890 resultados para endothelial cell


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Endothelial cell apoptosis contributes to atherosclerosis and may be exacerbated by oxidative stress. Results from clinical trials using antioxidant supplementation are equivocal and could be enhanced by antioxidants with additional non-antioxidant properties such as a-lipoic acid and alpha-tocopherol. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of these antioxidants on cytoprotective pathways and endothelial apoptosis. Endothelial cells were incubated with alpha-lipoic acid and alpha-tocopherol, alone or in combination, prior to incubation with H2O2 or staurosporine. alpha-lipoic acid pre-treatment alone increased caspase-3 activity in a dose-dependent manner. Both H2O2 and staurosporine increased DNA fragmentation and caspase-3 activity and pre-treatment of cells with a-lipoic acid and/or a-tocopherol failed to prevent stress-induced apoptosis. Neither antioxidant treatments nor apoptotic inducers alone altered expressions of BcI-2, Bax, HSP70 or pERK1/2 or pJNK. alpha-lipoic decreased pERK2 in staurosporine-treated cells in a dose-dependent manner. These findings indicate that pre-incubation with alpha-lipoic acid and alpha-tocopherol, alone or in combination, does not protect against oxidative- or non-oxidative-induced apoptosis in endothelial cells. Moreover, we have demonstrated a non-antioxidant, dose-dependent role of alpha-lipoic acid in caspase-3 and ERK2 activation. These data provide an insight and indicate caution in the use of high doses of alpha-lipoic acid as an antioxidant.


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Clark 1 (diphenylarsine chloride) and Clark 2 ( diphenylarsine cyanide) were used as chemical weapon agents (CWA), and the soil contamination by these CWA and their degraded products, diphenyl and phenyl arsenicals, has been one of the most serious environmental issues. In a series of comparisons in toxicity between trivalent and pentavalent arsenicals we investigated differences in the accumulation and toxicity of phenylarsine oxide (PAO(3+)) and phenylarsonic acid (PAA(5+)) in rat heart microvascular endothelial cells. Both the cellular association and toxicity of PAO(3+) were much higher than those of PAA(5+), and LC50 values of PAO(3+) and PAA(5+) were calculated to be 0.295 muM and 1.93 mM, respectively. Buthionine sulfoximine, a glutathione depleter, enhanced the cytotoxicity of both PAO(3+) and PAA(5+). N-Acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) reduced the cytotoxicity and induction of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) mRNA in PAO(3+)-exposed cells, while NAC affected neither the cytotoxicity nor the HO-1 mRNA level in PAA(5+)-exposed cells. The effect of NAC may be due to a strong affinity of PAO(3+) to thiol groups because both NAC and GSH inhibited the cellular accumulation of PAO(3+), but PAA(3+) increased tyrosine phosphorylation levels of cellular proteins. These results indicate that the inhibition of protein phosphatases as well as the high affinity to cellular components may confer PAO(3+) the high toxicity.


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Background. The growth of solid tumors depends on establishing blood supply; thus, inhibiting tumor angiogenesis has been a long-term goal in cancer therapy. The SOX18 transcription factor is a key regulator of murine and human blood vessel formation. Methods: We established allograft melanoma tumors in wild-type mice, Sox18-null mice, and mice expressing a dominant-negative form of Sox18 (Sox18RaOp) (n = 4 per group) and measured tumor growth and microvessel density by immunohistochemical analysis with antibodies to the endothelial marker CD31 and the pericyte marker NG2. We also assessed the affects of disrupted SOX18 function on MCF-7 human breast cancer and human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) proliferation by measuring BrdU incorporation and by MTS assay, cell migration using Boyden chamber assay, and capillary tube formation in vitro. All statistical tests were two-sided. Results: Allograft tumors in Sox18-null and Sox18RaOp mice grew more slowly than those in wild-type mice (tumor volume at day 14, Sox18 null, mean = 486 mm(3), 95% confidence interval [CI] = 345 mm(3) to 627 mm(3), p = .004; Sox18RaOp, mean = 233 mm(3), 95% CI = 73 mm(3) to 119 mm(3), p < .001; versus wild-type, mean = 817 mm(3), 95% CI = 643 mm(3) to 1001 mm(3)) and had fewer CD31- and NG2-expressing vessels. Expression of dominant-negative Sox18 reduced the proliferation of MCF-7 cells (BrdU incorporation: MCF-7(Ra) = 20%, 95% CI = 15% to 25% versus MCF-7 = 41%, 95% CI = 35% to 45%; P = .013) and HUVECs (optical density at 490 nm, empty vector, mean = 0.46 versus SOX18 mean = 0.29; difference = 0.17, 95% CI = 0.14 to 0.19; P = .001) compared with control subjects. Overexpression of wild-type SOX18 promoted capillary tube formation of HUVECs in vitro, whereas expression of dominant-negative SOX18 impaired tube formation of HUVECs and the migration of MCF-7 cells via the disruption of the actin cytoskeleton. Conclusions: SOX18 is a potential target for antiangiogenic therapy of human cancers.


