881 resultados para fractal microstrip
This work proposes the development and study of a novel technique lot the generation of fractal descriptors used in texture analysis. The novel descriptors are obtained from a multiscale transform applied to the Fourier technique of fractal dimension calculus. The power spectrum of the Fourier transform of the image is plotted against the frequency in a log-log scale and a multiscale transform is applied to this curve. The obtained values are taken as the fractal descriptors of the image. The validation of the proposal is performed by the use of the descriptors for the classification of a dataset of texture images whose real classes are previously known. The classification precision is compared to other fractal descriptors known in the literature. The results confirm the efficiency of the proposed method. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The present work shows a novel fractal dimension method for shape analysis. The proposed technique extracts descriptors from a shape by applying a multi-scale approach to the calculus of the fractal dimension. The fractal dimension is estimated by applying the curvature scale-space technique to the original shape. By applying a multi-scale transform to the calculus, we obtain a set of descriptors which is capable of describing the shape under investigation with high precision. We validate the computed descriptors in a classification process. The results demonstrate that the novel technique provides highly reliable descriptors, confirming the efficiency of the proposed method. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4757226]
Aims. We studied four young star clusters to characterise their anomalous extinction or variable reddening and asses whether they could be due to contamination by either dense clouds or circumstellar effects. Methods. We evaluated the extinction law (R-V) by adopting two methods: (i) the use of theoretical expressions based on the colour-excess of stars with known spectral type; and (ii) the analysis of two-colour diagrams, where the slope of the observed colour distribution was compared to the normal distribution. An algorithm to reproduce the zero-age main-sequence (ZAMS) reddened colours was developed to derive the average visual extinction (A(V)) that provides the closest fit to the observational data. The structure of the clouds was evaluated by means of a statistical fractal analysis, designed to compare their geometric structure with the spatial distribution of the cluster members. Results. The cluster NGC 6530 is the only object of our sample affected by anomalous extinction. On average, the other clusters suffer normal extinction, but several of their members, mainly in NGC 2264, seem to have high R-V, probably because of circumstellar effects. The ZAMS fitting provides A(V) values that are in good agreement with those found in the literature. The fractal analysis shows that NGC 6530 has a centrally concentrated distribution of stars that differs from the substructures found in the density distribution of the cloud projected in the A(V) map, suggesting that the original cloud was changed by the cluster formation. However, the fractal dimension and statistical parameters of Berkeley 86, NGC 2244, and NGC 2264 indicate that there is a good cloud-cluster correlation, when compared to other works based on an artificial distribution of points.
This paper is dedicated to estimate the fractal dimension of exponential global attractors of some generalized gradient-like semigroups in a general Banach space in terms of the maximum of the dimension of the local unstable manifolds of the isolated invariant sets, Lipschitz properties of the semigroup and the rate of exponential attraction. We also generalize this result for some special evolution processes, introducing a concept of Morse decomposition with pullback attractivity. Under suitable assumptions, if (A, A*) is an attractor-repeller pair for the attractor A of a semigroup {T(t) : t >= 0}, then the fractal dimension of A can be estimated in terms of the fractal dimension of the local unstable manifold of A*, the fractal dimension of A, the Lipschitz properties of the semigroup and the rate of the exponential attraction. The ingredients of the proof are the notion of generalized gradient-like semigroups and their regular attractors, Morse decomposition and a fine analysis of the structure of the attractors. As we said previously, we generalize this result for some evolution processes using the same basic ideas. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fractal theory presents a large number of applications to image and signal analysis. Although the fractal dimension can be used as an image object descriptor, a multiscale approach, such as multiscale fractal dimension (MFD), increases the amount of information extracted from an object. MFD provides a curve which describes object complexity along the scale. However, this curve presents much redundant information, which could be discarded without loss in performance. Thus, it is necessary the use of a descriptor technique to analyze this curve and also to reduce the dimensionality of these data by selecting its meaningful descriptors. This paper shows a comparative study among different techniques for MFD descriptors generation. It compares the use of well-known and state-of-the-art descriptors, such as Fourier, Wavelet, Polynomial Approximation (PA), Functional Data Analysis (FDA), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Symbolic Aggregate Approximation (SAX), kernel PCA, Independent Component Analysis (ICA), geometrical and statistical features. The descriptors are evaluated in a classification experiment using Linear Discriminant Analysis over the descriptors computed from MFD curves from two data sets: generic shapes and rotated fish contours. Results indicate that PCA, FDA, PA and Wavelet Approximation provide the best MFD descriptors for recognition and classification tasks. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background: Prostate cancer is a serious public health problem that affects quality of life and has a significant mortality rate. The aim of the present study was to quantify the fractal dimension and Shannon’s entropy in the histological diagnosis of prostate cancer. Methods: Thirty-four patients with prostate cancer aged 50 to 75 years having been submitted to radical prostatectomy participated in the study. Histological slides of normal (N), hyperplastic (H) and tumor (T) areas of the prostate were digitally photographed with three different magnifications (40x, 100x and 400x) and analyzed. The fractal dimension (FD), Shannon’s entropy (SE) and number of cell nuclei (NCN) in these areas were compared. Results: FD analysis demonstrated the following significant differences between groups: T vs. N and H vs. N groups (p < 0.05) at a magnification of 40x; T vs. N (p < 0.01) at 100x and H vs. N (p < 0.01) at 400x. SE analysis revealed the following significant differences groups: T vs. H and T vs. N (p < 0.05) at 100x; and T vs. H and T vs. N (p < 0.001) at 400x. NCN analysis demonstrated the following significant differences between groups: T vs. H and T vs. N (p < 0.05) at 40x; T vs. H and T vs. N (p < 0.0001) at 100x; and T vs. H and T vs. N (p < 0.01) at 400x. Conclusions: The quantification of the FD and SE, together with the number of cell nuclei, has potential clinical applications in the histological diagnosis of prostate cancer.
