973 resultados para electromagnetic valve
The presented thesis is devoted to investigation of wave processes in hybrid ferrite / ferroelectric structures. Spin wave devices based on ferrite films have such disadvantages, as huge size of the magnetic systems, low tuning velocity, considerable power inputs for parameters control that limits possible device applications. The considered layered structures allow to overcome the disadvantages mentioned and to promote the development of novel class of tunable microwave devices. The proposed theoretical analysis is intended to construct a model of hybrid electromagnetic-spin waves. Based on the theoretical analysis the experimental investigations were carried out. The experimental resonance characteristics of ferrite / ferroelectric resonator were obtained and their tunability by means of magnetic and electric field was demonstrated.
The objective of the work is to study fluid flow behavior through a pinch valve and to estimate the flow coefficient (KV ) at different opening positions of the valve. The flow inside a compressed valve is more complex than in a straight pipe, and it is one of main topics of interest for engineers in process industry. In the present work, we have numerically simulated compressed valve flow at different opening positions. In order to simulate the flow through pinch valve, several models of the elastomeric valve tube (pinch valve tube) at different opening positions were constructed in 2D-axisymmetric and 3D geometries. The numerical simulations were performed with the CFD packages; ANSYS FLUENT and ANSYS CFX by using parallel computing. The distributions of static pressure, velocity and turbulent kinetic energy have been studied at different opening positions of the valve in both 2D-axisymmetric and 3D experiments. The flow coefficient (KV ) values have been measured at different valve openings and are compared between 2D-axisymmetric and 3D simulation results.
In this Thesis the interaction of an electromagnetic field and matter is studied from various aspects in the general framework of cold atoms. Our subjects cover a wide spectrum of phenomena ranging from semiclassical few-level models to fully quantum mechanical interaction with structured reservoirs leading to non-Markovian open quantum system dynamics. Within closed quantum systems, we propose a selective method to manipulate the motional state of atoms in a time-dependent double-well potential and interpret the method in terms of adiabatic processes. Also, we derive a simple wave-packet model, based on distributions of generalized eigenstates, explaining the finite visibility of interference in overlapping continuous-wave atom lasers. In the context of open quantum systems, we develop an unraveling of non-Markovian dynamics in terms of piecewise deterministic quantum jump processes confined in the Hilbert space of the reduced system - the non-Markovian quantum jump method. As examples, we apply it for simple 2- and 3-level systems interacting with a structured reservoir. Also, in the context of ion-cavity QED we study the entanglement generation based on collective Dicke modes in experimentally realistic conditions including photonic losses and an atomic spontaneous decay.
Degenerative myxomatous mitral valve (DMMV) is a heart disease of high incidence in small animal clinical medicine, affecting mainly older dogs and small breeds. Thus, a scientific investigation was performed in order to evaluate the clinical use of the medicines furosemide and enalapril maleate in dogs with this disease in CHF functional class Ib before and after the treatment was established. For this purpose 16 dogs with the given valve disease were used, separated into two groups: the first received furosemide (n=8) and the second received enalapril maleate (n=8) throughout 56 days. The dogs were evaluated in four stages (T0, T14, T28 and T56 day) in relation to clinical signs, hematological, biochemical and serum assessment, which included serum angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and aldosterone, as well as radiography, electrocardiography, Doppler-echocardiography and blood pressure. The results regarding the clinical, hematological and serum chemistry evaluations revealed no significant changes in both groups, but significant reductions in the values of ACE and aldosterone in the group receiving enalapril maleate were verified. The radiographic examination revealed reductions of VHS values and variable Pms wave of the electrocardiogram in both groups, but no changes in blood pressure values were identified. The echocardiogram showed a significant decrease of the variables LVDd/s in the studied groups and the FS% in animals that received only enalapril. Therefore, analysis of results showed that monotherapy based on enalapril maleate showed better efficiency of symptoms control in patients with CHF functional class Ib.
