982 resultados para deficiência marginal de zinco
We reformulate neoclassical consumer choice by focusing on lambda, the marginal utility of money. As the opportunity cost of current expenditure, lambda is approximated by the slope of the indirect utility function of the continuation. We argue that lambda can largely supplant the role of an arbitrary budget constraint in partial equilibrium analysis. The result is a better grounded, more flexible and more intuitive approach to consumer choice.
The purpose of this note is to supplement the author’s earlier remarks on the unsatisfactory nature of the neoclassical account of how the return on capital is determined. (See Strathclyde Discussion Paper 12-03: “The Marginal Productivity Theory of the Price of Capital: An Historical Perspective on the Origins of the Codswallop”). The point is made via a simple illustration that certain matters which are problematical in neoclassical terms are perfectly straightforward when viewed from a classical perspective. Basically, the marginalist model of the nature of an economic system is not fit for purpose in that it fails to comprehend the essential features of a surplus-producing economic system as distinct from one merely of exchange.
Résumé du document de thèse Quito, capitale andine de près de deux millions d'habitants, a vu se développer des quartiers ghettos réunissant une population en constante évolution. Mouvements migratoires mal connus, hétérogénéité ethnique et socioculturelle, accès limité aux services publics et conditions de vie difficiles jouent un rôle essentiel mais complexe dans la planification des services de santé. L'étude ciblée de cette problématique est un sérieux défi à relever car les mégalopoles latino-américaines connaissent une importante urbanisation avec pour corollaire une augmentation de la pauvreté urbaine. Les indicateurs de santé tels que mortalité infantile, espérance de vie ou incidence des maladies infectieuses montrent une amélioration globale qui ne reflète toutefois pas les importantes disparités caractéristiques du continent. La démarche exposée dans ce document est une réponse à la demande d'un appui médical par une communauté urbaine défavorisée, pour laquelle peu de données étaient disponibles. Une évaluation des conditions de vie et des besoins en soins a donc été effectuée par trois étudiants en médecine de Lausanne au moyen d'une enquête et d'ateliers qui ont permis de réunir les opinions des différents acteurs sociaux et sanitaires. Cette étude a pu identifier et mesurer les déterminants de santé, comprendre certaines dynamiques locales pour enfin cibler les principales lignes d'actions d'un centre de santé communautaire. Ce document décrit l'ensemble du processus conduit durant cinq ans et expose les données brutes ainsi que leur analyse ; il propose des recommandations concrètes pour une promotion de la santé adaptée aux besoins d'une communauté urbaine défavorisée d'Amérique du Sud. Son objectif est de fournir des données utilisables par les acteurs de santé locaux et de participer ainsi à la réflexion en cours sur la réforme du système de santé équatorien. Il comporte également une bibliographie, point de départ pour d'autres études sur le sujet. Le dossier, construit de manière chronologique, présente l'information de façon accessible et cohérente. Il se veut un témoignage utile, avec ses forces et ses faiblesses, à l'action locale sous forme d'une publication en espagnol qui sera distribuée aux différents acteurs sociaux et sanitaires concernés.
OBJECTIVES: We examined the correlation between the quantitative margin analysis of two laboratory test methods (Berlin, Zurich) and the clinical outcome in Class V restorations. METHODS: Prospective clinical studies with an observation period of at least 18 months were searched in the literature, for which laboratory data were also available. The clinical outcome variables were retention loss, marginal discoloration, detectable margins and secondary caries. Forty-four clinical studies matched the inclusion criteria, including 34 adhesive systems for which laboratory data were also present. For both laboratory test methods and the clinical studies, an index was formulated to better compare the in vitro and in vivo results. Linear mixed models which included a random study effect were calculated. As most clinical data were available for 12 and 24 months, the main analysis was restricted to these recall intervals. RESULTS: The comparative analysis revealed a weak correlation between the clinical index and both in vitro indices. The correlation was statistically significant for the Berlin method but not for the Zurich method and only present if studies were compared which used the same composite in the in vitro and in vivo study. When defining specific cut-off values, the prognosis for the good clinical performance of an adhesive system based on in vitro results was 78% (Berlin) or 100% (Zurich). For poor performance it was 67% and 60%, respectively. No correlation was found between both in vitro methods. SIGNIFICANCE: The surrogate parameter "marginal adaptation" of restorations placed in extracted teeth has a mediocre value to predict the clinical performance of an adhesive system in cervical cavities. The composite is an important factor for a successful prediction. The comparison between in vitro/in vivo is sometimes hampered by the great variability of clinical results on the same adhesive system.
