920 resultados para distance learning


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Esta investigação qualitativa de abordagem narrativa é atinente às experiências de mudanças nas práticas de formadores de professores (entre os quais o pesquisador se inclui) vividas e narradas no âmbito de uma Licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas, desenvolvida na modalidade a distância em uma universidade pública federal. Esse curso apresenta uma estrutura descentralizada de funcionamento com turmas ofertadas nos municípios-polos de Marabá, Oriximiná e Capanema, no período de realização da pesquisa, e sede da coordenação em Belém. O objetivo que persigo nesta pesquisa consiste em investigar em que termos experiências diferenciadas de práticas de formação a distância influem para melhorar as práticas de formação presencial na educação em ciências. A tese que sustento se configura na compreensão de que experiências diferenciadas de formação de professores de ciências/biologia, vividas em contextos resistentes a modelos tradicionais de ação/formação, tendem a catalisar processos de mudanças auto-organizativas nas práticas dos formadores, repercutindo em diferentes níveis e modalidades de ensino em vista de parâmetros atuais da educação em ciências. A construção do material empírico nos municípios-polos ocorreu em duas etapas: a) Reuniões nos Grupos de Estudos e Formação (GEF) constituídos com as equipes de formadores em três municípios-polos do curso, cujas interações foram registradas em equipamento de áudio e vídeo com duração média 10 horas de filmagem por grupo. Durante as reuniões nos GEF defini como critérios de seleção dos sujeitos, cujas vozes constituíram o relato da tese, a formação profissional na área da biologia e o elevado nível e frequência de manifestações reflexivas durante as interações nos GEF, a partir dos quais selecionei 09 formadores, b) Entrevista semi-estruturada com os 09 sujeitos, registrada em equipamento de áudio com duração média de 50 minutos por sujeito. Na sede do curso a produção empírica se restringiu à realização de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com dois sujeitos selecionados em função da elevada frequência de manifestações espontâneas sobre mudanças em suas práticas formativas; sendo gravadas em equipamento de áudio cada entrevista durou em média 50 minutos. O material empírico foi organizado em três campos de atração narrativa identificados em eixos de convergência referentes a autoconhecimento, auto-organização e parâmetros emergentes das práticas formativas em Educação Científica, os quais originaram as três seções analíticas da pesquisa. A análise desse conteúdo narrativo revela a emergência de movimentos de mudanças nas práticas dos formadores, mobilizados por experiências de trabalho colaborativo em busca de respostas possíveis para problemas situados em espaços indeterminados da prática formativa. Em geral, essas experiências são valorizadas pelos sujeitos na licenciatura em foco como elementos de desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional, tanto porque evidenciam os limites de suas percepções e práticas de ensino/formação usuais, quanto pela necessidade de superação das origens positivistas de sua formação profissional, situadas na perspectiva da docência como atividade técnica. A superação da concepção técnica de formar professores de ciências rumo a mudanças nas práticas dos sujeitos envolve, entre outros aspectos, a forte aproximação entre a escola e a universidade em função da maioria dos formadores das equipes de tutoria também atuarem como professores de ciências/biologia na educação básica, o que torna prioritário o investimento na formação do professor de ciências. Esses aspectos interagem em mútua inclusão em busca de um novo profissionalismo e da construção em processo de uma epistemologia da prática reflexiva como fundamentos das mudanças auto-organizativas na prática dos formadores de professores de ciências.


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Distance-learning language courses are gaining ground because they meet contemporary social demands and expand opportunities for access to new knowledge. They also favor interaction among people with similar goals but who live in places where no live learning arrangements are available. Taking Valente (2002), Garrison and Anderson (2000), and other authors for theoretical bases, this paper reflects on the criteria and aspects to be considered when one plans and ministers online teacher training courses. The data were taken from a distance-based university extension course offered on the Moodle learning platform by a university in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. The objective was to encourage German language teachers to further develop their own language skills, reflect on aspects of inter-culturality in teaching the target language, and provide experience with current technological resources. This paper describes the elements that proved to be relevant in the creation and planning of the course, based on authors who deal with characteristics of computer-mediated teaching. The importance of this study is related to the fact that little information is available on the planning of courses in online formats.


