389 resultados para cGMP phosphodiesterase


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Objective: To report on the use of sildenafil for pulmonary hypertension treatment of a newborn patient after cardiac surgery. Description: A female, full term newborn infant with diagnosis of double outlet right ventricle, pulmonary hypoplasia and subaortic ventricular septal defect, was submitted to Blalock surgery in the first week of life. In postoperative the newborn had pulmonary hypertension and persistent hypoxia, without response to nitric oxide, but with improved oxygenation after continuous intravenous infusion of prostaglandin E1. After several failed attempts to discontinue prostaglandin E1, oral sildenafil was used. There was a decrease in pulmonary vascular resistance with consequent oxygenation improvement and 48 hours later it was possible to discontinue prostaglandin E1 infusion. Comments: Sildenafil can be an alternative therapy for pulmonary hypertension, especially when there is no response to conventional therapy. Copyright © 2005 by Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria.


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Phospholipases D (PLDs) are principally responsible for the local and systemic effects of Loxosceles envenomation including dermonecrosis and hemolysis. Despite their clinical relevance in loxoscelism, to date, only the SMase I from Loxosceles laeta, a class I member, has been structurally characterized. The crystal structure of a class II member from Loxosceles intermedia venom has been determined at 1.7. Å resolution. Structural comparison to the class I member showed that the presence of an additional disulphide bridge which links the catalytic loop to the flexible loop significantly changes the volume and shape of the catalytic cleft. An examination of the crystal structures of PLD homologues in the presence of low molecular weight compounds at their active sites suggests the existence of a ligand-dependent rotamer conformation of the highly conserved residue Trp230 (equivalent to Trp192 in the glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase from Thermus thermophofilus, PDB code: 1VD6) indicating its role in substrate binding in both enzymes. Sequence and structural analyses suggest that the reduced sphingomyelinase activity observed in some class IIb PLDs is probably due to point mutations which lead to a different substrate preference. © 2011 Elsevier Inc.


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In this minireview we describe the involvement of the atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) in cardiovascular pathophysiology and exercise. The ANP has a broad homeostatic role and exerts complex effects on the cardio-circulatory hemodynamics, it is produced by the left atrium and has a key role in regulating sodium and water balance in mammals and humans. The dominant stimulus for its release is atrial wall tension, commonly caused by exercise. The ANP is involved in the process of lipolysis through a cGMP signaling pathway and, as a consequence, reducing blood pressure by decreasing the sensitivity of vascular smooth muscle to the action of vasoconstrictors and regulate fluid balance. The increase of this hormone is associated with better survival in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). This minireview provides new evidence based on recent studies related to the beneficial effects of exercise in patients with cardiovascular disease, focusing on the ANP. © 2012 de Almeida et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Vampire bats are notorious for being the sole mammals that strictly feed on fresh blood for their survival. While their saliva has been historically associated with anticoagulants, only one antihemostatic (plasminogen activator) has been molecularly and functionally characterized. Here, RNAs from both principal and accessory submaxillary (submandibular) salivary glands of Desmodus rotundus were extracted, and ~. 200. million reads were sequenced by Illumina. The principal gland was enriched with plasminogen activators with fibrinolytic properties, members of lipocalin and secretoglobin families, which bind prohemostatic prostaglandins, and endonucleases, which cleave neutrophil-derived procoagulant NETs. Anticoagulant (tissue factor pathway inhibitor, TFPI), vasodilators (PACAP and C-natriuretic peptide), and metalloproteases (ADAMTS-1) were also abundantly expressed. Members of the TSG-6 (anti-inflammatory), antigen 5/CRISP, and CCL28-like (antimicrobial) protein families were also sequenced. Apyrases (which remove platelet agonist ADP), phosphatases (which degrade procoagulant polyphosphates), and sphingomyelinase were found at lower transcriptional levels. Accessory glands were enriched with antimicrobials (lysozyme, defensin, lactotransferrin) and protease inhibitors (TIL-domain, cystatin, Kazal). Mucins, heme-oxygenase, and IgG chains were present in both glands. Proteome analysis by nano LC-MS/MS confirmed that several transcripts are expressed in the glands. The database presented herein is accessible online at http://exon.niaid.nih.gov/transcriptome/D_rotundus/Supplemental-web.xlsx. These results reveal that bat saliva emerges as a novel source of modulators of vascular biology. Biological significance: Vampire bat saliva emerges as a novel source of antihemostatics which modulate several aspects of vascular biology. © 2013.


