989 resultados para field theory at finite temperature


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Using the density matrix renormalization group, we calculated the finite-size corrections of the entanglement alpha-Renyi entropy of a single interval for several critical quantum chains. We considered models with U(1) symmetry such as the spin-1/2 XXZ and spin-1 Fateev-Zamolodchikov models, as well as models with discrete symmetries such as the Ising, the Blume-Capel, and the three-state Potts models. These corrections contain physically relevant information. Their amplitudes, which depend on the value of a, are related to the dimensions of operators in the conformal field theory governing the long-distance correlations of the critical quantum chains. The obtained results together with earlier exact and numerical ones allow us to formulate some general conjectures about the operator responsible for the leading finite-size correction of the alpha-Renyi entropies. We conjecture that the exponent of the leading finite-size correction of the alpha-Renyi entropies is p(alpha) = 2X(epsilon)/alpha for alpha > 1 and p(1) = nu, where X-epsilon denotes the dimensions of the energy operator of the model and nu = 2 for all the models.


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The ground-state phase diagram of an Ising spin-glass model on a random graph with an arbitrary fraction w of ferromagnetic interactions is analysed in the presence of an external field. Using the replica method, and performing an analysis of stability of the replica-symmetric solution, it is shown that w = 1/2, corresponding to an unbiased spin glass, is a singular point in the phase diagram, separating a region with a spin-glass phase (w < 1/2) from a region with spin-glass, ferromagnetic, mixed and paramagnetic phases (w > 1/2).


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A complete understanding of the glass transition isstill a challenging problem. Some researchers attributeit to the (hypothetical) occurrence of a static phasetransition, others emphasize the dynamical transitionof mode coupling-theory from an ergodic to a non ergodicstate. A class of disordered spin models has been foundwhich unifies both scenarios. One of these models isthe p-state infinite range Potts glass with p>4, whichexhibits in the thermodynamic limit both a dynamicalphase transition at a temperature T_D, and a static oneat T_0 < T_D. In this model every spins interacts withall the others, irrespective of distance. Interactionsare taken from a Gaussian distribution.In order to understand better its behavior forfinite number N of spins and the approach to thethermodynamic limit, we have performed extensive MonteCarlo simulations of the p=10 Potts glass up to N=2560.The time-dependent spin-autocorrelation function C(t)shows strong finite size effects and it does not showa plateau even for temperatures around the dynamicalcritical temperature T_D. We show that the N-andT-dependence of the relaxation time for T > T_D can beunderstood by means of a dynamical finite size scalingAnsatz.The behavior in the spin glass phase down to atemperature T=0.7 (about 60% of the transitiontemperature) is studied. Well equilibratedconfigurations are obtained with the paralleltempering method, which is also useful for properlyestablishing static properties, such as the orderparameter distribution function P(q). Evidence is givenfor the compatibility with a one step replica symmetrybreaking scenario. The study of the cumulants of theorder parameter does not permit a reliable estimation ofthe static transition temperature. The autocorrelationfunction at low T exhibits a two-step decay, and ascaling behavior typical of supercooled liquids, thetime-temperature superposition principle, is observed. Inthis region the dynamics is governed by Arrheniusrelaxations, with barriers growing like N^{1/2}.We analyzed the single spin dynamics down to temperaturesmuch lower than the dynamical transition temperature. We found strong dynamical heterogeneities, which explainthe non-exponential character of the spin autocorrelationfunction. The spins seem to relax according to dynamicalclusters. The model in three dimensions tends to acquireferromagnetic order for equal concentration of ferro-and antiferromagnetic bonds. The ordering has differentcharacteristics from the pure ferromagnet. The spinglass susceptibility behaves like chi_{SG} proportionalto 1/T in the region where a spin glass is predicted toexist in mean-field. Also the analysis of the cumulantsis consistent with the absence of spin glass orderingat finite temperature. The dynamics shows multi-scalerelaxations if a bimodal distribution of bonds isused. We propose to understand it with a model based onthe local spin configuration. This is consistent with theabsence of plateaus if Gaussian interactions are used.