This work presents a methodology to the morphology analysis and characterization of nanostructured material images acquired from FEG-SEM (Field Emission Gun-Scanning Electron Microscopy) technique. The metrics were extracted from the image texture (mathematical surface) by the volumetric fractal descriptors, a methodology based on the Bouligand-Minkowski fractal dimension, which considers the properties of the Minkowski dilation of the surface points. An experiment with galvanostatic anodic titanium oxide samples prepared in oxalyc acid solution using different conditions of applied current, oxalyc acid concentration and solution temperature was performed. The results demonstrate that the approach is capable of characterizing complex morphology characteristics such as those present in the anodic titanium oxide.
This work proposes a novel texture descriptor based on fractal theory. The method is based on the Bouligand- Minkowski descriptors. We decompose the original image recursively into four equal parts. In each recursion step, we estimate the average and the deviation of the Bouligand-Minkowski descriptors computed over each part. Thus, we extract entropy features from both average and deviation. The proposed descriptors are provided by concatenating such measures. The method is tested in a classification experiment under well known datasets, that is, Brodatz and Vistex. The results demonstrate that the novel technique achieves better results than classical and state-of-the-art texture descriptors, such as Local Binary Patterns, Gabor-wavelets and co-occurrence matrix.
This work proposes the application of fractal descriptors to the analysis of nanoscale materials under different experimental conditions. We obtain descriptors for images from the sample applying a multiscale transform to the calculation of fractal dimension of a surface map of such image. Particularly, we have used the Bouligand-Minkowski fractal dimension. We applied these descriptors to discriminate between two titanium oxide films prepared under different experimental conditions. Results demonstrate the discrimination power of proposed descriptors in such kind of application.
In this paper,we present a novel texture analysis method based on deterministic partially self-avoiding walks and fractal dimension theory. After finding the attractors of the image (set of pixels) using deterministic partially self-avoiding walks, they are dilated in direction to the whole image by adding pixels according to their relevance. The relevance of each pixel is calculated as the shortest path between the pixel and the pixels that belongs to the attractors. The proposed texture analysis method is demonstrated to outperform popular and state-of-the-art methods (e.g. Fourier descriptors, occurrence matrix, Gabor filter and local binary patterns) as well as deterministic tourist walk method and recent fractal methods using well-known texture image datasets.
La geometria euclidea risulta spesso inadeguata a descrivere le forme della natura. I Frattali, oggetti interrotti e irregolari, come indica il nome stesso, sono più adatti a rappresentare la forma frastagliata delle linee costiere o altri elementi naturali. Lo strumento necessario per studiare rigorosamente i frattali sono i teoremi riguardanti la misura di Hausdorff, con i quali possono definirsi gli s-sets, dove s è la dimensione di Hausdorff. Se s non è intero, l'insieme in gioco può riconoscersi come frattale e non presenta tangenti e densità in quasi nessun punto. I frattali più classici, come gli insiemi di Cantor, Koch e Sierpinski, presentano anche la proprietà di auto-similarità e la dimensione di similitudine viene a coincidere con quella di Hausdorff. Una tecnica basata sulla dimensione frattale, detta box-counting, interviene in applicazioni bio-mediche e risulta utile per studiare le placche senili di varie specie di mammiferi tra cui l'uomo o anche per distinguere un melanoma maligno da una diversa lesione della cute.
Planar electrodes are increasingly used in therapeutic neural stimulation techniques such as functional electrical stimulation, epidural spinal cord stimulation (ESCS), and cortical stimulation. Recently, optimized electrode geometries have been shown to increase the efficiency of neural stimulation by increasing the variation of current density on the electrode surface. In the present work, a new family of modified fractal electrode geometries is developed to enhance the efficiency of neural stimulation. It is shown that a promising approach in increasing the neural activation function is to increase the "edginess" of the electrode surface, a concept that is explained and quantified by fractal mathematics. Rigorous finite element simulations were performed to compute electric potential produced by proposed modified fractal geometries. The activation of 256 model axons positioned around the electrodes was then quantified, showing that modified fractal geometries required a 22% less input power while maintaining the same level of neural activation. Preliminary in vivo experiments investigating muscle evoked potentials due to median nerve stimulation showed encouraging results, supporting the feasibility of increasing neural stimulation efficiency using modified fractal geometries.