966 resultados para event-related potentials (ERPs)


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Recent research on affective processing has suggested that low spatial frequency information of fearful faces provide rapid emotional cues to the amygdala, whereas high spatial frequencies convey fine-grained information to the fusiform gyrus, regardless of emotional expression. In the present experiment, we examined the effects of low (LSF, <15 cycles/image width) and high spatial frequency filtering (HSF, >25 cycles/image width) on brain processing of complex pictures depicting pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral scenes. Event-related potentials (ERP), percentage of recognized stimuli and response times were recorded in 19 healthy volunteers. Behavioral results indicated faster reaction times in response to unpleasant LSF than to unpleasant HSF pictures. Unpleasant LSF pictures and pleasant unfiltered pictures also elicited significant enhancements of P1 amplitudes at occipital electrodes as compared to neutral LSF and unfiltered pictures, respectively; whereas no significant effects of affective modulation were found for HSF pictures. Moreover, mean ERP amplitudes in the time between 200 and 500ms post-stimulus were significantly greater for affective (pleasant and unpleasant) than for neutral unfiltered pictures; whereas no significant affective modulation was found for HSF or LSF pictures at those latencies. The fact that affective LSF pictures elicited an enhancement of brain responses at early, but not at later latencies, suggests the existence of a rapid and preattentive neural mechanism for the processing of motivationally relevant stimuli, which could be driven by LSF cues. Our findings confirm thus previous results showing differences on brain processing of affective LSF and HSF faces, and extend these results to more complex and social affective pictures.


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Eye-tracking was used to examine how younger and older adults use syntactic and semantic information to disambiguate noun/verb (NV) homographs (e.g., park). We find that young adults exhibit inflated first fixations to NV-homographs when only syntactic cues are available for disambiguation (i.e., in syntactic prose). This effect is eliminated with the addition of disambiguating semantic information. Older adults (60+) as a group fail to show the first fixation effect in syntactic prose; they instead reread NV homographs longer. This pattern mirrors that in prior event-related potential work (Lee & Federmeier, 2009, 2011), which reported a sustained frontal negativity to NV-homographs in syntactic prose for young adults, which was eliminated by semantic constraints. The frontal negativity was not observed in older adults as a group, although older adults with high verbal fluency showed the young-like pattern. Analyses of individual differences in eye-tracking patterns revealed a similar effect of verbal fluency in both young and older adults: high verbal fluency groups of both ages show larger first fixation effects, while low verbal fluency groups show larger downstream costs (rereading and/or refixating NV homographs). Jointly, the eye-tracking and ERP data suggest that effortful meaning selection recruits frontal brain areas important for suppressing contextually inappropriate meanings, which also slows eye movements. Efficacy of fronto-temporal circuitry, as captured by verbal fluency, predicts the success of engaging these mechanisms in both young and older adults. Failure to recruit these processes requires compensatory rereading or leads to comprehension failures (Lee & Federmeier, in press).


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Le traitement des émotions joue un rôle essentiel dans les relations interpersonnelles. Des déficits dans la reconnaissance des émotions évoquées par les expressions faciales et vocales ont été démontrés à la suite d’un traumatisme craniocérébral (TCC). Toutefois, la majorité des études n’ont pas différencié les participants selon le niveau de gravité du TCC et n’ont pas évalué certains préalables essentiels au traitement émotionnel, tels que la capacité à percevoir les caractéristiques faciales et vocales, et par le fait même, la capacité à y porter attention. Aucune étude ne s’est intéressée au traitement des émotions évoquées par les expressions musicales, alors que la musique est utilisée comme méthode d’intervention afin de répondre à des besoins de prise en charge comportementale, cognitive ou affective chez des personnes présentant des atteintes neurologiques. Ainsi, on ignore si les effets positifs de l’intervention musicale sont basés sur la préservation de la reconnaissance de certaines catégories d’émotions évoquées par les expressions musicales à la suite d’un TCC. La première étude de cette thèse a évalué la reconnaissance des émotions de base (joie, tristesse, peur) évoquées par les expressions faciales, vocales et musicales chez quarante et un adultes (10 TCC modéré-sévère, 9 TCC léger complexe, 11 TCC léger simple et 11 témoins), à partir de tâches expérimentales et de tâches perceptuelles contrôles. Les résultats suggèrent un déficit de la reconnaissance de la peur évoquée par les expressions faciales à la suite d’un TCC modéré-sévère et d’un TCC léger complexe, comparativement aux personnes avec un TCC léger simple et sans TCC. Le déficit n’est pas expliqué par un trouble perceptuel sous-jacent. Les résultats montrent de plus une préservation de la reconnaissance des émotions évoquées par les expressions vocales et musicales à la suite d’un TCC, indépendamment du niveau de gravité. Enfin, malgré une dissociation observée entre les performances aux tâches de reconnaissance des émotions évoquées par les modalités visuelle et auditive, aucune corrélation n’a été trouvée entre les expressions vocales et musicales. La deuxième étude a mesuré les ondes cérébrales précoces (N1, N170) et plus tardives (N2) de vingt-cinq adultes (10 TCC léger simple, 1 TCC léger complexe, 3 TCC modéré-sévère et 11 témoins), pendant la présentation d’expressions faciales évoquant la peur, la neutralité et la joie. Les résultats suggèrent des altérations dans le traitement attentionnel précoce à la suite d’un TCC, qui amenuisent le traitement ultérieur de la peur évoquée par les expressions faciales. En somme, les conclusions de cette thèse affinent notre compréhension du traitement des émotions évoquées par les expressions faciales, vocales et musicales à la suite d’un TCC selon le niveau de gravité. Les résultats permettent également de mieux saisir les origines des déficits du traitement des émotions évoquées par les expressions faciales à la suite d’un TCC, lesquels semblent secondaires à des altérations attentionnelles précoces. Cette thèse pourrait contribuer au développement éventuel d’interventions axées sur les émotions à la suite d’un TCC.