Luettelo Kansalliskirjastossa olevan Kaarlo Väinö Valveen arkiston sisällöstä
This work devotes to the theoretical investigations of spin-electromagnetic waves (SEW) propagating in a thin-film multiferroic structures that were composed of a slot-line and structures with several ferrite films. In contrast to earlier works, the spin-electromagnetic waves in the investigated structures are originated from two different electrodynamics coupling. The first one is coupling of the electromagnetic wave localized mainly in the slot-line with the spin wave excited mostly in the ferrite film. The second one is coupling of two spin waves in the different ferrite films separated by a thin ferroelectric film. For theoretical analysis of SEWs propagation in such kind of structures theories of their eigen-wave spectra were developed. Spectra of SEW in the investigated structures were calculated and analyzed. The range of electric and magnetic tunability of dispersion characteristic were investigated. Spectra of SEW in the investigated multiferroic structures are used for investigation of transfer function of periodic structures.
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of carvedilol treatment and a regimen of supervised aerobic exercise training on quality of life and other clinical, echocardiographic, and biochemical variables in a group of client-owned dogs with chronic mitral valve disease (CMVD). Ten healthy dogs (control) and 36 CMVD dogs were studied, with the latter group divided into 3 subgroups. In addition to conventional treatment (benazepril, 0.3-0.5 mg/kg once a day, and digoxin, 0.0055 mg/kg twice daily), 13 dogs received exercise training (subgroup I; 10.3±2.1 years), 10 dogs received carvedilol (0.3 mg/kg twice daily) and exercise training (subgroup II; 10.8±1.7 years), and 13 dogs received only carvedilol (subgroup III; 10.9±2.1 years). All drugs were administered orally. Clinical, laboratory, and Doppler echocardiographic variables were evaluated at baseline and after 3 and 6 months. Exercise training was conducted from months 3-6. The mean speed rate during training increased for both subgroups I and II (ANOVA, P>0.001), indicating improvement in physical conditioning at the end of the exercise period. Quality of life and functional class was improved for all subgroups at the end of the study. The N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) level increased in subgroup I from baseline to 3 months, but remained stable after training introduction (from 3 to 6 months). For subgroups II and III, NT-proBNP levels remained stable during the entire study. No difference was observed for the other variables between the three evaluation periods. The combination of carvedilol or exercise training with conventional treatment in CMVD dogs led to improvements in quality of life and functional class. Therefore, light walking in CMVD dogs must be encouraged.
Electromagnetic and thermal design of a multilevel converter with high power density and reliability
Electric energy demand has been growing constantly as the global population increases. To avoid electric energy shortage, renewable energy sources and energy conservation are emphasized all over the world. The role of power electronics in energy saving and development of renewable energy systems is significant. Power electronics is applied in wind, solar, fuel cell, and micro turbine energy systems for the energy conversion and control. The use of power electronics introduces an energy saving potential in such applications as motors, lighting, home appliances, and consumer electronics. Despite the advantages of power converters, their penetration into the market requires that they have a set of characteristics such as high reliability and power density, cost effectiveness, and low weight, which are dictated by the emerging applications. In association with the increasing requirements, the design of the power converter is becoming more complicated, and thus, a multidisciplinary approach to the modelling of the converter is required. In this doctoral dissertation, methods and models are developed for the design of a multilevel power converter and the analysis of the related electromagnetic, thermal, and reliability issues. The focus is on the design of the main circuit. The electromagnetic model of the laminated busbar system and the IGBT modules is established with the aim of minimizing the stray inductance of the commutation loops that degrade the converter power capability. The circular busbar system is proposed to achieve equal current sharing among parallel-connected devices and implemented in the non-destructive test set-up. In addition to the electromagnetic model, a thermal model of the laminated busbar system is developed based on a lumped parameter thermal model. The temperature and temperature-dependent power losses of the busbars are estimated by the proposed algorithm. The Joule losses produced by non-sinusoidal currents flowing through the busbars in the converter are estimated taking into account the skin and proximity effects, which have a strong influence on the AC resistance of the busbars. The lifetime estimation algorithm was implemented to investigate the influence of the cooling solution on the reliability of the IGBT modules. As efficient cooling solutions have a low thermal inertia, they cause excessive temperature cycling of the IGBTs. Thus, a reliability analysis is required when selecting the cooling solutions for a particular application. The control of the cooling solution based on the use of a heat flux sensor is proposed to reduce the amplitude of the temperature cycles. The developed methods and models are verified experimentally by a laboratory prototype.
