855 resultados para ethnic or racial aspects


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyze how team management affects team-learning activities. Design/methodology/approach – The authors empirically study 68 teams as they operate in the natural business context of a major Spanish bank. Quantitative research utilizing multiple regression analyses is used to test hypotheses. Findings – The leadership behaviour (consideration, initiation of structure) displayed by the team leader plays a key role in facilitating team learning. Team leader behaviour characterised by consideration and in particular by initiation of structure are both positively related to team-learning activities. Cross-training of team members also contributes to team-learning behaviour. Research limitations/implications – A specific setting may limit the generalizability of findings. Further research may accordingly investigate to what extent these results can be generalized to other settings or other aspects of team learning. Practical implications – The leadership style adopted by the team leader, as well as cross-training of members, affect team-learning activities. These results link leadership theory to collective learning in teams and organizations, and suggest ways leaders can contribute to improved learning. Originality/value – The study provides new insight into how management of teams facilitates team-learning activities. While consideration is somewhat related to team learning, initiation of structure as well as cross-training appear as key variables.


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Shopfloor Management (SM) empowerment methodologies have traditionally focused on two aspects: goal achievement following rigid structures, such as SQDCME, or evolutional aspects of empowerment factors away from strategic goal achievement. Furthermore, SM Methodologies have been organized almost solely around the hierarchical structure of the organization, failing systematically to cope with the challenges that Industry 4.0 is facing. The latter include the growing complexity of value-stream networks, sustainable empowerment of the workforce (Learning Factory), an autonomous and intelligent process management (Smart Factory), the need to cope with the increasing complexity of value-stream networks (VSN) and the leadership paradigm shift to strategic alignment. This paper presents a novel Lean SM Method (LSM) called ?HOSHIN KANRI Tree? (HKT), which is based on standardization of the communication patterns among process owners (POs) by PDCA. The standardization of communication patterns by HKT technology should bring enormous benefits in value stream (VS) performance, speed of standardization and learning rates to the Industry 4.0 generation of organizations. These potential advantages of HKT are being tested at present in worldwide research.


