830 resultados para confidence in policing


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Primary aims of this intervention are weight management and behaviour change of children 7-16 years old and secondary aims include parental weight management and increase in self esteem and confidence in both children and their families. The Referred Child:Will understand the importance of healthy eating and physical activity.Be able to make informed choices.Will have increased confidence and self esteem. The Parents:Will understand the importance of healthy eating and physical activity.Be able to make informed choices for themselves and their children.Feel empowered to continue a healthy lifestyle. The Family:Will understand the importance of healthy eating and physical activity.Will be able to work as a team to encourage each other to make healthy choices.Will feel confident enough to continue activities together.


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Purpose: To determine the evolution of fear of falling, and its relationship with gait performance after a 10-week gait and balance training program. Population and methods: Participants (N=50) were community-dwelling elderly persons enrolled voluntarily in a 10-week, low intensity, gait and balance training program. At baseline, fear of falling was assessed using a previously validated version of Tinetti's Fall Efficacy Scale (FES, range 0-120, higher score indicating higher confidence), that assesses one's confidence in performing 12 activities of daily life without falling. Gait parameters were measured over a 20m walk at preferred gait speed, using the Physilog system (Aminian K, et al., J Biomechanics, 2002). This system uses 4 kinematics sensors attached to the lower limbs and a data logger carried by the subject. Follow-up data on fear of falling and gait were collected one week after completion of the program. Results: Overall, 43 (86%) of the participants completed the program. Mean age was 78.1 years, 79% were women. At baseline, mean FES score was 98.8 (range 58-120) and mean gait speed was 0.92 m/sec (range 0.43-1.47). At follow-up, participants modestly improved their FES score (98.8±17.0 vs 103.2±16.0, P=.04) and gait speed (0.92±0.27 vs 0.99±0.26 m/sec, P<.01). In secondary analyses stratified by subject's baseline FES, those with lower than average confidence (N=21) improved significantly both FES score (84.4±11.8 vs 94.5±17.9, P<.01) and gait speed (0.79±0.26 vs 0.90±0.28 m/sec, P<.01), while no similar improvement was observed in subjects (N=22) with higher baseline confidence (112.5±6.6 vs 111.5±7.5, P=.56 and 1.03±0.22 vs 1.07±0.21 m/sec, P=.41). After adjustment for age, gender and baseline gait speed, subjects with lower baseline confidence had higher odds than the others to improve their confidence (AdjOR=10.8, 95%CI 1.8- 64.8 P=.01) and gait speed (AdjOR=3.3, 95%CI 0.6-19.7, P=.19) at follow-up. Conclusions: This pilot program of low intensity exercise modestly improved participants' fear of falling and gait speed. Interestingly, subjects with higher baseline fear of falling seemed more likely to benefit. Despite methodological limitations (pre-post comparisons, small sample), these results suggest that measuring fear of falling might be useful to better target subjects most likely to benefit from similar programs.


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En el context de la crisi econòmica i social que vivien els Estats Units a començament dels anys trenta, diversos actors polítics i socials van elaborar missatges que provaven d’acarar els ciutadans amb la realitat, però sobretot de restituir-los la confiança en ells mateixos i en el país. Aquest article analitza els discursos i les aportacions ideològiques de dues de les personalitats més destacades que participaren en aquest procés de reconstrucció emocional: el president Franklin D. Roosevelt i el cineasta Frank Capra. El text cerca d’establir les connexions entre aquests dos discursos, descobrir-ne les coincidències i, també, les diferències, i plantejar una aproximació al cinema com un mitjà de comunicació que va més enllà del simple entreteniment, per a convertir-se, en diverses ocasions, en un eficaç document amb el qual apropar-se a una època, desxifrar-ne els aspectes més significatius


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When you opened this workbook, you made an important decision! You made a decision to learn about disability disclosure and what it can mean for you. This workbook provides the expertise about disclosing a disability, and you provide the expertise about yourself. This workbook does not tell you what to do. Rather, it helps you make informed decisions about disclosing your disability, decisions that will affect your educational, employment, and social lives. In fact, making the personal decision to disclose your disability can lead to greater confidence in yourself and your choices. Disclosure is a very personal decision, a decision that takes thought and practice. Both young people with visible disabilities and those with hidden (not readily apparent to others) disabilities can benefit from using this workbook.