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Salient stimuli, like sudden changes in the environment or emotional stimuli, generate a priority signal that captures attention even if they are task-irrelevant. However, to achieve goal-driven behavior, we need to ignore them and to avoid being distracted. It is generally agreed that top-down factors can help us to filter out distractors. A fundamental question is how and at which stage of processing the rejection of distractors is achieved. Two circumstances under which the allocation of attention to distractors is supposed to be prevented are represented by the case in which distractors occur at an unattended location (as determined by the deployment of endogenous spatial attention) and when the amount of visual working memory resources is reduced by an ongoing task. The present thesis is focused on the impact of these factors on three sources of distraction, namely auditory and visual onsets (Experiments 1 and 2, respectively) and pleasant scenes (Experiment 3). In the first two studies we recorded neural correlates of distractor processing (i.e., Event-Related Potentials), whereas in the last study we used interference effects on behavior (i.e., a slowing down of response times on a simultaneous task) to index distraction. Endogenous spatial attention reduced distraction by auditory stimuli and eliminated distraction by visual onsets. Differently, visual working memory load only affected the processing of visual onsets. Emotional interference persisted even when scenes occurred always at unattended locations and when visual working memory was loaded. Altogether, these findings indicate that the ability to detect the location of salient task-irrelevant sounds and identify the affective significance of natural scenes is preserved even when the amount of visual working memory resources is reduced by an ongoing task and when endogenous attention is elsewhere directed. However, these results also indicate that the processing of auditory and visual distractors is not entirely automatic.


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Although the prominent role of neural oscillations in perception and cognition has been continuously investigated, some critical questions remain unanswered. My PhD thesis was aimed at addressing some of them. First, can we dissociate oscillatory underpinnings of perceptual accuracy and subjective awareness? Current work would strongly suggest that this dissociation can be drawn. While the fluctuations in alpha-amplitude decide perceptual bias and metacognitive abilities, the speed of alpha activity (i.e., alpha-frequency) dictates sensory sampling, shaping perceptual accuracy. Second, how are these oscillatory mechanisms integrated during attention? The obtained results indicate that a top-down visuospatial mechanism modulates neural assemblies in visual areas via oscillatory re-alignment and coherence in the alpha/beta range within the fronto-parietal brain network. These perceptual predictions are reflected in the retinotopically distributed posterior alpha-amplitude, while perceptual accuracy is explained by the higher alpha-frequency at the to-be-attended location. Finally, sensory input, elaborated via fast gamma oscillations, is linked to specific phases of this slower activity via oscillatory nesting, enabling integration of the feedback-modulated oscillatory activity with sensory information. Third, how can we relate this oscillatory activity to other neural markers of behaviour (i.e., event-related potentials)? The obtained results favour the oscillatory model of ERP genesis, where alpha-frequency shapes the latency of early evoked-potentials, namely P1, with both neural indices being related to perceptual accuracy. On the other hand, alpha-amplitude dictates the amplitude of later P3 evoked-response, whereas both indices shape subjective awareness. Crucially, by combining different methodological approaches, including neurostimulation (TMS) and neuroimaging (EEG), current work identified these oscillatory-behavior links as causal and not just as co-occurring events. Current work aimed at ameliorating the use of the TMS-EEG approach by explaining inter-individual differences in the stimulation outcomes, which could be proven crucial in the way we design entrainment experiments and interpret the results in both research and clinical settings.


