268 resultados para feno de tifton
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The objective of the study was to evaluate the production of two strains of Ganoderma lucidum on agricultural waste and carry out bromatological analyses of the basidiomata obtained from the cultivation. The experiment was carried out at the Mushroom Module at the School of Agronomic Sciences of the São Paulo State University (FCA/UNESP - Botucatu, SP, Brazil) and two strains were used (GLM-09/01 and GLM-10/02) which were cultivated on waste, oat straw, bean straw, brachiaria grass straw, Tifton grass straw and eucalyptus sawdust under two situations: with (20%) and without (0%) supplementation with wheat bran. All the waste was taken from dumps of agricultural activities in Botucatu-SP. Both treatments were carried out in 10 repetitions, totaling 200 packages. The mushrooms cultivation took 90 days. Next, the biological efficiency of the treatments and the bromatological analysis of the basidiomata were evaluated. The biological efficiency (BE) values (%) varied from 0.0 to 6.7%. In the mushroom bromatological analyses, the results ranged from 8.7 to 13.7%, from 2.0 to 6.7%, from 0.83 to 1.79% and from 38.8 to 54.5%, for total protein, ethereal extract, ash and crude fiber, respectively. Thus, we conclude that the substrates which presented the greater yield were the brachiaria straw, 20% in both strains tested (GLM-09/01 and GLM-10/02) and the bean straw, 20% in the strain GLM-10/02. The mushrooms showed high levels of ethereal extract, fibers and ashes and a low level of proteins.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The main objective of the present work was to study nutritive strategies for lessening the CH4 formation associated to ruminant tropical diets. In vitro gas production technique was used for evaluating the effect of tannin-rich plants, essential oils, and biodiesel co-products on CH4 formation in three individual studies and a small chamber system to measure CH4 released by sheep for in vivo studies was developed. Microbial rumen population diversity from in vitro assays was studied using qPCR. In vitro studies with tanniniferous plants, herbal plant essential oils derived from thyme, fennel, ginger, black seed, and Eucalyptus oil (EuO) added to the basal diet and cakes of oleaginous plants (cotton, palm, castor plant, turnip, and lupine), which were included in the basal diet to replace soybean meal, presented significant differences regarding fermentation gas production and CH4 formation. In vivo assays were performed according to the results of the in vitro assays. , when supplemented to a basal diet (Tifton-85 hay sp, corn grain, soybean meal, cotton seed meal, and mineral mixture) fed to adult Santa Ines sheep reduced enteric CH4 emission but the supplementation of the basal diet with EuO did not affect ( > 0.05) methane released. Regarding the microbial studies of rumen population diversity using qPCR with DNA samples collected from the in vitro trials, the results showed shifts in microbial communities of the tannin-rich plants in relation to control plant. This research demonstrated that tannin-rich , essential oil from eucalyptus, and biodiesel co-products either in vitro or in vivo assays showed potential to mitigate CH4 emission in ruminants. The microbial community study suggested that the reduction in CH4 production may be attributed to a decrease in fermentable substrate rather than to a direct effect on methanogenesis.
Two experiments in vitro were conducted to evaluate four Egyptian forage legume browses, i.e., leaves of prosopis (Prosopis juliflora), acacia (Acacia saligna), atriplex (A triplex halimus), and leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala), in comparison with Tifton (Cynodon sp.) grass hay for their gas production, methanogenic potential, and ruminal fermentation using a semi-automatic system for gas production (first experiment) and for ruminal and post ruminal protein degradability (second experiment). Acacia and leucaena showed pronounced methane inhibition compared with Tifton, while prosopis and leucaena decreased the acetate:propionate ratio (P<0.01). Acacia and leucaena presented a lower (P<0.01) ruminal NH3-N concentration associated with the decreasing (P<0.01) ruminal protein degradability. Leucaena, however, showed higher (P<0.01) intestinal protein digestibility than acacia. This study suggests that the potential methanogenic properties of leguminous browses may be related not only to tannin content, but also to other factors.