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Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit Strukturbildung im schlechten Lösungsmittel bei ein- und zweikomponentigen Polymerbürsten, bei denen Polymerketten durch Pfropfung am Substrat verankert sind. Solche Systeme zeigen laterale Strukturbildungen, aus denen sich interessante Anwendungen ergeben. Die Bewegung der Polymere erfolgt durch Monte Carlo-Simulationen im Kontinuum, die auf CBMC-Algorithmen sowie lokalen Monomerverschiebungen basieren. Eine neu entwickelte Variante des CBMC-Algorithmus erlaubt die Bewegung innerer Kettenteile, da der bisherige Algorithmus die Monomere in Nähe des Pfropfmonomers nicht gut relaxiert. Zur Untersuchung des Phasenverhaltens werden mehrere Analysemethoden entwickelt und angepasst: Dazu gehören die Minkowski-Maße zur Strukturuntersuchung binären Bürsten und die Pfropfkorrelationen zur Untersuchung des Einflusses von Pfropfmustern. Bei einkomponentigen Bürsten tritt die Strukturbildung nur beim schwach gepfropften System auf, dichte Pfropfungen führen zu geschlossenen Bürsten ohne laterale Struktur. Für den graduellen Übergang zwischen geschlossener und aufgerissener Bürste wird ein Temperaturbereich bestimmt, in dem der Übergang stattfindet. Der Einfluss des Pfropfmusters (Störung der Ausbildung einer langreichweitigen Ordnung) auf die Bürstenkonfiguration wird mit den Pfropfkorrelationen ausgewertet. Bei unregelmäßiger Pfropfung sind die gebildeten Strukturen größer als bei regelmäßiger Pfropfung und auch stabiler gegen höhere Temperaturen. Bei binären Systemen bilden sich Strukturen auch bei dichter Pfropfung aus. Zu den Parametern Temperatur, Pfropfdichte und Pfropfmuster kommt die Zusammensetzung der beiden Komponenten hinzu. So sind weitere Strukturen möglich, bei gleicher Häufigkeit der beiden Komponenten bilden sich streifenförmige, lamellare Muster, bei ungleicher Häufigkeit formt die Minoritätskomponente Cluster, die in der Majoritätskomponente eingebettet sind. Selbst bei gleichmäßig gepfropften Systemen bildet sich keine langreichweitige Ordnung aus. Auch bei binären Bürsten hat das Pfropfmuster großen Einfluss auf die Strukturbildung. Unregelmäßige Pfropfmuster führen schon bei höheren Temperaturen zur Trennung der Komponenten, die gebildeten Strukturen sind aber ungleichmäßiger und etwas größer als bei gleichmäßig gepfropften Systemen. Im Gegensatz zur self consistent field-Theorie berücksichtigen die Simulationen Fluktuationen in der Pfropfung und zeigen daher bessere Übereinstimmungen mit dem Experiment.