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A method based on capillary electrophoresis with capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection (CE-C4D) for determination of two important phosphodiesterase type-5 inhibitors (sildenafil and vardenafil) is introduced. The background electrolyte (BGE) consisted of an aqueous solution of 500 mmol L-1 acetic acid, and the capillary was previously treated with polybrene solution to prevent cationic analytes from adsorbing onto the inner surface. Although the analytes migrate in the counter flow, the total time is short. An instrument with two C4D detectors allowed a seamless transition from a fast method (less than one minute) but of low-efficiency using the first detector to a more efficient method using the second detector. The analysis of commercial tablets showed no significant difference between CE-C4D and HPLC methods. Conductivity detection is a well-known low selectivity detection scheme, which in conjunction with the high mobility of the co-ion in the BGE (hydroxonium) allows one to predict that other cationic analogues of sildenafil can also be detected. This is an interesting feature given the increasing number of compounds in this class. © 2013 The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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Mammalian natriuretic peptides (NPs) have been extensively investigated for use as therapeutic agents in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Here, we describe the isolation, sequencing and tridimensional homology modeling of the first C-type natriuretic peptide isolated from scorpion venom. In addition, its effects on the renal function of rats and on the mRNA expression of natriuretic peptide receptors in the kidneys are delineated. Fractionation of Tityusserrulatus venom using chromatographic techniques yielded a peptide with a molecular mass of 2190.64Da, which exhibited the pattern of disulfide bridges that is characteristic of a C-type NP (TsNP, T. serrulatus Natriuretic Peptide). In the isolated perfused rat kidney assay, treatment with two concentrations of TsNP (0.03 and 0.1μg/mL) increased the perfusion pressure, glomerular filtration rate and urinary flow. After 60min of treatment at both concentrations, the percentages of sodium, potassium and chloride transport were decreased, and the urinary cGMP concentration was elevated. Natriuretic peptide receptor-A (NPR-A) mRNA expression was down regulated in the kidneys treated with both concentrations of TsNP, whereas NPR-B, NPR-C and CG-C mRNAs were up regulated at the 0.1μg/mL concentration. In conclusion, this work describes the isolation and modeling of the first natriuretic peptide isolated from scorpion venom. In addition, examinations of the renal actions of TsNP indicate that its effects may be related to the activation of NPR-B, NPR-C and GC-C. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Este estudo investigou a toxicidade aguda oral, o efeito antinociceptivo em modelos de nocicepção química e térmica, bem como a atividade anti-inflamatória em modelos de carragenina e óleo de cróton do extrato hidroetanólico de partes aéreas de Portulaca pilosa (EHEPp). Identificou também alguns possíveis mecanismos envolvidos na antinocicepção do extrato, além dos seus efeitos sobre o sistema nervoso central de ratos. No teste de toxicidade aguda oral, o tratamento com EHEPp (2000 mg/kg) não causou óbitos. No teste de contorções abdominais induzidas por ácido acético, o EHEPp (100, 200, 400 e 600 mg/kg), por via oral (v.o.), reduziu significantemente o número de contorções em 18.18, 33.25, 47.27, 65.81 e 73.94%, respectivamente. No teste da placa quente, o tratamento com EHEPp (200, 400 e 600 mg/kg, v.o.) não alterou a latência ao estímulo térmico de 50 ± 0,5 ºC. No teste da formalina, o tratamento com EHEPp (200,400 e 600mg/kg, v.o.) reduziu de maneira significativa o tempo de lambida nas fases neurogênica (1ª fase) em 38.79, 60.61 e 75.18 %, e inflamatória (2ª fase) em 49.23, 53.03 e 87.53 %, respectivamente. A administração prévia de naloxona reverteu, significativamente, o efeito do EHEPp (600 mg/kg, v.o.) em ambas as fases do teste da formalina. O pré-tratamento com o L-NAME e azul de metileno reverteu o efeito do EHEPp (600 mg/kg, v.o.) de maneira significante em ambas as fases do teste da formalina. O pré-tratamento com o fármaco glibenclamida também reverteu de maneira significativa o efeito do EHEPp (600 mg/kg, v.o.) em ambas as fases do teste da formalina. O EHEPp, na dose 600 mg/kg, v.o., não afetou a atividade locomotora dos ratos submetidos ao teste do campo aberto. No teste de edema de pata induzido por carragenina e edema de orelha induzido pelo óleo cróton, o EHEPp (400 e 600 mg/kg, v.o.) não inibiu a formação de edema de maneira significante em ambos os testes. Os resultados deste estudo mostraram que o HEEPp, oralmente, apresentou baixa toxicidade e sua atuação antinociceptiva observada na fase neurogênica pode envolver interações periféricas com receptores opióides e ativação da via NO/GCs/GMPc/ KATP. Já a atividade antinociceptiva observada na fase inflamatória parece não depender de inibição da via bioquímica fosfolipase A2/ciclo-oxigenases, mas de interações periféricas com receptores opióides e com a via NO/GCs/GMPc/KATP.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Farmacologia) - IBB


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Oocyte maturation is a complex process involving nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation. The nuclear maturation is a chromosomal segregation and the cytoplasmic maturation involves the reorganization of the cytoplasmic organelles, mRNA transcription and storage of proteins to be used during fertilization and early embryo development. The mechanism of oocyte maturation in vivo and in vitro still are not totally understood. However it is generally accepted that the second messenger cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) plays a critical role in the maintenance of meiotic blockage of mammalian oocytes. A relative increase in the level of cAMP within the oocyte is essential for maintaining meiosis block, while a decrease in cAMP oocyte concentration allows the resumption of meiosis. The oocyte cAMP concentration is regulated by a balance of two types of enzymes: adenylate cyclase (AC) and phosphodiesterases (PDEs), which are responsible for the synthesis and degradation of cAMP, respectively. After being synthesized by AC in cumulus cells, cAMP are transferred to the oocyte through gap junctions. Thus, specific subtypes PDEs are able to inhibit or attenuate the spontaneous meiotic maturation of oocytes with PDE4 primarily involved in the metabolism of cAMP in granulosa cells and PDE3 in the oocyte. Although the immature oocytes can resume meiosis in vitro, after being removed from antral follicles, cytoplasmic maturation seems to occur asynchronously with nuclear maturation. Therefore, knowledge of the oocyte maturation process is fundamental for the development of methodologies to increase the success of in vitro embryo production and to develop treatments for various forms of infertility. This review will present current knowledge about the maintenance of the oocyte in prophase arrest, and the resumption of meiosis during oocyte maturation, focusing mainly on the changes that take place in the oocyte.


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Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV