904 resultados para entrepreneur motivation
This research examined how motivation (perceived control, intrinsic motivation, and extrinsic motivation), cognitive learning strategies (deep and surface strategies), and intelligence jointly predict long-term growth in students' mathematics achievement over 5 years. Using longitudinal data from six annual waves (Grades 5 through 10; Mage = 11.7 years at baseline; N = 3,530), latent growth curve modeling was employed to analyze growth in achievement. Results showed that the initial level of achievement was strongly related to intelligence, with motivation and cognitive strategies explaining additional variance. In contrast, intelligence had no relation with the growth of achievement over years, whereas motivation and learning strategies were predictors of growth. These findings highlight the importance of motivation and learning strategies in facilitating adolescents' development of mathematical competencies.
Contrary to the widespread belief that people are positively motivated by reward incentives, some studies have shown that performance-based extrinsic reward can actually undermine a person's intrinsic motivation to engage in a task. This “undermining effect” has timely practical implications, given the burgeoning of performance-based incentive systems in contemporary society. It also presents a theoretical challenge for economic and reinforcement learning theories, which tend to assume that monetary incentives monotonically increase motivation. Despite the practical and theoretical importance of this provocative phenomenon, however, little is known about its neural basis. Herein we induced the behavioral undermining effect using a newly developed task, and we tracked its neural correlates using functional MRI. Our results show that performance-based monetary reward indeed undermines intrinsic motivation, as assessed by the number of voluntary engagements in the task. We found that activity in the anterior striatum and the prefrontal areas decreased along with this behavioral undermining effect. These findings suggest that the corticobasal ganglia valuation system underlies the undermining effect through the integration of extrinsic reward value and intrinsic task value.
Little research has been conducted on achievement motivation and memory and, more specifically, on achievement goals and memory. In the present research, the authors conducted two experiments designed to examine the influence of mastery-approach and performance-approach goals on immediate and delayed remember–know recognition memory. The experiments revealed differential effects for achievement goals over time: Performance-approach goals showed higher correct remember responding on an immediate recognition test, whereas mastery-approach goals showed higher correct remember responding on a delayed recognition test. Achievement goals had no influence on overall recognition memory and no consistent influence on know responding across experiments. These findings indicate that it is important to consider quality, not just quantity, in both motivation and memory, when studying relations between these constructs. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)(journal abstract)
Despite the wealth of valuable information that has been generated by motivation studies to date, there are certain limitations in the common approaches. Quantitative and psychometric approaches to motivation research that have dominated in recent decades provided epiphenomenal descriptions of learner motivation within different contexts. However, these approaches assume homogeneity within a given group and often mask the variation between learners within the same, and different, contexts. Although these studies have provided empirical data to form and validate theoretical constructs, they have failed to recognise learners as individual ‘people’ that interact with their context. Learning context has become increasingly explicit in motivation studies, (see Coleman et al. 2007 and Housen et al. 2011), however it is generally considered as a background variable which is pre-existing and external to the individual. Stemming from the recent ‘social turn’ (Block 2003) in SLA research from a more cognitive-linguistic perspective to a more context-specific view of language learning, there has been an upsurge in demand for a greater focus on the ‘person in context’ in motivation research (Ushioda 2011). This paper reports on the findings of a longitudinal study of young English learners of French as they transition from primary to secondary school. Over 12 months, the study employed a mixed-method approach in order to gain an in-depth understanding of how the learners’ context influenced attitudes to language learning. The questionnaire results show that whilst the learners displayed some consistent and stable motivational traits over the 12 months, there were significant differences for learners within different contexts in terms of their attitudes to the language classroom and their levels of self-confidence. A subsequent examination of the qualitative focus group data provided an insight into how and why these attitudes were formed and emphasised the dynamic and complex interplay between learners and their context.
High-quality employees with international experience bring valuable advantages to internationally operating organizations. The growing number and importance of immigrants, and particularly qualified, university-educated immigrants, deserves more attention from international business practitioners and scholars. The market for highly qualified people within MNCs is increasingly becoming international, and ever more of them have migrated to a new country to advance their career. Such employees can be a source of competitive advantage for international firms. We use qualitative research with qualified immigrants (QIs) in France to argue that the success of QIs depends in large part on their motivation to integrate into their host country, which is largely explained by their motivation to migrate. From the qualitative data we derive four different types of qualified migrant, and suggest that the type will determine the success of the immigrant within, and outside, the organization. The relationship between the motivation to migrate and the motivation to integrate is moderated by “met expectations” and “organizational integration policies”, such that the effects of these, in turn, vary with type. Recognition of the types of QI and the moderating factors will be valuable for practitioners, as well as opening up research avenues for scholars.
Mark Casson's The Entrepreneur: An Economic Theory (1982) has become one of the most influential books in the field of entrepreneurship. For the first time, this article outlines its origins and summarizes its main themes. The article goes on to show how Casson's subsequent research has closely followed the research agenda he set for himself in The Entrepreneur and illustrates the continuing challenge his work presents to entrepreneurship scholars. The article is based on an interview the authors conducted with Mark Casson on the thirtieth anniversary of the book's publication. Copyright © 2014 Strategic Management Society.