BACKGROUND: Cellulose and hemicellulose are quantitatively the most important structural carbohydrates present in ruminant diets. Rumen micro-organisms produce enzymes that catalyse their hydrolysis, but the complex network formed by structural carbohydrates and lignin reduces their digestibility and restricts efficient utilisation of feeds by ruminants. This study aimed to produce two enzymatic extracts, apply them in ruminant diets to determine the best levels for ruminal digestibility and evaluate their effects on in vitro digestibility. RESULTS: In experiment 1 a two-stage in vitro technique was used to examine the effects of different enzymatic levels of Aspergillus japonicus and Aspergillus terricola on tropical forages. Enzyme addition had minor effects on corn silage at the highest enzymatic level. In experiment 2 an in vitro gas production (GP) technique was applied to determine apparent in vitro organic matter digestibility and metabolisable energy. The addition of enzymes in GP showed interesting results. Good data were obtained using sugar cane and Tifton-85 hay supplemented with extracts of A. japonicus and A. terricola respectively. CONCLUSION: Overall, the study suggests that addition of crude extracts containing exogenous fibrolytic enzymes to ruminant diets enhances the effective utilisation of ruminant feedstuffs such as forages. Copyright (c) 2012 Society of Chemical Industry
Four castrated crossbred horses were used in a randomized block design to study the use of indigestible internal markers iNDF and iADF obtained in situ (from bovines) or in vivo (from equines). Treatments consisted of determining digestibility by the direct method comprising total feces collection (TC) and by the indirect method comprising internal markers iNDF and iADF obtained by in situ incubation in bovine rumen or in vivo by the mobile nylon bag (MNB) technique with horses. iNDF-IV and iADF-IV resulted in better marker recovery rate (RR) (91.50%), similar to TC. The in situ technique resulted in lower RR values for the two indigestible markers, averaging 86.50% (p < 0.05). Estimates of the nutrient coefficient of digestibility (CD) were adequately predicted by iADF-IV, for horses fed on hay exclusively, with rates 46.41, 48.16, 47.92 and 45.51% for dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), FDN and gross energy, respectively. Results show that MNB may be used to obtain iADF in horses fed on coast-cross hay exclusively, whereas NDFi and ADFi were selected for horses fed on mixed diets to predict the coefficient of nutrient digestibility.
Fluctuation phenotyping based on daily fraction of exhaled nitric oxide values in asthmatic children
Fraction of exhaled nitric oxide (Feno), a marker of airway inflammation, has been proposed to be useful for asthma management, but conclusions are inconsistent. This might be due to the failure of mean statistics to characterize individual variability in Feno values, which is possibly a better indicator of asthma control than single measurements.
Prediction of asthma in young children with respiratory symptoms is hampered by the lack of objective measures applicable in clinical routine. In this prospective study in a preschool children cohort, we assessed whether the fraction of exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO), a biomarker of airway inflammation, is associated with asthma at school age.
BACKGROUND: Exhaled nitric oxide (FENO) is a marker for allergic airway inflammation. We wondered whether in patients with intermittent allergic rhinitis only (i) natural pollen exposure and (ii) artificial pollen exposure by repeated nasal allergen provocations may lead to an elevation of FENO. METHODS: In two prospective studies, we compared the FENO of nonatopic controls with the FENO of nonasthmatic individuals with mild intermittent rhinitis to tree and/or grass pollen. Study I: 13 atopic individuals and seven controls had measurements of FENO, blood eosinophils and eosinophilic cationic protein (ECP) before, during and after pollen season. Study II: 16 atopic individuals and 12 controls had nasal allergen provocations on four following days out of pollen season, with daily measurements of FENO before, 2 and 6 h after provocation, and determination of blood eosinophils, ECP and FEV1 at baseline, on days 5 and 10-12. RESULTS: Natural pollen exposure (study I) caused a significant elevation of FENO in allergic individuals. Nasal allergen provocations (study II) did not elicit a statistically significant rise neither of FENO nor of blood eosinophils between baseline and day 5. However, a subgroup of four individuals with a rise of blood eosinophils during nasal allergen provocations showed also a rise of FENO. CONCLUSIONS: We suppose that in allergic rhinitis a concomitant reaction of the bronchial system is dependent on a strong local inflammation leading to a generalized immune stimulation.
