991 resultados para hélicase E1


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Este trabalho foi desenvolvido em um pomar comercial do Pólo Agrícola Mossoró-Assu, localizado no município de Assu-RN. Teve como objetivo caracterizar e determinar o melhor estádio de maturação para a colheita de mangas 'Tommy Atkins' destinadas ao mercado Europeu. Os frutos foram marcados e avaliados aos 82 (E1), 89 (E2), 96 (E3) e 103 (E4) dias após a floração plena (DFP) e no estádio de colheita comercial (EC)., As avaliações foram feitas por ocasião da colheita e após 21 dias de armazenamento refrigerado (13 ± 1° C e 99 % UR). As variáveis analisadas foram cor da casca e da polpa do fruto, perda de massa, firmeza, sólidos solúveis totais (SST), acidez total titulável (ATT), relação SST/ATT, açúcares solúveis totais (AST), amido e atividade respiratória. Observou-se que, os picos climatéricos ocorreram aos 10 dias após a colheita nos frutos colhidos no estádio E2 e aos 7 dias nos colhidos nos estádios E3 e EC. Os frutos colhidos nos estádios E2, E3, E4 e EC amadureceram normalmente após 21 dias de armazenamento refrigerado. Sendo que os colhidos nos estádios E3 e EC se apresentaram muito semelhantes e alcançaram melhor qualidade, indicando que a colheita pode ser realizada nesses estádios, e que o período de 96 DFP pode ser considerado como mais um indicador do ponto de colheita.


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Se ha llevado a cabo una prospección de las poblaciones emigrantes de áfidos alados en el área de La Albufera de Valencia, zona donde se da el «enrojat» del arroz, enfermedad causada por una raza del Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus, y se discute aquí el potencial presumible de las distintas especies como vectores de la enfermedad. Se muestrearon dos áreas con diferente incidencia de la enfermedad, obteniéndose 30 especies, de las que ocho están descritas como vectores de tales virus. Fueron mayores las capturas en las áreas donde se cultivaba el arroz por plantel y transplante con incidencia marcada de la enfermedad, que en otras de menor incidencia. La aparente homogeneidad de la zona hace difícil comprender la razón de tales diferencias. Entre los vectores conocidos de BYDV, sólo Rhopalosiphon padi L. y Hyaiopterus pruni (L) Geof. aparecieron al principio de la estación, cuando tiene lugar la infección, con poblaciones considerables. E1 primero es el vector conocido de la enfermedad. El segundo, es de las pocas especies que tiene niveles similares de captura en ambas áreas. Ninguno de los otros áfidos vectores capturados como alados parece verdaderamente importante para la transmisión a pleno campo por lo tardío de su llegada a los campos o por razones de su ciclo vital. Se ha intentado estudiar el potencial de Hyalopterus pruni, pulgón muy abundante en los carrizos como transmisor a corta distancia a partir de estas plantas. No se han obtenido resultados positivos ni a partir de la planta, ni a partir de áfidos alimentados en arroz o avena infectadas previamente con la enfermedad.


