914 resultados para digital signal


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This article describes the development of a visual stimulus generator to be used in neuroscience experiments with invertebrates such as flies. The experiment consists in the visualization of a fixed image that is displaced horizontally according to the stimulus data. The system is capable of displaying 640 x 480 pixels with 256 intensity levels at 200 frames per second (FPS) on conventional raster monitors. To double the possible horizontal positioning possibilities from 640 to 1280, a novel technique is presented introducing artificial inter-pixel steps. The implementation consists in using two video frame buffers containing each a distinct view of the desired image pattern. This implementation generates a visual effect capable of doubling the horizontal positioning capabilities of the visual stimulus generator allowing more precise and movements more contiguous. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Among the ongoing attempts to enhance cognitive performance, an emergent and yet underrepresented venue is brought by hemoencefalographic neurofeedback (HEG). This paper presents three related advances in HEG neurofeedback for cognitive enhancement: a) a new HEG protocol for cognitive enhancement, as well as b) the results of independent measures of biological efficacy (EEG brain maps) extracted in three phases, during a one year follow up case study; c) the results of the first controlled clinical trial of HEG, designed to assess the efficacy of the technique for cognitive enhancement of an adult and neurologically intact population. The new protocol was developed in the environment of a software that organizes digital signal algorithms in a flowchart format. Brain maps were produced through 10 brain recordings. The clinical trial used a working memory test as its independent measure of achievement. The main conclusion of this study is that the technique appears to be clinically promising. Approaches to cognitive performance from a metabolic viewpoint should be explored further. However, it is particularly important to note that, to our knowledge, this is the world's first controlled clinical study on the matter and it is still early for an ultimate evaluation of the technique.


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Primary voice production occurs in the larynx through vibrational movements carried out by vocal folds. However, many problems can affect this complex system resulting in voice disorders. In this context, time-frequency-shape analysis based on embedding phase space plots and nonlinear dynamics methods have been used to evaluate the vocal fold dynamics during phonation. For this purpose, the present work used high-speed video to record the vocal fold movements of three subjects and extract the glottal area time series using an image segmentation algorithm. This signal is used for an optimization method which combines genetic algorithms and a quasi-Newton method to optimize the parameters of a biomechanical model of vocal folds based on lumped elements (masses, springs and dampers). After optimization, this model is capable of simulating the dynamics of recorded vocal folds and their glottal pulse. Bifurcation diagrams and phase space analysis were used to evaluate the behavior of this deterministic system in different circumstances. The results showed that this methodology can be used to extract some physiological parameters of vocal folds and reproduce some complex behaviors of these structures contributing to the scientific and clinical evaluation of voice production. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Fino ad un recente passato, le macchine elettriche di tipo trifase costituivano l’unica soluzione in ambito industriale per la realizzazione di azionamenti di grande potenza. Da quando i motori sono gestiti da convertitori elettronici di potenza si è ottenuto un notevole passo in avanti verso l’innovazione tecnologica. Infatti, negli ultimi decenni, le tecnologie sempre più all’avanguardia e l’aumento dell’utilizzo dell’elettronica, sia in campo civile quanto in quello industriale, hanno contribuito a una riduzione dei costi dei relativi componenti; questa situazione ha permesso di utilizzare tecnologie elaborate che in passato avevano costi elevati e quindi risultavano di scarso interesse commerciale. Nel campo delle macchine elettriche tutto questo ha permesso non solo la realizzazione di azionamenti alimentati e controllati tramite inverter, in grado di garantire prestazioni nettamente migliori di quelle ottenute con i precedenti sistemi di controllo, ma anche l’avvento di una nuova tipologia di macchine con un numero di fasi diverso da quello tradizionale trifase, usualmente impiegato nella generazione e distribuzione dell’energia elettrica. Questo fatto ha destato crescente interesse per lo studio di macchine elettriche multifase. Il campo di studio delle macchine multifase è un settore relativamente nuovo ed in grande fermento, ma è già possibile affermare che le suddette macchine sono in grado di fornire prestazioni migliori di quelle trifase. Un motore con un numero di fasi maggiore di tre presenta numerosi vantaggi: 1. la possibilità di poter dividere la potenza su più fasi, riducendo la taglia in corrente degli interruttori statici dell’inverter; 2. la maggiore affidabilità in caso di guasto di una fase; 3. la possibilità di sfruttare le armoniche di campo magnetico al traferro per ottenere migliori prestazioni in termini di coppia elettromagnetica sviluppata (riduzione dell’ampiezza e incremento della frequenza della pulsazione di coppia); 4. l’opportunità di creare azionamenti elettrici multi-motore, collegando più macchine in serie e comandandole con un unico convertitore di potenza; 5. Maggiori e più efficaci possibilità di utilizzo nelle applicazioni Sensorless. Il presente lavoro di tesi, ha come oggetto lo studio e l’implementazione di una innovativa tecnica di controllo di tipo “sensorless”, da applicare in azionamenti ad orientamento di campo per macchine asincrone eptafase. Nel primo capitolo vengono illustrate le caratteristiche e le equazioni rappresentanti il modello della macchina asincrona eptafase. Nel secondo capitolo si mostrano il banco di prova e le caratteristiche dei vari componenti. Nel terzo capitolo sono rappresentate le tecniche di modulazione applicabili per macchine multifase. Nel quarto capitolo vengono illustrati il modello del sistema implementato in ambiente Simulink ed i risultati delle simulazioni eseguite. Nel quinto capitolo viene presentato il Code Composer Studio, il programma necessario al funzionamento del DSP. Nel sesto capitolo, sono presentati e commentati i risultati delle prove sperimentali.


