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This research project examined objective measures of driver behaviour and road users' perceptions on the usefulness and effectiveness of three specific VMS (Variable Message Signs) interventions to improve speeding and headway behaviours. The interventions addressed speeding behaviour alone (intervention 1), headway behaviour alone (intervention 2) and a combination of speeding and headway behaviour (intervention 3). Six VMS were installed along a segment of the Bruce Highway, with a series of three signs for each of the northbound and southbound traffic. Speeds and headway distances were measured with loop detectors installed before and after each VMS. Messages addressing speeding and headway were devised for display on the VMS. A driver could receive a message if they were detected as exceeding the posted speed limit (of 90km/hr) or if the distance to the vehicle in front was less than 2.0s. In addition to the on-road objective measurement of speeding and headway behaviours, the research project elicited self-reported responses to the speeding and headway messages from a sample of drivers via a community-based survey. The survey sought to examine the drivers' beliefs about the effectiveness of the signs and messages, and their views about the role, use, and effectiveness of VMS more generally.


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Background: Periurban agriculture refers to agricultural practice occurring in areas with mixed rural and urban features. It is responsible 25% of the total gross value of economic production in Australia, despite only comprising 3% of the land used for agriculture. As populations grows and cities expand, they are constantly absorbing surrounding fringe areas, thus creating a new fringe, further from the city causing the periurban region to constantly shift outwards. Periurban regions are fundamental in the provision of fresh food to city populations and residential (and industrial) expansion taking over agricultural land has been noted as a major worldwide concern. Another major concern around the increase in urbanisation and resultant decrease in periurban agriculture is its potential effect on food security. Food security is the availability or access to nutritionally-adequate, culturally-relevant and safe foods in culturally-appropriate ways. Thus food insecurity occurs when access to or availability of these foods is compromised. There is an important level of connectedness between food security and food production and a decrease in periurban agriculture may have adverse effects on food security. A decrease in local, seasonal produce may result in a decrease in the availability of products and an increase in cost, as food must travel greater distances, incurring extra costs present at the consumer level. Currently, few Australian studies exist examining the change in periurban agriculture over time. Such information may prove useful for future health policy and interventions as well as infrastructure planning. The aim of this study is to investigate changes in periurban agriculture among capital cities of Australia. Methods: We compared data pertaining to selected commodities from the Australian Bureau of Statistics 2000-01 and 2005 -2006 Agricultural Census. This survey is distributed online or via mail on a five-yearly basis to approximately 175,000 Agricultural business to ascertain information on a range of factors, such as types of crops, livestock and land preparation practices. For the purpose of this study we compared the land being used for total crops, and cereal , oil seed, legume, fruit and vegetable crops separately. Data was analysed using repeated measures anova in spss. Results: Overall, total area available for crops in urbanised areas of Australia increased slightly by 1.8%. However, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth experienced decreases in the area available for fruit crops by 11%, 5%,and 4% respectively. Furthermore, Brisbane and Perth experienced decreases in land available for vegetable crops by 28% and 14% respectively. Finally, Sydney, Adelaide and Perth experienced decreases in land available for cereal crops by 10 – 79%. Conclusions: These findings suggest that population increases and consequent urban sprawl may be resulting in a decrease in peri-urban agriculture, specifically for several core food groups including fruit, breads and grain based foods. In doing so, access to or availability of these foods may be limited, and the cost of these foods is likely to increase, which may compromise food insecurity for certain sub-groups of the population.


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Purpose: To assess the effects of pre-cooling volume on neuromuscular function and performance in free-paced intermittent-sprint exercise in the heat. Methods: Ten male, teamsport athletes completed four randomized trials involving an 85-min free-paced intermittentsprint exercise protocol in 33°C±33% relative humidity. Pre-cooling sessions included whole body (WB), head+hand (HH), head (H) and no cooling (CONT), applied for 20-min pre-exercise and 5-min mid exercise. Maximal voluntary contractions (MVC) were assessed pre- and postintervention and mid- and post-exercise. Exercise performance was assessed with sprint times, % decline and distances covered during free-paced bouts. Measures of core(Tc) and skin (Tsk) temperatures, heart rate, perceptual exertion and thermal stress were monitored throughout. Venous and capillary blood was analyzed for metabolite, muscle damage and inflammatory markers. Results: WB pre-cooling facilitated the maintenance of sprint times during the exercise protocol with reduced % decline (P=0.04). Mean and total hard running distances increased with pre cooling 12% compared to CONT (P<0.05), specifically, WB was 6-7% greater than HH (P=0.02) and H (P=0.001) respectively. No change was evident in mean voluntary or evoked force pre- to post-exercise with WB and HH cooling (P>0.05). WB and HH cooling reduced Tc by 0.1-0.3°C compared to other conditions (P<0.05). WB Tsk was suppressed for the entire session(P=0.001). HR responses following WB cooling were reduced(P=0.05; d=1.07) compared to CONT conditions during exercise. Conclusion: A relationship between pre-cooling volume and exercise performance seems apparent, as larger surface area coverage augmented subsequent free-paced exercise capacity, in conjunction with greater suppression of physiological load. Maintenance of MVC with pre-cooling, despite increased work output suggests the role of centrally-mediated mechanisms in exercise pacing regulation and subsequent performance.