B cells undergo a complex series of maturation and selection steps in the bone marrow and spleen during differentiation into mature immune effector cells. The tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family member B cell activating factor of the TNF family (BAFF) (BLyS/TALL-1) plays an important role in B cell homeostasis. BAFF and its close homologue a proliferation-inducing ligand (APRIL) have both been shown to interact with at least two receptors, B cell maturation antigen (BCMA) and transmembrane activator and cyclophilin ligand interactor (TACI), however their relative contribution in transducing BAFF signals in vivo remains unclear. To functionally inactivate both BAFF and APRIL, mice transgenic for a soluble form of TACI were generated. They display a developmental block of B cell maturation in the periphery, leading to a severe depletion of marginal zone and follicular B2 B cells, but not of peritoneal B1 B cells. In contrast, mice transgenic for a soluble form of BCMA, which binds APRIL, have no detectable B cell phenotype. This demonstrates a crucial role for BAFF in B cell maturation and strongly suggests that it signals via a BCMA-independent pathway and in an APRIL-dispensable way.
El règim econòmic matrimonial català i el de l’estat de Nova York presenten un paral·lelisme estructural important ja que tots dos territoris han adoptat el mateix règim econòmic matrimonial, el de separació de béns. No obstant, la seva implementació i la conseqüent pràctica jurisprudencial difereix significativament. El dret de família de l’estat de Nova York, se situa en un context de common law, és a dir, en un sistema judicial que evoluciona ràpidament i s’adapta relativament ràpid a les necessitats d’una realitat social que està en constant evolució. El legislador català, tot i que ha fet esforços a nivell de donar respostes als nous reptes plantejat per la realitat familiar catalana, encara està lluny de fer front a problemes d’aplicació que sovint planteja el règim econòmic matrimonial dels cònjuges catalans. D’altra banda, la realitat social catalana no és significativament diferent a la realitat nord-americana ateses les noves composicions familiars amb famílies monoparentals, fills de diferents matrimonis i una alta proporció de divorcis per matrimoni. D’altra banda, l’estructura patrimonial de les famílies, tant les catalanes com les novaiorqueses també presenten una estructura patrimonial similar formada no només per la residència habitual sinó per patrimoni intangible i per inversions que comencen a meritar durant el matrimoni però que vencen una vegada aquest vincle s’ha dissolt. Ha resultat constructiu, doncs, comparar els règims i extreure lliçons del règim novaiorquès que s’han revelat molt útils per a la nostra pràctica catalana. Així doncs, l’objectiu d’aquest projecte de recerca ha estat estudiar el règim econòmic matrimonial català i el novaiorquès que ha culminat amb la formulació de propostes normatives i de pràctica jurisprudencial que permetran modernitzar i actualitzar l’aplicació del règim econòmic matrimonial català i d’aquesta manera adaptar-lo a la nova realitat social i econòmica de les famílies catalanes.
The genetics and pathogenesis of splenic marginal zone lymphoma are poorly understood. The lymphoma lacks chromosome translocation, and ~30% of cases are featured by 7q deletion, but the gene targeted by the deletion is unknown. A recent study showed inactivation of A20, a 'global' NF-kB negative regulator, in 1 of 12 splenic marginal zone lymphoma. To investigate further whether deregulation of the NF-kB pathway plays a role in the pathogenesis of splenic marginal zone lymphoma, we screened several NF-kB regulators for genetic changes by PCR and sequencing. Somatic mutations were found in A20 (6/46=13%), MYD88 (6/46=13%), CARD11 (3/34=8.8%), but not in CD79A, CD79B and ABIN1. Interestingly, these genetic changes are largely mutually exclusive from each other and MYD88 mutation was also mutually exclusive from 7q deletion. These results strongly suggest that deregulation of the TLR (toll like receptor) and BCR (B-cell receptor) signalling pathway may play an important role in the pathogenesis of splenic marginal zone lymphoma.
INTRODUCTION: Double transplantation is one possible answer to the shortage of donor organs. While each donor kidney would be unsuitable when considered as a single allograft, use of both kidneys should provide sufficient nephron mass for effective glomerular filtration. CASE REPORT: This is the first Swiss report of a dual adult transplant of marginal kidneys in a 46-year-old man, who was transplanted for the fourth time. Follow-up at 6 months is excellent without acute rejection. CONCLUSION: Recent analysis of dual marginal versus single ideal transplant outcomes, found a comparable 1-yr graft survival in both of the procedures. Long term results are still lacking and guidelines to decide between single, double or no transplantation are emerging.