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Movie distribution on the Internet has become more common in recent years along with fast broadband internet connections. The problem so far has been that the greatest part of movie distribution on the Internet has been illegal. This is about to change because the major film distributors are finally starting to rent and sell movies more and more on the Internet due to their growing confidence in new copy protection methods. The importance of movie online distribution to the movie industry is still tiny but it is increasing rapidly as is investing in new business models and distribution methods in the USA and Europe. This thesis examines the basic concepts of online movie distribution, such as distribution techniques and copy protection, the main companies that rent and sell movies on the internet and their business models, the effects of movie piracy and non-commercial distribution channels. The intention was to provide the reader with an overview of different aspects of movie distribution on the Internet and its future. The conclusion was that movie distribution on the Internet will play a bigger financial part in the future although it was still too early to say just how significant that will be. We will probably see many corresponding distribution techniques, like peer-to-peer networks and streaming servers distributing and broadcasting movies to different end-user platforms like television, PC and portable media players. Internet distribution of movies will not revolutionize movie distribution in the next couple of years but it will make possible new efficient and inexpensive ways to distribute movies globally which will in turn increase the possibilities for revenue, especially for small independent movie producers and distributors.


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In my thesis I discuss the elements of my professional identity from the perspective of an actor, a director and a team. What are acting and directing to me? What are the problems in the symbiosis of acting and directing? What are the difficulties in acting and directing and how important are the issues related to responsibility, power, trust and confidence in my work? I also discuss the consept of self-confidence. Behind all of this, there is also the thought of my ancestry and its dualism, how my roots from my father's and mother's side are struggling against each other or supporting each other, and how they affect my professional identity. The basic idea in the present thesis is the perspective of the traditional theatre and a professional team. Also the childhood influence on my professional identity is being considered. Education is discussed at the end. Moreover, a discussion on the kind of future theatre maker I want to be considered as, is included. I also try to handle all these topics through Harri Virtanen's Kiinteistövälittäjä vastoin tahtoaan (2005), which I directed, and my latest role in Arto Paasilinna's and Kristian Smeds' Jäniksen vuosi (2006). The conclusion of the present thesis is that it is very important for me to be a member of different communities, in which I can express my professional identity. My professional identity is formed by many elements that support each other. Such elements in their own right form an inticate relationship, which at the end, makes me what I am. In conclusion, I am a theatre maker, who in an alternative field of theater has opportunities to form the professional identity, as different situations and projects require.