Introduction: La surcharge de pression ventriculaire augmente à l’exercice chez les patients avec une sténose de valve aortique (SVA). Lorsqu’il n’y a aucun symptôme apparent, il est cependant difficile d’indiquer l’intervention chirurgicale en utilisant seulement les indices de surcharge de pression ventriculaire. D’autres paramètres, tels que la dispersion de la repolarisation ventriculaire (d-QT), qui augmentent avec le gradient de pression transvalvulaire (GPT), n’ont pas été étudiés dans la SVA. L’objectif de l’étude était de déterminer le modèle de réponse du segment QT et de la d-QT à l’épreuve d’effort chez des enfants avec une SVA congénitale modérée afin d’évaluer l’impact de la surcharge de pression ventriculaire selon une perspective électrophysiologique. Matériel et méthodes: 15 patients SVA modérés ont été comparés à 15 sujets contrôles appariés pour l’âge (14.8±2.5 ans vs. 14.2±1.5 ans) et pour le sexe (66,7% de sujets mâles). Tous les sujets ont fait une épreuve d’effort avec enregistrement électrocardiographique à 12 dérivations. Le segment QT a été mesuré à partir du début du complexe QRS jusqu’à l’apex de l’onde T (QTa) au repos, à l’effort maximal ainsi qu’après 1 et 3 minutes de récupération. La longueur du segment QT a été corrigée selon l’équation de Fridericia et la d-QT a été calculée. Résultats: La longueur du segment QT corrigée (QTc) était similaire au repos entre les groupes d’étude, mais était significativement élevée chez les SVA en comparaison avec le groupe contrôle à l’effort maximal (p=0.004) ainsi qu’après 1 (p<0.001) et 3 (p<0.001) minutes de récupération. Une interaction significative a été identifiée entre les groupes pour la d-QT (p=0.034) et les tests post hoc ont révélé une différence significative seulement au repos (p=0.001). Conclusions: Les anomalies de repolarisation ventriculaire peuvent être révélées par l’évaluation de la repolarisation électrique lors de l’épreuve d’effort chez les SVA modérées asymptomatiques. L’utilisation de la réponse du QT à l’effort pourrait être bénéfique pour l’optimisation de la stratification du risque chez ces patients.
La sténose valvulaire aortique (SVA) est la maladie des valves cardiaques la plus répandue dans les pays développés qui touche les personnes âgées. La SVA est un processus actif caractérisé par des dépôts de lipides, de l’inflammation, de la fibrose et une calcification active des feuillets qui progresse vers un épaississement et durcissement de la valve aortique et une diminution de l’aire de la valve aortique. Nous avons émis l’hypothèse que la pathogénèse de la SVA modifie progressivement l’endothélium de la valve aortique, ce qui engendre l’expression de biomarqueurs spécifiques aux tissus et à la maladie. On rapporte dans cet étude, l’utilisation de la technique de sélection in vivo par phage display d’une librairie de peptides aléatoires afin de trouver de nouveaux peptides candidats qui se lieraient à des biomarqueurs spécifiques à la valve aortique malade d’une souris. Des souris ATX (LDLr-/-;Tg(hApoB+/+)) âgées atteintes de la SVA ont été utilisées pour la sélection in vivo d’une librairie de peptides aléatoires de 7 acides aminés contraints ou linéaires. Après 4 tours de criblage, on a caractérisé 14 phages différents qui ont été séparés en 5 motifs consensus pour la librairie linéaire et 11 phages différents qui représentent 5 différents motifs consensus pour la libraire de peptides contraints. La spécificité de 4 phages candidats de la librairie linéaire et de 5 phages de la librairie contrainte a été étudiée par l’immunomarquage des peptides d’intérêt exprimés par les phages sur les coupes de tissus de la valve aortique malade par rapport aux tissus contrôles du foie, du rein, de la rate, du ventricule et du poumon. Parmi eux, 6 phages représentent des peptides candidats intéressants qui ont besoin d’être testés davantage pour évaluer leur spécificité in vivo à la valve. Bien qu’il reste encore de la validation à effectuer, les peptides candidats spécifiques trouvés peuvent représenter des agents moléculaires d’imagerie utiles ou des transporteurs dans la livraison de drogue qui ciblent la valve aortique malade.