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Foram conduzidos dois experimentos com a finalidade de determinar a possibilidade de clonagem da variedade de abacateiro "Duke 7", por alporquia e a influência do AIB (ácido indol-3-butírico) no processo. Experimento 1 - Alporque em plantas - O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2L x 4N x 2E, correspondendo à manutenção ou não das plantas à ausência de luz (L), níveis de AIB (N) e tipo de estrutura (E). Nos quatro dias antecedentes à realização da alporquia, 50% das plantas permaneceram na ausência total de luz (L1), e as demais, em condições normais de ripado, 50% de luminosidade (L2). No local anelado, foram aplicadas as concentrações (N) de AIB (ácido indolbutírico): 0; 1.000, 3.000 e 5.000 mg kg-1. O experimento foi realizado em duas estruturas diferenciadas pelo tipo de cobertura: a estrutura um (E1) e a estrutura dois (E2), diferenciadas pela temperatura e intensidade luminosa. Experimento 2- Alporque em plantas adultas após poda drástica - Os alporques foram realizados cinco meses após a poda drástica, quando os ramos possuíam entre 1,5 e 2,0 cm de diâmetro. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial, com 4 tratamentos, caracterizados pelas concentrações de AIB (0; 1.000; 3.000 e 5.000 mg kg-1), com quatro repetições, e cada parcela composta por 10 alporques. Em nenhum dos experimentos, houve enraizamento dos alporques, consequentemente há necessidade de maiores estudos, quanto à clonagem da variedade "Duke 7" para viabilizá-la como porta-enxerto.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes espaçamentos de plantio e de níveis de adubação NPK sobre a atividade da redutase do nitrato (RN) nas folhas do híbrido de mamoeiro UENF/CALIMAN-01 , visando a sugerir possível ajuste em seu manejo de adubação nitrogenada, no sentido de maximizar a eficiência do uso do nitrogênio. O experimento foi conduzido na fazenda Caliman Agrícola S.A., no município de Linhares - ES. Utilizou-se o delineamento estatístico experimental em blocos casualizados, com esquema fatorial, com três espaçamentos de plantio entre plantas (E1 = 1,8 m; E2 = 2,25 m, e E3 = 2,7 m), cinco níveis de adubação NPK convencional (A1 = 80% do padrão; A2 = 100% padrão da empresa; A3 = 120% do padrão; A4 = 140% do padrão, e A5 = 160% do padrão) e cinco períodos de avaliação (meses de março a julho). O padrão de adubação NPK da empresa consiste em 350; 105 e 660 kg ha-1ano-1 de sulfato de amônio (20% de N), superfosfato simples (18% de P) e cloreto de potássio (60% de K), respectivamente. Os dados obtidos para a atividade da RN foram submetidos a uma análise de variância e teste de médias. Dentre os tratamentos testados, o nível A1 (80% do padrão), independentemente do espaçamento, poderia ser indicado no manejo do híbrido de mamoeiro UENF/CALIMAN-01, pois em todos eles a atividade da redutase do nitrato, em praticamente todos os períodos avaliados, apresentou valores adequados, ou até mesmo superiores aos encontrados na literatura em cultivares de mamoeiro. A redução da adubação NPK pôde ser justificada, uma vez que não houve diferença na produtividade das plantas entre os tratamentos avaliados.


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Este trabalho objetivou verificar a influência de três porta-enxertos no comportamento da cultivar Juliana em relação à fenologia, em três épocas de poda e em relação aos caracteres físicos de cachos, de bagas e de engaços, em duas épocas de poda. Os ensaios foram avaliados em Jundiaí-SP, e as podas foram realizadas em 15-08-2007, 22-01-2008 e 16-09-2008. O delineamento experimental foi o em blocos inteiramente casualizados, com parcelas subdivididas, com três repetições, sendo as parcelas representadas pela combinação da cultivar Juliana enxertada sobre os porta-enxertos 'Ripária do Traviú', 'IAC 572' e 'IAC766', e as subparcelas, pelas épocas de poda, que corresponderam a três para os estádios fenológicos e a duas para os caracteres físicos de cachos, bagas e engaço. Não houve diferença entre os porta-enxertos para os estádios fenológicos e para os caracteres físicos de cachos e de bagas, com exceção para massa da matéria fresca de baga e massa fresca de engaço. Maior massa da matéria fresca de engaço foi obtida pela combinação da cultivar Juliana e o porta-enxerto 'IAC 572'. Para as diferentes épocas de poda, foram detectadas diferenças para todos os estádios fenológicos, havendo interação entre porta-enxerto e época de poda para os estádios E1 - período da poda ao início da brotação; E2 - período da poda ao início do florescimento, e E5 - período da poda ao início da colheita.


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de alguns aspectos do manejo da cultura do mamoeiro como espaçamento e nível de adubação NPK, sobre alguns atributos de qualidade dos frutos do híbrido do grupo 'Formosa' UENF/CALIMAN-01(UC01). O experimento foi conduzido na fazenda Caliman Agrícola S.A., em Linhares-ES. Utilizou-se o delineamento estatístico experimental em blocos casualizados, com esquema fatorial, com três espaçamentos de plantio entre plantas (E1 = 1,80 m; E2 = 2,25 m, e E3 = 2,70 m), cinco níveis de adubação NPK convencional (A1 = 80% do padrão da empresa (PE); A2 = 100% PE; A3 = 120% PE; A4 = 140% PE, e A5 = 160% PE), e três períodos de avaliação (junho, agosto e outubro de 2007). O padrão de adubação NPK da empresa (PE) consiste em 350; 105 e 660 kg ha-1ano-1 de sulfato de amônio (20% de N), superfosfato simples (18% de P2O5) e cloreto de potássio (60% de K2O), respectivamente. Foram analisados a firmeza do fruto e da polpa, a concentração de sólidos solúveis (SS), o pH, a acidez titulável (AT) e a razão SS/AT da polpa. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e teste de médias. Os resultados mostram que, entre as condições de espaçamento e níveis de adubação NPK testados, o melhor desempenho foi obtido pelas combinações E1A1 ou E2A1, os quais devem ser adotadas para o manejo do híbrido UC01. Os tratamentos resultaram em frutos com atributos de qualidade superiores, além de proporcionar redução nos gastos com adubação NPK e menor impacto ambiental em função da aplicação excessiva de adubo no solo.


