997 resultados para ddc: 900
We give it description, modulo torsion, of the cup product on the first cohomology group in terms of the descriptions of the second homology group due to Hopf and Miller.
Mo(Si1-xAlx)(2) compositions (x = 0-0.1) have been prepared by a modified SHS route under uniaxial hydrostatic pressure. Oxidation studies carried out by thermal analysis and sheet resistivity indicate an improvement in the low temperature (700-900 K) oxidation resistance with increasing aluminum addition. Dilatometric results show a decrease in the a value up to x = 0.05 substitution. With the aluminum substitution, both thermal expansion coefficient and thermal conductivity show decrease in their values except in the biphasic region. The x = 0.05 composition containing both C11(b) and C40 phases is a promising material for high temperature thermal barrier coating as it shows higher oxidation resistance and a similar K/alpha value as compared to pure MoSi, (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The evacuation of Finnish children to Sweden during WW II has often been called a small migration . Historical research on this subject is scarce, considering the great number of children involved. The present research has applied, apart from the traditional archive research, the framework of history-culture developed by Rüsen in order to have an all-inclusive approach to the impact of this historical event. The framework has three dimensions: political, aesthetic and cognitive. The collective memory of war children has also been discussed. The research looks for political factors involved in the evacuations during the Winter War and the Continuation War and the post-war period. The approach is wider than a purely humanitarian one. Political factors have had an impact in both Finland and Sweden, beginning from the decision-making process and ending with the discussion of the unexpected consequences of the evacuations in the Finnish Parliament in 1950. The Winter War (30.11.1939 13.3.1940) witnessed the first child transports. These were also the model for future decision making. The transports were begun on the initiative of Swedes Maja Sandler, the wife of the resigned minister of foreign affairs Rickard Sandler, and Hanna Rydh-Munck af Rosenschöld , but this activity was soon accepted by the Swedish government because the humanitarian help in the form of child transports lightened the political burden of Prime Minister Hansson, who was not willing to help Finland militarily. It was help that Finland never asked for and it was rejected at the beginning. The negative response of Minister Juho Koivisto was not taken very seriously. The political forces in Finland supporting child transports were stronger than those rejecting them. The major politicians in support belonged to Finland´s Swedish minority. In addition, close to 1 000 Finnish children remained in Sweden after the Winter War. No analysis was made of the reasons why these children did not return home. A committee set up to help Finland and Norway was established in Sweden in 1941. Its chairman was Torsten Nothin, an influential Swedish politician. In December 1941 he appealed to the Swedish government to provide help to Finnish children under the authority of The International Red Cross. This plea had no results. The delivery of great amounts of food to Finland, which was now at war with Great Britain, had automatically caused reactions among the allies against the Swedish imports through Gothenburg. This included the import of oil, which was essential for the Swedish navy and air force. Oil was later used successfully to force a reduction in commerce between Sweden and Finland. The contradiction between Sweden´s essential political interests and humanitarian help was solved in a way that did not harm the country´s vital political interests. Instead of delivering help to Finland, Finnish children were transported to Sweden through the organisations that had already been created. At the beginning of the Continuation War (25.6.1941 27.4.1945) negative opinion regarding child transports re-emerged in Finland. Karl-August Fagerholm implemented the transports in September 1941. In 1942, members of the conservative parties in the Finnish Parliament expressed their fear of losing the children to the Swedes. They suggested that Finland should withdraw from the inter-Nordic agreement, according to which the adoptions were approved by the court of the country where the child resided. This initiative failed. Paavo Virkkunen, an influential member of the conservative party Kokoomus in Finland, favoured the so-called good-father system, where help was delivered to Finland in the form of money and goods. Virkkunen was concerned about the consequences of a long stay in a Swedish family. The risk of losing the children was clear. The extreme conservative party (IKL, the Patriotic Movement of the Finnish People) wanted to alienate Finland from Sweden and bring Finland closer to Germany. Von Blücher, the German ambassador to Finland, had in his report to Berlin, mentioned the political consequences of the child transports. Among other things, they would bring Finland and Sweden closer to each other. He had also paid attention to the Nordic political orientation in Finland. He did not question or criticize the child transports. His main interest was to increase German political influence in Finland, and the Nordic