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Poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) fibers produced by wet spinning from solutions in acetone under low-shear (gravity-flow) conditions resulted in fiber strength of 8 MPa and stiffness of 0.08 Gpa. Cold drawing to an extension of 500% resulted in an increase in fiber strength to 43 MPa and stiffness to 0.3 GPa. The growth rate of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) (seeded at a density of 5 × 104 cells/mL) on as-spun fibers was consistently lower than that measured on tissue culture plastic (TCP) beyond day 2. Cell proliferation was similar on gelatin-coated fibers and TCP over 7 days and higher by a factor of 1.9 on 500% cold-drawn PCL fibers relative to TCP up to 4 days. Cell growth on PCL fibers exceeded that on Dacron monofilament by at least a factor of 3.7 at 9 days. Scanning electron microscopy revealed formation of a cell layer on samples of cold-drawn and gelatin-coated fibers after 24 hours in culture. Similar levels of ICAM-1 expression by HUVECs attached to PCL fibers and TCP were measured using RT-PCR and flow cytometry, indicative of low levels of immune activation. Retention of a specific function of HUVECs attached to PCL fibers was demonstrated by measuring their immune response to lipopolysaccharide. Levels of ICAM-1 expression increased by approximately 11% in cells attached to PCL fibers and TCP. The high fiber compliance, favorable endothelial cell proliferation rates, and retention of an important immune response of attached HUVECS support the use of gravity spun PCL fibers for three-dimensional scaffold production in vascular tissue engineering. © Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.


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Articular cartilage undergoes severe loss of proteoglycan and its constituent glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in osteoarthritis. We hypothesize that the low GAG content of osteoarthritic cartilage renders the tissue susceptible to pathological vascularization. This was investigated using an in vitro angiogenesis model assessing endothelial cell adhesion to GAG-depleted cartilage explants. Bovine cartilage explants were treated with hyaluronidase to deplete GAG content and then seeded with fluorescently tagged human endothelial cells (HMEC-1). HMEC-1 adherence was assessed after 4 hr and 7 days. The effect of hyaluronidase treatment on GAG content, chondrocyte viability, and biochemical composition of the extracellular matrix was also determined. Hyaluronidase treatment reduced the GAG content of cartilage explants by 78 ± 3% compared with that of controls (p <0.0001). GAG depletion was associated with significantly more HMEC-1 adherence on both the surface (superficial zone) and the underside (deep zone) of the explants (both p <0.0001). The latter provided a more favorable environment for extended culture of HMEC-1 compared with the articulating surface. Hyaluronidase treatment altered the immunostaining for chondroitin sulfate epitopes, but not for lubricin. Our results support the hypothesis that articular cartilage GAGs are antiadhesive to endothelial cells and suggest that chondroitin sulfate and/or hyaluronan are responsible. The loss of these GAGs in osteoarthritis may allow osteochondral angiogenesis resulting in disease progression.


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Study Design. The influence of mechanical load on pleiotrophin (PTM) and aggrecan expression by intervertebral disc (IVD) cells, and the effects of disc cell conditioned medium on endothelial cell migration was investigated. Objective. To examine possible interactions of mechanical loads and known pro- and antiangiogenic factors, which may regulate disc angiogenesis during degeneration. Summary of Background Data. Pleiotrophin expression can be influenced by mechanical stimulation and has been associated with disc vascularization. Disc aggrecan inhibits endothelial cell migration, suggesting an antiangiogenic role. A possible interplay between these factors is unknown. Methods. The influence of the respective predominant load (cyclic strain for anulus fibrosus and hydrostatic pressure for nucleus pulposus cells) on PTN and aggrecan expression by IVD cells was determined by real-time RT-PCR and Western blotting (PTN only). The effects of IVD cell conditioned medium on endothelial cell migration were analyzed in a bioassay using human microvascular endothelial (HMEC-1) cells. Results. Application of both mechanical loads resulted in significant alterations of gene expression of PTN (+67%, P = 0.004 in anulus cells; +29%, P = 0.03 in nucleus cells) and aggrecan (+42%, P = 0.03 in anulus cells, -25%, P = 0.03 in nucleus cells). These effects depended on the cell type, the applied load, and timescale. Conditioned media of nucleus pulposus cells enhanced HMEC-1 migration, but this effect was diminished after 2.5 MPa hydrostatic pressure, when aggrecan expression was diminished, but not 0.25 MPa, when expression levels were unchanged. Conclusion. Mechanical loading influences PTN expression by human IVD cells. Conditioned media from nucleus pulposus cell cultures stimulated HMEC-1 endothelial cell migration. This study demonstrates that the influence of mechanical loads on vascularization of the human IVD is likely to be complex and does not correlate simply with altered expression of known pro- and antiangiogenic factors.


