881 resultados para fine-grained control
[EN]Fundación Zain is developing new built heritage assessment protocols. The goal is to objectivize and standardize the analysis and decision process that leads to determining the degree of protection of built heritage in the Basque Country. The ultimate step in this objectivization and standardization effort will be the development of an information and communication technology (ICT) tool for the assessment of built heritage. This paper presents the ground work carried out to make this tool possible: the automatic, image-based delineation of stone masonry. This is a necessary first step in the development of the tool, as the built heritage that will be assessed consists of stone masonry construction, and many of the features analyzed can be characterized according to the geometry and arrangement of the stones. Much of the assessment is carried out through visual inspection. Thus, this process will be automated by applying image processing on digital images of the elements under inspection. The principal contribution of this paper is the automatic delineation the framework proposed. The other contribution is the performance evaluation of this delineation as the input to a classifier for a geometrically characterized feature of a built heritage object. The element chosen to perform this evaluation is the stone arrangement of masonry walls. The validity of the proposed framework is assessed on real images of masonry walls.
Aspartic acid, threonine, serine and other thermally unstable amino acids have been found in fine-grained elastic sediments of advanced geologic age. The presence of these compounds in ancient sediments conflicts with experimental data determined for their simple thermal decomposition.
Recent and Late Miocene sediments and their humic acid extracts, known to contain essentially complete suites of amino acids, were heated with H2O in a bomb at temperatures up to 500°C in order to compare the thermal decomposition characteristics of the sedimentary amino compounds.
Most of the amino acids found in protein hydrolyzates are obtained from the Miocene rock in amounts 10 to 100 times less than from the Recent sediment. The two unheated humic acids are rather similar despite their great age difference. The Miocene rock appears uncontaminated by Recent carbon.
Yields of amino acids generally decline in the heated Recent sediment. Some amino compounds apparently increase with heating time in the Miocene rock.
Relative thermal stabilities of the amino acids in sediments are generally similar to those determined using pure aqueous solutions. The relative thermal stabilities of glutamic acid, glycine, and phenylalanine vary in the Recent sediment but are uniform in the Miocene rock.
Amino acids may occur in both proteins and humic complexes in the Recent sediment, while they are probably only present in stabilized organic substances in the Miocene rock. Thermal decomposition of protein amino acids may be affected by surface catalysis in the Recent sediment. The apparent activation energy for the decomposition of alanine in this sediment is 8400 calories per mole. Yields of amino compounds from the heated sediments are not affected by thermal decomposition only.
Amino acids in sediments may only be useful for geothermometry in a very general way.
A better picture of the amino acid content of older sedimentary rocks may be obtained if these sediments are heated in a bomb with H2O at temperatures around 150°C prior to HCl hydrolysis.
Leucine-isoleucine ratios may prove to be useful as indicators of amino acid sources or for evaluating the fractionation of these substances during diagenesis. Leucine-isoleucine ratios of the Recent and Miocene sediments and humic acids are identical. The humic acids may have a continental source.
The carbon-nitrogen and carbon-hydrogen ratios of sediments and humic acids increase with heating time and temperature. Ratios comparable to those in some kerogens are found in the severely heated Miocene sediment and humic acid.
