970 resultados para ethanol reforming


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In the present paper, a 60 h life-time test of a direct ethanol fuel cell (DEFC) at a current density of 20 mA cm(-2) (the beginning 38 h) and 40 mA cm(-2) (the last 22 h) was carried out. After the life-time test, the MEA could not achieve the former performance. X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) were employed to characterize the anode and cathode catalyst before and after the life-time test. The XRD and TEM results showed that the particle size of the anode catalyst increased from 2.3 to 3.3 nm and the cathode from 3.0 to 4.6 nm. The EDX results of PtSn/C anode catalysts before and after the life-time test indicated that the content of the oxygen and tin, especially the content of the platinum, decreased prominently after the life-time test. The results suggest that the agglomeration of electrocatalysts, the destruction of the anode catalyst together with the fuel/water crossover from anode to cathode concurrently contribute to the performance degradation of the DEFC. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the present work, Nafion (R) membrane porosity changes were determined in aqueous ethanol solutions with different concentrations by weighing vacuum-dried and ethanol aqueous solution equilibrated membranes at room temperature. The ethanol crossover rate through Nafion (R)-115 membrane at different temperatures and different concentrations had been investigated in a fuel cell test apparatus by using membrane gets higher as ethanol solution gas chromatography analysis. The experimental results show that the swelling degree of Nafion (R) concentration increases. The ethanol crossover rate increases with ethanol concentration and temperature increment. The single direct ethanol fuel cell (DEFC) tests were carried out to investigate the effect of ethanol concentration on ethanol crossover and consequently, on the open circuit voltage and the cell performance of DEFC. It can be found that ethanol crossover presented a negative effect on the OCV and the cell performance of DEFC. It can also be found that an improved DEFC performance was obtained as temperature increased although the ethanol crossover rate increased with temperature increment. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Carbon supported PtSn alloy and PtSnOx particles with nominal Pt:Sn ratios of 3:1 were prepared by a modified polyol method. High resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and X-ray microchemical analysis were used to characterize the composition, size, distribution, and morphology of PtSn particles. The particles are predominantly single nanocrystals with diameters in the order of 2.0-3.0 nm. According to the XRD results, the lattice constant of Pt in the PtSn alloy is dilated due to Sn atoms penetrating into the Pt crystalline lattice. While for PtSnOx nanoparticles, the lattice constant of Pt only changed a little. HRTEM micrograph of PtSnOx clearly shows that the change of the spacing of Pt (111) plane is neglectable, meanwhile, SnO2 nanoparticles, characterized with the nominal 0.264 nm spacing of SnO2 (10 1) plane, were found in the vicinity of Pt particles. In contrast, the HRTEM micrograph of PtSn alloy shows that the spacing of Pt (111) plane extends to 0.234 nm from the original 0.226 nm. High resolution energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (HR-EDS) analyses show that all investigated particles in the two PtSn catalysts represent uniform Pt/Sn compositions very close to the nominal one. Cyclic voltammograms (CV) in sulfuric acid show that the hydrogen ad/desorption was inhibited on the surface of PtSn alloy compared to that on the surface of the PtSnOx catalyst. PtSnOx catalyst showed higher catalytic activity for ethanol electro-oxidation than PtSn alloy from the results of chronoamperometry (CA) analysis and the performance of direct ethanol fuel cells (DEFCs). It is deduced that the unchanged lattice parameter of Pt in the PtSnOx catalyst is favorable to ethanol adsorption and meanwhile, tin oxide in the vicinity of Pt nanoparticles could offer oxygen species conveniently to remove the CO-like species of ethanolic residues to free Pt active sites. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The heat capacities (C-p) of five types of gasohol (50 wt % ethanol and 50 wt % unleaded gasoline 93(#) (E50), 60 wt % ethanol and 40 wt % unleaded gasoline 93(#) (E60), 70 wt % ethanol and 30 wt % unleaded gasoline 93(#) (E70), 80 wt % ethanol and 20 wt % unleaded gasoline 93(#) (E80), and 90 wt % ethanol and 10 wt % unleaded gasoline 93(#) (E90), where the "93" denotes the octane number) were measured by adiabatic calorimetry in the temperature range of 78-320 K. A glass transition was observed at 95.61, 96.14, 96.56, 96.84, and 97.08 K for samples from the E50, E60, E70, E80, and E90 systems, respectively. A liquid-solid phase transition and a solid-liquid phase transition were observed in the respective temperature ranges of 118-153 and 155-163 K for E50, 117-150 and 151-164 K for E60, 115-154 and 154-166 K for E70, 113-152 and 152-167 K for E80, and 112-151 and 1581-167 K for E90. The polynomial equations of Cp and the excess heat capacities (C-p(E)), with respect to the thermodynamic temperature, were established through least-squares fitting. Based on the thermodynamic relationship and the equations obtained, the thermodynamic functions and the excess thermodynamic functions of the five gasohol samples were derived.