BACKGROUND Fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FENO), a non-invasive marker of eosinophilic airway inflammation, is increasingly used for diagnostic and therapeutic decisions in adult and paediatric asthma. Standardized guidelines for the measurement of FENO recommend performing FENO measurements before rather than after bronchial provocation tests. OBJECTIVE To investigate whether FENO levels decrease after a Mannitol dry powder (MDP) challenge in a clinical setting, and whether the extent of the decrease is influenced by number of MDP manoeuvres, baseline FENO, atopy and doctor diagnosed asthma. METHODS Children aged 6-16 years, referred for possible reactive airway disease to a respiratory outpatient clinic, performed an MDP challenge (Aridol®, Pharmaxis, Australia). FENO was measured in doublets immediately before and after the challenge test using the portable NIOX MINO® device (Aerocrine, Stockholm, Sweden). We analysed the data using Kruskal-Wallis rank tests, Wilcoxon signed rank tests and multivariable linear regressions. RESULTS One hundred and seven children completed both tests (mean±SD age 11.5±2.8 years). Overall, median (interquartile range) FENO decreased slightly by -2.5 ppb (-7.0, -0.5), from 18.5 ppb (10.5, 45.5) before the MDP challenge to 16.5 ppb thereafter (8.5, 40.5; p<0.001). In all participants, the change in FENO was smaller than one standard deviation of the baseline mean. The % fall in FENO was smaller in children with less MDP manoeuvres (e.g. higher bronchial responsiveness; p = 0.08) but was not influenced by levels of baseline FENO (p = 0.68), atopy (p = 0.84) or doctor diagnosed asthma (p = 0.93). CONCLUSION MDP challenge test influences FENO values but differences are small and clinically barely relevant.
UNLABELLED Altered arterial stiffness is a recognized risk factor of poor cardiovascular health. Chronic inflammation may increase arterial stiffness. We tested whether arterial stiffness is increased children with asthma, a chronic disease characterized by fluctuating airway and systemic inflammation. Arterial stiffness, expressed as carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (PWVcf), was measured in 37 mild-to-moderate asthmatic children: 11 girls, median (range) age 11.1 years (6-15). PWVcf in asthma was compared to PWVcf in 65 healthy controls matched for age, height, and gender previously studied in Germany and was correlated with airway inflammation and obstruction. PWVcf was higher in asthmatic children compared to controls: PWVcf median (interquartile range) was 4.7 m/s (4.5-4.9) vs. 4.3 m/s (4.1-4.7), p < 0.0001. In asthmatic children, PWVcf was inversely associated (r (2) = 0.20, p = 0.004) with forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1). This association remained significant after adjusting for possible confounders including body mass index, blood pressure, steroid use, and FeNO. CONCLUSION Arterial stiffness is increased in children with mild-to-moderate asthma. The association between impaired lung function and increased arterial stiffness suggests that severity of disease translates into detrimental effects on the cardiovascular system.