A Suíte Intrusiva Santa Clara está inserida na Província Estanífera de Rondônia, na porção SW do Cráton Amazônico. Essa suíte intrusiva é composta pelos maciços Santa Clara, Oriente Velho, Oriente Novo, Manteiga-Sul, Manteiga-Norte, Jararaca, Carmelo, Primavera e das Antas. Os litotipos que perfazem a Suíte Santa Clara ocorrem hospedados nas rochas do Complexo Jamari, uma associação polideformada composta por gnaisses ortoderivados e paraderivados. Características observadas em campo e em análises petrográficas permitiram subdividir o Maciço Santa Clara em cinco fácies distintas: fácies porfirítica, fácies isotrópica, fácies fina, fácies piterlítica e fácies viborgítica. Os litotipos observados correspondem a hornblenda-biotita granitos e biotita granitos intermediários a ácidos, com composições médias semelhantes àquelas verificadas para sienogranitos e monzogranitos. Geoquimicamente, três magmas podem ser identificados. O magma menos evoluído corresponde às rochas das fácies porfirítica e equigranular, e o mais evoluído compreende as fácies de granulometria fina e piterlítica. A fácies viborgítica representa o terceiro líquido magmático, e aparentemente é diferente de todas as outras fácies em termos de aspectos de campo e geoquímica. A análise litogeoquímica indica que estes granitoides são subalcalinos, bastante empobrecidos em MgO e exibem caráter metaluminoso a fracamente peraluminoso. Os padrões de elementos-traços evidenciam que tais granitóides possuem alto conteúdo em elementos incompatíveis (Rb, Zr, Y, Ta, Ce) e ETR, com exceção do Eu. Além disso, também exibem leve enriquecimento em LILE, forte depleção em elementos como Sr e Ti, e leve empobrecimento de Ba, indicando que o fracionamento de minerais como plagioclásio e titanita foi importante na evolução do líquido magmático analisado. A anomalia negativa de Nb indica envolvimento de material crustal nos processos magmáticos que geraram estes granitoides. Os litotipos analisados possuem características típicas de granitos tipo-A ferroan, e as razões FeOt/MgO entre 4,27 e 26,22 sugerem tratar-se de uma série de granitos félsicos fracionados. Os padrões de ETR observados para os litotipos analisados exibem um considerável enriquecimento em ETRL, e anomalia negativa de Eu, sugerindo fracionamento de feldspato durante o processo de diferenciação do líquido magmático. Diagramas discriminantes de ambientes tectônicos sugerem que os litotipos do Maciço Intrusivo Santa Clara são típicos de ambiente intraplaca, do tipo-A2, isto é, associados a ambientes pós-colisionais/pós-orogênicos. As características isotópicas observadas para os granitoides do Maciço Santa Clara sugerem que os mesmos foram gerados a partir da fusão parcial de uma crosta inferior pré-existente. As idades U-Pb entre 1,07 e 1,06 Ga são compatíveis com um magmatismo ocorrido nos estágios finais da colagem do supercontinente Rodínia (1,2-1,0 Ga) e estágios finais do Ciclo Orogênico Sunsás-Aguapeí (1320-1100 Ma). Sugere-se ainda que na verdade o Maciço Santa Clara seja formado por uma coalescência das três intrusões graníticas que são representadas pelos três magmas anteriormente descritos.
Fundacion Zain is developing new built heritage assessment protocols. The goal is to objectivize and standardize the analysis and decision process that leads to determining the degree of protection of built heritage in the Basque Country. The ultimate step in this objectivization and standardization effort will be the development of an information and communication technology (ICT) tool for the assessment of built heritage. This paper presents the ground work carried out to make this tool possible: the automatic, image-based delineation of stone masonry. This is a necessary first step in the development of the tool, as the built heritage that will be assessed consists of stone masonry construction, and many of the features analyzed can be characterized according to the geometry and arrangement of the stones. Much of the assessment is carried out through visual inspection. Thus, this process will be automated by applying image processing on digital images of the elements under inspection. The principal contribution of this paper is the automatic delineation the framework proposed. The other contribution is the performance evaluation of this delineation as the input to a classifier for a geometrically characterized feature of a built heritage object. The element chosen to perform this evaluation is the stone arrangement of masonry walls. The validity of the proposed framework is assessed on real images of masonry walls.