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Nokia TETRA –järjestelmä on digitaaliseen tekniikkaan pohjautuva radiopuhelinjärjestelmä, joka on tarkoitettu erityisvaatimuksia omaavien organisaatioiden ammattikäyttöön. Sen tyypillisiä käyttäjiä ovat erilaiset viranomaiset, kuten poliisi, palo- ja pelastuslaitos sekä rajavartiolaitos. Se perustuu avoimeen TETRA-standardiin, joka määrittelee tärkeimmät palvelut ja rajapinnat tiettyjen verkkoelementtien välillä. TETRA-järjestelmän käyttöpaikkatyöasemat ja palvelimet perustuvat kaikki samaan Nokia TETRA –rajapintapalvelimen arkkitehtuuriin. Käyttöpaikat tarjoavat tehokkaat toiminnot verkon operatiiviseen käyttöön ja hallintaan. Palvelimet puolestaan tarjoavat ohjelmointirajapintansa kautta kolmansille osapuolille mahdollisuuden luoda TETRA-järjestelmän palveluita käyttäviä sovelluksia. Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia uusien rajapintojen soveltuvuutta sekä selvittää niiden vaikutusta Nokia TETRA –rajapintapalvelimen arkkitehtuuriin. Ensin kartoitettiin nykyisen arkkitehtuurin ongelmat ja puutteet äänikommunikaatioon käytetyssä tiedonsiirrossa, ja äänikommunikaatiossa käyttäjään päin. Näiden ratkaisemiseksi tutkittiin uusia rajapinta-vaihtoehtoja. Parhaiten soveltuvista vaihtoehdoista muodostettiin ratkaisu, jonka vaikutus uuden sukupolven arkkitehtuuriin selvitettiin.


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INTRODUCTION: There is conflicting evidence on the benefit of early transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPSS) on the survival of patients with acute variceal bleeding (AVB). AIM: To assess the effect of early TIPSS on patient prognosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We carried out a meta-analysis of trials evaluating early TIPSS in cirrhotic patients with AVB. RESULTS: Four studies were included. Early TIPSS was associated with fewer deaths [odds ratio (OR)=0.38, 95% confidence interval (CI)=0.17-0.83, P=0.02], with moderate heterogeneity between studies (P=0.15, I=44%). Early TIPSS was not significantly associated with fewer deaths among Child-Pugh B patients (OR=0.35, 95% CI=0.10-1.17, P=0.087) nor among Child-Pugh C patients (OR=0.34, 95% CI=0.10-1.11, P=0.074). There was no heterogeneity between studies in the Child-Pugh B analysis (P=0.6, I=0%), but there was a high heterogeneity in the Child-Pugh C analysis (P=0.06, I=60%). Early TIPSS was associated with lower rates of bleeding within 1 year (OR=0.08, 95% CI=0.04-0.17, P<0.001) both among Child-Pugh B patients, (OR=0.15, 95% CI=0.05-0.47, P=0.001) and among Child-Pugh C patients (OR=0.05, 95% CI=0.02-0.15, P<0.001), with no heterogeneity between studies. Early TIPSS was not associated with higher rates of encephalopathy (OR=0.84, 95% CI=0.50-1.42, P=0.5). CONCLUSION: Cirrhotic patients with AVB treated with early TIPSS had lower death rates and lower rates of clinically significant bleeding within 1 year compared with patients treated without early TIPSS. Additional studies are required to identify the potential risk factors leading to a poor prognosis after early TIPSS in patients with AVB and to determine the impact of the degree of liver failure on the patient's prognosis.


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Pregnant women are exposed to an increased risk for developing pulmonary embolism (PE), a main cause for maternal mortality. Surgical pulmonary embolectomy is one important therapeutic and potential life-saving armamentarium, considering pregnancy as a relative contraindication for thrombolysis. We present a case of a 36-year-old woman with massive bilateral PE after emergent caesarean delivery, requiring reanimation by external heart massage. The onset of massive intrauterine bleeding contraindicated thrombolysis and emergency surgical pulmonary embolectomy, followed by a hysterectomy, were preformed successfully. Acute surgical pulmonary embolectomy may be an option in critically diseased high-risk patients, requiring a multiteam approach, and should be part of the therapeutic armamentarium of the attending cardiac surgeon.