There has been a recent rejuvenation of interest in studies of motivation-cognition interactions arising from many different areas of psychology and neuroscience. The current issue of Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience provides a sampling of some of the latest research from a number of these different areas. In this introductory paper, we provide an overview of the current state of the field, in terms of key research developments and candidate neural mechanisms receiving focused investigation as potential sources of motivation-cognition interaction. However, our primary goal is conceptual: to highlight the distinct perspectives taken by different research areas in terms of how motivation is defined, the relevant dimensions and dissociations that are emphasized, and the theoretical questions being targeted. Together, these distinctions present both challenges and opportunities for efforts aiming towards a more unified and cross-disciplinary approach. We identify a set of pressing research questions calling out for this sort of cross-disciplinary approach, with the explicit goal of encouraging integrative and collaborative investigations directed towards them.
The study of workarounds (WA) has increased in importance due to their impact on patient safety and efficiency. However, there are no adequate theories to explain the motivation to create and use a workaround in a healthcare sitting. Although theories of technology acceptance help to understand the reasons to accept or reject technology, they fail to explain drivers for alternatives. Also workarounds involve creators and performers that have different motivations. Models such as Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) or Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) can help to explain the role of workaround users, but lack explanation of workaround creators’ dynamics. Our aim is to develop a theoretical foundation to explain workaround motivation behaviour models with norms that relate to sanctions to provide an integrated Workaround Motivation Model; WAMM. The development of WAMM model is explained in this paper based on workaround cases as part of further research to establish the model.
Little is known about why people differ in their levels of academic motivation. This study explored the etiology of individual differences in enjoyment and self-perceived ability for several school subjects in nearly 13,000 twins aged 9 to 16 from 6 countries. The results showed a striking consistency across ages, school subjects, and cultures. Contrary to common belief, enjoyment of learning and children’s perceptions of their competence were no less heritable than cognitive ability. Genetic factors explained approximately 40% of the variance and all of the observed twins’ similarity in academic motivation. Shared environmental factors, such as home or classroom, did not contribute to the twin’s similarity in academic motivation. Environmental influences stemmed entirely from individual specific experiences.
Objectives: The current study examined younger and older adults’ error detection accuracy, prediction calibration, and postdiction calibration on a proofreading task, to determine if age-related difference would be present in this type of common error detection task. Method: Participants were given text passages, and were first asked to predict the percentage of errors they would detect in the passage. They then read the passage and circled errors (which varied in complexity and locality), and made postdictions regarding their performance, before repeating this with another passage and answering a comprehension test of both passages. Results: There were no age-related differences in error detection accuracy, text comprehension, or metacognitive calibration, though participants in both age groups were overconfident overall in their metacognitive judgments. Both groups gave similar ratings of motivation to complete the task. The older adults rated the passages as more interesting than younger adults did, although this level of interest did not appear to influence error-detection performance. Discussion: The age equivalence in both proofreading ability and calibration suggests that the ability to proofread text passages and the associated metacognitive monitoring used in judging one’s own performance are maintained in aging. These age-related similarities persisted when younger adults completed the proofreading tasks on a computer screen, rather than with paper and pencil. The findings provide novel insights regarding the influence that cognitive aging may have on metacognitive accuracy and text processing in an everyday task.
In the present research we investigate impression management (IM) as a substantive personality variable by linking it to differentiated achievement motivation constructs, namely achievement motives (workmastery, competitiveness, fear of failure) and achievement goals (mastery-approach, mastery-avoidance, performance-approach, performance-avoidance). Study 1 revealed that IM was a positive predictor of workmastery and a negative predictor of competitiveness (with and without self-deceptive enhancement (SDE) controlled). Studies 2a and 2b revealed that IM was a positive predictor of mastery-approach goals and mastery-avoidance goals (without and, in Study 2b, with SDE controlled). These findings highlight the value of conceptualizing and utilizing IM as a personality variable in its own right, and shed light on the nature of the achievement motive and achievement goal constructs.
AbstractThis degree project focuses motivation for learning English among a group of Swedish uppersecondary school students. By employing a socio-educational perspective, some vital factorsbehind a strong motivation for learning English in school are investigated through individualinterviews. Components in the past, heralding either a high level of motivation for English or a low such, are primarily focused. Moreover, essential socio-educational factors behind managing to achieve grades in English despite a low level of motivation and various impediments, such as severe socio-psychological adversities, are looked into. While motivation for English is emphasized as a critical factor, in accordance with socio-educational motivation theory, the study also stresses the importance of a positive first encounter with the English language, a satisfying English teacher-student relationship, and a sense of success in the English classroom. But above all, the study stresses a need for early tests among young students for reading disabilities, which according to this study often go undetected and thus severely impede any kind of second language learning and motivation.