political orientation was an obstacle. Fagerholm was politically ill-favoured by the Germans, because he had a strong Nordic political disposition and had criticised Germany´s activities in Norway. The criticism of child transports was at the same time criticism of Fagerholm. The official censorship organ of the Finnish government (VTL) denied the criticism of child transports in January 1942. The reasons were political. Statements made by members of the Finnish Parliament were also censored, because it was thought that they would offend the Swedes. In addition, the censorship organ used child transports as a means of active propaganda aimed at improving the relations between the two countries. The Finnish Parliament was informed in 1948 that about 15 000 Finnish children still remained in Sweden. These children would stay there permanently. In 1950 the members of the Agrarian Party in Finland stated that Finland should actively strive to get the children back. The party on the left (SKDL, the Democratic Movement of Finnish People) also focused on the unexpected consequences of the child transports. The Social Democrats, and largely Fagerholm, had been the main force in Finland behind the child transports. Members of the SKDL, controlled by Finland´s Communist Party, stated that the war time authorities were responsible for this war loss. Many of the Finnish parents could not get their children back despite repeated requests. The discussion of the problem became political, for example von Born, a member of the Swedish minority party RKP, related this problem to foreign policy by stating that the request to repatriate the Finnish children would have negative political consequences for the relations between Finland and Sweden. He emphasized expressing feelings of gratitude to the Swedes. After the war a new foreign policy was established by Prime Minister (1944 1946) and later President (1946 1956) Juho Kusti Paasikivi. The main cornerstone of this policy was to establish good relations with the Soviet Union. The other, often forgotten, cornerstone was to simultaneously establish good relations with other Nordic countries, especially Sweden, as a counterbalance. The unexpected results of the child evacuation, a Swedish initiative, had violated the good relations with Sweden. The motives of the Democratic Movement of Finnish People were much the same as those of the Patriotic Movement of Finnish People. Only the ideology was different. The Nordic political orientation was an obstacle to both parties. The position of the Democratic Movement of Finnish People was much better than that of the Patriotic Movement of Finnish People, because now one could clearly see the unexpected results, which included human tragedy for the many families who could not be re-united with their children despite their repeated requests. The Swedes questioned the figure given to the Finnish Parliament regarding the number of children permanently remaining in Sweden. This research agrees with the Swedes. In a calculation based on Swedish population registers, the number of these children is about 7 100. The reliability of this figure is increased by the fact that the child allowance programme began in Sweden in 1948. The prerequisite to have this allowance was that the child be in the Swedish population register. It was not necessary for the child to have Swedish nationality. The Finnish Parliament had false information about the number of Finnish children who remained in Sweden in 1942 and in 1950. There was no parliamentary control in Finland regarding child transports, because the decision was made by one cabinet member and speeches by MPs in the Finnish Parliament were censored, like all criticism regarding child transports to Sweden. In Great Britain parliamentary control worked better throughout the whole war, because the speeches regarding evacuation were not censored. At the beginning of the war certain members of the British Labour Party and the Welsh Nationalists were particularly outspoken about the scheme. Fagerholm does not discuss to any great extent the child transports in his memoirs. He does not evaluate the process and results as a whole. This research provides some possibilities for an evaluation of this sort. The Swedish medical reports give a clear picture of the physical condition of the Finnish children when arriving in Sweden. The transports actually revealed how bad the situation of the poorest children was. According to Titmuss, similar observations were made in Great Britain during the British evacuations. The child transports saved the lives of approximately 2 900 children. Most of these children were removed to Sweden to receive treatment for illnesses, but many among the healthy children were undernourished and some suffered from the effects of tuberculosis. The medical inspection in Finland was not thorough. If you compare the figure of 2 900 children saved and returned with the figure of about 7 100 children who remained permanently in Sweden, you may draw the conclusion that Finland as a country failed to benefit from the child transports, and that the whole operation was a political mistake with far-reaching consequenses. The basic goal of the operation was to save lives and have all the children return to Finland after the war. The difficulties with the repatriation of the children were mainly psychological. The level of child psychology in Finland at