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Gram-positive bacterial cell wall components including PGN (peptidoglycan) elicit a potent pro-inflammatory response in diverse cell types, including endothelial cells, by activating TLR2 (Toll-like receptor 2) signalling. The functional integrity of the endothelium is under the influence of a network of gap junction intercellular communication channels composed of Cxs (connexins) that also form hemichannels, signalling conduits that are implicated in ATP release and purinergic signalling. PGN modulates Cx expression in a variety of cell types, yet effects in endothelial cells remain unresolved. Using the endothelial cell line b.End5, a 6 h challenge with PGN induced IL-6 (interleukin 6), TLR2 and Cx43 mRNA expression that was associated with enhanced Cx43 protein expression and gap junction coupling. Cx43 hemichannel activity, measured by ATP release from the cells, was induced following 15 min of exposure to PGN. Inhibition of hemichannel activity with carbenoxolone or apyrase prevented induction of IL-6 and TLR2 mRNA expression by PGN, but had no effect on Cx43 mRNA expression levels. In contrast, knockdown of TLR2 expression had no effect on PGN-induced hemichannel activity, but reduced the level of TLR2 and Cx43 mRNA expression following 6 h of PGN challenge. PGN also acutely induced hemichannel activity in HeLa cells transfected to express Cx43, but had no effect in Cx43-deficient HeLa OHIO cells. All ATP responses were blocked with Cx-specific channel blockers. We conclude that acute Cx43 hemichannel signalling plays a role in the initiation of early innate immune responses in the endothelium.


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Vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF), which binds to both VEGF receptor-1 (Flt1) and VEGFR-2 (KDR/Flk-1), requires nitric oxide (NO) to induce angiogenesis in a cGMP-dependent manner. Here we show that VEGF-E, a VEGFR-2-selective ligand stimulates NO release and tube formation in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC). Inhibition of phospholipase Cgamma (PLCgamma) with U73122 abrogated VEGF-E induced endothelial cell migration, tube formation and NO release. Inhibition of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) using l-NNA blocked VEGF-E-induced NO release and angiogenesis. Pre-incubation of HUVEC with the soluble guanylate cyclase inhibitor, ODQ, or the protein kinase G (PKG) inhibitor, KT-5823, had no effect on angiogenesis suggesting that the action of VEGF-E is cGMP-independent. Our data provide the first demonstration that VEGFR-2-mediated NO signaling and subsequent angiogenesis is through a mechanism that is dependent on PLCgamma but independent of cGMP and PKG.


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Preeclampsia is an inflammatory disorder in which serum levels of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and its soluble receptor-1 (sVEGFR-1, also known as sFlt-1) are elevated. We hypothesize that VEGF and placenta growth factor (PlGF) are dysregulated in preeclampsia due to high levels of sVEGFR-1, which leads to impaired placental angiogenesis. Analysis of supernatants taken from preeclamptic placental villous explants showed a four-fold increase in sVEGFR-1 than normal pregnancies, suggesting that villous explants in vitro retain a hypoxia memory reflecting long-term fetal programming. The relative ratios of VEGF to sVEGFR-1and PlGF to sVEGFR-1 released from explants decreased by 53% and 70%, respectively, in preeclampsia compared with normal pregnancies. Exposure of normal villous explants to hypoxia increased sVEGFR-1 release compared with tissue normoxia (P<0.001), as did stimulation with tumor necrosis factor-α (P<0.01). Conditioned medium (CM) from normal villous explants induced endothelial cell migration and in vitro tube formation, which were both attenuated by pre-incubation with exogenous sVEGFR-1 (P<0.001). In contrast, endothelial cells treated with preeclamptic CM showed substantially reduced angiogenesis compared withnormal CM (P<0.001), which was not further decreased by the addition of exogenous sVEGFR-1, indicating a saturation of the soluble receptor.Removal of sVEGFR-1 by immunoprecipitation from preeclamptic CM significantly restored migration (P<0.001) and tube formation (P<0.001) to levels comparable to that induced by normal CM, demonstrating that elevated levels of sVEGFR-1 in preeclampsia are responsible for inhibiting angiogenesis. Our finding demonstrates the dysregulation of the VEGF/PlGF axis in preeclampsiaand offers an entirely new therapeutic approach to its treatment.