Os granitoides do Domínio Cambuci, na região limítrofe entre os estados do Rio de Janeiro e Espírito Santo, foram separados em quatro principais grupos: (1) Complexo Serra da Bolívia (CSB) - Ortogranulitos e Ortognaisses Heterogêneos; Ortognaisse Cinza Foliado; e charnockitos da Região de Monte Verde (2) Leucogranitos/leucocharnockitos gnaissificados da Suíte São João do Paraíso (SSJP) (3) Granito Cinza Foliado (4) Leucogranito isotrópico. O CSB é caracterizado pelo magmatismo de caráter calcioalcalino do tipo I, oriundo em ambiente de arco vulcânico (Suíte Monte Verde) e retrabalhamento crustal (ortogranulitos leucocráticos). O Ortogranulito esverdeado fino, é considerado no presente estudo como rocha do embasamento para o Terreno Oriental, cristalizada durante o paleoproterozoico - Riaciano (2184,3 21 Ma) e recristalizada durante o evento metamórfico Brasiliano no neoproterozoico - Edicariano (607,2 1,5 Ma), cuja idade TDM é de 2936 Ma. O Ortogranulito leucocrático médio cristalizou-se no neoproterozoico Edicariano (entre 592 e 609 Ma) e idade TDM ca. 2100 Ma, ao qual apresenta registro de herança no paleoproterozoico. A Suíte Monte Verde caracteriza-se por um magmatismo calcioalcalino e a Suíte Córrego Fortaleza, por um magmatismo calcioalcalino de alto K, ambas com assinatura de arco magmático. Registram dois pulsos magmáticos, em no Neoproterozoico - Edicarano: um em 592 2 Ma, idade do charnoenderbito, com idade TDM 1797 Ma, e outro em 571,2 1,8 Ma (injeção de um charnockitoide). Para todas as rochas do CSB são registradas feições protomiloníticas, miloníticas e localmente ultramiloníticas. Os dados geoquímicos indicam que os granitoides da SSJP são da série calcioalcalina de alto K, gerados no Neoproterozoico (idades que variam desde 610,3 4,7 Ma até, 592,2 1,3 Ma. As idades TDM revelam valores discrepantes para duas amostras: 1918 Ma e 2415 Ma, sugerindo que tenham sido geradas de diferentes fontes. O Granito Cinza Foliado é da Série Shoshonítica, metaluminoso do tipo I e, de ambiência tectônica de granitos intraplaca. Entretanto, poderiam ter sido fomados em ambiente de arco cordilheirano, havendo contaminação de outras fontes crustais. Fato este pode ser confirmado pelas as idades TDM calculadas ≈ 1429 1446 Ma. O Leucogranito isotrópico ocorre em forma de diques de direção NW, possui textura maciça e é inequigranular. Dados geoquímicos revelam que são granitoides metaluminosos do tipo I da série shoshonítica, e, de acordo com a ambiência tectônica, são granitos intraplaca. O Leucogranito Isotrópico representa o magmatismo pós-colisional ao qual ocorreu entre 80 a 90 Ma de anos após o término do evento colisional na região central da Faixa Ribeira. O Leucogranito Issotrópico cristalizou-se no cambriano (512,3 3,3 Ma e 508,6 2,2 Ma) e com idades TDM ca. 1900
Os ambientes costeiros vem sofrendo impactos devido a ocupação humana, um dos principais efeitos está na alteração da ciclagem de matéria orgânica (MO) na zona costeira. Para investigar as principais fontes de MO e avaliar como a atividade humana tem alterado a composição da MO sedimentar na baía da Ilha Grande (BIG), quatro testemunhos sedimentares (Abraão, Saco do Céu, TEBIG e Marina Piratas) foram datados e analisados para carbono orgânico, nitrogênio total, teor de finos, esteróis e n-álcoois. Os resultados indicam maiores contribuições de matéria orgânica alóctone nos testemunhos da enseada de Abraão e principalmente do Saco do Céu, estes testemunhos são enriquecidos em carbono orgânico e sedimentos finos, em comparação com os sedimentos coletados nas proximidades do TEBIG e da Marina Piratas. A partir dos anos de 1950 algumas alterações, como o incremento da contribuição fitoplanctônica,são observadas nos testemunhos foram indicadas pela Análise de Componentes Principais (PCA), destaca-se nesta época a acentuada mudança que ocorreu nas características granulométricas do testemunho da Marina Piratas. Estas alterações são efeitos indiretos da ação do homem que devido ao elevado crescimento populacional vem poluindo corpos dágua da região e destruindo ecossistemas de elevada importância como manguezais. No entanto através da análises dos marcadores de esgoto foi observado que a influência de MO de origem fecal nos sedimentos é muito pequena e cresceu muito pouco nas últimas décadas. Em conjunto com a elevada cobertura vegetal da região, os elevados índices pluviométricos regionais auxiliam a carrear grandes quantidades de material terrígeno para os sedimentos da baía como indicado pela predomínio de n-álcoois de cadeias longas
A baseline environmental characterization of the inner Kachemak Bay, Alaska was conducted using the sediment quality triad approach based on sediment chemistry, sediment toxicity, and benthic invertebrate community structure. The study area was subdivided into 5 strata based on geophysical and hydrodynamic patterns in the bay (eastern and western intertidal mud flats, eastern and western subtidal, and Homer Harbor). Three to seven locations were synoptically sampled within each stratum using a stratified random statistical design approach. Three sites near the village of Port Graham and two sites in the footprint of a proposed Homer Harbor expansion were also collected for comparison. Concentrations of over 120 organic and metallic contaminants were analyzed. Ambient toxicity was assessed using two amphipod bioassays. A detailed benthic community condition assessment was performed. Habitat parameters (depth, salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, sediment grain size, and organic carbon content) that influence species and contaminant distribution were also measured at each sampling site. Sediments were mostly mixed silt and sand; characteristic of high energy habitats, with pockets of muddy zones. Organic compounds (PAHs, DDTs, PCBs, cyclodienes, cyclohexanes) were detected throughout the bay but at relatively low concentrations. Tributyltin was elevated in Homer Harbor relative to the other strata. With a few exceptions, metals concentrations