that time was low. One may question the report by Professor Martti Kaila regarding the adaptation of children to their families back in Finland. Anna Freud´s warnings concerning the difficulties that arise when child evacuees return are also valid in Finland. Freud viewed the emotional life of children in a way different from Kaila: the physical survival of a small child forces her to create strong emotional ties to the person who is looking after her. This, a characteristic of all small children, occurred with the Finnish children too, and it was something the political decision makers in Finland could not see during and after the war. It is a characteristic of all little children. Yet, such experiences were already evident during the Winter War. The best possible solution had been to limit the child transports only to children in need of medical treatment. Children from large and poor families had been helped by organising meals and by buying food from Denmark with Swedish money. Assisting Finland by all possible means should have been the basic goal of Fagerholm in September 1941, when the offer of child transports came from Sweden. Fagerholm felt gratitude towards the Swedes. The risks became clear to him only in 1943. The war children are today a rather scattered and diffuse group of people. Emotionally, part of these children remained in Sweden after the war. There is no clear collective memory, only individual memories; the collective memory of the war children has partly been shaped later through the activities of the war child associations. The main difference between the children evacuated in Finland (for example from Karelia to safer areas with their families) and the war children, who were sent abroad, is that the war children lack a shared story and experience with their families. They were outsiders . The whole matter is sensitive to many of such mothers and discussing the subject has often been avoided in families. The war-time censorship has continued in families through silence and avoidance and Finnish politicians and Finnish families had to face each other on this issue after the war. The lack of all-inclusive historical research has also prevented the formation of a collective awareness among war children returned to Finland or those remaining permanently abroad.. Knowledge of historical facts will help war-children by providing an opportunity to create an all-inclusive approach to the past. Personal experiences should be regarded as part of a large historical entity shadowed by war and where many political factors were at work in both Finland and Sweden. This means strengthening of the cognitive dimension discussed in Rüsen´s all-inclusive historical approach.
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää Opaskoirakoulun pentutestissä mitattavien ominaisuuksien perinnölliset tunnusluvut sekä niihin vaikuttavat tekijät. Aineisto koostui Opaskoirakoululla vuosina 1988–2008 pentutestin suorittaneista koirista (900 kpl). Suomen Kennelliito ry:stä saatiin sukulaisuusaineisto, johon täydennettiin rekisteriin kuulumattomat koirat. Tutkittavia ominaisuuksia oli 11 kappaletta: käyttäytyminen sylissä, luoksetulo, kontakti, taistelu, alistus, palautuminen, ääniherkkyys, käyttäytyminen pöydällä, seuraaminen, toimintakyky ja hermorakenne. Kaikki ominaisuudet arvostellaan pentutestissä valmiiden käyttäytymismallien mukaisesti. Aineiston esikäsittelyyn ja alustaviin analyyseihin käytettiin Microsoft Office Excel 2003-ohjelmaa sekä WSYS-L ja XWSYS-ohjelmistoja. Kiinteiden tekijöiden luokitteluun ja merkitsevyyden testaamiseen käytettiin WSYS-L ja XWSYS-ohjelmistoa. Varianssikomponentit sekä periytymisasteet laskettiin Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML)-menetelmällä käyttäen VCE6-ohjelmistoa Tutkittujen ominaisuuksien periytymisasteiden arviot olivat alhaisia tai keskinkertaisia (h2= 0,07-0,39). Korkeimmat periytymisasteiden arviot olivat ominaisuuksilla alistus (0,39), toimintakyky (0,32) ja kontakti (0,31). Ominaisuuksien väliset geneettiset korrelaatiot olivat pääosin positiivisia. Poikkeuksen muodosti ominaisuus alistus, joka oli negatiivisesti korreloitunut palautumisen (-0,47) ja seuraamisen (-0,64) kanssa. Osa ominaisuuksista oli erittäin voimakkaasti korreloituneita (r > 0,8). Fenotyyppiset korrelaatiot vaihtelivat välillä 0,11–0,73 ja olivat geneettisiä korrelaatioita matalampia. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella ominaisuuksissa käyttäytyminen sylissä, luoksetulo, kontakti, taistelu, alistus, ääniherkkyys, käyttäytyminen pöydällä ja toimintakyky on geneettistä vaihtelua ja sen perusteella niitä on mahdollista muuttaa haluttuun suuntaan jalostuksen avulla.
Liver δ-aminolaevulate (ALA) synthetase and ALA dehydratase are induced to a greater extent in 3,5-diethoxy carbonyl-1,4-dihydrocollidine (DDC) injected mice as compared to the allyl isopropyl acetamide (AIA) injected rats. DDC treated mice do not show an increase in porphobilinogen (PEG) levels commensurate with the increase in ALA levels and the two enzyme activities, but accumulate enormous quantities of protoporphyrin in the liver. Normal mouse liver has an inherent greater capacity to convert PBG to porphyrins as compared to that of the rat. This together with the inhibition of iron incorporation into protoporphyrin in vivo at later stages of DDC administration can account for the large accumulation of protoporphyrin in these animals.
