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Stable isotope analysis was performed on the structural carbonate of fish bone apatite from early and early middle Eocene samples (~55 to ~45 Ma) recently recovered from the Lomonosov Ridge by Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 302 (the Arctic Coring Expedition). The d18O values of the Eocene samples ranged from -6.84 per mil to -2.96 per mil Vienna Peedee belemnite, with a mean value of -4.89 per mil, compared to 2.77 per mil for a Miocene sample in the overlying section. An average salinity of 21 to 25 per mil was calculated for the Eocene Arctic, compared to 35 per mil for the Miocene, with lower salinities during the Paleocene Eocene thermal maximum, the Azolla event at ~48.7 Ma, and a third previously unidentified event at ~47.6 Ma. At the Azolla event, where the organic carbon content of the sediment reaches a maximum, a positive d13C excursion was observed, indicating unusually high productivity in the surface waters.


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Sulfur isotope ratios have been determined in 19 selected igneous rocks from Leg 126. The d34S of the analyzed rocks ranges from -0.1 â to +19.60 â. The overall variation in sulfur isotope composition of the rocks is caused by varying degrees of seawater alteration. Most of the samples are altered by seawater and only five of them are considered to have maintained their magmatic sulfur isotope composition. These samples are all from the backarc sites and have d34S values varying from +0.2 â to +1.6 â, of which the high d34S values suggest that the earliest magmas in the rift are more arc-like in their sulfur isotope composition than the later magmas. The d34S values from the forearc sites are similar to or heavier than the sulfur isotope composition of the present arc.


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A comparison of 50 basalts recovered at Sites 706, 707, 713, and 715 along the Reunion hotspot trace during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 115 in the Indian Ocean shows that seafloor alteration had little effect on noble metal concentrations (Au, Pd, Pt, Rh, Ru, and Ir), determined by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), which generally tend to decrease with magma evolution. Their compatible-element behavior may be related to the precipitation of Ir-Os-based alloys, chromite, sulfides, and/or olivine and clinopyroxene in some combination. The simplest explanation indicates silicate control of concentrations during differentiation. Basalts from the different sites show varying degrees of alkalinity. Noble metal abundances tend to increase with decreasing basalt alkalinity (i.e., with increasing percentages of mantle melting), indicating that the metals behave as compatible elements during mantle melting. The retention of low-melting-point Au, Pd, and Rh in mantle sulfides, which mostly dissolve before significant proportions of Ir-Os-based alloys melt, explains increasing Pd/Ir ratios with decreasing alkalinity (increasing melting percentages) in oceanic basalts. High noble metal concentrations in Indian Ocean basalts (weighted averages of Au, Pd, Rh, Pt, Ru, and Ir in Leg 115 basalts are 3.2, 8.1, 0.31, 7.3, 0.22, and 0.11 ppb, respectively), compared with basalts from some other ocean basins, may reflect fundamental primary variations in upper- mantle noble metal abundances