were relatively low and probably reflect the input of glacial runoff. Relative to other sites, Homer Harbor sites were shown to have elevated concentrations of metallic and organic contaminants. The Homer Harbor stratum however, is a deep, low energy depositional environment with fine grained sediment. Concentrations of organic contaminants measured were five to ten times higher in the harbor sites than in the open bay sites. Concentration of PAHs is of a particular interest because of the legacy of oil spills in the region. There was no evidence of residual PAHs attributable to oil spills, outside of local input, beyond the confines of the harbor. Concentrations were one to ten times below NOAA sediment quality guidelines. Selected metal concentrations were found to be relatively elevated compared to other data collected in the region. However, levels are still very low in the scale of NOAA’s sediment quality guidelines, and therefore appear to pose little or no ecotoxicity threat to biota. Infaunal assessment showed a diverse assemblage with more than 240 taxa recorded and abundances greater than 3,000 animals m-22 in all but a few locations. Annelid worms, crustaceans, snails, and clams were the dominant taxa accounting for 63 %, 19%, 5%, and 7 % respectively of total individuals. Specific benthic community assemblages were identified that were distributed based on depth and water clarity. Species richness and diversity was lower in the eastern end of the bay in the vicinity of the Fox River input. Abundance was also generally lower in the eastern portion of the study area, and in the intertidal areas near Homer. The eastern portions of the bay are stressed by the sediment load from glacial meltwater. Significant toxicity was virtually absent. Conditions at the sites immediately outside the existing Homer Harbor facility did not differ significantly from other subtidal locations in the open Kachemak Bay. The benthic fauna at Port Graham contained a significant number of species not found in Kachemak Bay. Contaminant conditions were variable depending on specific location. Selected metal concentrations were elevated at Port Graham and some were lower relative to Kachemak Bay, probably due to local geology. Some organic contaminants were accumulating at a depositional site.
Over the last 50 years, the city of Venice, Italy, has observed a significant increase in the frequency of flooding. Numerous engineering solutions have been proposed, including the use of movable gates located at the three lagoon inlets. A key element in the prediction of performance is the estimation of settlements of the foundation system of the gates. The soils of Venice Lagoon are characterized by very erratic depositional patterns of clayey silts, resulting in an extremely heterogeneous stratigraphy with discontinuous layering. The soils are also characterized by varying contents of coarse and fine-grained particles. In contrast, the mineralogical composition of these deposits is quite uniform, which allows us to separate the influence of mineralogy from that of grain size distribution. A comprehensive geotechnical testing program was performed to assess the one-dimensional compression of Venice soils and examine the factors affecting the response in the transition from one material type to another. The compressibility of these natural silty clayey soils can be described by a single set of constitutive laws incorporating the relative fraction of granular to cohesive material. © 2007 ASCE.
An analysis is presented of a database of 67 tests on 21 clays and silts of undrained shear stress-strain data of fine-grained soils. Normalizations of secant G in terms of initial mean effective stress p9 (i.e., G=p9 versus log g) or undrained shear strength cu (i.e., G=cu versus log g) are shown to be much less successful in reducing the scatter between different clays than the approach that uses the maximum shear modulus,Gmax, a technique still not universally adopted by geotechnical researchers and constitutive modelers. Analysis of semiempirical expressions forGmax is presented and a simple expression that uses only a void-ratio function and a confining-stress function is proposed. This is shown to be superior to a Hardin-style equation, and the void ratio function is demonstrated as an alternative to an overconsolidation ratio (OCR) function. To derive correlations that offer reliable estimates of secant stiffness at any required magnitude of working strain, secant shear modulus G is normalized with respect to its small-strain value Gmax, and shear strain g is normalized with respect to a reference strain gref at which this stiffness has halved. The data are corrected to two standard strain rates to reduce the discrepancy between data obtained from static and cyclic testing. The reference strain gref is approximated as a function of the plasticity index.Aunique normalized shear modulus reduction curve in the shape of a modified hyperbola is fitted to all the available data up to shear strains of the order of 1%. As a result, good estimates can be made of the modulus reduction G/Gmax ±30% across all strain levels in approximately 90% of the cases studied. New design charts are proposed to update the commonly used design curves. © 