temperature were progressively reduced in all groups. Sedation time was significantly shorter and anesthesia time was significantly longer in the DK group compared with MK group. Anesthetic quality and analgesia scores were significantly greater at 5 and 15 minutes in the DK group compared with the MK group. The administration of dexmedetomidine-ketamine is as safe and effective as the administration of medetomidine-ketamine in tamarins.
Objectives: To evaluate the effects of a combination of tiletamine-zolazepam-romifidine-atropine in ocelots. Design: Prospective experimental trial. Animals: Eight captive adult ocelots (three females and five males). Methods: Calculated doses of tiletamine-zolazepam (3.75 mg kg -1), romifidine (50 μg kg-1) and atropine (0.04 mg kg-1) were administered intramuscularly. After immobilization, animals were weighed and the real doses determined. Heart rate, respiratory frequency, noninvasive systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial pressure, arterial oxygen hemoglobin saturation, and rectal temperature were measured. Data were analyzed by means of ANOVA for repeated measures, followed by the Tukey test to compare values over time. Results: Doses administered were 3.4 ± 0.6 mg kg-1 of tiletamine-zolazepam, 0.04 ± 7.0 mg kg-1 of romifidine, and 0.03 ± 0.007 mg kg-1 of atropine. The mean time to recumbency and duration of immobilization were 7.0 ± 4.5 and 109.2 ± 27.9 minutes, respectively. The median times to standing and walking were 52.3 [0-90] and 2.3 [0-69.3] minutes, respectively. A decrease in heart rate was observed 45 minutes following drug administration. Arterial blood pressure was maintained during the study. Conclusions and clinical relevance: This protocol produced good immobilization in ocelots with minimal changes over time in cardiovascular parameters.
BACKGROUND: Retrospective analysis of human toxicity files involving topical medicines for treatment of upper airways diseases (eardrops, topical nasal medicines, lozenges, drops and sprays for oropharyngeal affections). METHODS: Thirty-four brands of eardrops, 48 of topical nasal medicines and 22 of tablets, lozenges and sprays for oropharyngeal affections were selected, from a total of 104 products available in Brazil. We analyzed the registries in the electronic database from the Poison Control Centre of São Paulo (CCI-Jabaquara), Brazil, for the period from January 1996 through December 2000. The cases related to selected pharmaceuticals were collected. RESULTS: 10,823 cases of human toxicity caused by medicines were voluntarily reported to CCI-Jabaquara. Topical medicines for treatment of upper airways diseases accounted for 291 cases (2.68%), from which 240 (82.5%) represented poisoning; 12 (4.1%) involved ear drops, 268 (92%), topical nasal medicines and 11 (3.9%), topical medicines for oropharyngeal affections. Among topical nasal medicines, vasoconstrictors predominated (233 cases), and among medicines for oropharyngeal affections, it was tetracaine (four cases). Considering age distribution, toxicity predominated significantly in children aged from 1 to 4 years (p=0.0003). The main causes of toxicity were: accidental intake of medicines (43%) and error in drug administration (14.8%). Hypereflexia and vomiting were the most frequent symptoms related to toxicity. CONCLUSIONS: There was significant incidence of systemic toxicity due to eardrops, topical nasal and oropharyngeal medicines in children 1 to 4 years-old, whose main cause was accidental intake of these medicines.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Before epídural steroids were used in chronic lumbar pain, subarachnoid injection of these agents was the treatment of choice. Although still preconized by some authors, this technique may lead to severe complications with neurological sequelae. This report aimed at describing a case of accidental subarachnoid injection of steroid associated to local anesthetics during epidural puncture to treat lumbar pain. CASE REPORT: Male patient, 46 years old, followed byneuro-surgery for presenting right sciatic pain for 9 month, refractory to clinical treatment due to L 4-L 5 disk protrusion confirmed by CT scan, without neurological deficit. Epidural puncture for pain treatment was performed in L 4-L 5 with 17G needle and 10 mL solution were injected containing 4 mL of 0.25% bupivacaine, 80 mg methylprednisolone and 4 mL of 0.9% saline. Although there has not been CSF reflux, 5 minutes after injection there were sensory block in T 4 and motor block in T 6, associated to blood pressure and heart rate decrease. CONCLUSIONS: Accidental subarachnoid injections with the association of steroids for pain relief may cause adverse effects. There are several risks, varying from mild transient symptoms to nervous injuries, including spinal cord injuries. Our patient had no sequelae from the accidental subarachnoid injection, probably because it has been a single injection.
Takayasu's arteritis is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects large blood vessels, especially the aorta and/or its major branches. The condition presents with segmental lesions adjacent to normal, apparently unaffected, areas. The lesions include stenosis, occlusion, dilatations or aneurysm formations along the path of the affected artery. Because of the severity of the disease and the possibility of cardiovascular complications, patients with Takayasu's arteritis require medical treatment based on immunosuppressive and antihypertensive drugs, as well as regular follow up and surgical intervention in many instances. The aim of this paper was to describe the characteristics of Takayasu's arteritis, to report dental treatment carried out on an affected patient, and to discuss the main implications and care required during routine treatment for children in the dental office. © 2005 BSPD and IAPD.
The aim of this study was to compare the effects of barbiturate, benzodiazepine and ketamine on flash-evoked potentials (F-VEP) in adult rabbits. A total of 36 animals were studied, 16 after pentobarbital endovenous (EV) inffusion, 10 after midazolam EV administration, and 10 after ketamine EV inffusion. Pentobarbital induced triphasic F-VEP, first negative (N1), secondpositive (P1), third negative (N2) waves, all with large amplitudes and P1 with well-defined morphology. Mean P1 latency was 33ms. Midazolam induced similar but less defind triphasic waves, with mean latency of 27ms. Ketamine induced poliphasic and poorly defined F-VEP, with mean first positive (P1) latency of 27ms. Statistical analysis showed more elongated latency for the pentobarbital group than the midazolam and ketamine groups. The results of this study suggest that the pharmacological effects of pentobarbital and midazolam on GABA neurotransmission in rabbit visual cortex may be different; another neurotransmission system, possibly cholinergic, may be involved. The ketamine effect seen in rabbit visual cortex seems to be different from pentobarbital and midazolam.
AIM: In this study, the authors evaluate the use of a 10% metronidazole and 2% lidocaine ointment, using a lanolin base and mint as flavoring, to treat alveolitis in humans. METHODS: Twenty-five patients, with a diagnosis of alveolitis, were treated in the following way: locoregional anesthesia; surgical cleaning of the socket with alveolar curettes; saline solution irrigation with a 20 ml disposable syringe; and complete filling of the socket with the ointment. RESULTS: The analysis of the results showed that the painful symptoms were severe before and on the day of the treatment in 17 (68%) of the 25 patients treated. Post-treatment analysis presented 2 patients (18%) with severe painful symptoms after 24 h of the treatment and complete remission of painful symptoms after 48 h of the treatment with the ointment. CONCLUSIONS: Based on the results, it is possible to conclude that the 10% metronidazole and 2% lidocaine ointment, with mint flavoring and lanolin as a base, can be used to treat alveolitis.