Neste artigo, pretende-se analisar experiências de desenvolvimento de competências e reconhecimento profissional da pessoa com deficiência já inserida no contexto organizacional, considerando os principais atores envolvidos nesse processo. Trata-se de um estudo de caso qualitativo, realizado em uma multinacional farmacêutica, sediada no estado de São Paulo, em que se teve por objetivo descrever e discutir as práticas formais de desenvolvimento profissional da pessoa com deficiência (PcD) adotadas por essa organização, bem como as experiências informais pelas quais passaram esses indivíduos na empresa em questão. Além disso, buscou-se analisar a articulação entre atores externos que estavam imbricados no processo de inclusão, a saber: o sindicato das indústrias farmacêuticas e uma organização não governamental (ONG) especializada em PcDs. Os resultados problematizam a iniciativa de promover um processo de construção e desenvolvimento de competências por meio de experiências formais e informais, e mesmo de autodesenvolvimento, específicas para a PcD. Nesse sentido, a experiência em estudo revelou que nessa iniciativa prevaleceram as premissas acerca das limitações decorrentes das características biológicas dos indivíduos, já que as práticas de desenvolvimento nem sempre trabalharam sobre o potencial desses profissionais, que pouco avançaram, considerando-se as possibilidades que a organização oferece. Outro resultado relevante é que, embora a articulação entre empresa e agentes externos ocorra, não há um diálogo nem uma parceria efetiva que permita fazer avançar o processo de inclusão e de desenvolvimento desse grupo de profissionais. Ao final, procurou-se apresentar ainda elementos que permitam a reflexão sobre a condução de programas organizacionais voltados à PcD e suas implicações, que podem estar a serviço tanto da promoção como da manutenção do status quo da PcD na corporação.
The age-dependent choice between expressing individual learning (IL) or social learning (SL) affects cumulative cultural evolution. A learning schedule in which SL precedes IL is supportive of cumulative culture because the amount of nongenetically encoded adaptive information acquired by previous generations can be absorbed by an individual and augmented. Devoting time and energy to learning, however, reduces the resources available for other life-history components. Learning schedules and life history thus coevolve. Here, we analyze a model where individuals may have up to three distinct life stages: "infants" using IL or oblique SL, "juveniles" implementing IL or horizontal SL, and adults obtaining material resources with learned information. We study the dynamic allocation of IL and SL within life stages and how this coevolves with the length of the learning stages. Although no learning may be evolutionary stable, we find conditions where cumulative cultural evolution can be selected for. In that case, the evolutionary stable learning schedule causes individuals to use oblique SL during infancy and a mixture between IL and horizontal SL when juvenile. We also find that the selected pattern of oblique SL increases the amount of information in the population, but horizontal SL does not do so.
Os estudos acerca do trabalho da pessoa com deficiência são ainda escassos (TEODÓSIO et al., 2004; TANAKA e MANZINI, 2005) e recentes (CARVALHO-FREITAS e MARQUES, 2010a), restringindo-se, em geral, a práticas de recrutamento e seleção (SCHWARZ e HABER, 2009). Por outro lado, a relevância de promover uma efetiva gestão da inclusão tem respaldo legal na Lei de Cotas, além de um componente estratégico, diante do contexto da gestão da diversidade. Neste artigo, tem-se como objetivo analisar o programa de inclusão de pessoas com deficiência de uma empresa multinacional brasileira da indústria automobilística, contribuindo para a ampliação do conhecimento em relação ao tema. Para tanto, construiu-se, como referencial de análise, um modelo que consiste em oito práticas apontadas como relevantes pela literatura. A partir de entrevistas com os gestores de Recursos Humanos da empresa e de chefes imediatos dos profissionais com deficiência, verificou-se que a empresa realiza parcialmente as práticas descritas no modelo, tendo como restrição à ampliação dele, sobretudo, a forte pressão por redução de custos da indústria.
O estudo foi realizado em uma instituição que existe indivíduos portadores de deficiência mental. Aqui denominada CASA GRANDE, a instituição abriga cerca de 900 internos. O cuidado direto aos internos é prestado por aproximadamente 400 pajens, formalmente subordinadas ao Serviço de Enfermagem. O propósito desse estudo foi conhecer e compreender como se dá o trabalho das pajens nesse contexto. Para tanto, partiu-se das representações que estas tem à respeito desse cuidar. A análise dessas representações propiciou a compreensão da dimensão simbólica desse trabalho, bem como da psicodinâmica aí compreendida, tanto ao nível da mulher trabalhadora, grupo e instituição.
Evolutionary processes acting at the expanding margins of a species' range are still poorly understood. Genetic drift is considered prevalent in marginal populations, and the maintenance of genetic diversity during recolonization might seem puzzling. To investigate such processes, a fine-scale investigation of 219 individuals was performed within a population of Biscutella laevigata (Brassicaceae), located at the leading edge of its range. The survey used amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs). As commonly reported across the whole species distribution range, individual density and genetic diversity decreased along the local axis of recolonization of this expanding population, highlighting the enduring effect of the historical colonization on present-day diversity. The self-incompatibility system of the plant may have prevented local inbreeding in newly found patches and sustained genetic diversity by ensuring gene flow from established populations. Within the more continuously populated region, spatial analysis of genetic structure revealed restricted gene flow among individuals. The distribution of genotypes formed a mosaic of relatively homogenous patches within the continuous population. This pattern could be explained by a history of expansion by long-distance dispersal followed by fine-scale diffusion (that is, a stratified dispersal combination). The secondary contact among expanding patches apparently led to admixture among differentiated genotypes where they met (that is, a reshuffling effect). This type of dynamics could explain the maintenance of genetic diversity during recolonization.