352 resultados para expo


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Several one-dimensional design methods have been used to predict the off-design performance of three modern centrifugal compressors for automotive turbocharging. The three methods used are single-zone, two-zone, and a more recent statistical method. The predicted results from each method are compared against empirical data taken from standard hot gas stand tests for each turbocharger. Each of the automotive turbochargers considered in this study have notably different geometries and are of varying application. Due to the non-adiabatic test conditions, the empirical data has been corrected for the effect of heat transfer to ensure comparability with the 1D models. Each method is evaluated for usability and accuracy in both pressure ratio and efficiency prediction. The paper presents an insight into the limitations of each of these models when applied to one-dimensional automotive turbocharger design, and proposes that a corrected single-zone modelling approach has the greatest potential for further development, whilst the statistical method could be immediately introduced to a design process where design variations are limited.


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Off-design performance now plays a vital role in the design decisions made for automotive turbocharger turbines. Of particular interest is extracting more energy at high pressure ratios and lower rotational speeds. In this region of operation the U/C value will be low and the rotor will experience high values of positive incidence at the inlet. The positive incidence causes flow to separate on the suction surface and produces high blade loading at inlet, which drives tip leakage. A CFD analysis has been carried out on a number of automotive turbines utilizing non-radial fibred blading. To help improve secondary flows yet meet stress requirements a number of designs have been investigated. The inlet blade angle has been modified in a number of ways. Firstly, the blading has been adjusted as to provide a constant back swept angle in the span wise direction. Using the results of the constant back swept blading studies, the back swept blade angle was then varied in the span wise direction. In addition to this, in an attempt to avoid an increase in stress, the effect of varying the leading edge profile of the blade was investigated. It has been seen that off-design performance is improved by implementing back swept blading at the inlet. Varying the inlet angle in the span wise direction provided more freedom for meeting stress requirements and reduces the negative impact on blade performance at the design point. The blade leading edge profile was seen to offer small improvements during off-design operation with minimal effects on stress within the rotor. However, due to the more pointed nature of the leading edge, the rotor was less tolerant to flow misalignment at the design point.


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Turbogenerating is a form of turbocompounding whereby a Turbogenerator is placed in the exhaust stream of an internal combustion engine. The Turbogenerator converts a portion of the expelled energy in the exhaust gas into electricity which can then be used to supplement the crankshaft power. Previous investigations have shown how the addition of a Turbogenerator can increase the system efficiency by up to 9%. However, these investigations pertain to the engine system operating at one fixed engine speed. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how the system and in particular the Turbogenerator operate during engine speed transients. On turbocharged engines, turbocharger lag is an issue. With the addition of a Turbogenerator, these issues can be somewhat alleviated. This is done by altering the speed at which the Turbogenerator operates during the engine’s speed transient. During the transients, the Turbogenerator can be thought to act in a similar manner to a variable geometry turbine where its speed can cause a change in the turbocharger turbine’s pressure ratio. This paper shows that by adding a Turbogenerator to a turbocharged engine the transient performance can be enhanced. This enhancement is shown by comparing the turbogenerated engine to a similar turbocharged engine. When comparing the two engines, it can be seen that the addition of a Turbogenerator can reduce the time taken to reach full power by up to 7% whilst at the same time, improve overall efficiency by 7.1% during the engine speed transient.


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Conventionally, radial turbines have almost exclusively used radially fibred blades. While issues of mechanical integrity are paramount, there may be opportunities for improving turbine efficiency through a 3D blade design without exceeding mechanical limits. Off-design performance and understanding of the secondary flow structures now plays a vital role in the design decisions made for automotive turbocharger turbines. Of particular interest is extracting more energy at high pressure ratios and lower rotational speeds. Operating in this region means the rotor will experience high values of positive incidence at the inlet. A CFD analysis has been carried out on a scaled automotive turbine utilizing a swing vane stator system. To date no open literature exists on the flow structures present in a standard VGT system. Investigations were carried out on a 90 mm diameter rotor with the stator vane at the maximum, minimum and 25% mass flow rate positions. In addition stator vane endwall clearance existed at the hub side. From investigation of the internal flow fields of the baseline rotor, a number of areas that could be optimized in the future with three dimensional blading were identified. The blade loading and tip leakage flow near inlet play a significant role in the flow development further downstream at all stator vane positions. It was found that tip leakage flow and flow separation at off-design conditions could be reduced by employing back swept blading and redistributing the blade loading. This could potentially reduce the extent of the secondary flow structures found in the present study.