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Delayed rupture of the spleen following trauma is an exceedingly rare phenomenon in children. In the case we have experienced, arterial embolization was successfully performed, surgery was avoided, and functional splenic tissue was preserved. Embolization is of value in the management of blunt splenic injuries in hemodynamically stable children, even after delayed rupture. The exact criteria for its use remain to be established.


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BACKGROUND: Pregnant women with asthma need to take medication during pregnancy. OBJECTIVE: We sought to identify whether there is an increased risk of specific congenital anomalies after exposure to antiasthma medication in the first trimester of pregnancy. METHODS: We performed a population-based case-malformed control study testing signals identified in a literature review. Odds ratios (ORs) of exposure to the main groups of asthma medication were calculated for each of the 10 signal anomalies compared with registrations with nonchromosomal, nonsignal anomalies as control registrations. In addition, exploratory analyses were done for each nonsignal anomaly. The data set included 76,249 registrations of congenital anomalies from 13 EUROmediCAT registries. RESULTS: Cleft palate (OR, 1.63; 95% CI, 1.05-2.52) and gastroschisis (OR, 1.89; 95% CI, 1.12-3.20) had significantly increased odds of exposure to first-trimester use of inhaled β2-agonists compared with nonchromosomal control registrations. Odds of exposure to salbutamol were similar. Nonsignificant ORs of exposure to inhaled β2-agonists were found for spina bifida, cleft lip, anal atresia, severe congenital heart defects in general, or tetralogy of Fallot. None of the 4 literature signals of exposure to inhaled steroids were confirmed (cleft palate, cleft lip, anal atresia, and hypospadias). Exploratory analyses found an association between renal dysplasia and exposure to the combination of long-acting β2-agonists and inhaled corticosteroids (OR, 3.95; 95% CI, 1.99-7.85). CONCLUSIONS: The study confirmed increased odds of first-trimester exposure to inhaled β2-agonists for cleft palate and gastroschisis and found a potential new signal for renal dysplasia associated with combined long-acting β2-agonists and inhaled corticosteroids. Use of inhaled corticosteroids during the first trimester of pregnancy seems to be safe in relation to the risk for a range of specific major congenital anomalies.


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PURPOSE: To assess the agreement and repeatability of horizontal white-to-white (WTW) and horizontal sulcus-to-sulcus (STS) diameter measurements and use these data in combination with available literature to correct for interdevice bias in preoperative implantable collamer lens (ICL) size selection. DESIGN: Interinstrument reliability and bias assessment study. METHODS: A total of 107 eyes from 56 patients assessed for ICL implantation at our institution were included in the study. This was a consecutive series of all patients with suitable available data. The agreement and bias between WTW (measured with the Pentacam and BioGraph devices) and STS (measured with the HiScan device) were estimated. RESULTS: The mean spherical equivalent was -8.93 ± 5.69 diopters. The BioGraph measures of WTW were wider than those taken with the Pentacam (bias = 0.26 mm, P < .01), and both horizontal WTW measures were wider than the horizontal STS measures (bias >0.91 mm, P < .01). The repeatability (Sr) of STS measured with the HiScan was 0.39 mm, which was significantly reduced (Sr = 0.15 mm) when the average of 2 measures was used. Agreement between the horizontal WTW measures and horizontal STS estimates when bias was accounted for was г = 0.54 with the Pentacam and г = 0.64 with the BioGraph. CONCLUSIONS: Large interdevice bias was observed for WTW and STS measures. STS measures demonstrated poor repeatability, but the average of repeated measures significantly improved repeatability. In order to conform to the US Food and Drug Administration's accepted guidelines for ICL sizing, clinicians should be aware of and account for the inconsistencies between devices.


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Organic compounds responsible for the color of wastewaters are usually refractory to biological digestion. In this paper the photo-assisted electrolysis process is used for color removal from three of the most colored wastewaters, which are daily generated in large amounts: the E1 bleach Kraft mill effluent, a textile reactive dye effluent and a landfill leachate. Electrolysis was carried out at 26,5 mA cm-2 in a flow reactor in which the anode surface was illuminated by a 400 W high pressure Hg bulb. In all experiments 70-75% of color reduction was observed which was also followed by a net organic load oxidation.