Contexte: La régurgitation mitrale (RM) est une maladie valvulaire nécessitant une intervention dans les cas les plus grave. Une réparation percutanée de la valve mitrale avec le dispositif MitraClip est un traitement sécuritaire et efficace pour les patients à haut risque chirurgical. Nous voulons évaluer les résultats cliniques et l'impact économique de cette thérapie par rapport à la gestion médicale des patients en insuffisance cardiaque avec insuffisance mitrale symptomatique. Méthodes: L'étude a été composée de deux phases; une étude d'observation de patients souffrant d'insuffisance cardiaque et de régurgitation mitrale traitée avec une thérapie médicale ou le MitraClip, et un modèle économique. Les résultats de l'étude observationnelle ont été utilisés pour estimer les paramètres du modèle de décision, qui a estimé les coûts et les avantages d'une cohorte hypothétique de patients atteints d'insuffisance cardiaque et insuffisance mitrale sévère traitée avec soit un traitement médical standard ou MitraClip. Résultats: La cohorte de patients traités avec le système MitraClip était appariée par score de propension à une population de patients atteints d'insuffisance cardiaque, et leurs résultats ont été comparés. Avec un suivi moyen de 22 mois, la mortalité était de 21% dans la cohorte MitraClip et de 42% dans la cohorte de gestion médicale (p = 0,007). Le modèle de décision a démontré que MitraClip augmente l'espérance de vie de 1,87 à 3,60 années et des années de vie pondérées par la qualité (QALY) de 1,13 à 2,76 ans. Le coût marginal était 52.500 $ dollars canadiens, correspondant à un rapport coût-efficacité différentiel (RCED) de 32,300.00 $ par QALY gagné. Les résultats étaient sensibles à l'avantage de survie. Conclusion: Dans cette cohorte de patients atteints d'insuffisance cardiaque symptomatique et d insuffisance mitrale significative, la thérapie avec le MitraClip est associée à une survie supérieure et est rentable par rapport au traitement médical.
In this paper, microstrip lines magnetically coupled to splitring resonators (SRRs) are conquved to electromagnetic bundgup (EBG) nr,rrostrip lines in terns q/ their stop-heard penjbrnmrnce and dimensions. In bath types o/ trunsmis•siou lines, signal propagation is inhibited in it certain jequency bwuL For EBG microstrip lines, the central frequency of such a forbidden band is determined by the period of the structure, whereas in SRR-hased microstrip lines the position of the frequency gap depends on the quasi-static resonant frequency of the rings. The main relevant conrributiun of this paper is to provide a tuning procedure to control the gap width in SRR microstrip lines, and to show that by using SRRs, device dimensions ale much smaller than those required by EBGs in order to obtain similar stop-banal performance. This has been demonstrated by fill-wave electromagnetic simulations and experimentally verified from the characterization ql two fabricated microstrip lines: one with rectangular SRRs etched on the upper substrate side, and the other with a periodic perturbation cf'strip width. For similar rejection and 1-(;H,. gap width centered at 4.5 Gllz, it has been found that the SRR microstrip line is•,fve times shorter. In addition, no ripple is appreciable in the allowed band for the .SRR-hared structure, whereas due to dispersion, certain mismatch is expected in the EBG prototype. Due to the high-frequency selectivity, controllable gap width, and small dimensions, it is believed that SRR coupled to planar transmission lines can have an actual impact on the design of stop-band filters compatible with planar technology, and can be an alternative to present solutions based on distributed approaches or EBG