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Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics (LQCD) is the preferred tool for obtaining non-perturbative results from QCD in the low-energy regime. It has by nowrnentered the era in which high precision calculations for a number of phenomenologically relevant observables at the physical point, with dynamical quark degrees of freedom and controlled systematics, become feasible. Despite these successes there are still quantities where control of systematic effects is insufficient. The subject of this thesis is the exploration of the potential of todays state-of-the-art simulation algorithms for non-perturbativelyrn$\mathcal{O}(a)$-improved Wilson fermions to produce reliable results in thernchiral regime and at the physical point both for zero and non-zero temperature. Important in this context is the control over the chiral extrapolation. Thisrnthesis is concerned with two particular topics, namely the computation of hadronic form factors at zero temperature, and the properties of the phaserntransition in the chiral limit of two-flavour QCD.rnrnThe electromagnetic iso-vector form factor of the pion provides a platform to study systematic effects and the chiral extrapolation for observables connected to the structure of mesons (and baryons). Mesonic form factors are computationally simpler than their baryonic counterparts but share most of the systematic effects. This thesis contains a comprehensive study of the form factor in the regime of low momentum transfer $q^2$, where the form factor is connected to the charge radius of the pion. A particular emphasis is on the region very close to $q^2=0$ which has not been explored so far, neither in experiment nor in LQCD. The results for the form factor close the gap between the smallest spacelike $q^2$-value available so far and $q^2=0$, and reach an unprecedented accuracy at full control over the main systematic effects. This enables the model-independent extraction of the pion charge radius. The results for the form factor and the charge radius are used to test chiral perturbation theory ($\chi$PT) and are thereby extrapolated to the physical point and the continuum. The final result in units of the hadronic radius $r_0$ is rn$$ \left\langle r_\pi^2 \right\rangle^{\rm phys}/r_0^2 = 1.87 \: \left(^{+12}_{-10}\right)\left(^{+\:4}_{-15}\right) \quad \textnormal{or} \quad \left\langle r_\pi^2 \right\rangle^{\rm phys} = 0.473 \: \left(^{+30}_{-26}\right)\left(^{+10}_{-38}\right)(10) \: \textnormal{fm} \;, $$rn which agrees well with the results from other measurements in LQCD and experiment. Note, that this is the first continuum extrapolated result for the charge radius from LQCD which has been extracted from measurements of the form factor in the region of small $q^2$.rnrnThe order of the phase transition in the chiral limit of two-flavour QCD and the associated transition temperature are the last unkown features of the phase diagram at zero chemical potential. The two possible scenarios are a second order transition in the $O(4)$-universality class or a first order transition. Since direct simulations in the chiral limit are not possible the transition can only be investigated by simulating at non-zero quark mass with a subsequent chiral extrapolation, guided by the universal scaling in the vicinity of the critical point. The thesis presents the setup and first results from a study on this topic. The study provides the ideal platform to test the potential and limits of todays simulation algorithms at finite temperature. The results from a first scan at a constant zero-temperature pion mass of about 290~MeV are promising, and it appears that simulations down to physical quark masses are feasible. Of particular relevance for the order of the chiral transition is the strength of the anomalous breaking of the $U_A(1)$ symmetry at the transition point. It can be studied by looking at the degeneracies of the correlation functions in scalar and pseudoscalar channels. For the temperature scan reported in this thesis the breaking is still pronounced in the transition region and the symmetry becomes effectively restored only above $1.16\:T_C$. The thesis also provides an extensive outline of research perspectives and includes a generalisation of the standard multi-histogram method to explicitly $\beta$-dependent fermion actions.


