858 resultados para county health department


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As infeções do trato urinário (ITU), depois das infeções respiratórias, são as mais comuns na comunidade, sendo a Escherichia coli o principal agente etiológico. Afeta predominantemente o sexo feminino e, anualmente, estima-se que ocorram em todo o Mundo cerca de 150 milhões de episódios de ITU, sendo responsável por 15% dos antibióticos prescritos em ambulatório. Os objetivos deste estudo foram caracterizar os agentes etiológicos das ITU e determinar o seu padrão de resistência aos antimicrobianos na região litoral norte de Portugal, de modo a contribuir para o uso racional na terapêutica empírica. Foi realizado um estudo observacional, descritivo e transversal, sendo obtidos 80 967 resultados de uroculturas de um Laboratório de Análises Clínicas de prestação de serviços à comunidade, relativos ao período entre Abril de 2007 e Março de 2015. Registaram-se 13 541 bacteriúrias positivas (16,72%). Escherichia coli foi o microrganismo mais isolado (71,62%), seguida de Klebsiella pneumoniae (12,41%), Proteus mirabilis (7,84%), Enterococcus. faecalis (3,97%) e Pseudomonas aeruginosa (1,42%), tendo-se observado diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre sexos e idades. Verificou-se uma diminuição da resistência aos antimicrobianos a partir do ano de 2012. E. coli apresentou em 2015 a menor taxa de resistência respetivamente de 4,46% e 12,37% para a fosfomicina e nitrofurantoína. A combinação de amoxicilina+ácido clavulânico registou uma taxa de resistência superior a 20% (22,03%). O baixo nível de resistência à fosfomicina permite que este antibiótico se apresente como a opção terapêutica de primeira linha no tratamento empírico de ITU não complicada na mulher em ambulatório, pelo que, estes resultados permitem corroborar as indicações de 2011 da Direção Geral de Saúde sobre a substituição de fluoroquinolonas por fosfomicina.


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Although it is not a cause or intent of injury, traumatic brain injury (TBI) is included as a specific indicator due to its deadly and debilitating nature. Although the death and hospitalization rates of TBI injuries in Iowa (17.3/100,000 and 56.8/100,000, respectively) is lower than the national NCIPC states’ 2004 average (17.9/100,000 and 74.2/100,000, respectively), the TBI death rate is still the highest among all the specific indicators for death in Iowa. On average, there are 1.5 TBI‐related deaths/day, 5 hospitalizations, and nearly 40 TBI‐related ED visits per day in all of Iowa.


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MIECHV families in Iowa face many barriers to employment, such as: inter-generational poverty, health (including mental health and substance abuse) issues and lack of access to education and job training. Not everyone is able to work, but many people (with the right support!) are able to eventually work. As the following data shows, participation in MIECHV programs in Iowa is positively correlated with employment and income gains. These gains contribute to lifelong benefits for the families’ health, happiness, and their children’s futures.


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MIECHV families in Iowa face many barriers to employment, such as: inter-generational poverty, health (including mental health and substance abuse) issues and lack of access to education and job training. Not everyone is able to work, but many people (with the right support!) are able to eventually work. As the following data shows, participation in MIECHV programs in Iowa is positively correlated with employment and income gains. These gains contribute to lifelong benefits for the families’ health, happiness, and their children’s futures.


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MIECHV families in Iowa face many barriers to employment, such as: inter-generational poverty, health (including mental health and substance abuse) issues and lack of access to education and job training. Not everyone is able to work, but many people (with the right support!) are able to eventually work. As the following data shows, participation in MIECHV programs in Iowa is positively correlated with employment and income gains. These gains contribute to lifelong benefits for the families’ health, happiness, and their children’s futures.


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Iowa FSSD programs have served 14,360 families since beginning to use the REDCap system in 2013. 5,827 of these families have been exited, while 8,533 are currently being served.


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Iowa FSSD programs have served 14,360 families since beginning to use the REDCap system in 2013. 5,827 of these families have been exited, while 8,533 are currently being served.


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The Brain A project of the Iowa Department of Public Health and the Iowa Advisory Council on Brain Injuries, produced with assistance from the Iowa Program for Assistive Technology University of Iowa Center for Disabilities and Development and Easter Seals This booklet was supported in part by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number H21MC26929 titled: Traumatic Brain Injury Implementation. This information or content and conclusions are those of the authors/s and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by, HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government.


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The findings in this summary are based on the Iowa Barriers to Prenatal Care project. Ongoing since 1991, the purpose of this project is to obtain brief, accurate information about women delivering babies in Iowa hospitals. Specifically, the project seeks to learn about women’s experiences getting prenatal or delivery care during their current pregnancy. Other information is included which may be pertinent to health planners or those concerned with the systematic development of health care services. This project is a cooperative venture of all of Iowa’s maternity hospitals, the University of Northern Iowa Center for Social and Behavioral Research, and the Iowa Department of Public Health. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation funded the first three years of this project. The current funding is provided by the Iowa Department of Public Health. The Director is Dr. Mary Losch, University of Northern Iowa Center for Social and Behavioral Research. The Coordinator for the project is Rodney Muilenburg. The questionnaire is distributed to nearly ninety maternity hospitals across the state of Iowa. Nursing staff or those responsible for obtaining birth certificate information in the obstetrics unit are responsible for approaching all birth mothers prior to dismissal and requesting their participation in the study. The questionnaire takes approximately ten minutes to complete. Completed questionnaires are returned to the University of Northern Iowa Center for Social and Behavioral Research for data entry and analysis. Returns are made monthly, weekly, or biweekly depending on the number of births per week in a given hospital. Except in the case of a mother who is too ill to complete the questionnaire, all mothers are eligible to be recruited for participation. The present yearly report includes an analysis of large Iowa cities, African American mothers, and a trend analysis of the last ten years. Also presented in this report is a frequency analysis of all variables included in the 2012 questionnaire. Unless otherwise noted, all entries reflect percentages. Please note that because percentages were rounded, total values may not equal 100%. Data presented are based upon 2012 questionnaires received to date (n = 23,674). All analyses reflect unweighted percentages of those responding.


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The Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) and Iowa’s Suicide Prevention Strategy Steering Committee, hereinafter referred to as the Committee, has guided the development of the Iowa Plan for Suicide Prevention: 2011 to 2014. The committee reviewed the most recent Iowa Plan for Suicide Prevention 2005-2009 and the Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Prevent Suicide and the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention, which highlights the need to increase awareness of suicide as a public health issue and calls for a public health approach toward suicide prevention.


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Emergency preparedness, trauma and EMS update from The Iowa Department of Public Health.


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Emergency preparedness, trauma and EMS update from The Iowa Department of Public Health.


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Emergency preparedness, trauma and EMS update from The Iowa Department of Public Health.


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Statewide Strategic Plan for diabetes management from the Iowa Department Public Health


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Iowa State wide Strategic Plan for Healthcare Associated Infections, prevention, harm reduction, community care coordination, survey and data.