729 resultados para contact tip


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The efficiency of four Sanitizers - peracetic acid, chlorhexidine, quaternary ammonium, and organic acids - was tested in this work using different bacteria recognized as a problem to meat industry, Salmonella sp., S. aureus, E. coli and L. monocytogenes. The effects of sanitizer concentration (0.2, 0.5, 0.6, 1.0, 1.1 and 1.4%), at different temperatures (10 and 45 °C) and contact time (2, 10, 15, 18 and 25 minutes) were evaluated. Tests in an industrial plant were also carried out considering previously obtained results. In a general way, peracetic acid presented higher efficiencies using low concentration (0.2%) and contact time (2 minutes) at 10 °C. The tests performed in industrial scale showed that peracetic acid presented a good performance in concentration and contact time lower than that suggested by the suppliers. The use of chlorhexidine and quaternary ammonium led to reasonable results at the indicated conditions, and organic acids were ineffective under concentration and contact time higher than those indicated by the suppliers in relation to Staphylococcus aureus. The results, in general, show that the choice for the most adequate sanitizer depends on the microorganism contaminant, the time available for sanitizer application, and also on the process cost.


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Abstract This study evaluated the chemical and volatile composition of jujube wines fermented with Saccharomyces cerevisiae A1.25 with and without pulp contact and protease treatment during fermentation. Yeast cell population, total reducing sugar and methanol contents had significant differences between nonextracted and extracted wine. The nonextracted wines had significantly higher concentrations of ethyl 9-hexadecenoate, ethyl palmitate and ethyl oleate than the extracted wines. Pulp contact also could enhance phenylethyl alcohol, furfuryl alcohol, ethyl palmitat and ethyl oleate. Furthermore, protease treatment can accelerate the release of fusel oils. The first principal component separated the wine from the extracted juice without protease from other samples based on the higher concentrations of medium-chain fatty acids and medium-chain ethyl esters. Sensory evaluation showed pulp contact and protease could improve the intensity and complexity of wine aroma due to the increase of the assimilable nitrogen.


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The effect of mixture of seeds of Brachiaria brizantha, cv. Marandu, with different sources, granulometry, and phosphatic fertilizer doses during various periods of exposure on the physiological potential of the seeds has been assessed. The treatments consisted in seed exposure during periods of 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 36, 48, 72, 96, and 120 h to the following fertilizers: ground granulated single superphosphate (SS), and powdered (SSp); and ground granulated ammonium monophosphate (AMP), at doses of 40 and 80 kg P2O5 ha-1. Tests of germination, tetrazolium, moisture content, and vigor (first count, electrical conductivity, emergence, emergence speed, and fresh mass of seedlings) were performed. It has been concluded that seed physiological potential of B. brizantha cv. Marandu is reduced with increase on the exposure period to phosphatic fertilizer. Such effect, however, is dependent on the product source, granulometry, and dose. SSp was the most harmful to seeds, followed by SSp and AMP, respectively. Moreover, considering a 60% germination rate as acceptable, it may be inferred that seeds can be kept in contact with AMP and SSp, in dose of 80 kg of P2O5 ha-1, respectively, for periods of 71.2 and 16.2 hours.