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This article aims to contribute to the process of inclusion of students with disabilities in regular schools by reporting the results of a survey that aimed to verify whether Learning Objects (LO) are efficient tools in constructing teaching and learning of subject content within the inclusive education context. Participant, tutor and trainer experiences of a distance learning Ministry of Education (MEC) course on Assistive Technology were analyzed. The course was offered to public schools teachers from all over the country. The course activities were recorded in a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) called TelEduc, along with group reports of course participants. Three categories were selected for data analysis: a) interactivity and feedback from the team trainer; b) applicability of the content covered in the course, and c) new learning. The results showed that LO can promote the learning of subject content. Having been designed as educational resources to support teaching and learning, they can enhance educational inclusion of people with disabilities. As for the process of distance formation for teachers, the course contributed to consolidating sound and efficient training of participants by providing: a closer encounter with the world of technology, the possibility of integration of technology in the classroom; conducting theoretical and practical studies, appreciation of diversity and all students' potential; innovations in strategies and learning resources and reflective action.


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Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC


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The inclusive education policy implemented by state and municipal educational systems of Brazil, contemplates that students with hearing loss can study in regular education classes. In this context, the use and knowledge of the Brazilian sign language is essential. Therefore, in 2009, an extension course of Libras of 120 hours in distance mode was developed in partnership with the FFC / UNESP, funded by the Program for Continuing Education of Teachers, the SEESP - MEC for Brazilian public school teachers. In the presence of this reality, this research sought to examine the course content, the evaluation of teachers about it and also verify the impression of teachers on a course offered in distance mode. We analyzed: the course design, the scientific report and the evaluation sheets filled in by pupils. It was found that the course had three modules: introduction to distance education; theoretical reflection on the use of Libras in inclusive education, practical activities and the use of Libras. 548 public school teachers linked to 19 departments and/ or boards of education in various regions of Brazil participated in the study. The analysis showed that teachers evaluated the course satisfactorily, pointing out that they favored the interaction with deaf students. Regarding the use of the modality of distance learning, the teacher students had difficulties with the Internet, which hampered access to the materials. However, the teachers considered distance learning interesting, because they learned to tinker with previously unknown tools, and had the opportunity to hone their technology skills.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This work includes an analysis about the distance learning Online. By bibliographic researches were was observed some Distance Learning peculiarities in Brazil, since its implementation until the present days. Was considered aspects of activities the teachers, main problems, advantages, needed resources for implementation the distance learning course and the approach on a virtual learning environment. (TelEduc) The text was written from books, articles and web pages related to Online distance learning in order to provide the reader an overview of this teaching modality increasingly growing in Brazil


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento em Pesquisa (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This article presents a reflection on the historical aspects and legislation on Distance Learning (DL). For this, a bibliographic and documentary research was performed with the goal of raising the necessary notes for discussion. The text begins with the characterization of the current society, the Information Society, which supports the modern distance education, which uses information and communication technologies (ICTs) to establish the process of learning teaching. Five stages of the EAD are identified. Later, the Brazilian legislation concerning the DL is punctuated, starting with the passage by Article 80 of the Guidelines and Bases Law-LBD (Law 9394/96) along with the critical analysis of Decree 5,622/05. Finally, in the final considerations is discussed the negative image that the DL carries by the Brazilian population and obstacles in the existing rules that hinder the democratization of access to education that aims DL.


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The importance of the inclusion of digital technology in the classroom has already been pointed out by numerous authors in the educational field and some of them herald that it is through this inclusion that we can achieve transformations in school settings. Based on this assumption, this paper aims to present a distance learning course offered to in service and preservice teachers, focused on the use of technology in foreign language classroom primarily focusing on the role of teacher educators in mediating discussions. For this we sought theoretical support in studies which deal with distance courses (KENSKI, 2008), about virtual environments (ARAÚJO and MARQUESI, 2008), online discussion forums and investigation community and teaching presence (GARRISON, ANDERSON and ARCHER, 2000). Based on the previous theories presented, teacher educator’s messages were analyzed during a distance course offered to teachers in continuing and initial training, identifying marks of teaching presence and pointing to appropriate mediations and/or possible gaps. The results indicate that the teacher must be even more aware of the types of feedback that are provided and of the teaching presence mentioned by Garrison and colleagues (2000, 2001).