920 resultados para divine mind


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Agrobacterium tumefaciens translocates T-DNA through a polar VirB/D4 type IV secretion (T4S) system. VirC1, a factor required for efficient T-DNA transfer, bears a deviant Walker A and other sequence motifs characteristic of ParA and MinD ATPases. Here, we show that VirC1 promotes conjugative T-DNA transfer by stimulating generation of multiple copies per cell of the T-DNA substrate (T-complex) through pairwise interactions with the processing factors VirD2 relaxase, VirC2, and VirD1. VirC1 also associates with the polar membrane and recruits T-complexes to cell poles, the site of VirB/D4 T4S machine assembly. VirC1 Walker A mutations abrogate T-complex generation and polar recruitment, whereas the native protein recruits T-complexes to cell poles independently of other polar processing factors (VirC2, VirD1) or T4S components (VirD4 substrate receptor, VirB channel subunits). We propose that A. tumefaciens has appropriated a progenitor ParA/MinD-like ATPase to promote conjugative DNA transfer by: (i) nucleating relaxosome assembly at oriT-like T-DNA border sequences and (ii) spatially positioning the transfer intermediate at the cell pole to coordinate substrate-T4S channel docking.


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In diesem Aufsatz wird die Rolle des Radios im Dekolonisierungsprozess analysiert. Anhand zweier Beispiele – Namibia und Zambia – wird die Vermittlung eines afrikanischen Nationalismus untersucht, der sich nach der Unabhängigkeit in Bemühungen zum nation building niederschlug. Das Radio nahm (und nimmt) als wichtigstes Massenmedium in afrikanischen Staaten dabei insofern eine zentrale Rolle ein, als die jeweiligen Ideologien über dieses Medium an eine Bevölkerung übermittelt werden sollten. Im Beitrag werden nicht nur die jeweiligen Politiken analysiert, sondern auch die Rolle und Eigenwahrnehmung der Journalisten / innen und die Programme selbst. Die Widersprüche zwischen gewünschter Politik, vorhandener Infrastruktur, Vorstellungen der Journalist/innen und den Hörerwünschen machten die Vermittlung nationalistischer Politik sowie die Herstellung eines virtuellen nationalen Raumes im Radio zu komplexen Prozessen, die nicht immer gelingen konnten.


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Female gender and low income are two markers for groups that have been historically disadvantaged within most societies. The study explores two research questions related to their political representation: (1) ‘Are parties biased towards the ideological preferences of male and rich citizens?’; and (2) ‘Does the proportionality of the electoral system moderate the degree of under-representation of women and poor citizens in the party system?’ A multilevel analysis of survey data from 24 parliamentary democracies indicates that there is some bias against those with low income and, at a much smaller rate, women. This has systemic consequences for the quality of representation, as the preferences of the complementary groups differ. The proportionality of the electoral system influences the degree of under-representation: specifically, larger district magnitudes help in closing the considerable gap between rich and poor.


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The body schema is a key component in accomplishing egocentric mental transformations, which rely on bodily reference frames. These reference frames are based on a plurality of different cognitive and sensory cues among which the vestibular system plays a prominent role. We investigated whether a bottom-up influence of vestibular stimulation modulates the ability to perform egocentric mental transformations. Participants were significantly faster to make correct spatial judgments during vestibular stimulation as compared to sham stimulation. Interestingly, no such effects were found for mental transformation of hand stimuli or during mental transformations of letters, thus showing a selective influence of vestibular stimulation on the rotation of whole-body reference frames. Furthermore, we found an interaction with the angle of rotation and vestibular stimulation demonstrating an increase in facilitation during mental body rotations in a direction congruent with rightward vestibular afferents. We propose that facilitation reflects a convergence in shared brain areas that process bottom-up vestibular signals and top-down imagined whole-body rotations, including the precuneus and tempero-parietal junction. Ultimately, our results show that vestibular information can influence higher-order cognitive processes, such as the body schema and mental imagery.


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by H. Farbridge


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By one of themselves


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Mental color imagery abilities are commonly measured using paradigms that involve naming, judging, or comparing the colors of visual mental images of well-known objects (e.g., “Is a sunflower darker yellow than a lemon”?). Although this approach is widely used in patient studies, differences in the ability to perform such color comparisons might simply reflect participants’ general knowledge of object colors rather than their ability to generate accurate visual mental images of the colors of the objects. The aim of the present study was to design a new color imagery paradigm. Participants were asked to visualize a color for 3 s and then to determine a visually presented color by pressing 1 of 6 keys. The authors reasoned that participants would react faster when the imagined and perceived colors were congruent than when they were incongruent. In Experiment 1, participants were slower in incongruent than congruent trials but only when they were instructed to visualize the colors. The results in Experiment 2 demonstrate that the congruency effect reported in Experiment 1 cannot be attributed to verbalization of the color that had to be visualized. Finally, in Experiment 3, the congruency effect evoked by mental imagery correlated with performance in a perceptual version of the task. The authors discuss these findings with respect to the mechanisms that underlie mental imagery and patients suffering from color imagery deficits.


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Recent studies provide promising methodological advances in the use of pupillometry as on-line measurement of cognitive processes and show that visual attention allocation, mind-wandering, mental imagery, and even rhyme expectations can influence the size of the human pupil.


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Freely available software has popularized “mousetracking” to study cognitive processing; this involves the on-line recording of cursor positions while participants move a computer mouse to indicate their choice. Movement trajectories of the cursor can then be reconstructed off-line to assess the efficiency of responding in time and across space. Here we focus on the process of selecting among alternative numerical responses. Several studies have recently measured the mathematical mind with cursor movements while people decided about number magnitude or parity, computed sums or differences, or simply located numbers on a number line. After some general methodological considerations about mouse tracking we discuss several conceptual concerns that become particularly evident when “mousing” the mathematical mind.