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This paper describes an investigation of various shroud bleed slot configurations of a centrifugal compressor using CFD with a manual multi-block structured grid generation method. The compressor under investigation is used in a turbocharger application for a heavy duty diesel engine of approximately 400hp. The baseline numerical model has been developed and validated against experimental performance measurements. The influence of the bleed slot flow field on a range of operating conditions between surge and choke has been analysed in detail. The impact of the returning bleed flow on the incidence at the impeller blade leading edge due to its mixing with the main through-flow has also been studied. From the baseline geometry, a number of modifications to the bleed slot width have been proposed, and a detailed comparison of the flow characteristics performed. The impact of slot variations on the inlet incidence angle has been investigated, highlighting the improvement in surge and choked flow capability. Along with this, the influence of the bleed slot on stabilizing the blade passage flow by the suction of the tip and over-tip vortex flow by the slot has been considered near surge.


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After the development of a new single-zone meanline modelling technique, benchmarking of the technique and the modelling methods used during its development are presented. The new meanline model had been developed using the results of three automotive turbocharger centrifugal compressors, and single passage CFD models based on their geometry.

The target of the current study was to test the new meanline modelling method on two new centrifugal compressor stages, again from the automotive turbocharger variety. Furthermore the single passage CFD modelling method used in the previous study would be again employed here and also benchmarked.

The benchmarking was twofold; firstly test the overall performance prediction accuracy of the single-zone meanline model. Secondly, test the detailed performance estimation of the CFD model using detailed interstage static pressure tappings.

The final component of this study exposed the weaknesses in the current modelling methods used (explicitly during this study). The non-axisymmetric flow field at the leading and trailing edges for the two compressors was measured and is presented here for the complete compressor map, highlighting the distortion relative to the tongue.


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An evaluation of existing 1-D vaneless diffuser design tools in the context of improving the off-design performance prediction of automotive turbocharger centrifugal compressors is described. A combination of extensive gas stand test data and single passage CFD simulations have been employed in order to permit evaluation of the different methods, allowing conclusions about the relative benefits and deficiencies of each of the different approaches to be determined. The vaneless diffuser itself has been isolated from the incumbent limitations in the accuracy of 1-D impeller modelling tools through development of a method to fully specify impeller exit conditions (in terms of mean quantities) using only standard test stand data with additional interstage static pressure measurements at the entrance to the diffuser. This method allowed a direct comparison between the test data and 1-D methods through sharing common inputs, thus achieving the aim of diffuser isolation.

Crucial to the accuracy of determining the performance of each of the vaneless diffuser configurations was the ability to quantify the presence and extent of the spanwise aerodynamic blockage present at the diffuser inlet section. A method to evaluate this critical parameter using CFD data is described herein, along with a correlation for blockage related to a new diffuser inlet flow parameter ⚡, equal to the quotient of the local flow coefficient and impeller tip speed Mach number. The resulting correlation permitted the variation of blockage with operating condition to be captured.


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Dissertação mest., Gestão Empresarial, Universidade do Algarve, 2008


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Motion compensated frame interpolation (MCFI) is one of the most efficient solutions to generate side information (SI) in the context of distributed video coding. However, it creates SI with rather significant motion compensated errors for some frame regions while rather small for some other regions depending on the video content. In this paper, a low complexity Infra mode selection algorithm is proposed to select the most 'critical' blocks in the WZ frame and help the decoder with some reliable data for those blocks. For each block, the novel coding mode selection algorithm estimates the encoding rate for the Intra based and WZ coding modes and determines the best coding mode while maintaining a low encoder complexity. The proposed solution is evaluated in terms of rate-distortion performance with improvements up to 1.2 dB regarding a WZ coding mode only solution.


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Relatório de Estágio submetido à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro – Especialização em Interpretação.