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La “Actuación en la Crisis”, objetivo principal de esta tesis, trata de establecer y concretar los procedimientos y apoyos desde tierra y a bordo de los buques, tanto técnicos como operacionales, a seguir por el Capitán y tripulación de un buque después de un accidente, en especial cuando el buque tiene un riesgo importante de hundimiento o necesidad de abandono. La aparición de este concepto es relativamente reciente, es decir desde el año 1995, después de los estudios y propuestas realizados, por el Panel de Expertos de IMO, como consecuencia del hundimiento del buque de pasaje y carga rodada, Estonia, en el que perdieron la vida más de 850 personas a finales de Septiembre de 1994. Entre las propuestas recomendadas y aceptadas por los gobiernos en la Conferencia Internacional SOLAS 1995, figuraba este concepto novedoso, que luego fue adoptado de una forma generalizada para todos los tipos de buques, que hasta entonces sólo disponían de documentos dispersos y a veces contradictorios para la actuación en estos momentos de peligro, que dio lugar a un profundo tratamiento de este problema, que iba a afectar a los buques, tanto en los conceptos y parámetros de proyecto, como a la propia operación del buque. La tesis desarrolla los fundamentos, estado del arte, implantación y consecuencias sobre la configuración y explotación del buque, que han dado lugar a una serie de documentos, que se han incluido en diversos Convenios Internacionales, Códigos y otros documentos de obligada aplicación en la industria naval generados en IMO (SOLAS, Retorno Seguro a Puerto, Plano y Libro de Control de Averías, ISM). La consecuencia más novedosa e interesante de este concepto ha sido la necesidad de disponer cada compañía explotadora del buque, de un servicio importante de “apoyo en la crisis”, que ha dado lugar a implantar un “servicio de emergencia especial”, disponible las 24 horas del día y 365 de año que ofrecen las Sociedades de Clasificación. El know-how de los accidentes que tratan estos servicios, hacen que se puedan establecer ciertas recomendaciones, que se centran, en que el buque tenga, por sus propios medios, una posibilidad de aumentar el KM después de una avería, la garantía de la resistencia estructural adecuada y el aumento del tiempo de hundimiento o el tiempo de mantenimiento a flote (otro tipo de averías vinculadas con la maquinaria, equipo o protección y lucha contra incendios, no son objeto de tesis). Las conclusiones obtenidas, son objeto de discusión especialmente en IACS e IMO, con el fin de establecer las aplicaciones pertinentes, que permitan dar al buque una mayor seguridad. Como objetivo principal de esta tesis es establecer estos puntos de mejora consecuencia de esta actuación en la crisis, con la aportación de varias soluciones que mejorarían los problemas mencionados para los tres tipos de buques que consideramos más importantes (pasaje, petroleros y bulkcarriers) La tesis recorre, desde el principio en 1995, la evolución de esta actuación en la crisis, hasta el momento actual., los puntos básicos que se establecen, que van muy de la mano de la llamada “cultura de seguridad”, objetivo nacido durante los años 90, con el fin de implantar una filosofía distinta para abordar el tratamiento de la seguridad del buque, a la que se venía aplicando hasta el momento, en donde se contemplaba tratar el tema de forma singular y específica para cada caso. La nueva filosofía, trataba de analizar el problema, desde un aspecto global y por tanto horizontal, realizando un estudio exhaustivo de las consecuencias que tendría la aplicación de una nueva medida correctora, en los restantes equipos y sistemas del buque., relativos al proyecto, configuración, operación y explotación del buque. Se describen de manera sucinta las profundas investigaciones a que dio lugar todo lo anterior, estando muchas de ellas, vinculadas a grandes proyectos europeos. La mayor parte de estos proyectos fueron subvencionados por la Comunidad Económica Europea durante la primera década del siglo actual. Dentro de estas investigaciones, donde hay que destacar la participación de todos los agentes del sector marítimo europeo, se hacen imprescindibles la utilización de dos herramientas novedosas para nuestro sector, como son el “Estudio de Riesgos” y la “Evaluación de la Seguridad”, más conocida técnicamente por su nombre ingles “Safety Assessment”, cuyos principios también son incluidos en la tesis. Además se especifican las bases sobre las que se establecen la estabilidad intacta y en averías, con nuevos conceptos, no tratados nunca hasta entonces, como la “altura crítica de agua en cubierta” para la cual el buque se hundiría sin remisión, “estado de la mar” en la que se puede encontrar el buque averiado, el cálculo del tiempo de hundimiento, u otros aspectos como el corrimiento de la carga, o bien el tratamiento de los problemas dinámicos en el nuevo “Código de Estabilidad Intacta”. Con respecto a la resistencia estructural, especialmente el estudio de la “resistencia estructural después de la avería”, que tiene en cuenta el estado de la mar en la que se encontraría el buque afectado. Se analizan los tipos de buques mencionados uno por uno y se sacan, como aportación fundamental de esta tesis, separadamente, las acciones y propuestas a aplicar a estos buques. En primer lugar, las relativas al proyecto y configuración del buque y en segundo lugar, las de operación, explotación y mantenimiento, con el fin de acometer, con garantías de éxito, la respuesta a la ayuda en emergencia y la solución a la difícil situación que pueden tener lugar en condiciones extremas. Para ver el efecto de algunas de las propuestas que se incluyen, se realizan y aplican concretamente, a un buque de pasaje de carga rodada, a un petrolero y a un bulkcarrier, para demostrar el mejor comportamiento de estos buques en situación de