971 resultados para broncho-alveolar lavage fluids


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the role of recombinant bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein (rBPI21) in the attenuation of the sepsis syndrome and acute lung injury associated with lower limb ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury. SUMMARY BACKGROUND DATA: Gut-derived endotoxin has been implicated in the conversion of the sterile inflammatory response to a lethal sepsis syndrome after lower torso I/R injury. rBPI21 is a novel antiendotoxin therapy with proven benefit in sepsis. METHODS: Anesthetized ventilated swine underwent midline laparotomy and bilateral external iliac artery occlusion for 2 hours followed by 2.5 hours of reperfusion. Two groups (n = 6 per group) were randomized to receive, by intravenous infusion over 30 minutes, at the start of reperfusion, either thaumatin, a control-protein preparation, at 2 mg/kg body weight, or rBPI21 at 2 mg/kg body weight. A control group (n = 6) underwent laparotomy without further treatment and was administered thaumatin at 2 mg/kg body weight after 2 hours of anesthesia. Blood from a carotid artery cannula was taken every half-hour for arterial blood gas analysis. Plasma was separated and stored at -70 degrees C for later determination of plasma tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, interleukin (IL)-6 by bioassay, and IL-8 by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), as a markers of systemic inflammation. Plasma endotoxin concentration was measured using ELISA. Lung tissue wet-to-dry weight ratio and myeloperoxidase concentration were used as markers of edema and neutrophil sequestration, respectively. Bronchoalveolar lavage protein concentration was measured by the bicinclinoic acid method as a measure of capillary-alveolar protein leak. The alveolar-arterial gradient was measured; a large gradient indicated impaired oxygen transport and hence lung injury. RESULTS: Bilateral hind limb I/R injury increased significantly intestinal mucosal acidosis, intestinal permeability, portal endotoxemia, plasma IL-6 concentrations, circulating phagocytic cell priming and pulmonary leukosequestration, edema, capillary-alveolar protein leak, and impaired gas exchange. Conversely, pigs treated with rBPI21 2 mg/kg at the onset of reperfusion had significantly reduced intestinal mucosal acidosis, portal endotoxin concentrations, and circulating phagocytic cell priming and had significantly less pulmonary edema, leukosequestration, and respiratory failure. CONCLUSIONS: Endotoxin transmigration across a hyperpermeable gut barrier, phagocytic cell priming, and cytokinemia are key events of I/R injury, sepsis, and pulmonary dysfunction. This study shows that rBPI21 ameliorates these adverse effects and may provide a novel therapeutic approach for prevention of I/R-associated sepsis syndrome.


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A simple molecular analytical theory of dielectric relaxation in strongly polar fluids is considered in terms of a semi- phenomenological approach. Theoretical spectra epsilon(v), a(v) of complex permittivity and absorption coefficient are fully determined by a form of intermolecular potential well, in which a dipole reorients. In a recent publication by VI. Gaiduk, O.F. Nielsen, and T.S. Perova [J. Molliq 95 (1002) 1-25] the wideband spectra of liquid H2O and D2O were described in terms of a composite model comprising the rectangular and the cosine squared potential wells. Much better results are achieved in this work, where the rectangular well is replaced by a well with a rounded bottom termed the hat-curved well. The spectrum of the auto-correlation function (ACF) is calculated for such a potential. The proposed theory of a composite model, comprising hat-curved and parabolic wells, is applied for liquid water. This model is capable for describing the Debye relaxation region, the second relaxation region in the submillimeter wavelength range, and the far infra-red (FIR) e(v), a(v) spectra, where an intense librational band and an additional weak band are placed, respectively, near 700 cm(-1) and 200 cm(-1). The latter band reflects the features of so-called specific (viz. directly related to H-bonds) interactions and the former band reflects the features of unspecific interactions. The physical mechanisms connected with these types of interactions are discussed in terms of two relevant types of water structure (types of molecular rotation). The proposed theory is also applied to a non-associated liquid in terms of one hat-curved potential well. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The objective of the work was to investigate the effect of compliant surfaces on the receptivity and bypass transition of a boundary layer. Hot wire measurements in the pre-transitional and transitional boundary layers on nine different compliant and one rigid surface with identical geometries were made. The experiments were conducted in air and the compliant surfaces were manufactured from gelatine covered by a 10 lm protective PVC film. The laminar boundary layer profiles and growth rate results were the same for all the surfaces. However, the receptivity of the laminar boundary layer to freestream disturbances increased close to the leading edge of each compliant surface. Further downstream the majority of the compliant surfaces were successful in reducing the receptivity to a value below that for the rigid surface. The transition onset position on the compliant surfaces ranged from 3% downstream to 20% upstream of the rigid surface position. It was concluded that compliant surfaces with optimum properties can reduce receptivity and delay transition.


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Ionic liquids generally have wide liquid ranges and negligible vapour pressures; attractive characteristics for use as media for heat transfer and short heat term storage systems. This review of the limited literature available shows that many common ionic liquids have heat capacities, and thus potential thermal energy storage capabilities, that surpass those of commercial hot-oil and synthetic heat transfer fluids and suggests that there is a role for ionic liquids as novel thermal fluids.