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After the economic reforms of 1978, China started rising very fast and started engaging other countries in the region which has served to increase its confidence in the region. In the post cold war period, China was seen as a big threat for the region because of its claims on the South China Sea. Nevertheless, this image was eliminated when China engaged ASEAN and other multilateral and regional organizations. This paper is studying China’s economic and security policies towards ASEAN. Globalization Theory is the theory being used to explain the nature of China-ASEAN relations. This research paper argues that China’s rise is promoting peace in the region. With the engagement policy, China started promoting trade and security co operations based on mutual benefits and dialogues for the peaceful resolutions of the disputes in the region. This contributed greatly to improve China’s image in the region. Additionally, China’s posture during the economic crises of 1997 also greatly contributed to improve its image. Thus, the rise of China is providing opportunity to the other countries in East Asia. Chapter One: Background On China-ASEAN Relations The use of Soft Power and engagement policy by the Chinese government has helped to change China’s image in the region. By using these policies China has been able to clear the feeling of suspicion and mistrust among the Asian states. China has increased its participation in multilateral and regional organizations, such as ASEAN. Due to this China has been able to promote economic and security co-operation among countries in the region. Thus, from being a potential threat China became a potential co-operative partner. Chapter Two: A Look into ASEAN ASEAN was originally formed on 8th August 1967 in Bangkok, Thailand, by Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. Nevertheless, ASEAN was not the first regional group created to act as forum for dialogue between the leaders of different countries. Thought, it is the only one which could work in the region. The aim of the foundation of ASEAN was to promote peace and stability in the Abstract 2 region and also contain the spread of communism in Southeast Asia. For this reason, China did not engage ASEAN until 1990. However, in 1978 with the establishment of the open up policy China started engaging other countries. It started building trust among its neighboring countries by using soft power. By 1992, China formalized its diplomatic ties with ASEAN as a group. The diplomatic ties between China and ASEAN focus on multilateralism and co-operation as the best way for a more peaceful Asia and the search for common security. Thus, security in the region is promoted through economic co-operation among the states. Therefore the relation between China – ASEAN emphasizes the five principles of peaceful coexistence, mutual benefits in economic co-operation, dialogue promoting trust and the peaceful settlement of disputes. Chapter Three: China-ASEAN Economic Relations Since 1978 The economic reform of 1978 has greatly contributed to the economic development of China. After the adoption of the open up policy, China has been able to establish economic and trade relations with the outside world. The realist school of thought had predicted that Asia will not be stable in the post cold war period. Nevertheless, this has not been the case in Asia. China is growing peacefully with the co-operation of countries in the region. China is establishing strong ties with its neighboring countries. China and ASEAN relations focus on mutual benefit instead of being a zero sum game. Thus these relations are aimed at encouraging trust and economic co-operation in the region. China and ASEAN have agreed on Free Trade to assure that the two parties benefit from the co-operation. The ACFTA will have a great impact on economic, political and security issues. This will enable China to increase its influence in Asia and counterbalance the influences that Japan and U.S have in the region. Chapter Four: China ASEAN Relations in the Security Perspective This Chapter is about China and ASEAN relations on security issue. The new security issues of the post cold war period need to be solved in multilateral way. China as a major power in the region, through its engagement policy has solved most Abstract 3 of the disputes in the region using multilateral means. China has also found ways to solve the dispute over Spratly Islands peacefully, through dialogue using ASEAN. Additionally, China signed the Treaty of Amity in 2003, promoted security initiatives through ARF, Declaration on Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea and documents covering non-traditional security threats, economic co-operation and agricultural co-operation in November 2002, and the Joint Declaration on Strategic. Chapter Five: Finding and Analysis This chapter provides a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the date collected throughout this research. It provides an analysis of how the rise of China is promoting peace in the region. China has been promoting mutual beneficial trade and security co-operation which has increased its influence in the region. China has also been able to solve most of the territorial and border dispute in the region through ASEAN. Thus, ASEAN has amended China’s relations with other countries in the region. Therefore, China’s foreign policy in the region has a big impact in shaping the dynamic relations in East Asia. Conclusion and Recommendations This paper concluded that the relationships between China and ASEAN are contributing to peace in the region. After China engaged ASEAN, it has been able to promote multilateral trade based on mutual benefit. This is clearly emphasized by the CAFTA. Additionally, China has solved most of the dispute in the region. It has also found way for a peaceful resolution of the dispute over Spratly Island. Nowadays, the ASEAN countries don’t see China as a threat to the region. Nevertheless, they’ve adopted deterrence measures such as establishing diplomatic relations with other big powers in the region to assure that the region continues to grow peacefully. Concerning this deterrence measures, I recommend as another way for a continued peaceful growth, the resolution of the outstanding dispute.


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When you opened this workbook, you made an important decision! You made a decision to learn about disability disclosure and what it can mean for you. This workbook provides the expertise about disclosing a disability, and you provide the expertise about yourself. This workbook does not tell you what to do. Rather, it helps you make informed decisions about disclosing your disability, decisions that will affect your educational, employment, and social lives. In fact, making the personal decision to disclose your disability can lead to greater confidence in yourself and your choices. Disclosure is a very personal decision, a decision that takes thought and practice. Both young people with visible disabilities and those with hidden (not readily apparent to others) disabilities can benefit from using this workbook.


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Despite many successful projects, some public agencies and contractors have been hesitant to use concrete overlays. This lack of confidence has been based on a number of factors, including the misperception that concrete overlays are expensive or difficult to build. This guide will help readers understand concrete overlays and develop confidence in their application. The guide provides the key elements of the six major types of concrete overlays along with specifics on materials, typical sections, and important construction elements.