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The current study on German investigates Event-Related brain Potentials (ERPs) for the perception of sentences with intonations which are infrequent (i.e. vocatives) or inadequate in daily conversation. These ERPs are compared to the processing correlates for sentences in which the syntax-to-prosody relations are congruent and used frequently during communication. Results show that perceiving an adequate but infrequent prosodic structure does not result in the same brain responses as encountering an inadequate prosodic pattern. While an early negative-going ERP followed by an N400 were observed for both the infrequent and the inadequate syntax-to-prosody association, only the inadequate intonation also elicits a P600.


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This study used event-related brain potentials to investigate whether math anxiety is related to abnormal error monitoring processing. Seventeen high math-anxious (HMA) and seventeen low math-anxious (LMA) individuals were presented with a numerical and a classical Stroop task. Groups did not differ in terms of trait or state anxiety. We found enhanced error-related negativity (ERN) in the HMA group when subjects committed an error on the numerical Stroop task, but not on the classical Stroop task. Groups did not differ in terms of the correct-related negativity component (CRN), the error positivity component (Pe), classical behavioral measures or post-error measures. The amplitude of the ERN was negatively related to participants" math anxiety scores, showing a more negative amplitude as the score increased. Moreover, using standardized low resolution electromagnetic tomography (sLORETA) we found greater activation of the insula in errors on a numerical task as compared to errors in a nonnumerical task only for the HMA group. The results were interpreted according to the motivational significance theory of the ERN.


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Feedback-related negativity (FRN) is an ERP component that distinguishes positive from negative feedback. FRN has been hypothesized to be the product of an error signal that may be used to adjust future behavior. In addition, associative learning models assume that the trial-to-trial learning of cueoutcome mappings involves the minimization of an error term. This study evaluated whether FRN is a possible electrophysiological correlate of this error term in a predictive learning task where human subjects were asked to learn different cueoutcome relationships. Specifically, we evaluated the sensitivity of the FRN to the course of learning when different stimuli interact or compete to become a predictor of certain outcomes. Importantly, some of these cues were blocked by more informative or predictive cues (i.e., the blocking effect). Interestingly, the present results show that both learning and blocking affect the amplitude of the FRN component. Furthermore, independent analyses of positive and negative feedback event-related signals showed that the learning effect was restricted to the ERP component elicited by positive feedback. The blocking test showed differences in the FRN magnitude between a predictive and a blocked cue. Overall, the present results show that ERPs that are related to feedback processing correspond to the main predictions of associative learning models. ■


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Preattentive perception of occasional deviating stimuli in the stream of standard stimuli can be recorded with cognitive event-related potential (ERP) mismatch negativity (MMN). The earlier detection of stimuli at the auditory cortex can be examined with N1 and P2 ERPs. The MMN recording does not require co-operation, it correlates with perceptual threshold, and even complex sounds can be used as stimuli. The aim of this study was to examine different aspects that should be considered when measuring discrimination of hearing with ERPs. The MMN was found to be stimulusintensity- dependent. As the intensity of sine wave stimuli was increased from 40 to 80 dB HL, MMN mean amplitudes increased. The effect of stimulus frequency on the MMN was studied so that the pitch difference would be equal in each stimulus block according to the psychophysiological mel scale or the difference limen of frequency (DLF). However, the blocks differed from each other. The contralateral white noise masking (50 dB EML) was found to attenuate the MMN amplitude when the right ear was stimulated. The N1 amplitude was attenuated and, in contrast, P2 amplitude was not affected by contralateral white noise masking. The perception and production of vowels by four postlingually deafened patients with a cochlear implant were studied. The MMN response could be elicited in the patient with the best vowel perception abilities. The results of the studies show that concerning the MMN recordings, the stimulus parameters and recording procedure design have a great influence on the results.


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Event-related brain potentials (ERP) are important neural correlates of cognitive processes. In the domain of language processing, the N400 and P600 reflect lexical-semantic integration and syntactic processing problems, respectively. We suggest an interpretation of these markers in terms of dynamical system theory and present two nonlinear dynamical models for syntactic computations where different processing strategies correspond to functionally different regions in the system's phase space.