Introdução: O fenótipo asma-obeso caracteriza-se por uma asma mais grave, no qual o controle clínico é mais difícil de ser alcançado, mesmo sob terapia medicamentosa otimizada. A cirurgia bariátrica tem sido recomendada para perda de peso e melhora dos sintomas, porém os benefícios de intervenções não-cirúrgicas têm sido pouco estudados. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito do treinamento físico associado a um programa de perda de peso no controle clínico da asma, qualidade de vida e sintomas psicossociais em asmáticos obesos. Métodos: 55 pacientes com asma moderada a grave e obesidade grau II (IMC >= 35 e < 39.9 kg/m2) foram alocados em 2 grupos: programa de perda de peso + placebo (PP+P) ou programa de perda de peso + exercícios (PP+E), sendo que o programa de perda de peso incluiu terapia nutricional e psicológica (12 sessões semanais de 60 minutos cada). O grupo PP+E associou exercícios aeróbios e resistidos programa de perda de peso, enquanto o grupo PP+P associou exercícios placebo (respiratórios e alongamentos), 2xvezes/semana, 60 minutos/sessão durante 3 meses. Antes e após as intervenções, foram avaliados o controle clínico da asma, os fatores de saúde relacionados a qualidade de vida (FSRQV), a capacidade física, a composição corporal, os sintomas de ansiedade e depressão, a qualidade do sono, a função pulmonar e as inflamações das vias aéreas e sistêmica. A comparação dos dados contínuos entre os grupos foi realizada por ANOVA de dois fatores com medidas repetidas e das variáveis categóricas pelo teste qui-quadrado. A correlação linear e a regressão linear múltipla foram utilizadas para avaliar associações entre as variáveis avaliadas. Resultados: Foram analisados os resultados de 51 pacientes que foram reavaliados. Comparado com o grupo PP+P, os pacientes que realizaram exercício apresentaram melhora no controle clínico da asma (- 0,7 [-1,3 - -0,3] vs. -0,3 [-0,9 - 0,4] escore ACQ; p=0,01) e nos FSRQV (0,8 [0,3 -2,0] vs. 0,4 [-0,3 - 0,9] escore AQLQ; p=0,02), respectivamente. Essa melhora parece ter sido consequência do aumento do condicionamento físico (3,0 [2,4-4,0] vs. 0,9 [-0,3-1,3] mL.O2/Kg/min; p < 0,001) e da perda de peso (6,8±3,5% vs. 3,1±2,6% do peso corpóreo; p < 0,001) nos pacientes do grupo PP+E, que também apresentaram uma melhora dos sintomas de depressão, da qualidade do sono (ronco, latência e eficiência) e dos níveis séricos de vitamina D. Houve também melhora da função pulmonar (capacidade vital forçada e volume de reserva expiratório) e das inflamações das vias aéreas (FeNO) e sistêmica (CCL2, CXCL9, IL-4, IL-6, TNF-alfa, IL-10 e leptina/adiponectina), que parecem ser possíveis mecanismos associados à melhora do controle clinico da asma nos pacientes do grupo PP+E (p < 0,05 para todas variáveis apresentadas). Conclusão: A inclusão do treinamento físico em um programa de perda de peso a curto prazo deve ser considerada como uma intervenção eficiente para associar à terapia medicamentosa da asma na melhora do controle clínico em asmáticos obesos
El título de este trabajo sugiere que su texto fue preparado para que pudiera servir de ayuda al profesor novel. De hecho puede ser útil a quien quiera que se dedique a la profesión docente. El fenómeno fundamental que tiene lugar en las aulas es la adquisición de conocimientos por parte del alumno. El verbo que denota esta actividad se representa con la palabra aprender. La contribución del profesor consiste en conseguir que se aprenda de una forma selectiva, con “gusto” y eficacia. Se han de aprender unas cosas y no otras, se ha disfrutar de lo que se hace y no se ha de perder tiempo. Aunque la única actividad realmente importante es el aprender de los alumnos, los que hablan del asunto, que son los que saben hablar, como profesores, pedagogos, administradores y políticos, casi siempre han examinado el proceso desde su óptica y la denominan enseñar. Así, al proceso que tiene lugar lo llaman enseñanza. Este punto de vista es tan acentuado que ni siquiera existe la palabra aprendanza y ya va siendo hora que alguien la invente. La palabra aprendizaje se usa cuando lo que se aprende es una acción como leer, escribir, correr, nadar, etc. En este trabajo el lector puede encontrar 70 consejos que pueden servir de ayuda al novel profesor en su labor de dirigir la aprendanza de sus alumnos, contando con un bagaje algo más amplio que la simple intuición. En el ejercicio de la docencia todos nos hemos encontrado en situaciones apuradas. Para salir de ellas hemos tenido que optar por utilizar métodos más allá del dominio de la materia. En este trabajo se ofrecen algunos ejemplos de estos métodos que pueden ser utilizados con ventaja. Hay más. Confío que figurarán en sucesivas ediciones. Cada lector tendrá que decidir cuales son los más adecuados a su situación. A lo largo de los 70 consejos existe un talante inspirador. Algo así como si los autores siguieran un meta-consejo que les guíara y se reflejara en todas partes, sin deletrearse en ninguna. Me voy a tomar la libertad de hacerlo yo, sin su permiso. Consejo 0.1 Enamórate de tu profesión. Es preciosa. No hay espectáculo más fabuloso que ver como la mente de un alumno se va abriendo como una flor en primavera y es una gozada saberse parte del proceso. José Miró Nicolau Palma de Mallorca, Junio de 2005.