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Hormone-dependent diseases, e.g. cancers, rank high in mortality in the modern world, and thus, there is an urgent need for new drugs to treat these diseases. Although the diseases are clearly hormone-dependent, changes in circulating hormone concentrations do not explain all the pathological processes observed in the diseased tissues. A more inclusive explanation is provided by intracrinology – a regulation of hormone concentrations at the target tissue level. This is mediated by the expression of a pattern of steroid-activating and -inactivating enzymes in steroid target tissues, thus enabling a concentration gradient between the blood circulation and the tissue. Hydroxysteroid (17beta) dehydrogenases (HSD17Bs) form a family of enzymes that catalyze the conversion between low active 17-ketosteroids and highly active 17beta-hydroxysteroids. HSD17B1 converts low active estrogen (E1) to highly active estradiol (E2) with high catalytic efficiency, and altered HSD17B1 expression has been associated with several hormone-dependent diseases, including breast cancer, endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia and cancer, and ovarian epithelial cancer. Because of its putative role in E2 biosynthesis in ovaries and peripheral target tissues, HSD17B1 is considered to be a promising drug target for estrogen-dependent diseases. A few studies have indicated that the enzyme also has androgenic activity, but they have been ignored. In the present study, transgenic mice overexpressing human HSD17B1 (HSD17B1TG mice) were used to study the effects of the enzyme in vivo. Firstly, the substrate specificity of human HSD17B1 was determined in vivo. The results indicated that human HSD17B1 has significant androgenic activity in female mice in vivo, which resulted in increased fetal testosterone concentration and female disorder of sexual development appearing as masculinized phenotype (increased anogenital distance, lack of nipples, lack of vaginal opening, combination of vagina with urethra, enlarged Wolffian duct remnants in the mesovarium and enlarged female prostate). Fetal androgen exposure has been linked to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and metabolic syndrome during adulthood in experimental animals and humans, but the genes involved in PCOS are largely unknown. A putative mechanism to accumulate androgens during fetal life by HSD17B1 overexpression was shown in the present study. Furthermore, as a result of prenatal androgen exposure locally in the ovaries, HSD17B1TG females developed ovarian benign serous cystadenomas in adulthood. These benign lesions are precursors of low-grade ovarian serous tumors. Ovarian cancer ranks fifth in mortality of all female cancers in Finland, and most of the ovarian cancers arise from the surface epithelium. The formation of the lesions was prevented by prenatal antiandrogen treatment and by transplanting wild type (WT) ovaries prepubertally into HSD17B1TG females. The results obtained in our non-clinical TG mouse model, together with a literature analysis, suggest that HSD17B1 has a role in ovarian epithelial carcinogenesis, and especially in the development of serous tumors. The role of androgens in ovarian carcinogenesis is considered controversial, but the present study provides further evidence for the androgen hypothesis. Moreover, it directly links HSD17B1-induced prenatal androgen exposure to ovarian epithelial carcinogenesis in mice. As expected, significant estrogenic activity was also detected for human HSD17B1. HSD17B1TG mice had enhanced peripheral conversion of E1 to E2 in a variety of target tissues, including the uterus. Furthermore, this activity was significantly decreased by treatments with specific HSD17B1 inhibitors. As a result, several estrogen-dependent disorders were found in HSD17B1TG females. Here we report that HSD17B1TG mice invariably developed endometrial hyperplasia and failed to ovulate in adulthood. As in humans, endometrial hyperplasia in HSD17B1TG females was reversible upon ovulation induction, triggering a rise in circulating progesterone levels, and in response to exogenous progestins. Remarkably, treatment with a HSD17B1 inhibitor failed to restore ovulation, yet completely reversed the hyperplastic morphology of epithelial cells in the glandular compartment. We also demonstrate that HSD17B1 is expressed in normal human endometrium, hyperplasia, and cancer. Collectively, our non-clinical data and literature analysis suggest that HSD17B1 inhibition could be one of several possible approaches to decrease endometrial estrogen production in endometrial hyperplasia and cancer. HSD17B1 expression has been found in bones of humans and rats. The non-clinical data in the present study suggest that human HSD17B1 is likely to have an important role in the regulation of bone formation, strength and length during reproductive years in female mice. Bone density in HSD17B1TG females was highly increased in femurs, but in lesser amounts also in tibias. Especially the tibia growth plate, but not other regions of bone, was susceptible to respond to HSD17B1 inhibition by increasing bone length, whereas the inhibitors did not affect bone density. Therefore, HSD17B1 inhibitors could be safer than aromatase inhibitors in regard to bone in the treatment of breast cancer and endometriosis. Furthermore, diseases related to improper growth, are a promising new indication for HSD17B1 inhibitors.