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Movement-related cortical potentials recorded from the scalp reveal increasing cortical activity occurring prior to voluntary movement. Studies of set-related cortical activity recorded from single neurones within premotor and supplementary motor areas in monkeys suggest that such premovement activity may act to prime activity of appropriate motor units in readiness to move, thereby facilitating the movement response. Such a role of early stage premovement activity in movement-related cortical potentials was investigated by examining the relationship between premovement cortical activity and movement initiation or reaction times. Parkinson's disease and control subjects performed a simple button-pressing reaction time task and individual movement-related potentials were averaged for responses with short compared with long reaction times. For Parkinson's disease subjects but not for the control subjects, early stage premovement cortical activity was significantly increased in amplitude for faster reaction times, indicating that there is indeed a relationship between premovement cortical activity amplitude and movement initiation or reaction times. In support of studies of set-related cortical activity in monkeys, it is therefore suggested that early stage premovement activity reflects the priming of appropriate motor units of primary motor cortex, thereby reducing movement initiation or reaction times. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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While the dynamics of lexical-semantic and lexical-phonological encoding in word production have been investigated in several event-related potential (ERP) studies, the estimated time course of phonological-phonetic encoding is the result of rather indirect evidence. We investigated the dynamics of phonological-phonetic encoding combining ERP analyses covering the entire encoding process in picture naming and word reading tasks by comparing ERP modulations in eight brain-damaged speakers presenting impaired phonological-phonetic encoding relative to 16 healthy controls. ERPs diverged between groups in terms of local waveform amplitude and global topography at ∼400ms after stimulus onset in the picture naming task and at ∼320-350ms in word reading and sustained until 100ms before articulation onset. These divergences appeared in later time windows than those found in patients with underlying lexical-semantic and lexical-phonological impairment in previous studies, providing evidence that phonological-phonetic encoding is engaged around 400ms in picture naming and around 330ms in word reading.


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This study uses event-related brain potentials (ERPs) to investigate the electrophysiological correlates of numeric conflict monitoring in math-anxious individuals, by analyzing whether math anxiety is related to abnormal processing in early conflict detection (as shown by the N450 component) and/or in a later, response-related stage of processing (as shown by the conflict sustained potential; Conflict-SP). Conflict adaptation effects were also studied by analyzing the effect of the previous trial"s congruence in current interference. To this end, 17 low math-anxious (LMA)and 17 high math-anxious (HMA) individuals were presented with a numerical Stroop task. Groups were extreme in math anxiety but did not differ in trait or state anxiety or in simple math ability. The interference effect of the current trial (incongruent-congruent) and the interference effect preceded by congruence and by incongruity were analyzed both for behavioral measures and for ERPs. A greater interference effect was found for response times in the HMA group than in the LMA one. Regarding ERPs, the LMA group showed a greater N450 component for the interference effect preceded by congruence than when preceded by incongruity, while the HMA group showed greater Conflict-SP amplitude for the interference effect preceded by congruence than when preceded by incongruity. Our study showed that the electrophysiological correlates of numeric interference in HMA individuals comprise the absence of a conflict adaptation effect in the first stage of conflict processing (N450) and an abnormal subsequent up-regulation of cognitive control in order to overcome the conflict (Conflict-SP). More concretely, our study shows that math anxiety is related to a reactive and compensatory recruitment of control resources that is implemented only when previously exposed to a stimuli presenting conflicting information


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The starting point of our investigation was the longstanding notion that bilingual individuals need effective mechanisms to prevent interference from one language while processing material in the other (e.g. Penfield and Roberts, 1959). To demonstrate how the prevention of interference is implemented in the brain we employed event-related brain potentials (ERPs; see Munte, Urbach, ¨ Duzel and Kutas, 2000, for an introductory review) ¨ and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) techniques, thus pursuing a combined temporal and spatial imaging approach. In contrast to previous investigations using neuroimaging techniques in bilinguals, which had been mainly concerned with the localization of the primary and secondary languages (e.g. Perani, Paulesu, Galles, Dupoux, Dehaene, Bettinardi, Cappa, Fazio and Mehler, 1998; Chee, Caplan, Soon, Sriram, Tan, Thiel and Weekes, 1999), our study addressed the dynamic aspects of bilingual language processing.


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We present the symbolic resonance analysis (SRA) as a viable method for addressing the problem of enhancing a weakly dominant mode in a mixture of impulse responses obtained from a nonlinear dynamical system. We demonstrate this using results from a numerical simulation with Duffing oscillators in different domains of their parameter space, and by analyzing event-related brain potentials (ERPs) from a language processing experiment in German as a representative application. In this paradigm, the averaged ERPs exhibit an N400 followed by a sentence final negativity. Contemporary sentence processing models predict a late positivity (P600) as well. We show that the SRA is able to unveil the P600 evoked by the critical stimuli as a weakly dominant mode from the covering sentence final negativity. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.