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Questo elaborato propone lo studio di un sistema ed il conseguente sviluppo di un’architettura elettronica versatile, capace di effettuare analisi reologiche in tempo reale su singoli oggetti di varia natura, sfruttando diversi metodi e tecnologie elettroniche a disposizione. Un caso particolare su cui ci si è soffermati per sviluppare il sistema riguarda l’implementazione di tecniche innovative di produzione e selezione dei prodotti agricoli. L'elaborato presenta dunque un sistema elettronico capace di effettuare l’analisi reologica con tecniche acustiche di singoli oggetti. Il sistema è stato progettato e costruito per essere versatile ed adattabile a diverse tipologie di applicazioni, mantenendo costi ridotti per renderlo adatto ad eventuali applicazioni industriali.


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This doctoral dissertation aims to establish fiber-optic technologies overcoming the limiting issues of data communications in indoor environments. Specific applications are broadband mobile distribution in different in-building scenarios and high-speed digital transmission over short-range wired optical systems. Two key enabling technologies are considered: Radio over Fiber (RoF) techniques over standard silica fibers for distributed antenna systems (DAS) and plastic optical fibers (POFs) for short-range communications. Hence, the objectives and achievements of this thesis are related to the application of RoF and POF technologies in different in-building scenarios. On one hand, a theoretical and experimental analysis combined with demonstration activities has been performed on cost-effective RoF systems. An extensive modeling on modal noise impact both on linear and non-linear characteristics of RoF link over silica multimode fiber has been performed to achieve link design rules for an optimum choice of the transmitter, receiver and launching technique. A successful transmission of Long Term Evolution (LTE) mobile signals on the resulting optimized RoF system over silica multimode fiber employing a Fabry-Perot LD, central launch technique and a photodiode with a built-in ball lens was demonstrated up to 525m with performances well compliant with standard requirements. On the other hand, digital signal processing techniques to overcome the bandwidth limitation of POF have been investigated. An uncoded net bit-rate of 5.15Gbit/s was obtained on a 50m long POF link employing an eye-safe transmitter, a silicon photodiode, and DMT modulation with bit and power loading algorithm. With the insertion of 3x2N quadrature amplitude modulation constellation formats, an uncoded net-bit-rate of 5.4Gbit/s was obtained on a 50 m long POF link employing an eye-safe transmitter and a silicon avalanche photodiode. Moreover, simultaneous transmission of baseband 2Gbit/s with DMT and 200Mbit/s with an ultra-wideband radio signal has been validated over a 50m long POF link.