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Hammaslääketieteessä käytetettävien komposiittien valonläpäisevyys vaihtelee. Samoin LED-valokovettimet eroavat toisistaan valotehonsa ja muotoilunsa perusteella. On yleisesti tiedossa, että valokovettimesta tulevan valon intensiteetti pinta-alayksikköä kohden heikkenee, kun kovettimen etäisyys kasvaa. Toisaalta ei ole tiedossa, miten valokovetettavan kohteen ja valokovettimen kärjen väliin sijoitettu materiaali tarkalleenottaen vaikuttaa valon intensiteettiin eri etäisyyksiä käytettäessä. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten valokovetettavan kohteen ja valokovettimen kärjen väliin asetettava etukäteen polymerisoitu materiaali vaikuttaa valon intensiteettiin eri etäisyyksillä. Tutkimus suoritettiin käyttämällä kahta eri valokovetinta. Jotta etäisyyden vaikutusta valotustehoon voitiin demonstroida, vaihdettiin kovettimen etäisyyttä sensorista 0,2,4,6,8,10mm välillä. Valotehot rekisteröitiin MARC resin calibrator -laitteella. Sensorin ja valokovettimen kärjen väliin asetettavat erilaiset komposiittilevyt olivat valmiiksi kovetettuja,1mm paksuisia, filleripitoisuuksiltaan neljää erilaista muovia. Valotehot rekisteröitiin jokaiselta etäisyydeltä komposiitin ollessa sensorin päällä. Rinnakkaisesti verrattiin myös etäisyyden vaikutusta valotehoon ilman esikovetettua materiaalia kovettimen kärjen ja valoa mittaavan sensorin välissä. Vertailun suorittamiseksi laskettiin intensiteettisuhdeluku muovillisen ja muovittoman arvon välillä aina tietyllä etäisyydellä Valokovettimen kärjen etäisyyden kasvattaminen sensorista (eli valokovetettavasta kohteesta) odotusten mukaisesti pienensi valotehoa. Laittamalla sensorin ja kovettimen väliin komposiittilevy, valoteho pieneni odotetusti vielä enemmän. Tutkittaessa intensiteettisuhdetta (valoteho muovin kanssa : valoteho ilman muovia) kuitenkin huomattiin, että 4-6mm:n kohdalla suhdeluku oli suurempi kuin 0,2,8 ja 10mm kohdalla. Johtopäätöksenä oli, että suurin mahdollinen valokovetusteho saavutetan laittamalla kovetuskärki mahdollisimman lähelle kohdetta. Jos valokovetettavan kohteen ja valokovettimen kärjen välissä oli kiinteä komposiittipalanen, suurin mahdollinen valokovetusteho kohteeseen saavutetaan edelleen laittamalla kovetuskärki kiinni muoviin. Jos etäisyyttä muovin pinnasta sen sijaan kasvatettiin, valokovetusteho ei laskenutkaan niin nopeasti kuin oli odotettu. Tämä voi liittyä siihen, että tehokkaan valokeilan halkaisijan koko on suurempi verrattuna komposiitin sekä sensorin halkaisian kokoon. Toiseksi on arvioitu, että resiinikomposiitin täyteaineet voisivat fokusoida läpi kulkevaa valoa sensoriin. Se, pitääkö tämä ilmiö paikkansa, vaatii kuitenkin enemmän tutkimusta


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Banco del conocimiento


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Banco del conocimiento


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Light microscope studies of the mycoparasite Piptocephalis virginiana revealed that the cylindrical spores of the parasite became spherical upon germination and produced 1-4 germ tubes. Generally t"l.vO germ tubes were produced by each spore. When this parasite was inoculated on its potential hosts, Choanephora cucurbitarum and Phascolomyces articulosus, the germ tube nearest to the host hypha continued to grow and made contact with the host hypha. The tip of the parasite's germ tube became swollen to form a distinct appressorium. Up to this stage the behavior of the parasite was similar regardless of the nature of the host. In the compatible host-parasite combination, the parasite penetrated the host, established a nutritional relationship and continued to grow to cover the host completely with its buff colored spores in 3-4 days. In the incompatible host-parasite combination, the parasite penetrated the host but its further advance was arrested. As a result of failure to establish a nutritional relationship with the resistant host, the parasite made further attempts to penetrate the host at different sites producing multiple infections. In the absence of nutrition the parasite weakened and the host outgrew the parasite completely. In the presence of a non-host species, Linderina pennispora the parasite continued to grow across the non-host 1).yp_hae vlithout establishing an initial contact. Germination studies showed that the parasite germinated equally well in the presence of host and non-host species. Further electron microscope studies revealed that the host-parasite interaction between P. virginiana and its host, C. cucurbi tarum, was compatible when the host hyphae were young slender, with a thin cell wall of one layer. The parasite appeared to penetrate mechanically by pushing the host-cell wall inward. The host plasma membrane invaginated along the involuted cell wall. The older hyphae of C. cucurbitarum possessed two distinct layers of cell wall and-showed an incompatible interaction when challenged vlith the parasite. At the point of contact, the outer layer of the host-cell wall dissolved, probably by enzymatic digestion, and the inner layer became thickened and developed a papilla as a result of its response to the parasite. The haustoria of the parasite in the old hyphae were always surrounded by a thick, well developed sheath, whereas the haustoria of the same age in the young host mycelium were devoid of a sheath during early stages of infection. Instead, they were in direct contact with the host protoplast. The incompatible interaction between a resistant host, P. articulosus and the parasite showed similar results as with the old hyphae of C. cucurbitarum. The cell wall of P. articulosus appeared thick-with two or more layers even in the 18-22 h-old hyphae. No contact or interaction was established between the parasite and the non-host L. pennispora. The role of cell wall in the resistance mechanism is discussed.