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Thema dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung und Kombination verschiedener numerischer Methoden, sowie deren Anwendung auf Probleme stark korrelierter Elektronensysteme. Solche Materialien zeigen viele interessante physikalische Eigenschaften, wie z.B. Supraleitung und magnetische Ordnung und spielen eine bedeutende Rolle in technischen Anwendungen. Es werden zwei verschiedene Modelle behandelt: das Hubbard-Modell und das Kondo-Gitter-Modell (KLM). In den letzten Jahrzehnten konnten bereits viele Erkenntnisse durch die numerische Lösung dieser Modelle gewonnen werden. Dennoch bleibt der physikalische Ursprung vieler Effekte verborgen. Grund dafür ist die Beschränkung aktueller Methoden auf bestimmte Parameterbereiche. Eine der stärksten Einschränkungen ist das Fehlen effizienter Algorithmen für tiefe Temperaturen.rnrnBasierend auf dem Blankenbecler-Scalapino-Sugar Quanten-Monte-Carlo (BSS-QMC) Algorithmus präsentieren wir eine numerisch exakte Methode, die das Hubbard-Modell und das KLM effizient bei sehr tiefen Temperaturen löst. Diese Methode wird auf den Mott-Übergang im zweidimensionalen Hubbard-Modell angewendet. Im Gegensatz zu früheren Studien können wir einen Mott-Übergang bei endlichen Temperaturen und endlichen Wechselwirkungen klar ausschließen.rnrnAuf der Basis dieses exakten BSS-QMC Algorithmus, haben wir einen Störstellenlöser für die dynamische Molekularfeld Theorie (DMFT) sowie ihre Cluster Erweiterungen (CDMFT) entwickelt. Die DMFT ist die vorherrschende Theorie stark korrelierter Systeme, bei denen übliche Bandstrukturrechnungen versagen. Eine Hauptlimitation ist dabei die Verfügbarkeit effizienter Störstellenlöser für das intrinsische Quantenproblem. Der in dieser Arbeit entwickelte Algorithmus hat das gleiche überlegene Skalierungsverhalten mit der inversen Temperatur wie BSS-QMC. Wir untersuchen den Mott-Übergang im Rahmen der DMFT und analysieren den Einfluss von systematischen Fehlern auf diesen Übergang.rnrnEin weiteres prominentes Thema ist die Vernachlässigung von nicht-lokalen Wechselwirkungen in der DMFT. Hierzu kombinieren wir direkte BSS-QMC Gitterrechnungen mit CDMFT für das halb gefüllte zweidimensionale anisotrope Hubbard Modell, das dotierte Hubbard Modell und das KLM. Die Ergebnisse für die verschiedenen Modelle unterscheiden sich stark: während nicht-lokale Korrelationen eine wichtige Rolle im zweidimensionalen (anisotropen) Modell spielen, ist in der paramagnetischen Phase die Impulsabhängigkeit der Selbstenergie für stark dotierte Systeme und für das KLM deutlich schwächer. Eine bemerkenswerte Erkenntnis ist, dass die Selbstenergie sich durch die nicht-wechselwirkende Dispersion parametrisieren lässt. Die spezielle Struktur der Selbstenergie im Impulsraum kann sehr nützlich für die Klassifizierung von elektronischen Korrelationseffekten sein und öffnet den Weg für die Entwicklung neuer Schemata über die Grenzen der DMFT hinaus.


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Magnetic insulators have proven to be usable as quantum simulators for itinerant interacting quantum systems. In particular the compound (C5H12N)2CuBr4 (for short: (Hpip)2CuBr4) was shown to be a remarkable realization of a Tomonaga–Luttinger liquid (TLL) and allowed us to quantitatively test the TLL theory. Substitution weakly disorders this class of compounds and thus allows us to use them to tackle questions pertaining to the effect of disorder in TLL as well, such as that of the formation of the Bose glass. In this paper we present, as a first step in this direction, a study of the properties of the related (Hpip)2CuCl4 compound. We determine the exchange couplings and compute the temperature and magnetic field dependence of the specific heat, using a finite temperature density matrix renormalization group procedure. Comparison with the measured specific heat at zero magnetic field confirms the exchange parameters and Hamiltonian for the (Hpip)2CuCl4 compound, giving the basis needed to begin studying the disorder effects.


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We develop further the effective fluid theory of stationary branes. This formalism applies to stationary blackfolds as well as to other equilibrium brane systems at finite temperature. The effective theory is described by a Lagrangian containing the information about the elastic dynamics of the brane embedding as well as the hydrodynamics of the effective fluid living on the brane. The Lagrangian is corrected order-by-order in a derivative expansion, where we take into account the dipole moment of the brane which encompasses finite-thickness corrections, including transverse spin. We describe how to extract the thermodynamics from the Lagrangian and we obtain constraints on the higher-derivative terms with one and two derivatives. These constraints follow by comparing the brane thermodynamics with the conserved currents associated with background Killing vector fields. In particular, we fix uniquely the one- and two-derivative terms describing the coupling of the transverse spin to the background space-time. Finally, we apply our formalism to two blackfold examples, the black tori and charged black rings and compare the latter to a numerically generated solution.