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Interactions between dislocations and grain boundaries play an important role in the plastic deformation of polycrystalline metals. Capturing accurately the behaviour of these internal interfaces is particularly important for applications where the relative grain boundary fraction is significant, such as ultra fine-grained metals, thin films and microdevices. Incorporating these micro-scale interactions (which are sensitive to a number of dislocation, interface and crystallographic parameters) within a macro-scale crystal plasticity model poses a challenge. The innovative features in the present paper include (i) the formulation of a thermodynamically consistent grain boundary interface model within a microstructurally motivated strain gradient crystal plasticity framework, (ii) the presence of intra-grain slip system coupling through a microstructurally derived internal stress, (iii) the incorporation of inter-grain slip system coupling via an interface energy accounting for both the magnitude and direction of contributions to the residual defect from all slip systems in the two neighbouring grains, and (iv) the numerical implementation of the grain boundary model to directly investigate the influence of the interface constitutive parameters on plastic deformation. The model problem of a bicrystal deforming in plane strain is analysed. The influence of dissipative and energetic interface hardening, grain misorientation, asymmetry in the grain orientations and the grain size are systematically investigated. In each case, the crystal response is compared with reference calculations with grain boundaries that are either 'microhard' (impenetrable to dislocations) or 'microfree' (an infinite dislocation sink). © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Three lacustrine core samples were collected from Chaohu lake in December 2002 in the Yangtze delta region. The grain sizes were analyzed using a Laser Analyzer to obtain grain-size parameters. Sediment geochronology was determined in radioisotopes Cs-137 and the average sedimentary rates are 0.29cm.a(-1), 0.35 cm.a(-1) and 0.24cm-a(-1) in Cores C 1, C2 and C3, respectively. The grain-size parameters of the deposits vary regularly with the fluctuation of hydrodynamics. From 1950s to the beginning of 20th century, coarse-grained sediment was deposited, suggesting strong hydraulic conditions and high water-level periods with much precipitation; from the start of 20(th) century to latter half of 18(th) century, fine-grained sediment was deposited, indicating that weak hydraulic conditions and low water-level periods with less precipitation; before the first half of 18(th) century, coarse-grained sediment was deposited, suggesting great velocity of flow and high water-level periods of more precipitation.
Hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si:H) n-layers have been used to prepare heterojunction solar cells on flat p-type crystalline silicon (c-Si) wafers. The nc-Si:H n-layers were deposited by radio-frequency (RF) plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD), and characterized using Raman spectroscopy, optical transmittance and activation energy of dark-conductivity. The nc-Si:H n-layers obtained comprise fine grained nanocrystallites embedded in amorphous matrix, which have a wider bandgap and a smaller activation energy. Heterojunction solar cells incorporated with the nc-Si n-layer were fabricated using configuration of Ag (100 nm)/1T0 (80 nm)/n-nc-Si:H (15 nm)/buffer a-Si:H/p-c-Si (300 mu m)/Al (200 nm), where a very thin intrinsic a-Si:H buffer layer was used to passivate the p-c-Si surface, followed by a hydrogen plasma treatment prior to the deposition of the thin nanocrystalline layer. The results show that heterojunction solar cells subjected to these surface treatments exhibit a remarkable increase in the efficiency, up to 14.1% on an area of 2.43 cm(2). (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si:H) n-layers have been used to prepare heterojunction solar cells on flat p-type crystalline silicon (c-Si) wafers. The nc-Si:H n-layers were deposited by radio-frequency (RF) plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD), and characterized using Raman spectroscopy, optical transmittance and activation energy of dark-conductivity. The nc-Si:H n-layers obtained comprise fine grained nanocrystallites embedded in amorphous matrix, which have a wider bandgap and a smaller activation energy. Heterojunction solar cells incorporated with the nc-Si n-layer were fabricated using configuration of Ag (100 nm)/1T0 (80 nm)/n-nc-Si:H (15 nm)/buffer a-Si:H/p-c-Si (300 mu m)/Al (200 nm), where a very thin intrinsic a-Si:H buffer layer was used to passivate the p-c-Si surface, followed by a hydrogen plasma treatment prior to the deposition of the thin nanocrystalline layer. The results show that heterojunction solar cells subjected to these surface treatments exhibit a remarkable increase in the efficiency, up to 14.1% on an area of 2.43 cm(2). (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
综合基于角色的访问控制和信任管理各自的优势,提出了一个适用于开放式环境的细粒度可控委托授权模型--FCDAM(fine-grained controllable delegation authorization model),基于信任度实现了对角色中具有不同敏感度的权限传播控制.提出了为本地策略中的权限分配信任度阈值的方法,为RT_0添加了信任度支持,给出了在这种扩展后的信任管理系统中计算实体信任度的算法,并结合具体实例对模型的使用进行了说明.