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Background: Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) mediates endothelial cell mitogenesis and enhances vascular permeability. The existence of single or multiple VEGF isoforms and receptors suggests that these proteins may have overlapping but distinct functions, which may be reflected in their cell expression and distribution. Methods: The localisation of VEGFs A–C and their receptors (VEGFRs 1–3, respectively) in 30 fresh human atherosclerotic arteries, 15 normal uterine arteries, and 15 saphenous veins using immunohistochemistry and western blotting. Results: Saphenous veins showed no staining for VEGF-B or VEGFR-2. Smooth muscle cells (SMCs) showed the strongest staining for VEGF-A, VEGF-B, VEGFR-1, and VEGFR-2 in all specimens. Conversely, VEGFR-3 and VEGF-C were predominately localised to the endothelial vasa vasorum in normal arteries, whereas medial SMCs showed the strongest staining in atherosclerotic arteries. Western blotting showed variations in VEGF protein localisation, with lower amounts of VEGF-B and VEGF-C in saphenous veins, compared with arterial tissue. Amounts of VEGF-C were lower than those of VEGF-A and VEGF-B in all specimens. Conclusion: This study provides direct evidence of the presence of VEGF proteins and receptors in human physiology and pathology, with variations in both the amounts of VEGF proteins expressed and their cellular distribution in normal arteries compared with atherosclerotic arteries. The presence of VEGFs A–C and their receptors in normal arterial tissue implies that VEGF functions may extend beyond endothelial cell proliferation. Reduced VEGFR-2 staining in atherosclerotic arteries may have implications for the atherosclerosis process and the development of vascular disease and its complications.


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Differential splicing of the flt-1 mRNA generates soluble variant of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptor-1 (sVEGFR-1, also known as sFlt-1). The action of VEGF is antagonized by sVEGFR-1. Soluble VEGFR-1 binds to VEGF with a high affinity and therefore works to modulate VEGF and VEGF signaling pathway. In this study, the authors tested the hypothesis that VEGF-mediated endothelial cell angiogenesis is tightly modulated by the release of sVEGFR-1 and placental expression of sVEGFR-1 is upregulated by hypoxia. Immunolocalization studies showed progressively intense staining for sVEGFR-1 and VEGF in the trophoblast of placental villous explants throughout gestation. Endothelial cell migration studies using a modified Boyden's chamber showed a significant increase in cell migration in response to VEGF that was significantly attenuated in the presence of exogenous sVEGFR-1. Furthermore, stimulation of endothelial cells with VEGF led to a dose-dependent increase in the release of sVEGFR-1 as determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Exposure of normal placental villous explants to hypoxia (1% pO2) increased trophoblast expression of sVEGFR-1 when compared with tissue normoxia (5% pO2). In addition, conditioned media from hypoxia treated placental villous explants induced a significant increase in endothelial cell migration that was significantly reduced in presence of sVEGFR-1. Our study demonstrates that hypoxia positively regulates sVEGFR-1 protein expression in ex vivo trophoblasts, which control VEGF-driven angiogenesis.


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Approach and Results - Using in vitro and in vivo assays, we here demonstrate that the interaction between PMCA4 and calcineurin in VEGF-stimulated endothelial cells leads to downregulation of the calcineurin/NFAT pathway and to a significant reduction in the subsequent expression of the NFAT-dependent, VEGF-activated, proangiogenic genes RCAN1.4 and Cox-2. PMCA4-dependent inhibition of calcineurin signaling translates into a reduction in endothelial cell motility and blood vessel formation that ultimately impairs in vivo angiogenesis by VEGF. Objective - Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has been identified as a crucial regulator of physiological and pathological angiogenesis. Among the intracellular signaling pathways triggered by VEGF, activation of the calcineurin/ nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) signaling axis has emerged as a critical mediator of angiogenic processes. We and others previously reported a novel role for the plasma membrane calcium ATPase (PMCA) as an endogenous inhibitor of the calcineurin/NFAT pathway, via interaction with calcineurin, in cardiomyocytes and breast cancer cells. However, the functional significance of the PMCA/calcineurin interaction in endothelial pathophysiology has not been addressed thus far. Conclusions - Given the importance of the calcineurin/NFAT pathway in the regulation of pathological angiogenesis, targeted modulation of PMCA4 functionality might open novel therapeutic avenues to promote or attenuate new vessel formation in diseases that occur with angiogenesis.