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The evolution of the electronics embedded applications forces electronics systems designers to match their ever increasing requirements. This evolution pushes the computational power of digital signal processing systems, as well as the energy required to accomplish the computations, due to the increasing mobility of such applications. Current approaches used to match these requirements relies on the adoption of application specific signal processors. Such kind of devices exploits powerful accelerators, which are able to match both performance and energy requirements. On the other hand, the too high specificity of such accelerators often results in a lack of flexibility which affects non-recurrent engineering costs, time to market, and market volumes too. The state of the art mainly proposes two solutions to overcome these issues with the ambition of delivering reasonable performance and energy efficiency: reconfigurable computing and multi-processors computing. All of these solutions benefits from the post-fabrication programmability, that definitively results in an increased flexibility. Nevertheless, the gap between these approaches and dedicated hardware is still too high for many application domains, especially when targeting the mobile world. In this scenario, flexible and energy efficient acceleration can be achieved by merging these two computational paradigms, in order to address all the above introduced constraints. This thesis focuses on the exploration of the design and application spectrum of reconfigurable computing, exploited as application specific accelerators for multi-processors systems on chip. More specifically, it introduces a reconfigurable digital signal processor featuring a heterogeneous set of reconfigurable engines, and a homogeneous multi-core system, exploiting three different flavours of reconfigurable and mask-programmable technologies as implementation platform for applications specific accelerators. In this work, the various trade-offs concerning the utilization multi-core platforms and the different configuration technologies are explored, characterizing the design space of the proposed approach in terms of programmability, performance, energy efficiency and manufacturing costs.


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La maggior parte dei moderni dispositivi e macchinari, sia ad uso civile che industriale, utilizzano sistemi elettronici che ne supervisionano e ne controllano il funzionamento. All’ interno di questi apparati è quasi certamente impiegato un sistema di controllo digitale che svolge, anche grazie alle potenzialità oggi raggiunte, compiti che fino a non troppi anni or sono erano dominio dell’ elettronica analogica, si pensi ad esempio ai DSP (Digital Signal Processor) oggi impiegati nei sistemi di telecomunicazione. Nonostante l'elevata potenza di calcolo raggiunta dagli odierni microprocessori/microcontrollori/DSP dedicati alle applicazioni embedded, quando è necessario eseguire elaborazioni complesse, time-critical, dovendo razionalizzare e ottimizzare le risorse a disposizione, come ad esempio spazio consumo e costi, la scelta ricade inevitabilmente sui dispositivi FPGA. I dispositivi FPGA, acronimo di Field Programmable Gate Array, sono circuiti integrati a larga scala d’integrazione (VLSI, Very Large Scale of Integration) che possono essere configurati via software dopo la produzione. Si differenziano dai microprocessori poiché essi non eseguono un software, scritto ad esempio in linguaggio assembly oppure in linguaggio C. Sono invece dotati di risorse hardware generiche e configurabili (denominate Configurable Logic Block oppure Logic Array Block, a seconda del produttore del dispositivo) che per mezzo di un opportuno linguaggio, detto di descrizione hardware (HDL, Hardware Description Language) vengono interconnesse in modo da costituire circuiti logici digitali. In questo modo, è possibile far assumere a questi dispositivi funzionalità logiche qualsiasi, non previste in origine dal progettista del circuito integrato ma realizzabili grazie alle strutture programmabili in esso presenti.


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This thesis presents a CMOS Amplifier with High Common Mode rejection designed in UMC 130nm technology. The goal is to achieve a high amplification factor for a wide range of biological signals (with frequencies in the range of 10Hz-1KHz) and to reject the common-mode noise signal. It is here presented a Data Acquisition System, composed of a Delta-Sigma-like Modulator and an antenna, that is the core of a portable low-complexity radio system; the amplifier is designed in order to interface the data acquisition system with a sensor that acquires the electrical signal. The Modulator asynchronously acquires and samples human muscle activity, by sending a Quasi-Digital pattern that encodes the acquired signal. There is only a minor loss of information translating the muscle activity using this pattern, compared to an encoding technique which uses astandard digital signal via Impulse-Radio Ultra-Wide Band (IR-UWB). The biological signals, needed for Electromyographic analysis, have an amplitude of 10-100μV and need to be highly amplified and separated from the overwhelming 50mV common mode noise signal. Various tests of the firmness of the concept are presented, as well the proof that the design works even with different sensors, such as Radiation measurement for Dosimetry studies.