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We show that exotic phases arise in generalized lattice gauge theories known as quantum link models in which classical gauge fields are replaced by quantum operators. While these quantum models with discrete variables have a finite-dimensional Hilbert space per link, the continuous gauge symmetry is still exact. An efficient cluster algorithm is used to study these exotic phases. The (2+1)-d system is confining at zero temperature with a spontaneously broken translation symmetry. A crystalline phase exhibits confinement via multi stranded strings between chargeanti-charge pairs. A phase transition between two distinct confined phases is weakly first order and has an emergent spontaneously broken approximate SO(2) global symmetry. The low-energy physics is described by a (2 + 1)-d RP(1) effective field theory, perturbed by a dangerously irrelevant SO(2) breaking operator, which prevents the interpretation of the emergent pseudo-Goldstone boson as a dual photon. This model is an ideal candidate to be implemented in quantum simulators to study phenomena that are not accessible using Monte Carlo simulations such as the real-time evolution of the confining string and the real-time dynamics of the pseudo-Goldstone boson.


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We present an overview of a perturbative-kinetic approach to jet propagation, energy loss, and momentum broadening in a high temperature quark–gluon plasma. The leading-order kinetic equations describe the interactions between energetic jet-particles and a non-abelian plasma, consisting of on-shell thermal excitations and soft gluonic fields. These interactions include ↔ scatterings, collinear bremsstrahlung, and drag and momentum diffusion. We show how the contribution from the soft gluonic fields can be factorized into a set of Wilson line correlators on the light-cone. We review recent field-theoretical developments, rooted in the causal properties of these correlators, which simplify the calculation of the appropriate Wilson lines in thermal field theory. With these simplifications lattice measurements of transverse momentum broadening have become possible, and the kinetic equations describing parton transport have been extended to next-to-leading order in the coupling g.


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In this work, we show how number theoretical problems can be fruitfully approached with the tools of statistical physics. We focus on g-Sidon sets, which describe sequences of integers whose pairwise sums are different, and propose a random decision problem which addresses the probability of a random set of k integers to be g-Sidon. First, we provide numerical evidence showing that there is a crossover between satisfiable and unsatisfiable phases which converts to an abrupt phase transition in a properly defined thermodynamic limit. Initially assuming independence, we then develop a mean-field theory for the g-Sidon decision problem. We further improve the mean-field theory, which is only qualitatively correct, by incorporating deviations from independence, yielding results in good quantitative agreement with the numerics for both finite systems and in the thermodynamic limit. Connections between the generalized birthday problem in probability theory, the number theory of Sidon sets and the properties of q-Potts models in condensed matter physics are briefly discussed


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We propose a general mean field model of ligand-protein interactions to determine the thermodynamic equilibrium of a system at finite temperature. The method is employed in structural assessments of two human immuno-deficiency virus type 1 protease complexes where the gross effects of protein flexibility are incorporated by utilizing a data base of crystal structures. Analysis of the energy spectra for these complexes has revealed that structural and thermo-dynamic aspects of molecular recognition can be rationalized on the basis of the extent of frustration in the binding energy landscape. In particular, the relationship between receptor-specific binding of these ligands to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease and a minimal frustration principle is analyzed.


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We introduce a general class of su(1|1) supersymmetric spin chains with long-range interactions which includes as particular cases the su(1|1) Inozemtsev (elliptic) and Haldane-Shastry chains, as well as the XX model. We show that this class of models can be fermionized with the help of the algebraic properties of the su(1|1) permutation operator and take advantage of this fact to analyze their quantum criticality when a chemical potential term is present in the Hamiltonian. We first study the low-energy excitations and the low-temperature behavior of the free energy, which coincides with that of a (1+1)-dimensional conformal field theory (CFT) with central charge c=1 when the chemical potential lies in the critical interval (0,E(π)), E(p) being the dispersion relation. We also analyze the von Neumann and Rényi ground state entanglement entropies, showing that they exhibit the logarithmic scaling with the size of the block of spins characteristic of a one-boson (1+1)-dimensional CFT. Our results thus show that the models under study are quantum critical when the chemical potential belongs to the critical interval, with central charge c=1. From the analysis of the fermion density at zero temperature, we also conclude that there is a quantum phase transition at both ends of the critical interval. This is further confirmed by the behavior of the fermion density at finite temperature, which is studied analytically (at low temperature), as well as numerically for the su(1|1) elliptic chain.