Growing evidence suggest the importance of different environments in promoting the pathogenesis and/or exacerbation of asthma. Indoor air pollution is a major contributor to human exposure, since people spend up to 90% of their day indoors. Apart from active smoking, indoor pollution is considered one of the major preventable risk factors of chronic respiratory diseases. The professional activity can also be dangerous because it exposes the subject to environments that can promote the onset of asthma or worsening of the latter in those already affected. Even bad habits such as incorrect diet, lead to more difficulty in controlling their disease. However asthma is a multifactorial disease in nature so it is not easy to distinguish the role of occupational exposure, pollution and normal habits such as smoking, nutrition, sports, etc. This retrospective study was conducted on a sample of asthma patients residing in the metropolitan area of Parma. 116 patients were selected among those who are followed up at least two years at the Asthma outpatient Clinic of Parma University Hospital. The sample in question is therefore closely controlled and monitored; it comes to patients who are well educated on the control of their disease, are able to take appropriate measures to minimize the symptomatology. With this tight approach is proposed to minimize the effect of confounding and then traced with greater certainty the possible cause of the failure to control the disease. For this purpose, each patient was subjected to regular checkups; we took as a reference the period of time between April and October 2015. During each visit, in addition to general data for each patient, we were collected personal information about their habits and way of life through a validated questionnaire delivered and completed by the patient during the visit in the presence of the permanent staff. The questionnaire covers mainly the qualification of the patient, its possible occupational exposure, his home, with information about nearby traffic, time spent outside, physical activity (place and time), exposure to chemicals, exposure to various fumes (fireplace or stove) and cigarette smoke, comorbidities and any drugs taken during the visits considered. Regarding the respiratory conditions of patients during every examination we were considered: Asthma Control Test (a test performed by patients to assess the state of the disease during the month preceding the test), the measurement of exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) as an index of airways inflammation, measuring the resistance level of small airways (R5-R20) and some spirometric values observed in experiment; in particular the forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV 1), FEV1/FVC ratio, forced expiratory flow rate over the middle 50% of the FVC (FEF25–75) and FEF25-75/FVC were recorded. The sample has been studied considering both the changes of the respiratory parameters for every patient in their examinations, and the respiratory parameters of all the examinations took as a whole in relation with the variables considered. From the results obtained, the patients are clinically stable; their adopted lifestyle and the exposure to possible sources of outdoor pollution, seems not affect the overall control of their disease. Some findings of our study are of interest. First, the subjects who carry a steroid therapy show a clinical worst, as revealed by the decrease of most spirometric indices, particularly FEF25, FEF75, FEF25-75 and R5-R20; also, the presence of comorbidities and the subsequent intake of other drugs, in addition to normal therapy for asthma, seem to be conditions associated with poorer performance in the functional respiratory parameters in particular FEV1/FVC, FEF75 and FEF25-75. Spirometric indexes that are down are mainly those related to obstruction imposed on small airways; this suggests a neglect to the latter on the contrary should be further explored and treated accordingly. It is also observed that both patients are overweight than those living on the lower floors and/or who have the most windows exposed to traffic, showed a decrease of pulmonary function, especially those relate to an obstruction at the small airways level. In conclusion, our results provided the evidence that a most appropriate therapy, specific to reach the small airways, associated with a healthy lifestyle, can help improve the management of asthma.