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Atualmente, as situações de erros e fraudes, têm ocorrido com muita frequência a nível mundial. Por exemplo em Cabo Verde estas têm vindo a ganhar espaço nos mídias, onde a todo momento aparece casos de erros e fraudes, como por exemplo, os casos da Sociedade Cabo-verdiana de Tabacos, Banco Comercial do Atlântico, Caixa Económica, Câmara Municipal da Ribeira Brava, Associação Sport Club Moreirense, Sociedade de Segurança Industrial, Marítima e Comercial, Ministério das Finanças entre outros. Essas situações desfavoráveis para qualquer empresa, são derivadas de uma gestão menos cuidada dos recursos, e dos valores e princípios éticos cultivados pelas pessoas. O triângulo de fraude criada por Donald Cressey demonstra os motivos que leva um individuo a cometer atos fraudulentos, como sendo a motivação, a pressão e a oportunidade. Neste sentido, o controlo interno surge como uma ferramenta muito importante e fundamental para mitigar os riscos advenientes da ocorrência de erros e fraudes, suscetíveis de acontecer nas empresas. O controlo interno traduz num conjunto de medidas que protegem o património da empresa e garantem o cumprimento dos seus objetivos entretanto, como qualquer outra ferramenta de gestão está possui determinadas limitações que podem ser ultrapassadas com a utilização de alguns procedimentos básicos e, ou alternativos de controlo interno. É imprescindível que um sistema de controlo interno, para além de implementado, adequado e em funcionamento, seja mantido e acompanhado. O estudo dos casos da SILMAC, SA e da SCT, SA, mostram a importância que o controlo interno tem na prevenção e deteção de erros e fraudes, pois denota-se que as fraudes cometidas aconteceram na sequência de fraquezas de controlo interno e no excesso de confiança depositada nos colaboradores. Currently, the situations of errors and fraud have occurred very often in the world. Cape Verde in these situations have gained ground in the media, where every moment appears to errors and fraud cases, such as cases of “Sociedade cabo-verdiana de tabacos, Banco Comercial do Atlântico, Caixa Económica, Câmara Municipal da Ribeira Brava, Associação Sport Club Moreirense, Sociedade de segurança industrial, marítima e comercial, Ministério de finanças” amongst others. These situations which unfavorable for any company, are derived from a less carefully management of resources and ethical principles and values cultivated by people. The fraud triangle created by Donald Cressey, demonstrates reasons that lead an individual to commit fraudulent acts, such as motivation, opportunity and pressure. In this sense, internal control emerges as a very important tool to mitigate the risks arising from situations of errors and fraud, which are likely to happen in companies. The internal control translates into a set of measures that protect the assets of the business and ensure the fulfillment of its objectives however, like any other management tool is has limitations, however these can be overcome with the use of basic procedures, or alternative internal control. It is essential that an internal control system, in addition to implemented, adequate and functioning is maintained and monitored. The case studies of SILMAC and SCT, show the importance of internal control is the prevention and detection of errors and fraud. For note that the fraud occurred following oversights in its internal control and confidence in their employees.


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The paper explores an efficiency hypothesis regarding the contractual process between large retailers, such as Wal-Mart and Carrefour, and their suppliers. The empirical evidence presented supports the idea that large retailers play a quasi-judicial role, acting as "courts of first instance" in their relationships with suppliers. In this role, large retailers adjust the terms of trade to on-going changes and sanction performance failures, sometimes delaying payments. A potential abuse of their position is limited by the need for re-contracting and preserving their reputations. Suppliers renew their confidence in their retailers on a yearly basis, through writing new contracts. This renovation contradicts the alternative hypothesis that suppliers are expropriated by large retailers as a consequence of specific investments.


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Species distribution modelling is central to both fundamental and applied research in biogeography. Despite widespread use of models, there are still important conceptual ambiguities as well as biotic and algorithmic uncertainties that need to be investigated in order to increase confidence in model results. We identify and discuss five areas of enquiry that are of high importance for species distribution modelling: (1) clarification of the niche concept; (2) improved designs for sampling data for building models; (3) improved parameterization; (4) improved model selection and predictor contribution; and (5) improved model evaluation. The challenges discussed in this essay do not preclude the need for developments of other areas of research in this field. However, they are critical for allowing the science of species distribution modelling to move forward.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the impact of introducing clinical practice guidelines on acute coronary syndrome without persistent ST segment elevation (ACS) on patient initial assessment. DESIGN: Prospective before-after evaluation over a 3-month period. SETTING: The emergency ward of a tertiary teaching hospital. PATIENTS: All consecutive patients with ACS evaluated in the emergency ward over the two 3-month periods. INTERVENTION: Implementation of the practice guidelines, and the addition of a cardiology consultant to the emergency team. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Diagnosis, electrocardiogram interpretation, and risk stratification after the initial evaluation. RESULTS: The clinical characteristics of the 328 and 364 patients evaluated in the emergency ward for suspicion of ACS before and after guideline implementation were similar. Significantly more patients were classified as suffering from atypical chest pain (39.6% versus 47.0%; P = 0.006) after guideline implementation. Guidelines availability was associated with significantly more formal diagnoses (79.9% versus 92.9%; P < 0.0001) and risk stratification (53.7% versus 65.4%, P < 0.0001) at the end of initial assessment. CONCLUSION: Guidelines implementation, along with availability of a cardiology consultant in the emergency room had a positive impact on initial assessment of patients evaluated for suspicion of ACS. It led to increased confidence in diagnosis and stratification by risk, which are the first steps in initiating effective treatment for this common condition.