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Heavy drinkers in Scotland may consume 1600 g ethanol per week. Due to its low price, cider may be preferred over other beverages. Anecdotal evidence has linked cider to specific health hazards beyond other alcoholic beverages. To examine this hypothesis, nine apple and pear cider samples were chemically analysed for constituents and contaminants. None of the products exceeded regulatory or toxicological thresholds, but the regular occurrence of acetaldehyde in cider was detected. To provide a quantitative risk assessment, two collectives of exclusive drinkers of cider and vodka were compared and the intake of acetaldehyde was estimated using probabilistic MonteeCarlo type analysis. The cider consumers were found to ingest more than 200-times the amount of acetaldehyde consumed by vodka consumers. The margins of exposure (MOE) of acetaldehyde were 224 for the cider and over 220,000 for vodka consumers. However, if the effects of ethanol were considered in a cumulative assessment of the combined MOE, the effect of acetaldehyde was minor and the combined MOE for both groups was 0.3. We suggest that alcohol policy priority should be given on reducing ethanol intake by measures such as minimum pricing, rather than to focus on acetaldehyde.


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This thesis assesses the current regulatory framework regarding clinical trials with neonates in Ireland from a children’s rights perspective, as derived from the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 (UN CRC) and its supporting instruments. The focus on neonates in the thesis is due to the particular need for clinical research with this group of children, their dependency on others for their protection and the lack of attention which has been given to them in the regulatory framework. The importance of children’s rights in this area is linked to the role of human rights in the regulation of clinical research in general. A rights-based approach is of great practical relevance in reforming law, policy and practice. For example, the CRC contains a set of commonly agreed legal benchmarks which can be used to assess the current framework and shape recommendations for reform. In this way, it provides a set of binding norms under international law, which must be complied with by states and state actors in all law, policy and practice affecting children. However, the contribution which a children’s rights approach could make to the regulation of research with children has not, to date, been explored in detail. This thesis aims to address this gap by developing a set of children’s rights-based benchmarks, which are used to assess the Irish regulatory framework for clinical trials with neonates and to develop recommendations for reform. The purpose of the analysis and recommendations is to assess Ireland’s compliance with international children’s rights law in the area and to analyse the potential of children’s rights to effectively address inadequacies in the Irish framework. The recommendations ultimately aim to develop a framework which will enhance the protection of neonates’ rights in this important area of children’s lives.


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Poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) is one of the most researched synthetic polymers due to the complex behavior which arises from the interplay of the hydrophilic and hydrophobic sites on the polymer chain. PEO in ethanol forms an opaque gel-like mixture with a partially crystalline structure. Addition of a small amount of water disrupts the gel: 5 wt % PEO in ethanol becomes a transparent solution with the addition of 4 vol % water. The phase behavior of PEO in mixed solvents have been studied using small-angle neutron scattering (SANS). PEO solutions (5 wt % PEO) which contain 4 vol % - 10 vol % (and higher) water behave as an athermal polymer solution and the phase behavior changes from UCST to LCST rapidly as the fraction of water is increased. 2 wt % PEO in water and 10 wt % PEO in ethanol/ water mixtures are examined to assess the role of hydration. The observed phase behavior is consistent with a hydration layer forming upon the addition of water as the system shifts from UCST to LCST behavior. At the molecular level, two or three water molecules can hydrate one PEO monomer (water molecules form a sheath around the PEO macromolecule) which is consistent with the suppression of crystallization and change in the mentioned phase behavior as observed by SANS. The clustering effect of aqueous PEO solution (M.W of PEO = 90,000 g/mol) is monitored as an excess scattering intensity at low-Q. Clustering intensity at Q = 0.004 Å^-1 is used for evaluating the clustering effect. The clustering intensity is proportional to the inverse temperature and levels off when the temperature is less than 50 ˚C. When the temperature is increased over 50 ˚C, the clustering intensity starts decreasing. The clustering of PEO is monitored in ethanol/ water mixtures. The clustering intensity increases as the fraction of water is increased. Based on the solvation intensity behavior, we confirmed that the ethanol/ water mixtures obey a random solvent mixing rule, whereby solvent mixtures are better at solvating the polymer that any of the two solvents. The solution behavior of PEO in ethanol was investigated in the presence of salt (CaCl2) using SANS. Binding of Ca2+ ions to the PEO oxygens transforms the neutral polymer to a weakly charged polyelectrolyte. We observed that the PEO/ethanol solution is better solvated at higher salt concentration due to the electrostatic repulsion of weakly charged monomers. The association of the Ca2+ ions with the PEO oxygen atoms transforms the neutral polymer to a weakly charged polyelectrolyte and gives rise to repulsive interactions between the PEO/Ca2+ complexes. Addition of salt disrupts the gel, which is consistent with better solvation as the salt concentration is increased. Moreover, SANS shows that the phase behavior of PEO/ethanol changes from UCST to LCST as the salt concentration is increased.