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Vorbesitzer: Freimaurerloge Frankfurt am Main;


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There have been three medical malpractice insurance "crises" in the United States over a time spanning roughly the past three decades (Poisson, 2004, p. 759-760). Each crisis is characterized by a number of common features, including rapidly increasing medical malpractice insurance premiums, cancellation of existing insurance policies, and a decreased willingness of insurers to offer or renew medical malpractice insurance policies (Poisson, 2004, p. 759-760). Given the recurrent "crises," many sources argue that medical malpractice insurance coverage has become too expensive a commodity—one that many physicians simply cannot afford (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [HHS], 2002, p. 1-2; Physician Insurers Association of America [PIAA], 2003, p. 1; Jackiw, 2004, p. 506; Glassman, 2004, p. 417; Padget, 2003, p. 216). ^ The prohibitively high cost of medical liability insurance is said to limit the geographical areas and medical specializations in which physicians are willing to practice. As a result, the high costs of medical liability insurance are ultimately said to affect whether or not people have access to health care services. ^ In an effort to control the medical liability insurance crises—and to preserve or restore peoples' access to health care—every state in the United States has passed "at least some laws designed to reduce medical malpractice premium rates" (GAO, 2003, p.5-6). More recently, however, the United States has witnessed a push to implement federal reform of the medical malpractice tort system. Accordingly, this project focuses on federal medical malpractice tort reform. This project was designed to investigate the following specific question: Do the federal medical malpractice tort reform bills which passed in the House of Representatives between 1995 and 2005 differ in respect to their principle features? To answer this question, the text of the bills, law review articles, and reports from government and private agencies were analyzed. Further, a matrix was compiled to concisely summarize the principle features of the proposed federal medical malpractice tort reform bills. Insight gleaned from this investigation and matrix compilation informs discussion about the potential ramifications of enacting federal medical malpractice tort reform legislation. ^


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Introduction: The Texas Occupational Safety & Health Surveillance System (TOSHSS) was created to collect, analyze and interpret occupational injury and illness data in order to decrease the impact of occupational injuries within the state of Texas. This process evaluation was performed midway through the 4-year grant to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the surveillance system’s planning and implementation activities1. ^ Methods: Two evaluation guidelines published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were used as the theoretical models for this process evaluation. The Framework for Program Evaluation in Public Health was used to examine the planning and design of TOSHSS using logic models. The Framework for Evaluating Public Health Surveillance Systems was used to examine the implementation of approximately 60 surveillance activities, including uses of the data obtained from the surveillance system. ^ Results/Discussion: TOSHSS planning activities omitted the creation of a scientific advisory committee and specific activities designed to maintain contacts with stakeholders; and proposed activities should be reassessed and aligned with ongoing performance measurement criteria, including the role of collaborators in helping the surveillance system achieve each proposed activity. TOSHSS implementation activities are substantially meeting expectations and received an overall score of 61% for all activities being performed. TOSHSS is considered a surveillance system that is simple, flexible, acceptable, fairly stable, timely, moderately useful, with good data quality and a PVP of 86%. ^ Conclusions: Through the third year of TOSHSS implementation, the surveillance system is has made a considerable contribution to the collection of occupational injury and illness information within the state of Texas. Implementation of the nine recommendations provided under this process evaluation is expected to increase the overall usefulness of the surveillance system and assist TDSHS in reducing occupational fatalities, injuries, and diseases within the state of Texas. ^ 1 Disclaimer: The Texas Occupational Safety and Health Surveillance System is supported by Grant/Cooperative Agreement Number (U60 OH008473-01A1). The content of the current evaluation are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.^


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Problems due to the lack of data standardization and data management have lead to work inefficiencies for the staff working with the vision data for the Lifetime Surveillance of Astronaut Health. Data has been collected over 50 years in a variety of manners and then entered into a software. The lack of communication between the electronic health record (EHR) form designer, epidemiologists, and optometrists has led to some level to confusion on the capability of the EHR system and how its forms can be designed to fit all the needs of the relevant parties. EHR form customizations or form redesigns were found to be critical for using NASA's EHR system in the most beneficial way for its patients, optometrists, and epidemiologists. In order to implement a protocol, data being collected was examined to find the differences in data collection methods. Changes were implemented through the establishment of a process improvement team (PIT). Based on the findings of the PIT, suggestions have been made to improve the current EHR system. If the suggestions are implemented correctly, this will not only improve efficiency of the staff at NASA and its contractors, but set guidelines for changes in other forms such as the vision exam forms. Because NASA is at the forefront of such research and health surveillance the impact of this management change could have a drastic improvement on the collection of and adaptability of the EHR. Accurate data collection from this 50+ year study is ongoing and is going to help current and future generations understand the implications of space flight on human health. It is imperative that the vast amount of information is documented correctly.^


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This is a technical description in html format of simple fortran programs for Macintosh for the morphometric analysis of tests planktonic foraminifera under reflected light, with special focus on the Neogene group of Globorotalia menardii. The second part of this report gives information and performance tests about the development of AMOR (Automated Measurement system for the mORphometry of microfossils). AMOR is Windows based and helps to orientate and collect digital images of menardiform globorotalids. The above fortran programs may be useful to extract and analyze some morphometric parameters from images collected with AMOR. After unzipping the archive file please open the Start.html file using a common web browser like firefox. In case of any questions or problems, please contact Michael W. Knappertsbusch (mailto:michael.knappertsbusch@unibas.ch).


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Suporting Information 1; Herbarium Corallina officinalis samples of the Natural History Museum (BM) analysed for the present study. Where the same NHM barcodes are provided for more than one sample, multiple samples were present under the same barcode in the herbarium. (-) indicates samples were not barcoded in the NHM (BM) system.


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Here we present a new, pan-North-Atlantic compilation of data on key mesozooplankton species, including the most important copepod, Calanus finmarchicus. Distributional data of eight representative zooplankton taxa, from recent (2000-2009) Continuous Plankton Recorder data, are presented, along with basin-scale data of the phytoplankton colour index. Then we present a compilation of data on C. finmarchicus, including observations of abundance, demography, egg production and female size, with accompanying data on temperature and chlorophyll. . This is a contribution by Canadian, European and US scientists and their institutions.