emergencia. Para ello se han elegido un buque ejemplo para cada tipo, efectuándose los cálculos de estabilidad y resistencia longitudinal y comparar la situación, en la que quedaría el buque averiado, antes y después de la avería. La tesis se completa con una estadística real de buques averiados de cada uno de estos tres tipos, distinguiendo el tipo de incidente y el número de los buques que lo han sufrido, considerándose como más importantes los incidentes relacionados con varadas, colisiones y fuego resumiéndose lo más relevante de esta aportación también importante de esta tesis. ABSTRACT The "Response in an emergency" is the main objective of this thesis, it seeks to establish and define procedures for technical and operational support onboard and shore, to be followed by the captain and crew on of a ship after an accident, especially when the ship has a significant risk of sinking or a need to abandon it. The emergence of this concept is relatively recent, in 1995, after studies and proposals made by the Panel of Experts IMO, following the sinking of the “Estonia” vessel, where more than 850 people died in late September 1994. In the International Convention SOLAS 1995, among the recommended proposals and accepted regulations, this new concept was included, which was later adopted for all types of ships which until then had only scattered some documents, sometimes including contradictory actions in emergency situations. This led to a profound treatment of this problem, which would affect the vessels in both the concepts and design parameters, as to the proper operation of the vessel. The thesis develops the foundations, state of the art, implementation and consequences on the design and operation of the vessel, this has led to a series of Circulars and Regulations included in several International Codes and Conventions issued by IMO which are required to be complied with (SOLAS Safe Return to Port, Damage Control Plan and Booklet, ISM). The most novel and interesting consequence of this concept has been the need for every company operating the ship to have a shore based support service in emergency situations which has led to implement special emergency services offered by Class Societies which are available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. The know-how of these services dealing with all types of accidents can establish certain recommendations, which focus on the ship capability to increase the KM after damage. It can also be determined adequate structural strength and the increase of the capsizing time or time afloat (other types of damages associated with the machinery, equipment or firefighting, are not the subject of this thesis). The conclusions are discussed especially in IACS and IMO, in order to establish appropriate applications to improve the security of the vessels. The main objective of this thesis is to establish actions to improve emergency actions, resulting from different responses in the crisis, with the contribution of several solutions that improve the problems mentioned for three types of ships that we consider most important (passenger vessels, tankers and bulk carriers) The thesis runs from the beginning in 1995 to date, the evolution of the response on the crisis. The basics established during the 90s with the "safety culture" in order to implement a different philosophy to address the treatment of the safety of the ship, which was being previously implemented, as something singular and specific to each case. The new philosophy tried to analyse the problem from a global perspective, doing an exhaustive study of the consequences of the implementation of the new regulation in the ship systems and equipment related to the design, configuration and operation of the vessel. Extensive investigations which led to the above are described, many of them being linked to major European projects. Most of these projects were funded by the European Union during the first decade of this century. Within these investigations, which it must be highlighted the participation of all players in the European maritime sector, a necessity to use two new tools for our industry, such as the "Risk Assessment" and "Safety Assessment" whose principles are also included in the thesis. The intact and damage stability principles are established including new concepts, never treated before, as the "critical height of water on deck" for which the ship would sink without remission, "sea state" where the damaged vessel can be found, calculation of capsizing time, or other aspects such cargo shifting or treatment of dynamic problems in the new Intact Stability Code in development. Regarding the structural strength, it has to be especially considered the study of the "residual strength after damage", which takes into account the state of the sea where the vessel damaged can be found. Ship types mentioned are analysed one by one, as a fundamental contribution of this thesis, different actions and proposals are established to apply to these types of vessels. First, those ones relating to the design and configuration of the vessel and also the ones related to the operation and maintenance in order to support successfully responses to emergency situations which may occur in extreme situations. Some of the proposals are applied specifically to a RoRo passenger ship, an oil tanker and a bulkcarrier, to demonstrate the improved performance of these vessels damaged. An example for each type vessel has been chosen, carrying out stability and longitudinal strength calculations comparing the situation of the ship before and after damage. The thesis is completed with incidents statics for each of these three types, distinguishing the type of incident and the number of ships having it. The most important incidents considered are the ones related to groundings, collisions and fire being this other relevant contribution of this thesis.