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The present understanding of the initiation of boudinage and folding structures is based on viscosity contrasts and stress exponents, considering an intrinsically unstable state of the layer. The criterion of localization is believed to be prescribed by geometry-material interactions, which are often encountered in natural structures. An alternative localization phenomenon has been established for ductile materials, in which instability emerges for critical material parameters and loading rates from homogeneous conditions. In this thesis, conditions are sought under which this type of instability prevails and whether localization in geological materials necessarily requires a trigger by geometric imperfections. The relevance of critical deformation conditions, material parameters and the spatial configuration of instabilities are discussed in a geological context. In order to analyze boudinage geometries, a numerical eigenmode analysis is introduced. This method allows determining natural frequencies and wavelengths of a structure and inducing perturbations on these frequencies. In the subsequent coupled thermo-mechanical simulations, using a grain size evolution and end-member flow laws, localization emerges when material softening through grain size sensitive viscous creep sets in. Pinch-and-swell structures evolve along slip lines through a positive feedback between the matrix response and material bifurcations inside the layer, independent from the mesh-discretization length scale. Since boudinage and folding are considered to express the same general instability, both structures should arise independently of the sign of the loading conditions and for identical material parameters. To this end, the link between material to energy instabilities is approached by means of bifurcation analyses of the field equations and finite element simulations of the coupled system of equations. Boudinage and folding structures develop at the same critical energy threshold, where dissipative work by temperature-sensitive creep overcomes the diffusive capacity of the layer. This finding provides basis for a unified theory for strain localization in layered ductile materials. The numerical simulations are compared to natural pinch-and-swell microstructures, tracing the adaption of grain sizes, textures and creep mechanisms in calcite veins. The switch from dislocation to diffusion creep relates to strain-rate weakening, which is induced by dissipated heat from grain size reduction, and marks the onset of continuous necking. The time-dependent sequence uncovers multiple steady states at different time intervals. Microstructurally and mechanically stable conditions are finally expressed in the pinch-and-swell end members. The major outcome of this study is that boudinage and folding can be described as the same coupled energy-mechanical bifurcation, or as one critical energy attractor. This finding allows the derivation of critical deformation conditions and fundamental material parameters directly from localized structures in the field.


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The diagrammatic strong-coupling perturbation theory (SCPT) for correlated electron systems is developed for intersite Coulomb interaction and for a nonorthogonal basis set. The construction is based on iterations of exact closed equations for many - electron Green functions (GFs) for Hubbard operators in terms of functional derivatives with respect to external sources. The graphs, which do not contain the contributions from the fluctuations of the local population numbers of the ion states, play a special role: a one-to-one correspondence is found between the subset of such graphs for the many - electron GFs and the complete set of Feynman graphs of weak-coupling perturbation theory (WCPT) for single-electron GFs. This fact is used for formulation of the approximation of renormalized Fermions (ARF) in which the many-electron quasi-particles behave analogously to normal Fermions. Then, by analyzing: (a) Sham's equation, which connects the self-energy and the exchange- correlation potential in density functional theory (DFT); and (b) the Galitskii and Migdal expressions for the total energy, written within WCPT and within ARF SCPT, a way we suggest a method to improve the description of the systems with correlated electrons within the local density approximation (LDA) to DFT. The formulation, in terms of renormalized Fermions LIDA (RF LDA), is obtained by introducing the spectral weights of the many electron GFs into the definitions of the charge density, the overlap matrices, effective mixing and hopping matrix elements, into existing electronic structure codes, whereas the weights themselves have to be found from an additional set of equations. Compared with LDA+U and self-interaction correction (SIC) methods, RF LDA has the advantage of taking into account the transfer of spectral weights, and, when formulated in terms of GFs, also allows for consideration of excitations and nonzero temperature. Going beyond the ARF SCPT, as well as RF LIDA, and taking into account the fluctuations of ion population numbers would require writing completely new codes for ab initio calculations. The application of RF LDA for ab initio band structure calculations for rare earth metals is presented in part 11 of this study (this issue). (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.