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Introduction In acute lung injury, repair of the damaged alveolar-capillary barrier is an essential part of recovery. Endostatin is a 20 to 28 kDa proteolytic fragment of the basement membrane collagen XVIII, which has been shown to inhibit angiogenesis via action on endothelial cells. We hypothesised that endostatin may have a role in inhibiting lung repair in patients with lung injury. The aims of the study were to determine if endostatin is elevated in the plasma/bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of patients with acute lung injury and ascertain whether the levels reflect the severity of injury and alveolar inflammation, and to assess if endostatin changes occur early after the injurious lung stimuli of one lung ventilation and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenge.


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Background: We investigated whether eosinophils and mast cells, found in the airways of children with wheeze, were activated during relatively asymptomatic periods.
Methods: A nonbronchoscopic bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) procedure was performed on children presenting for an elective surgical procedure. Eosinophil-derived (eosinophil cationic protein, ECP) and mast cell-derived (histamine/tryptase) mediator concentrations were measured in the BAL fluid. A detailed history and serum immunoglobulin E were used to classify the children into four groups: atopic with and without asthma, viral-associated wheeze and normal controls.
Results: The ECP concentrations in BAL from atopic asthmatic subjects were significantly higher than those measured in BAL from normal controls (P < 0.01), no other groups differed significantly. Histamine concentrations were elevated in both the atopic asthmatic and viral-associated wheeze groups compared with controls (P < 0.02) and additionally higher concentrations were obtained in atopics with asthma compared with atopics without asthma (P < 0.03). Tryptase concentrations did not differ between groups, although the tryptase and histamine concentrations correlated significantly (r = 0.78, P < 0.0001).
Conclusions: Elevated histamine concentrations were found in children with wheeze regardless of the aetiology, whereas ECP was only elevated in those asthmatics with atopy. This suggests that even in relatively quiescent periods, there is some on going activation of airway eosinophils in children with atopic asthma.


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Previous studies have shown that in vitro adenosine enhances histamine release from activated human lung mast cells obtained by enzymic dispersion of lung parenchyma. However, adenosine alone has no effect on histamine release from these cells. Given the evidence for direct activation of mast cells after endobronchial challenge with adenosine and previous studies indicating that mast cells obtained at bronchoalveolar lavage are a better model for asthma studies than those obtained by enzymic dispersion of lung tissue, the histamine-releasing effect of adenosine was examined on lavage mast cells. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid was obtained from patients attending hospital for routine bronchoscopy (n = 54). Lavage cells were challenged with adenosine or adenosine receptor agonists (20 min, 37 degrees C) and histamine release determined using an automated fluorometric assay. Endogenous adenosine levels were also measured in lavage fluid (n = 9) via an HPLC method. Adenosine alone caused histamine release from ravage mast cells in 37 of 54 patients with a maximal histamine release of 20.56 +/- 2.52% (range 5.2-61 %). The adenosine receptor agonists (R)-N-6-(2-phenylisopropyl)adenosine, 5'-N-ethylcarboxamido-adenosine and CGS21680 also induced histamine release from lavage mast cells. Preincubation of lavage mast cells with the adenosine receptor antagonist xanthine amine congener caused significant inhibition of the response to adenosine (P = 0.007). There was an inverse correlation between endogenous adenosine levels in the lavage fluid and the maximal response to in vitro adenosine challenge of the lavage cells. The findings of the present study indicate a means by which adenosine challenge of the airways can induce bronchoconstriction and support a role for adenosine in the pathophysiology of asthma. The results also suggest that cells obtained from bronchoalveolar ravage fluid may provide the ideal model for the testing of novel, adenosine receptor, targeted therapies for asthma.


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BACKGROUND—Multiple sensory neuropeptides are present in human airways and may contribute to diseases such as asthma. This study quantified and characterised substance P (SP), neurokinin A (NKA), and calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP) immunoreactivity in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in asthmatic and normal subjects.
METHODS—Using specific radioimmunoassay (RIA), SP, NKA and CGRP were measured in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from asthmatic subjects (n = 5), normal subjects (n = 5), atopic non-asthmatic subjects (n = 6), and asthmatic subjects four hours after allergen challenge (n = 12). Peptide immunoreactivity was characterised using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and RIA.
RESULTS—No SP or CGRP immunoreactivity was detected in any of the fractions from samples after extraction, HPLC, and RIA. Non-specific binding resulted in spurious SP immunoreactivity being detected in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid when no extraction process was employed. NKA was detected in significant amounts in asthmatic (median 550, range 425-625 pg/ml) and normal subjects (median 725, range 350-1425 pg/ml). The level of NKA was significantly higher in the asthmatic subjects after allergen challenge (median 750, range 350-1250 pg/ml) than in unchallenged asthmatic subjects (median 600, range 425-600 pg/ml, p<0.01).
CONCLUSIONS—Extraction and characterisation of peptides from bronchoalveolar lavage fluid must be performed to ensure that the measured immunoreactivity represents target peptide. NKA is present in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in high concentrations and is the predominant tachykinin. The concentrations of NKA are similar in normal subjects and subjects with mild asthma.