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Saccharomyces cerevisiae is dimorphic and switches from a yeast form to a pseudohyphal (PH) form when starved for nitrogen. PH cells are elongated, bud in a unipolar manner, and invade the agar substrate. We assessed the requirements for actin in mediating the dramatic morphogenetic events that accompany the transition to PH growth. Twelve “alanine scan” alleles of the single yeast actin gene (ACT1) were tested for effects on filamentation, unipolar budding, agar invasion, and cell elongation. Some act1 mutations affect all phenotypes, whereas others affect only one or two aspects of PH growth. Tests of intragenic complementation among specific act1 mutations support the phenotypic evidence for multiple actin functions in filamentous growth. We present evidence that interaction between actin and the actin-binding protein fimbrin is important for PH growth and suggest that association of different actin-binding proteins with actin mediates the multiple functions of actin in filamentous growth. Furthermore, characterization of cytoskeletal structure in wild type and act1/act1 mutants indicates that PH cell morphogenesis requires the maintenance of a highly polarized actin cytoskeleton. Collectively, this work demonstrates that actin plays a central role in fungal dimorphism.


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Trata-se da meta-avaliação de um processo avaliativo desenvolvido por secretários e assessores técnicos municipais de uma região de saúde do estado de São Paulo, com foco nos critérios de utilidade e participação. É uma pesquisa qualitativa, cuja base empírica foi 1) o material produzido em sete oficinas realizadas com os representantes municipais, com vistas à avaliação de um aspecto da linha de cuidados em saúde sob a ótica da integralidade; e 2) as entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas com os mesmos atores após a finalização do processo avaliativo. Para a avaliação do critério de utilidade, utilizou-se principalmente o referencial de KIRKHART (2000), com o objetivo de ampliar a análise para além do uso instrumental dos achados avaliativos e focá-la na identificação de influências múltiplas exercidas por um fenômeno complexo como um processo avaliativo. A análise do critério participação se deu com base no referencial de COUSINS e WHITMORE (1998), buscando a identificação no material empírico de decisões ou aspectos contextuais que fizeram com que a opção participativa fosse aprofundada ou limitada no processo em foco. O trabalho destaca a importância de explicitar pressupostos que baseiam a metodologia da avaliação/ meta-avaliação escolhida, e a necessidade de se buscar referenciais teóricos de análise compatíveis com a opção realizada, frisando a inexistência de posturas neutras ou estudos totalmente objetivos; e a importância de capacitar avaliadores a acompanharem a demanda dos participantes de um processo participativo com a flexibilidade necessária para conferir-lhe o maior aproveitamento possível. Conclui-se pela viabilidade, com vantagens, da realização de processos participativos locais com gestores na Saúde Pública, destacando a possibilidade de ganhos em formação e o enriquecimento dos processos de negociação em nível do território, de forma coerente à política de construção das regiões de saúde no SUS.


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De modo a satisfazer aspectos de resistência, custo ou conforto, o aperfeiçoamento do desempenho das estruturas é uma meta sempre almejada na Engenharia. Melhorias têm sido alcançadas dado ao crescente uso de materiais compósitos, pois estes apresentam propriedades físicas diferenciadas capazes de atender as necessidades de projeto. Associado ao emprego de compósitos, o estudo da plasticidade demonstra uma interessante alternativa para aumentar o desempenho estrutural ao conferir uma capacidade resistente adicional ao conjunto. Entretanto, alguns problemas podem ser encontrados na análise elastoplástica de compósitos, além das próprias dificuldades inerentes à incorporação de fibras na matriz, no caso de compósitos reforçados. A forma na qual um compósito reforçado por fibras e suas fases têm sua representação e simulação é de extrema importância para garantir que os resultados obtidos sejam compatíveis com a realidade. À medida que se desenvolvem modelos mais refinados, surgem problemas referentes ao custo computacional, além da necessidade de compatibilização dos graus de liberdade entre os nós das malhas de elementos finitos da matriz e do reforço, muitas vezes exigindo a coincidência das referidas malhas. O presente trabalho utiliza formulações que permitem a representação de compósitos reforçados com fibras sem que haja a necessidade de coincidência entre malhas. Além disso, este permite a simulação do meio e do reforço em regime elastoplástico com o objetivo de melhor estudar o real comportamento. O modelo constitutivo adotado para a plasticidade é o de von Mises 2D associativo com encruamento linear positivo e a solução deste modelo foi obtida através de um processo iterativo. A formulação de elementos finitos posicional é adotada com descrição Lagrangeana Total e apresenta as posições do corpo no espaço como parâmetros nodais. Com o intuito de averiguar a correta implementação das formulações consideradas, exemplos para validação e apresentação das funcionalidades do código computacional desenvolvido foram analisados.


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The argument of this paper is that several empirical puzzles in the citizenship literature are rooted in the failure to distinguish between the mainly legal concept of nationality and the broader, political concept of citizenship. Using this distinction, the paper analysis the evolution of German and American nationality laws over the last 200 years. The historical development of both legal structures shows strong communalities. With the emergence of the modern system of nation states, the attribution of nationality to newborn children is ascribed either via the principle of descent or place of birth. With regard to the naturalization of adults, there is an increasing ethnization of law, which means that the increasing complexities of naturalization criteria are more and more structured along ethnic ideas. Although every nation building process shows some elements of ethnic self-description, it is difficult to use the legal principles of ius sanguinis and ius soli as indicators of ethnic or non-ethnic modes of community building.


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While there is sufficient evidence to suggest that physical activity is inversely related to lifestyle diseases, researchers are far from being certain that this evidence extends to children. Nevertheless, the school physical education curriculum has been targeted as an institutional agency that could have a significant impact on health during childhood and later during adulthood if individuals could be habituated to assume a physically active lifestyle. The purpose of this article is to examine the recontextualization of biomedical knowledge into an ideology of healthism in which health is conceived as a controllable certainty and used as a pedagogical construction to transform school physical education. Using a Foucauldian perspective, we explore how the atomized biomedical model of chemical and physical relationships is constructed, reproduced, and perpetuated to service and empower the discourse and the practices of researchers and scholars. In this process the sociological or cultural aspects of public health are marginalized or ignored. As a result of this examination, alternative approaches are proposed that engage the limitations of the biomedical model and openly consider the insights that are available from the social sciences regarding what participation in physical activity means to individuals.


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The continuing problematic nature of interactions between police and youth, especially those of particular ethnic and racial groups, is well-documented. However, our understanding of the development of those attitudes is less well-understood. Using a sample of 14-year-olds from 5 state schools in eastern Australia, we examine how race and ethnicity structure youths' perceptions and assessments of police, and their attitudes towards legal authority. In particular, we explore racial/ethnic differences in the intergenerational transmission of perceptions of police.


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The provision of advisory support to small firms is almost ubiquitous in OECD countries, although it is organised in different ways and is justified on slightly different grounds. In England publicly supported advisory services are provided through the Business Link (BL) network. Here, we consider two questions: what sort of companies receive advisory support from BL; and, what types of firms benefit most from that support? Our analysis is based on a telephone survey of 2000 firms, around half of which had received intensive assistance from BL between April and October 2003. Probit analysis suggests that the probability of receiving assistance was greater among younger businesses, those with larger numbers of directors in the firm, and those with more gender diversity among the firm's leadership team. Our business-growth models suggest that BL intensive assistance was having a positive effect on employment growth in 2003. BL had a positive but insignificant impact on sales growth over the period. Employment growth effects tend to be larger where firms have a management and organisational structure, which is more conducive to absorbing and making use of external advice. The analysis suggests that BL might increase its impact through targeting these larger, more export-orientated, businesses. Employment growth effects differ little, however, depending on either the ethnic or the gender diversity of the leadership team.


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Accounts of Tamil long-distance nationalism have focused on Sri Lankan Tamil migrants. But the UK is also home to Tamils of non-Sri Lankan state origins. While these migrants may be nominally incorporated into a 'Tamil diaspora', they are seldom present in scholarly accounts. Framed by Werbner's (2002) conception of diasporas as 'aesthetic' and 'moral' communities, this article explores whether engagement with a Tamil diaspora and long-distance nationalism is expressed by Tamil migrants of diverse state origins. While migrants identify with an aesthetic community, 'membership' of the moral community is contested between those who hold direct experience of suffering as central to belonging, and those who imagine the boundaries of belonging more fluidly - based upon primordial understandings of essential ethnicity and a narrative of Tamil 'victimhood' that incorporates experiences of being Tamil in Sri Lanka, India and in other sites, despite obvious differences in these experiences. © 2013 Taylor & Francis.