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This study examined the effects of pre-cooling duration on performance and neuromuscular function for self-paced intermittent-sprint shuttle running in the heat. Eight male, team-sport athletes completed two 35-min bouts of intermittent-sprint shuttle running separated by a 15-min recovery on three separate occasions (33°C, 34% relative humidity). Mixed-method pre-cooling was completed for 20 min (COOL20), 10-min (COOL10) or no cooling (CONT) and reapplied for 5-min mid-exercise. Performance was assessed via sprint times, percentage decline and shuttle-running distance covered. Maximal voluntary contractions (MVC), voluntary activation (VA) and evoked twitch properties were recorded pre- and post-intervention and mid- and post-exercise. Core temperature (T c), skin temperature, heart rate, capillary blood metabolites, sweat losses, perceptual exertion and thermal stress were monitored throughout. Venous blood draws pre- and post-exercise were analyzed for muscle damage and inflammation markers. Shuttle-running distances covered were increased 5.2 ± 3.3% following COOL20 (P < 0.05), with no differences observed between COOL10 and CONT (P > 0.05). COOL20 aided in the maintenance of mid- and post-exercise MVC (P < 0.05; d > 0.80), despite no conditional differences in VA (P > 0.05). Pre-exercise T c was reduced by 0.15 ± 0.13°C with COOL20 (P < 0.05; d > 1.10), and remained lower throughout both COOL20 and COOL10 compared to CONT (P < 0.05; d > 0.80). Pre-cooling reduced sweat losses by 0.4 ± 0.3 kg (P < 0.02; d > 1.15), with COOL20 0.2 ± 0.4 kg less than COOL10 (P = 0.19; d = 1.01). Increased pre-cooling duration lowered physiological demands during exercise heat stress and facilitated the maintenance of self-paced intermittent-sprint performance in the heat. Importantly, the dose-response interaction of pre-cooling and sustained neuromuscular responses may explain the improved exercise performance in hot conditions.


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Objectives: The current study investigated the change in neuromuscular contractile properties following competitive rugby league matches and the relationship with physical match demands. Design: Eleven trained, male rugby league players participated in 2–3 amateur, competitive matches (n = 30). Methods: Prior to, immediately (within 15-min) and 2 h post-match, players performed repeated counter-movement jumps (CMJ) followed by isometric tests on the right knee extensors for maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), voluntary activation (VA) and evoked twitch contractile properties of peak twitch force (Pt), rate of torque development (RTD), contraction duration (CD) and relaxation rate (RR). During each match, players wore 1 Hz Global Positioning Satellite devices to record distance and speeds of matches. Further, matches were filmed and underwent notational analysis for number of total body collisions. Results: Total, high-intensity, very-high intensity distances covered and mean speed were 5585 ± 1078 m, 661 ± 265, 216 ± 121 m and 75 ± 14 m min−1, respectively. MVC was significantly reduced immediately and 2 h post-match by 8 ± 11 and 12 ± 13% from pre-match (p < 0.05). Moreover, twitch contractile properties indicated a suppression of Pt, RTD and RR immediately post-match (p < 0.05). However, VA was not significantly altered from pre-match (90 ± 9%), immediately-post (89 ± 9%) or 2 h post (89 ± 8%), (p > 0.05). Correlation analyses indicated that total playing time (r = −0.50) and mean speed (r = −0.40) were moderately associated to the change in post-match MVC, while mean speed (r = 0.35) was moderately associated to VA. Conclusions: The present study highlights the physical demands of competitive amateur rugby league result in interruption of peripheral contractile function, and post-match voluntary torque suppression may be associated with match playing time and mean speeds.


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Aim: To determine the effects of an acute multi-nutrient supplement on physiological, performance and recovery responses to intermittent-sprint running and muscular damage during rugby union matches. Methods: Using a randomised, double-blind, cross-over design, twelve male rugby union players ingested either 75 g of a comprehensive multi-nutrient supplement (SUPP), [Musashi] or 1 g of a taste and carbohydrate matched placebo (PL) for 5 days pre-competition. Competitive rugby union game running performance was then measured using 1 Hz GPS data (SPI10, SPI elite, GPSports), in addition to associated blood draws, vertical jump assessments and ratings of perceived muscular soreness (MS) pre, immediately post and 24 h post-competition. Baseline (BL) GPS data was collected during six competition rounds preceding data collection. Results: No significant differences were observed between supplement conditions for all game running, vertical jump, and ratings of perceived muscular soreness. However, effect size analysis indicated SUPP ingestion increased 1st half very high intensity running (VHIR) mean speed (d = 0.93) and 2nd half relative distance (m/min) (d = 0.97). Further, moderate increases in 2nd half VHIR distance (d = 0.73), VHIR m/min (d = 0.70) and VHIR mean speed (d = 0.56) in SUPP condition were also apparent. Moreover, SUPP demonstrated significant increases in 2nd half dist m/min, total game dist m/min and total game HIR m/min compared with BL data (P < 0.05). Further, large ES increases in VHIR time (d = 0.88) and moderate increases in 2nd half HIR m/min (d = 0.65) and 2nd half VHIR m/min (d = 0.74) were observed between SUPP and BL. Post-game aspartate aminotransferase (AST) (d = 1.16) and creatine kinase (CK) (d = 0.97) measures demonstrated increased ES values with SUPP, while AST and CK values correlated with 2nd half VHIR distance (r = −0.71 and r = −0.76 respectively). Elevated c-reactive protein (CRP) was observed post-game in both conditions, however was significantly blunted with SUPP (P = 0.05). Additionally, pre-game (d = 0.98) and post-game (d = 0.96) increases in cortisol (CORT) were apparent with SUPP. No differences were apparent between conditions for pH, lactate, glucose, HCO3, vertical jump assessments and MS (P > 0.05). Conclusion: These findings suggest SUPP may assist in the maintenance of VHIR speeds and distances covered during rugby union games, possibly via the buffering qualities of SUPP ingredients (i.e. caffeine, creatine, bicarbonate). While the mechanisms for these findings are unclear, the similar pH between conditions despite additional VHIR during SUPP may support this conclusion. Finally, correlations between increased work completed at very high intensities and muscular degradation in SUPP conditions, may mask any anti-catabolic properties of supplementation.


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Rural, regional, and remote settlements in Australia require resilient infrastructure to remain sustainable in a context characterized by frequent large-scale natural disasters, long distances between urban centers, and the pressures of economic change. A critical aspect of this infrastructure is the air services network, a system of airports, aircraft operators, and related industries that enables the high-speed movement of people, goods, and services to remote locations. A process of deregulation during the 1970s and 1980s resulted in many of these airports passing into local government and private ownership, and the rationalization of the industry saw the closure of a number of airlines and airports. This paper examines the impacts of deregulation on the resilience of air services and the contribution that they make to regional and rural communities. In particular, the robustness, redundancy, resourcefulness, and rapidity of the system are examined. The conclusion is that while the air services network has remained resilient in a situation of considerable change, the pressures of commercialization and the tendency to manage aspects of the system in isolation have contributed to a potential decrease in overall resilience.


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A synthesis is presented of the predictive capability of a family of near-wall wall-normal free Reynolds stress models (which are completely independent of wall topology, i.e., of the distance fromthe wall and the normal-to-thewall orientation) for oblique-shock-wave/turbulent-boundary-layer interactions. For the purpose of comparison, results are also presented using a standard low turbulence Reynolds number k–ε closure and a Reynolds stress model that uses geometric wall normals and wall distances. Studied shock-wave Mach numbers are in the range MSW = 2.85–2.9 and incoming boundary-layer-thickness Reynolds numbers are in the range Reδ0 = 1–2×106. Computations were carefully checked for grid convergence. Comparison with measurements shows satisfactory agreement, improving on results obtained using a k–ε model, and highlights the relative importance of redistribution and diffusion closures, indicating directions for future modeling work.


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Conspicuity limitations make bicycling at night dangerous. This experiment quantified bicyclists’ estimates of the distance at which approaching drivers would first recognize them. Twenty five participants (including 13 bicyclists who rode at least once per week, and 12 who rode once per month or less) cycled in place on a closed-road circuit at night-time and indicated when they were confident that an approaching driver would first recognize that a bicyclist was present. Participants wore black clothing alone or together with a fluorescent bicycling vest, a fluorescent bicycling vest with additional retroreflective tape, or the fluorescent retroreflective vest plus ankle and knee reflectors in a modified ‘biomotion’ configuration. The bicycle had a light mounted on the handlebars which was either static, flashing or off. Participants judged that black clothing made them least visible, retroreflective strips on the legs in addition to a retroreflective vest made them most visible and that adding retroreflective materials to a fluorescent vest provides no conspicuity benefits. Flashing bicycle lights were associated with higher conspicuity than static lights. Additionally, occasional bicyclists judged themselves to be more visible than did frequent bicyclists. Overall, bicyclists overestimated their conspicuity compared to previously collected recognition distances and underestimated the conspicuity benefits of retroreflective markings on their ankles and knees. Participants mistakenly judged that a fluorescent vest that did not include retroreflective material would enhance their night-time conspicuity. These findings suggest that bicyclists have dangerous misconceptions concerning the magnitude of the night-time conspicuity problem and the potential value of conspicuity treatments.


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Effective flocculation and dewatering of mineral processing streams containing clays are microstructure dependent in clay-water systems. Initial clay flocculation is crucial in the design and for the development of a new methodology of gas exploitation. Microstructural engineering of clay aggregates using covalent cations and Keggin macromolecules have been monitored using the new state of the art Transmission X-ray Microscope (TXM) with 60 nm tomography resolution installed in a Taiwanese synchrotron. The 3-D reconstructions from TXM images show complex aggregation structures in montmorillonite aqueous suspensions after treatment with Na+, Ca2+ and Al13 Keggin macromolecules. Na-montmorillonite displays elongated, parallel, well-orientated and closed-void cellular networks, 0.5–3 μm in diameter. After treatment by covalent cations, the coagulated structure displays much smaller, randomly orientated and openly connected cells, 300–600 nm in diameter. The average distances measured between montmorillonite sheets was around 450 nm, which is less than half of the cell dimension measured in Na-montmorillonite. The most dramatic structural changes were observed after treatment by Al13 Keggin; aggregates then became arranged in compacted domains of a 300 nm average diameter composed of thick face-to-face oriented sheets, which forms porous aggregates with larger intra-aggregate open and connected voids.


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A newly developed computational approach is proposed in the paper for the analysis of multiple crack problems based on the eigen crack opening displacement (COD) boundary integral equations. The eigen COD particularly refers to a crack in an infinite domain under fictitious traction acting on the crack surface. With the concept of eigen COD, the multiple cracks in great number can be solved by using the conventional displacement discontinuity boundary integral equations in an iterative fashion with a small size of system matrix to determine all the unknown CODs step by step. To deal with the interactions among cracks for multiple crack problems, all cracks in the problem are divided into two groups, namely the adjacent group and the far-field group, according to the distance to the current crack in consideration. The adjacent group contains cracks with relatively small distances but strong effects to the current crack, while the others, the cracks of far-field group are composed of those with relatively large distances. Correspondingly, the eigen COD of the current crack is computed in two parts. The first part is computed by using the fictitious tractions of adjacent cracks via the local Eshelby matrix derived from the traction boundary integral equations in discretized form, while the second part is computed by using those of far-field cracks so that the high computational efficiency can be achieved in the proposed approach. The numerical results of the proposed approach are compared not only with those using the dual boundary integral equations (D-BIE) and the BIE with numerical Green's functions (NGF) but also with those of the analytical solutions in literature. The effectiveness and the efficiency of the proposed approach is verified. Numerical examples are provided for the stress intensity factors of cracks, up to several thousands in number, in both the finite and infinite plates.


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Barmah Forest virus (BFV) disease is the second most common mosquito-borne disease in Australia, but the linkages of the wetlands and climate zones with BFV transmission remain unclear. We aimed to examine the relationship between the wetlands, climate zones and BFV risk in Queensland, Australia. Data on the wetlands, climate zones, population and BFV cases for the period 1992 to 2008 were obtained from relevant government agencies. BFV risk was grouped as low-, medium- and high-level based on BFV incidence percentiles. The buffer zones around each BFV case were made using 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 50 km distances. We performed a discriminant analysis to determine the differences between wetland classes and BFV risk within each climate zone. The discriminant analyses show that saline 1, riverine and saline tidal influence were the most significant contributors to BFV risk in all climate and buffer zones, while lacustrine, palustrine, estuarine and saline 2 and saline 3 wetlands were less important. These models had classification accuracies of 76%, 98% and 100% for BFV risk in subtropical, tropical and temperate climate zones, respectively. This study demonstrates that BFV risk varies with wetland class and climate zone. The discriminant analysis is a useful tool to quantify the links between wetlands, climate zones and BFV risk.


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Previous studies have enabled exact prediction of probabilities of identity-by-descent (IBD) in randommating populations for a few loci (up to four or so), with extension to more using approximate regression methods. Here we present a precise predictor of multiple-locus IBD using simple formulas based on exact results for two loci. In particular, the probability of non-IBD X ABC at each of ordered loci A, B, and C can be well approximated by XABC = XABXBC/XB and generalizes to X123. . .k = X12X23. . .Xk-1,k/ Xk-2, where X is the probability of non-IBD at each locus. Predictions from this chain rule are very precise with population bottlenecks and migration, but are rather poorer in the presence of mutation. From these coefficients, the probabilities of multilocus IBD and non-IBD can also be computed for genomic regions as functions of population size, time, and map distances. An approximate but simple recurrence formula is also developed, which generally is less accurate than the chain rule but is more robust with mutation. Used together with the chain rule it leads to explicit equations for non-IBD in a region. The results can be applied to detection of quantitative trait loci (QTL) by computing the probability of IBD at candidate loci in terms of identity-by-state at neighboring markers.


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Henmilite is a triclinic mineral with the crystal structure consisting of isolated B(OH)4 tetrahedra, planar Cu(OH)4 groups and Ca(OH)3 polyhedra. The structure can also be viewed as having dimers of Ca polyhedra connected to each other through 2B(OH) tetrahedra to form chains parallel to the C axis. The structure of the mineral has been assessed by the combination of Raman and infrared spectra. Raman bands at 902, 922, 951, and 984 cm−1 and infrared bands at 912, 955 and 998 cm−1 are assigned to stretching vibrations of tetragonal boron. The Raman band at 758 cm−1 is assigned to the symmetric stretching mode of tetrahedral boron. The series of bands in the 400–600 cm−1 region are due to the out-of-plane bending modes of tetrahedral boron. Two very sharp Raman bands are observed at 3559 and 3609 cm−1. Two infrared bands are found at 3558 and 3607 cm−1. These bands are assigned to the OH stretching vibrations of the OH units in henmilite. A series of Raman bands are observed at 3195, 3269, 3328, 3396, 3424 and 3501 cm−1 are assigned to water stretching modes. Infrared spectroscopy also identified water and OH units in the henmilite structure. It is proposed that water is involved in the structure of henmilite. Hydrogen bond distances based upon the OH stretching vibrations using a Libowitzky equation were calculated. The number and variation of water hydrogen bond distances are important for the stability off the mineral.


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The presence of arsenic in the environment is a hazard. The accumulation of arsenate by a range of cations in the formation of minerals provides a mechanism for the remediation of arsenate contamination. The formation of the crandallite group of minerals provides a mechanism for arsenate accumulation. Among the crandallite minerals are philipsbornite, arsenocrandallite and arsenogoyazite. Raman spectroscopy complimented with infrared spectroscopy has enabled aspects of the structure of philipsbornite to be studied. The Raman spectrum of philipsbornite displays an intense band at around 840 cm−1 attributed to the overlap of the symmetric and antisymmetric stretching modes. Raman bands observed at 325, 336, 347, 357, 376 and 399 cm−1 are assigned to the ν2 (AsO4)3− symmetric bending vibration (E) and to the ν4 bending vibration (F2). The observation of multiple bending modes supports the concept of a reduction in symmetry of the arsenate anion in philipsbornite. Evidence for phosphate in the mineral is provided. By using an empirical formula, hydrogen bond distances for the OH units in philipsbornite of 2.8648 Å, 2.7864 Å, 2.6896 Å cm−1 and 2.6220 were calculated.