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Metachromatic cells obtained from asthmatic subjects demonstrate increased spontaneous and stimulated histamine release in vitro. Their ability to synthesize and store proinflammatory cytokines has focused renewed interest on their role in asthma.

Objective: The late asthmatic response provides a useful model of clinical asthma. The aim of the study was to examine metachromatic cell derived mediators and histamine releasability in vitro after in vivo allergen exposure in atopic subjects with and without asthma and relate them to the type of physiological response observed.

Methods: Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) cells were obtained 4 h after challenge from asthmatics exhibiting a single early response (EAR, n = 5), a dual response (LAR, n = 7), unchallenged (basal, n = 5), atopic non-asthmatic (ANA, n = 6) and non-atopic non-asthmatics (normal, n = 5). BAL histamine and tryptase concentrations and in vitro histamine release (HR) after stimulation with anti-IgE, allergen, A23187, conconavalin A and substance P were compared.

Results:Metachromatic cell numbers were lower in normal controls compared with all asthmatic groups and in LAR compared with EAR. Metachromatic cell derived mediators were higher in asthmatic compared with normal subjects. Spontaneous HR in LAR (20.5 ± 5.0%) was lower than EAR (29.5 ± 3.9%) and ANA (30.2 ± 1.4%) (P < 0.05). No differences were seen in stimulated HR between EAR and LAR. HR in ANA stimulated with anti-IgE was greater than LAR (P < 0.05). HR in ANA stimulated with anti-IgE was greater than LAR (P < 0.05). After stimulation with ionophore A23187 (1 μM), release was greater in LAR compared with basal (P < 0.05) and no different at 5 μM. All subject groups responded to substance P (SP) but was significantly more in the asthmatic subjects compared to normal controls (P < 0.05). Allergen challenge did not modify the response of asthmatic subjects to SP.

Conclusion: Functional differences in metachromatic cell reactivity are present in atopic subjects 4 h after in vivo allergen exposure which relate to the physiological response observed after this time and suggest that there is ongoing metachromatic cell degranulation subjects who subsequently develop LAR.


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Background: Bronchoscopic bronchoalveolar lavage in children to investigate bronchia disorders such as asthtna has both ethical and procedural difficulties.

Objective: The aim of this study was to establish a standardized non-bronchoscopic method to perform bronchoalveolar lavage in children attending for elective surgery to obtain normal cellular data.

Methods: Bronchoalveolar lavage was performed on normal children (n= 55) by infusing saline (20 mL) through an 8 FG suction catheter passed after endotracheal intubation. Oxygen saturation, heart and respiratory rate were monitored during the bronchoalveolar lavage procedure. Cellular analysis and total protein estimation of the lavage fluid were performed. Epithelial lining fluid volume was calculated (n = 15) using the urea dilution method.

Results: The procedure was well tolerated by all children. Total cell count and differential cell count for children (macrophages 70.8 ± 2.3%, lymphocytes 3.8 ± 0.6%, neutrophils 5,7 ± 1.0%, eosinophils 0.14 ± 0.03%. epithelial cells 19.6 ± 2.1%, mast cells 0.21 ± 0.02%) were similar to those reported for adults. Age and sex comparisons revealed no differences between groups. The mean total protein recovered in the cell free supernatant was 49.72 ± 4.29 mg/L and epithelial lining fluid volume was 0.82 ± 0.11% of return lavageate.

Conclusion This method allows bronchoalveolar lavage to be performed safely and quickly on children attending for routine elective surgery. Using this method and taking the ‘window of opportunity’ of elective surgery, the presence or absence of airway inflammation could be studied in children with various patterns of asthma during relatively asymptomatic periods.


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Background: It seems plausible that children with atopy and persistent asthma symptoms will, like their adult counterparts, have chronic airways inflammation. However, many young children with no other atopic features have episodic wheezing that is triggered solely by viral respiratory infections. Little is known as to whether airways inflammation occurs in these two asthma patterns during relatively asymptomatic periods.

Methods: Using a non-bronchoscopic bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) procedure on children presenting for an elective surgical procedure, this study has investigated the cellular constituents of BAL fluid in children with a history of atopic asthma (AA) non-asthmatic atopic children (NAA) or viral associated wheeze (VAW).

Results: A total of 95 children was studied: 52 with atopic asthma (8.0 years, range 1.1-15.3, 36 male), 23 with non-asthmatic atopy (median age 8.3 years, range 1.7-13.6, 11 male) and 20 with VAW (3.1 years, range 1.0-8.2, 13 male). No complications were observed during the lavage procedure and no adverse events were noted post-operatively. Total lavage fluid recovered was similar in all groups and the total cell numbers were higher in the VAW group. Eosinophil (P< 0.005) and mast cell (/'<0.05) numbers were significantly elevated in the group with atopic asthma.

Conclusions: During relatively asymptomatic periods there is on-going airways inflammation, as demonstrated by eosinophil and mast cell recruitment, in children with asthma and atopy but not in children with viral associated wheeze or atopy alone. This strongly suggests that there are different underlying pathophysiologicai mechanisms in these two groups of children who wheeze.