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RESUME Les évidences montrant que les changements globaux affectent la biodiversité s'accumulent. Les facteurs les plus influant dans ce processus sont les changements et destructions d'habitat, l'expansion des espèces envahissantes et l'impact des changements climatiques. Une évaluation pertinente de la réponse des espèces face à ces changements est essentielle pour proposer des mesures permettant de réduire le déclin actuel de la biodiversité. La modélisation de la répartition d'espèces basée sur la niche (NBM) est l'un des rares outils permettant cette évaluation. Néanmoins, leur application dans le contexte des changements globaux repose sur des hypothèses restrictives et demande une interprétation critique. Ce travail présente une série d'études de cas investiguant les possibilités et limitations de cette approche pour prédire l'impact des changements globaux. Deux études traitant des menaces sur les espèces rares et en danger d'extinction sont présentées. Les caractéristiques éco-géographiques de 118 plantes avec un haut degré de priorité de conservation sont revues. La prévalence des types de rareté sont analysées en relation avec leur risque d'extinction UICN. La revue souligne l'importance de la conservation à l'échelle régionale. Une évaluation de la rareté à échelle globale peut être trompeuse pour certaine espèces car elle ne tient pas en compte des différents degrés de rareté que présente une espèce à différentes échelles spatiales. La deuxième étude test une approche pour améliorer l'échantillonnage d'espèces rares en incluant des phases itératives de modélisation et d'échantillonnage sur le terrain. L'application de l'approche en biologie de la conservation (illustrée ici par le cas du chardon bleu, Eryngium alpinum), permettrait de réduire le temps et les coûts d'échantillonnage. Deux études sur l'impact des changements climatiques sur la faune et la flore africaine sont présentées. La première étude évalue la sensibilité de 227 mammifères africains face aux climatiques d'ici 2050. Elle montre qu'un nombre important d'espèces pourrait être bientôt en danger d'extinction et que les parcs nationaux africains (principalement ceux situé en milieux xériques) pourraient ne pas remplir leur mandat de protection de la biodiversité dans le futur. La seconde étude modélise l'aire de répartition en 2050 de 975 espèces de plantes endémiques du sud de l'Afrique. L'étude propose l'inclusion de méthodes améliorant la prédiction des risques liés aux changements climatiques. Elle propose également une méthode pour estimer a priori la sensibilité d'une espèce aux changements climatiques à partir de ses propriétés écologiques et des caractéristiques de son aire de répartition. Trois études illustrent l'utilisation des modèles dans l'étude des invasions biologiques. Une première étude relate l'expansion de la laitue sáuvage (Lactuca serriola) vers le nord de l'Europe en lien avec les changements du climat depuis 250 ans. La deuxième étude analyse le potentiel d'invasion de la centaurée tachetée (Centaures maculosa), une mauvaise herbe importée en Amérique du nord vers 1890. L'étude apporte la preuve qu'une espèce envahissante peut occuper une niche climatique différente après introduction sur un autre continent. Les modèles basés sur l'aire native prédisent de manière incorrecte l'entier de l'aire envahie mais permettent de prévoir les aires d'introductions potentielles. Une méthode alternative, incluant la calibration du modèle à partir des deux aires où l'espèce est présente, est proposée pour améliorer les prédictions de l'invasion en Amérique du nord. Je présente finalement une revue de la littérature sur la dynamique de la niche écologique dans le temps et l'espace. Elle synthétise les récents développements théoriques concernant le conservatisme de la niche et propose des solutions pour améliorer la pertinence des prédictions d'impact des changements climatiques et des invasions biologiques. SUMMARY Evidences are accumulating that biodiversity is facing the effects of global change. The most influential drivers of change in ecosystems are land-use change, alien species invasions and climate change impacts. Accurate projections of species' responses to these changes are needed to propose mitigation measures to slow down the on-going erosion of biodiversity. Niche-based models (NBM) currently represent one of the only tools for such projections. However, their application in the context of global changes relies on restrictive assumptions, calling for cautious interpretations. In this thesis I aim to assess the effectiveness and shortcomings of niche-based models for the study of global change impacts on biodiversity through the investigation of specific, unsolved limitations and suggestion of new approaches. Two studies investigating threats to rare and endangered plants are presented. I review the ecogeographic characteristic of 118 endangered plants with high conservation priority in Switzerland. The prevalence of rarity types among plant species is analyzed in relation to IUCN extinction risks. The review underlines the importance of regional vs. global conservation and shows that a global assessment of rarity might be misleading for some species because it can fail to account for different degrees of rarity at a variety of spatial scales. The second study tests a modeling framework including iterative steps of modeling and field surveys to improve the sampling of rare species. The approach is illustrated with a rare alpine plant, Eryngium alpinum and shows promise for complementing conservation practices and reducing sampling costs. Two studies illustrate the impacts of climate change on African taxa. The first one assesses the sensitivity of 277 mammals at African scale to climate change by 2050 in terms of species richness and turnover. It shows that a substantial number of species could be critically endangered in the future. National parks situated in xeric ecosystems are not expected to meet their mandate of protecting current species diversity in the future. The second study model the distribution in 2050 of 975 endemic plant species in southern Africa. The study proposes the inclusion of new methodological insights improving the accuracy and ecological realism of predictions of global changes studies. It also investigates the possibility to estimate a priori the sensitivity of a species to climate change from the geographical distribution and ecological proprieties of the species. Three studies illustrate the application of NBM in the study of biological invasions. The first one investigates the Northwards expansion of Lactuca serriola L. in Europe during the last 250 years in relation with climate changes. In the last two decades, the species could not track climate change due to non climatic influences. A second study analyses the potential invasion extent of spotted knapweed, a European weed first introduced into North America in the 1890s. The study provides one of the first empirical evidence that an invasive species can occupy climatically distinct niche spaces following its introduction into a new area. Models fail to predict the current full extent of the invasion, but correctly predict areas of introduction. An alternative approach, involving the calibration of models with pooled data from both ranges, is proposed to improve predictions of the extent of invasion on models based solely on the native range. I finally present a review on the dynamic nature of ecological niches in space and time. It synthesizes the recent theoretical developments to the niche conservatism issues and proposes solutions to improve confidence in NBM predictions of the impacts of climate change and species invasions on species distributions.