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Purpose: Neo-institutional theory suggests that organisations change occurs when institutional contradictions, caused by exogenous and endogenous dynamics, increase over time to the point where change can no longer be resisted. Human praxis will result, but only when sufficiently powerful interests are motivated to act. This paper aims to examine the role that the accreditation of business schools can play in increasing institutional contradictions and hence fostering organisational change towards stakeholder engagement and engagement with social responsibility and sustainability issues. Numerous accreditations are promulgated within the higher education and business school contexts and a number of these relate to, or have aspects that relate to, ethics, social responsibility and sustainability. Design/methodology/approach: The paper first analyses the take up of accreditations across UK business schools and then uses a case study to illustrate and explore stakeholder engagement and changes related to ethics, social responsibility and sustainability linked to accreditation processes. Findings: Accreditations are found to be an increasingly common interest for UK business schools. Further, a number of these accreditations have evolved to incorporate issues related to ethics, social responsibility and sustainability that may cause institutional contradictions and may, therefore, have the potential to foster organisational change. Accreditation alone, however, is not sufficient and the authors find that sufficiently powerful interests need to be motivated to act and enable human praxis to affect change. Research limitations/implications: This paper draws on previous research that considers the role of accreditation in fostering change that has also been carried out in healthcare organisations, public and professional bodies. Its findings stem from an individual case study and as such further research is required to explore whether these findings can be extended and apply more generally in business schools and universities in different contexts. Practical implications: This paper concludes by recommending that the newly established UK & Ireland Chapter of PRME encourages and supports signatory schools to further embed ethics, social responsibility and sustainability into all aspects of university life in the UK. This also provides an opportunity to engage with the accrediting bodies in order to further support the inclusion of stakeholder engagement and issues related to this agenda in their processes. Originality/value: This paper contributes by introducing accreditation as an institutional pressure that may lead indirectly to organisational change and supports this with new evidence from an illustrative case study. Further, it draws on the role of institutional contradictions and human praxis that engender organisational change. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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This paper draws on ethnographic research carried out in Birmingham, UK – a city significant for its sizeable Muslim population and its iconic role in the history of minority ethnic settlement in Britain – to consider how associations of place and ethnicity work in different ways to inform ideas about ‘Muslim community’ in twenty-first-century Britain. The paper charts happenings around a local event in an area of majority Asian settlement and how representations of the area as a place of Muslim community were used to implicate it in the ‘war on terror’. The paper goes on to show how this sensibility is disrupted by Muslims themselves through alternative engagements with space and ethnicity. The paper argues that these offer a ground for making Muslim community in ways that actively engage with histories and patterns of ethnic settlement in the city rather than being determined by them.


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Brazilian pepper (Schinus terebinthifolius) is an exotic shrub or small tree that has become well established as an invasive and highly competitive species through much of southern Florida. Love vine (Cassytha filiformis), a native parasitic plant, was noted parasitizing Brazilian pepper, apparently affecting its health. The objective of this study was to investigate the nature of this parasitic interaction in southern Florida. Brazilian pepper populations were studied to determine whether parasitism by love vine may affect growth and reproduction. Anatomical studies of love vine parasitizing Brazilian pepper determined physical aspects of the parasitic interaction at the cell and tissue level. Physiological aspects of this interaction were investigated to help describe love vine resource acquisition as a parasite on host Brazilian pepper plants, and as an autotrophic plant. An investigation of ecological aspects of this parasitic interaction was done to determine whether physical or biological aspects of habitats may contribute to love vine parasitism on Brazilian pepper. These studies indicated that: (1) parasitism by love vine significantly decreased growth and reproduction of Brazilian pepper plants; (2) anatomical and physiological investigations indicated that love vine was primarily a xylem parasite on Brazilian pepper, but that some assimilated carbon nutrients may also be acquired from the host; (3) love vine is autotrophic (i.e., hemiparasitic), but is totally dependent on its host for necessary resources; (4) the occurrence of love vine parasitism on Brazilian pepper is mediated by physical characters of the biological community. ^