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The 8-foot tall Concordia statue made of bronze was unveiled in July of 1969. It was created by Canadian sculptress Eza Mayhew and weighs over 2500 lbs. Originally commissioned for Expo 67, it was later donated to Brock by Seagram's Distilling Company. The statue was placed just southeast of the Brock Tower, and still stands there today - between the Thistle Complex, Taro Hall, and Mackenzie Chown A Block. View facing northwest.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Cette thèse fait la lumière sur les différentes manières dont, historiquement, a été perçu, conçu et vécu le territoire, à travers l’expérience et l’essor de la mobilité. Cette étude montre le rôle crucial de l’automobilité dans le développement touristique du Québec et de l’Ontario et les manières dont elle a façonné certains de leurs territoires. La thèse reconstitue ces processus en examinant les différentes mesures adoptées pour mettre en tourisme ces territoires et les transformer sur le plan matériel comme symbolique, entre 1920 et 1967. Elle répond à la question suivante : en quoi et comment la mobilité associée à l’automobile transforme et crée les territoires touristiques? La période étudiée s’ouvre au moment où débute l’intervention gouvernementale en matière de tourisme et s’amorce l’aménagement d’infrastructures favorisant une plus grande automobilité. Elle se clôt sur les célébrations entourant le Centenaire du Canada et la tenue de l’Expo 1967 à Montréal, qui donnent lieu à un aménagement intense du territoire afin d’accommoder un nombre sans précédent de touristes motorisés en provenance des autres provinces canadiennes et des États-Unis. La thèse reconstitue d’abord le processus de mise en tourisme des territoires par la conception, la construction et la promotion du système routier, l’élaboration d’itinéraires et de circuits touristiques et le développement d’outils accompagnant le touriste dans sa mobilité. L’embellissement en tant qu’élément structurant de la transformation des territoires est ensuite examiné. Enfin, la publicité, les récits et les pratiques touristiques sont étudiés de manière détaillée afin d’identifier les mécanismes par lesquels se construisent les représentations des territoires par l’apport de différents acteurs. Cette thèse révèle ainsi les liens étroits et complexes qui se développent à partir des années 1920 entre l’automobilité, le tourisme et la modification des territoires. Elle contribue à mettre au jour l’historicité de certains réflexes et orientations qui ont encore cours dans l’industrie touristique canadienne soit ceux d’aborder son développement en fonction de l’accessibilité du territoire à l’automobile et du regard à travers le pare-brise. En montrant le rôle du système automobile dans l’expérience touristique, l’étude ajoute un élément nouveau à la compréhension de la démocratisation des loisirs. Souvent expliquée par la hausse du niveau de vie, du temps libre et de la généralisation des congés payés, cette démocratisation se trouve aussi favorisée par l’accessibilité à l’automobile qui, à son tour, rend accessible des territoires de plus en plus éloignés à des fins de loisirs. La dimension récréative de l’automobile permet d’expliquer son adoption rapide par les Nord-Américains et les Canadiens ainsi que la dépendance qu’ils ont progressivement développée à son égard.


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En l’espace d’une décennie, Montréal s’est durablement transformée. Du milieu des années 1950, où elle représente une ville développée certes, mais dépourvue d'autoroutes, à 1967, année de l’Exposition universelle, la métropole du Québec confirme son choix du tout-à-l’automobile. Le développement autoroutier qu’elle réalise à cette époque doit alors être en mesure de répondre aux besoins de la société à court comme à long terme. Ce réseau perdure toujours de nos jours. Nous souhaitons décomposer la trame de cette période mouvementée afin de comprendre comment Montréal a pu adopter cette orientation aussi rapidement. Il est question d’aborder les éléments ayant permis de centraliser le thème de la circulation à Montréal. La réponse des autorités et la volonté de planifier la ville à long terme nous conduisent ensuite à une réalisation accélérée d’un réseau autoroutier métropolitain d’envergure dont l’échangeur Turcot représente l’aboutissement en 1967. Cette étude permet de mieux examiner l’histoire de ce projet autoroutier majeur qui a constitué un des symboles forts de la modernisation de Montréal et du Québec. L’échangeur Turcot construit dans les années 1960 est le fruit d’une conjoncture particulière, correspondant à des besoins et des attentes tout autre que ceux qui prévalent actuellement. Nous concluons ainsi en nous questionnant sur la construction actuelle du nouvel échangeur Turcot, et en affirmant qu’elle ne correspond peut-être pas aux besoins d’une métropole du XXIe siècle.


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Prevalence of faecal coliform bacteria and the survival of Escherichia coli, Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Salmonella paratyphi were studied in the water and sediment from Vembanadu Lake in the presence and absence of protozoan predators. The density of faecal coliform bacteria ranged between mean MPN value 5080–9000/100 ml in water and 110,000–988,000/1 g in sediment (p <0.01), which was 110 times greater than in overlying water. The laboratory microcosm studies revealed that E. coli, V. parahaemolyticus and S. paratyphi showed significantly higher survival (p <0.05) potential in sediment than in overlying water both in the presence and absence of protozoan predators. The results indicate that Vembanadu Lake sediment constitutes a reservoir of pathogenic bacteria and exhibits potential health hazard from possible resuspension and subsequent ingestion during recreational activities. Therefore, assessment of bacterial concentration in freshwater lake sediments used for contact and non-contact recreation is of considerable significance for the proper assessment of microbial pollution of the overlying water and the management and protection of related health risk at specific recreational sites. In addition, assessment of the bacterial concentration in sediments can be used as a relatively stable indicator of long-term mean bacterial concentration in the water column above.