Mikkelin Seudun Uusyrityskeskus Dynamo ry. on toiminut vuodesta 2001 lähtien. Sen toimesta on perustettu n. 750 uutta yritystä ja luotu liki 900 uutta työpaikkaa (tieto 30.6.2009). Dynamon toiminta on ollut seudun kannalta myönteistä ja merkittävää. Uusyrityskeskus Dynamon hallitus päätti syksyllä 2008 selvittää, mitä vuosina 2002–2006 perustetuille yrityksille ja yrittäjille kuuluu. Selvityksen on laatinut ja nyt julkaistavan raportin kirjoittanut YTM Riitta Kaipainen. Tutkijan tukena toimi ryhmä Ruralia-instituutin asiantuntijoita: tutkimusjohtaja, HT Torsti Hyyryläinen, tutkimusjohtaja, professori Tapani Köppä, kehittämispäällikkö FM Manu Rantanen ja Uusyrityskeskus Dynamon toimitusjohtaja, projektipäällikkö Pekka Teittinen. Tutkimusavustajina toimivat Saila Ukkonen, Sirpa Hämäläinen, Mirja Marttinen ja Raija Alatalo, kaikki Ruraliainstituutin henkilöstöä. Ruralia-instituutin puolesta kiitän tutkijaa perusteellisesta työstä, asiantuntijaryhmää hyvästä tuesta ja haastattelijoita ahkeruudesta. Tutkimus kuuluu osana Etelä-Savon TE-keskuksen Euroopan unionin sosiaalirahastosta rahoittamaan ja Ruralia-instituutin toteuttamaan Kohti yrittäjyysyhteiskuntaa -hankkeeseen, joka on samalla Uusyrityskeskus Dynamon päärahoittaja. Tutkimuksen tulokset palvelevat Dynamon toiminnan edelleen kehittämistä. Uskon, että nyt julkaistava raportti sisältää hyödyllistä tietoa kaikille yritystoiminnan kehittäjille.
The standard molar Gibbs free energy of formation of Co2TiO4, CoTiO3,and CoTi2O5 as a function of temperature over an extended range (900 to 1675) K was measured using solid-state electrochemical cells incorporating yttria-stabilized zirconia as the electrolyte, with CoO as reference electrode and appropriate working electrodes. For the formation of the three compounds from their component oxides CoO with rock-salt and TiO2 with rutile structure, the Gibbs free energy changes are given by:Delta(f)G degrees((ox))(Co2TiO4) +/- 104/(J . mol(-1)) = -18865 - 4.108 (T/K)Delta(f)G degrees((ox))(CoTiO3) +/- 56/(J . mol(-1)) = -19627 + 2.542 (T/K) Delta(f)G degrees((ox))(CoTi2O5) +/- 52/(J . mol(-1)) = -6223 - 6.933 (T/K) Accurate values for enthalpy and entropy of formation were derived. The compounds Co2TiO4 with spinel structure and CoTi2O5 with pseudo-brookite structure were found to be entropy stabilized. The relatively high entropy of these compounds arises from the mixing of cations on specific crystallographic sites. The stoichiometry of CoTiO3 was confirmed by inert gas fusion analysis for oxygen. Because of partial oxidation of cobalt in air, the composition corresponding to the compound Co2TiO4 falls inside a two-phase field containing the spinet solid solution Co2TiO4-Co3O4 and CoTiO3. The spinel solid solution becomes progressively enriched in Co3O4 with decreasing temperature. (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Spectrophotometric and potentiometric investigations have been carried out on copper-diethanolamine system. Job plots at 900, 900 and 580 mμ have indicated the formation of CuD++, CuD2++ and CuD3++. The n- pA curves obtained indicate the formation of CuD++, CuD2++, CuD3++, CuDOH+, CuD2OH+ and CuD3OH+. The n- pA curves have been analyzed to obtain the stability constants of these complexes. Absorption curves of pure complexes have been computed by a graphical method. Gaussian analysis of the absorption curves of pure and hydroxy complexes show the presence of a second band, indicating that the structure is that of a distorted octahedron.
Administration of 3,5-diethoxy carbonyl-1,4-dihydrocollidine (DDC) to mice resulted in a striking increase in the level of δ-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) synthetase in liver. Although the enzyme activity was primarily localized in mitochondria and postmicrosomal supernatant fluid, a significant level of activity was also detected in purified nuclei. The time course of induction showed a close parallelism between the bound and free enzyme activities with the former always accounting for a higher percentage of the total activity as compared to the latter. Studies with cycloheximide indicated a half-life of around 3 hr for both the bound and free ALA synthetase. Actinomycin D and hemin prevented enzyme induction when administered along with DDC, but when administered 12 hr after DDC treatment Actinomycin D did not lead to a decay of either the bound or free enzyme activity and hemin inhibited the bound enzyme activity but not the free enzyme level. The molecular sizes of the mitochondrial and cytosolic ALA synthetase(s) were found to be similar on sephadex columns.
Layered LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2, which is isostructural with LiCoO2, is considered as a potential cathode material for Li-ion batteries. Submicrometer sized porous particles are useful for high discharge rates. The present work involves a synthesis of submicrometer sized porous particles of LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 using a triblock copolymer as a soft template. The precursor obtained from the reaction is heated at different temperatures between 600 and 900 degrees C for 6 h to get the final product samples. The compound attains increased crystallinity with an increase in the temperature of preparation. However, there is a decrease in the surface area and also in the porosity of the sample. Nevertheless, the LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 sample prepared at 900 degrees C exhibits a high rate capability and stable capacity retention on cycling. The electrochemical performance of LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 prepared in the absence of the polymer template is inferior to that of the sample prepared in the presence of the polymer template. (C) 2010 The Electrochemical Society. [DOI: 10.1149/1.3364944] All rights reserved.
The oxygen potentials corresponding to fayalite-quartz-iron (FQI) and fayalite-quartz-magnetite (FQM) equilibria have been determined using solid-state galvanic cells: Pt,Fe + Fe2SiO4 + SiO2/(Y2O3)ZrO2/Fe + \r"FeO,\l"Pt and Pt, Fe3O4 + Fe2SiO4 + SiO2/(Y2O3)ZrO2/Ni + NiO, Pt in the temperature ranges 900 to 1400 K and 1080 to 1340 K, respectively. The cells are written such that the right-hand electrodes are positive. Silica used in this study had the quartz structure. The emf of both cells was found to be reversible and to vary linearly with temperature. From the emf, Gibbs energy changes were deduced for the reactions: 0.106Fe (s) + 2Fe0.947O (r.s.) + SiO2 (qz) → Fe2SiO4 (ol) δG‡= -39,140+ 15.59T(± 150) J mol-1 and 3Fe2SiO4 (ol) + O2 (g) → 2Fe3O4 (sp) + 3SiO2 (qz) δG‡ = -471,750 + 160.06 T±} 1100) J mol-1 The “third-law≓ analysis of fayalite-quartz-wustite and fayalite-quartz-magnetite equilibria gives value for δH‡298 as -35.22 (±0.1) and -528.10 (±0.1) kJ mol-1, respectively, independent of temperature. The Gibbs energy of formation of the spinel form of Fe2SiO4 is derived by com-bining the present results on FQI equilibrium with the high-pressure data on olivine to spinel transformation of Fe2SiO4.
The standard Gibbs energies of formation of RuO2 and OsO2 at high temperature have been determined with high precision, using a novel apparatus that incorporates a buffer electrode between the reference and working electrodes, The buffer electrode absorbs the electrochemical flux of oxygen through the solid electrolyte from the electrode with higher oxygen chemical potential to the electrode with lower oxygen potential, The buffer electrode prevents polarization of the measuring electrode and ensures accurate data, The standard Gibbs energies of formation (Delta(f)G degrees) of RuO2, in the temperature range of 900-1500 K, and OsO2, in the range of 900-1200 K, can be represented by the equations Delta(f)G degrees(RuO2)(J/mol) = -324 720 + 354.21T - 23.490T In T Delta(f)G degrees(OsO2)(J/mol) = -304 740 + 318.80T - 18.444T In T where the temperature T is given in Kelvin and the deviation of the measurement is +/- 80 J/mol, The high-temperature heat ;capacities of RuO2 and OsO2 are measured using differential scanning calorimetry. The information for both the low- and high-temperature heat rapacity of RuO2 is coupled with the Delta(f)G degrees data obtained in this study to evaluate the standard enthalpy of formation of RuO2 at 298.15 K (Delta(f)H degrees(298.15K)). The low-temperature heat capacity of OsO2 has not been measured: therefore, the standard enthalpy and entropy of formation of OsO2 at 298.15 K (Delta(f)H degrees(298.15K) and S degrees(298.15K), respectively) are derived simultaneously through an optimization procedure from the high-temperature heat capacity and the Gibbs energy of formation. Both Delta fH degrees(298.15K) and S degrees(298.15K) are treated as variables in the optimization routine, For RuO2, the standard enthalpy of formation at 298.15 K is Delta fH degrees(298.15K) (RuO2) -313.52 +/- 0.08 kJ/mol, and that for OsO2 is Delta(f)H degrees(298.15K) (OSO2) = -295.96 +/- 0.08 kJ/mol. The standard entropy of OsO2 at 298.15 K that has been obtained from the optimization is given as S degrees(298.15K) (OsO2) = 49.8 +/- 0.2 J (mol K)(-1).
Infrared Earth sensors are used in spacecraft for attitude sensing. Their accuracy is limited by systematic and random errors. Dominant sources of systematic errors are analyzed for a typical scanning infrared Earth sensor used in a remote-sensing satellite in a 900-km sun-synchronous orbit. The errors considered arise from 1) seasonable variation of infrared radiation, 2) oblate shape of the Earth, 3) ambient temperature of sensors, 4) changes in spin/scan period, and 5) misalignment of the axis of the sensors. Simple relations are derived using least-squares curve fitting for onboard correction of these errors. With these, it is possible to improve the accuracy of attitude determination by eight fold and achieve performance comparable to ground-based post-facto attitude computation.
We report Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure and anelastic spectroscopy measurements on on hole doped manganese oxides La1-xCaxMnO3 which present the colossal magnetoresistance effect. EXAFS measurements were realized both in the absence and presence of an applied magnetic field of 1.1 Tesla, in a wide temperature range (between 330 and 77 K) and at various dopings (x = 0.25 and x = 0.33). The magnetic field orders the magnetic moments so favouring the electron mobility and the reduction of Mn-O octahedra distortions. We observe the presence of four short and two long Mn-O distances (1.93 and 2.05 Angstrom respectively) above and also below the metal-insulator phase transition. The overall distortion decreases but does not completely disappear in the metallic phase suggesting the possible coexistence of metallic and insulating regions at low temperatures. The magnetic field reduces the lattice distortions showing evidence of a microscopic counterpart of the macroscopic colossal magnetoresistance. We also present preliminary anelastic relaxation spectra in a wide temperature range from 900 K to 1 K on a sample with x = 0.40, in order to study the structural phase transitions and the lattice dynamics. A double peak has been observed at the metal-insulator transition in the imaginary part of Young's modulus. This double peak indicates that the metal-insulator transition could be a more complex phenomenon than a simple second order phase transition. In particular the peak at lower temperatures can be connected with the possible presence of inhomogeneous phase structures. Another intense dissipation peak has been observed corresponding to the structural orthorhombic-trigonal transition around 750 K.
Si and Ge were cleaved on the (111) plane under ultra high vacuum and exposed to O and subsequent heat treatment. LEED and spot photometric measurements were taken. Cleaved surfaces for both Si and Ge gave the expected (2 x 1) structure. Results for O exposure were qualitatively for Si and Ge. The 1/2 orders disappeared after exposure to approx = 10 exp - exp 7. Integral orders started to weaken at 10 exp -6 to 10 exp - exp 2 torr min., disappearing at 10 exp -1 torr min. Heat treatment of Si at 900 deg C for several seconds restored the integral orders and further heating gave a new pattern with 1/3 orders. Exposure to 2 x 10 exp -6 torr min O without further heating weakened the fractional orders and at 10 exp -5 torr min they disappeared. Integral orders remained after further heating in O. For Ge integral orders were not restored after 0 exposure until heat treatment had continued at 550 deg C for several min. The (1 x 1) structure disappeared after heating at 590 deg C in 7 x 10 exp -1 torr O and further heating at 590 deg C without O restored the integral order Variations of intensity with voltage were measured for the (00) and (20) spots. The results supported a model proposed by Haneman (Phys. Rev., 1968, 170, 705) involving two kinds of atom sites on the cleaved surface. 20 ref.--E.J.S.