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The development of next generation microwave technology for backhauling systems is driven by an increasing capacity demand. In order to provide higher data rates and throughputs over a point-to-point link, a cost-effective performance improvement is enabled by an enhanced energy-efficiency of the transmit power amplification stage, whereas a combination of spectrally efficient modulation formats and wider bandwidths is supported by amplifiers that fulfil strict constraints in terms of linearity. An optimal trade-off between these conflicting requirements can be achieved by resorting to flexible digital signal processing techniques at baseband. In such a scenario, the adaptive digital pre-distortion is a well-known linearization method, that comes up to be a potentially widely-used solution since it can be easily integrated into base stations. Its operation can effectively compensate for the inter-modulation distortion introduced by the power amplifier, keeping up with the frequency-dependent time-varying behaviour of the relative nonlinear characteristic. In particular, the impact of the memory effects become more relevant and their equalisation become more challenging as the input discrete signal feature a wider bandwidth and a faster envelope to pre-distort. This thesis project involves the research, design and simulation a pre-distorter implementation at RTL based on a novel polyphase architecture, which makes it capable of operating over very wideband signals at a sampling rate that complies with the actual available clock speed of current digital devices. The motivation behind this structure is to carry out a feasible pre-distortion for the multi-band spectrally efficient complex signals carrying multiple channels that are going to be transmitted in near future high capacity and reliability microwave backhaul links.


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Analog filters and direct digital filters are implemented using digital signal processing techniques. Specifically, Butterworth, Elliptic, and Chebyshev filters are implemented using the Motorola 56001 Digital Signal Processor by the integration of three software packages: MATLAB, C++, and Motorola's Application Development System. The integrated environment allows the novice user to design a filter automatically by specifying the filter order and critical frequencies, while permitting more experienced designers to take advantage of MATLAB's advanced design capabilities. This project bridges the gap between the theoretical results produced by MATLAB and the practicalities of implementing digital filters using the Motorola 56001 Digital Signal Processor. While these results are specific to the Motorola 56001 they may be extended to other digital signal processors. MATLAB handles the filter calculations, a C++ routine handles the conversion to assembly code, and the Motorola software compiles and transmits the code to the processor


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Digital signal processing (DSP) techniques for biological sequence analysis continue to grow in popularity due to the inherent digital nature of these sequences. DSP methods have demonstrated early success for detection of coding regions in a gene. Recently, these methods are being used to establish DNA gene similarity. We present the inter-coefficient difference (ICD) transformation, a novel extension of the discrete Fourier transformation, which can be applied to any DNA sequence. The ICD method is a mathematical, alignment-free DNA comparison method that generates a genetic signature for any DNA sequence that is used to generate relative measures of similarity among DNA sequences. We demonstrate our method on a set of insulin genes obtained from an evolutionarily wide range of species, and on a set of avian influenza viral sequences, which represents a set of highly similar sequences. We compare phylogenetic trees generated using our technique against trees generated using traditional alignment techniques for similarity and demonstrate that the ICD method produces a highly accurate tree without requiring an alignment prior to establishing sequence similarity.


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Reflected at any level of organization of the central nervous system, most of the processes ranging from ion channels to neuronal networks occur in a closed loop, where the input to the system depends on its output. In contrast, most in vitro preparations and experimental protocols operate autonomously, and do not depend on the output of the studied system. Thanks to the progress in digital signal processing and real-time computing, it is now possible to artificially close the loop and investigate biophysical processes and mechanisms under increased realism. In this contribution, we review some of the most relevant examples of a new trend in in vitro electrophysiology, ranging from the use of dynamic-clamp to multi-electrode distributed feedback stimulation. We are convinced these represents the beginning of new frontiers for the in vitro investigation of the brain, promising to open the still existing borders between theoretical and experimental approaches while taking advantage of cutting edge technologies.


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Electroencephalograms (EEG) are often contaminated with high amplitude artifacts limiting the usability of data. Methods that reduce these artifacts are often restricted to certain types of artifacts, require manual interaction or large training data sets. Within this paper we introduce a novel method, which is able to eliminate many different types of artifacts without manual intervention. The algorithm first decomposes the signal into different sub-band signals in order to isolate different types of artifacts into specific frequency bands. After signal decomposition with principal component analysis (PCA) an adaptive threshold is applied to eliminate components with high variance corresponding to the dominant artifact activity. Our results show that the algorithm is able to significantly reduce artifacts while preserving the EEG activity. Parameters for the algorithm do not have to be identified for every patient individually making the method a good candidate for preprocessing in automatic seizure detection and prediction algorithms.