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Glutaredoxin-1 (Glrx) is a cytosolic enzyme that regulates diverse cellular function by removal of GSH adducts from S-glutathionylated proteins including signaling molecules and transcription factors. Glrx is up-regulated during inflammation and diabetes. Glrx overexpression inhibits VEGF-induced endothelial cell (EC) migration. The aim was to investigate the role of up-regulated Glrx in EC angiogenic capacities and in vivo revascularization in the setting of hind limb ischemia. Glrx overexpressing EC from Glrx transgenic mice (TG) showed impaired migration and network formation and secreted higher level of soluble VEGF receptor 1 (sFlt), an antagonizing factor to VEGF. After hind limb ischemia surgery Glrx TG mice demonstrated impaired blood flow recovery, associated with lower capillary density and poorer limb motor function compared to wild type littermates. There were also higher levels of anti-angiogenic sFlt expression in the muscle and plasma of Glrx TG mice after surgery. Non-canonical Wnt5a is known to induce sFlt. Wnt5a was highly expressed in ischemic muscles and EC from Glrx TG mice, and exogenous Wnt5a induced sFlt expression and inhibited network formation in human microvascular EC. Adenoviral Glrx-induced sFlt in EC was inhibited by a competitive Wnt5a inhibitor. Furthermore, Glrx overexpression removed GSH adducts on p65 in ischemic muscle and EC, and enhanced nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB) activity which was responsible for Wnt5a-sFlt induction. Taken together, up-regulated Glrx induces sFlt in EC via NF-kB -dependent Wnt5a, resulting in attenuated revascularization in hind limb ischemia. The Glrx-induced sFlt may be a part of mechanism of redox regulated VEGF signaling.


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The endothelium is the primary barrier to leukocyte recruitment at sites of inflammation. Neutrophil recruitment is directed by transendothelial gradients of IL-8 that, in vivo, are bound to the endothelial cell surface. We have investigated the identity and function of the binding site(s) in an in vitro model of neutrophil transendothelial migration. In endothelial culture supernatants, IL-8 was detected in a trimolecular complex with heparan sulfate and syndecan-1. Constitutive shedding of IL-8 in this form was increased in the presence of a neutralizing Ab to plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), indicating a role for endothelial plasminogen activator in the shedding of IL-8. Increased shedding of IL-8/heparan sulfate/syndecan-1 complexes was accompanied by inhibition of neutrophil transendothelial migration, and aprotinin, a potent plasmin inhibitor, reversed this inhibition. Platelets, added as an exogenous source of PAI-1, had no effect on shedding of the complexes or neutrophil migration. Our results indicate that IL-8 is immobilized on the endothelial cell surface through binding to syndecan-1 ectodomains, and that plasmin, generated by endothelial plasminogen activator, induces the shedding of this form of IL-8. PAI-1 appears to stabilize the chemoattractant form of IL-8 at the cell surface and may represent a therapeutic target for novel anti-inflammatory strategies.


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Carbon monoxide (CO) is a gaseous autacoid known to positively regulate vascular tone; however, its role in angiogenesis is unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of CO on angiogenesis and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptor-2 phosphorylation. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) were cultured on growth factor- reduced Matrigel and treated with a CO-releasing molecule (CORM-2) or exposed to CO gas (250 ppm). Here, we report the surprising finding that exposure to CO inhibits vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-induced endothelial cell actin reorganisation, cell proliferation, migration and capillary-like tube formation. Similarly, CO suppressed VEGF-mediated phosphorylation of VEGFR-2 at tyrosine residue 1175 and 1214 and basic fibroblast growth factor- (FGF-2) and VEGF-mediated Akt phosphorylation. Consistent with these data, mice exposed to 250 ppm CO (1h/day for 14 days) exhibited a marked decrease in FGF-2-induced Matrigel plug angiogenesis (p<0.05). These data establish a new biological function for CO in angiogenesis and point to a potential therapeutic use for CO as an anti-angiogenic agent in tumour suppression.