Rapporten utgår från forskningsområdet "Hur kan och bör arbetsmiljöarbete bedrivas och integreras i organisationers kärnverksamhet?" vid tema SMARTA, Arbetslivsinstitutet. I ett tidigare arbete har ett antal egenskaper identifierats som viktiga för motivation och engagemang för arbetsmiljöarbete, sk Moveit-egenskaper. Dessa egenskaper och deras roll i arbetsmiljöarbetet ställs här i relation till perspektivet integrerat arbetsmiljöarbete, där arbetsmiljön ingår i styrsystemet och arbetsmiljöarbete betraktas som en del av styrningen av produktion och verksamhet. Syftet är att utveckla förståelsen för viktiga aspekter i arbetsmiljöarbetet utifrån en målsättning att metoder ska bidra till ett integrerat och kontinuerligt fungerande arbetsmiljöarbete. Den metodansats som rapporten utgår från bygger till stor del på interaktion med företagshälsovårdcentraler, konsulter och ergonomer samt på tidigare forskning. Ett viktigt steg i interaktionen har varit workshops som arrangerats vid tre tillfällen och vid olika platser - Borlänge, Göteborg och Umeå. Rapporten beskriver ett underlag för att bedöma metoders motivationskraft, erfarenheter från workshops med aktörer inom arbetsmiljöområdet, en fristående konsults tillämpning av metoden Visit samt olika former av förutsättningar för arbetsmiljöarbete, såsom företags mognad och hur metoder introduceras på arbetsplatser. Aspekter som identifieras som viktiga för ett integrerat arbetsmiljöarbete är: delegering av ansvar och befogenheter i arbetsmiljöfrågor, bred delaktighet och samverkan mellan anställda och ledning, hanterbara men ändå utmanande krav på arbetsmiljöarbetet, processfokusering och dynamik, samt utrymme för reflektion. Flera av dessa aspekter uppvisar överensstämmelser med egenskaper hos metoder som bidrar till att skapa motivation för arbetsmiljöarbete.
Sammanfattning Åteg M, Andersson I-M, Neely G, Rosén, Laring J, Nygren O. (2007) Arbetsmiljöarbete och motivation. Teoretisk översikt och konstruktion av ett frågeformulär. Arbetslivsrapport, Arbetslivsinstitutet, Stockholm. Den här rapporterade studien behandlar behovet av att skapa motivation och engagemang för arbetsmiljöarbete. Studien utgår från frågan om utvecklade och spridda metoder för arbetsmiljöarbete fungerar i bemärkelsen att de inte bara leder till arbetsmiljöförbättringar, utan också om de medför en ökad motivation för arbetsmiljöarbete hos deltagarna. För att kunna behandla sådana frågor är det dock nödvändigt med en förståelse för motivation och dess förutsättningar i sammanhang av arbetsmiljöarbete. Studien har haft två syften. Ett första syfte har varit att skapa en förståelse för motivationens roll i arbetsmiljöarbete och utifrån motivationsteori beskriva och analysera förutsättningar för motivation. Ett andra syfte var att föra ett resonemang om möjligheten att med hjälp av ett frågeformulär mäta potentiella förändringar i motivation för arbetsmiljöarbete. Motivation för arbetsmiljöarbete kan påverkas av dels att förändringsarbete skapar nya förutsättningar för arbetet, dels av hur förändringsarbetet organiseras. Deltagande i aktiviteter inom arbetsmiljöområdet har visats leda till ytterligare motivation. En orsak kan vara att individer som deltar i sådana aktiviteter erhåller positiv uppmärksamhet och olika former av belöningar, erkänsla och uppmuntran, vilket motiverar dem att utföra ytterligare aktiviteter. Samtidigt har det visats att ett gott säkerhetsklimat på en arbetsplats ger högre motivation. Högre motivation leder till högre deltagande i arbetsmiljöarbetet, dvs. att individen i högre utsträckning väljer att delta i att skapa en säkrare miljö. Det finns ett flertal etablerade metoder för att mäta motivation för arbete. Det finns dock mindre forskning och färre instrument för att mäta motivation för arbetsmiljöarbete. I studien utvecklades ett frågeformulär, som bygger på att respondenten svarar utifrån tre perspektiv: den egna synen, synen på arbetskamraternas och synen på ledningens intresse, ansvar, delaktighet i arbetsmiljöarbetet. I den tidigare forskningen finns stöd för denna uppdelning, dock tydligast när det gäller den egna synen och synen på ledningen. Ett antal faktorer har identifierats som kan stärka frågeformulärets validitet. Fortsatt utveckling av formuläret är därför aktuellt. Tidigare studier har visat att uppföljningar av åtgärder på arbetsmiljöområdet sällan följs upp och att effekterna inte utvärderats. Att mäta motivation till följd av arbetsmiljöinriktade aktiviteter är ett bidrag till möjligheterna att göra sådana utvärderingar och uppföljningar. Det finns ett intresse både från forskarhåll, från FHV-företag och från företag och arbetsplatser att genomföra mätningar av de anställdas motivation för arbetsmiljöarbete.