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Rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) have played a valuable role in the development of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) vaccine candidates prior to human clinical trials. However, changes and/or improvements in immunogen quality in the good manufacturing practice (GMP) process or changes in adjuvants, schedule, route, dose, or readouts have compromised the direct comparison of T-cell responses between species. Here we report a comparative study in which T-cell responses from humans and macaques to HIV type 1 antigens (Gag, Pol, Nef, and Env) were induced by the same vaccine batches prepared under GMP and administered according to the same schedules in the absence and presence of priming. Priming with DNA (humans and macaques) or alphavirus (macaques) and boosting with NYVAC induced robust and broad antigen-specific responses, with highly similar Env-specific gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) enzyme-linked immunospot assay responses in rhesus monkeys and human volunteers. Persistent cytokine responses of antigen-specific CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells of the central memory as well as the effector memory phenotype, capable of simultaneously eliciting multiple cytokines (IFN-gamma, interleukin 2, and tumor necrosis factor alpha), were induced. Responses were highly similar in humans and primates, confirming earlier data indicating that priming is essential for inducing robust NYVAC-boosted IFN-gamma T-cell responses. While significant similarities were observed in Env-specific responses in both species, differences were also observed with respect to responses to other HIV antigens. Future studies with other vaccines using identical lots, immunization schedules, and readouts will establish a broader data set of species similarities and differences with which increased confidence in predicting human responses may be achieved.