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Various s e t s of single c rys t a l s and poly c rys t a l s of Cux TiSe2 were grown. X- r ay diffraction and ene rgy dispersive spe c t ros copy r e sul t s verified tha t the c rys t a l s were the cor r e c t compos i t ion and c rys t a l s t ruc tur e . Re s i s t ivi ty me a sur ement s and magne t i c sus c ept ibi l i ty me a sur ement s de t e rmined the supe r conduc t ing t r ans i t ion t empe r a tur e s for the c rys t a l s . The c rys t a l s in each growth had various supe r conduc t ing t r ans i t ion t empe r a tur e s . Also, the me a sur ement s indi c a t ed tha t the c rys t a l s were inhomogeneous. Point cont a c t spe c t ros copy expe r iment s were employed on various single c rys t a l s . Inspe c t ion of the da t a indi c a t ed tha t the ma t e r i a l ha s a single ene rgy gap . A progr am was bui l t ut i l i z ing the Levenbe rg-Ma rqua rdt me thod and theory on point cont a c t spe c t ros copy to de t e rmine the supe r conduc t ing ene rgy gap. Plot s of the supe r conduc t ing ene rgy gap a t various t empe r a tur e s were in di s agr e ement wi th wha t was expe c t ed for a convent iona l supe r conduc tor .


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Research on sexuality in Ghana has been scanty due to the nature of the Ghanaian society where sensitive issues like sexuality are not openly discussed and researched. This qualitative study examined how social contact with Canadian society has impacted the views of Ghanaian students living in Canada about sexuality. The data for this research study were gathered through in-depth interviews with 15 Ghanaian students between ages18 to 30 who had been living in Canada for more than one year. This study’s findings revealed that religion plays a central role in shaping views about sexuality among young Ghanaians living in Canada. The findings also highlighted the impact of cultural contact in shaping several aspects of sexuality including contraception and same-sex relations. The theoretical implications of this study’s results are discussed in terms of how they can help to clarify culturally informed models focusing on the role played by society, religion, family and peers in the development of adolescent perspectives about sexuality. The practical and educational implications of this study’s results are also discussed.


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This study was conducted to measure the degree of adherence by public health care providers to a policy that requires them to implement minimal contact intervention for tobacco cessation with their clients. This study also described what components of the intervention may have contributed to the adherence of the policy and how health care providers felt about adhering to the policy. The intervention consisted of a policy for implementation of minimal contact intervention, changes to documentation, a health care provider mentor trained, a training session for health care providers, and ongoing paper and people supports for implementation. Data for this study were collected through a health care provider questionnaire, focus group interviews, and a compliance protocol including a chart audit. The findings of this study showed a high degree of adherence to the policy, that health care providers thought minimal contact intervention was important to conduct with their clients, and that health care providers felt supported to implement the intervention. No statistically significant difference was found between new and experienced health care providers on 17 of the 18 questions on the health care provider questionnaire. However there was a statistically significant difference between new and experienced health care providers with respect to their perception that “clients often feel like they have to accept tobacco cessation information from me.” Changes could be made to the minimal contact intervention and to documentation of the intervention. Implications for future research include implementation within other programs within Hamilton Public Health Services and implementation of this model within other public health units and other types of health care providers within Ontario.


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Abstract It is recommended that all new mothers experience skin-to-skin contact (SSC) with their newborns immediately after birth. However, SSC is not commonly practiced after cesarean deliveries. To understand facilitators and barriers regarding SSC in the operating room (OR), a descriptive online and paper survey was conducted with 68 Registered Nurses from four hospitals in Ontario. The theory of planned behavior framed the study. Nurses had positive attitudes, and believed most health care team members supported SSC in the OR, but were uncertain about their control over the behavior. Nurses who had practiced the behavior in the past had more positive attitudinal and normative beliefs, and perceived some barriers as less difficult. Attitude and past behavior were the only significant multivariate predictors of intention to practice SSC in the future. Results suggest that shifting attitude and supporting more experience with the practice may increase nurses’ implementation of SSC in the OR.