361 resultados para bicycle


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Objectives To determine what interventions are effective in promoting cycling, the size of the effects of interventions, and evidence of any associated benefits on overall physical activity or anthropometric measures.

Design Systematic review.

Data sources Published and unpublished reports in any language identified by searching 13 electronic databases, websites, reference lists, and existing systematic reviews, and papers identified by experts in the field.

Review methods Controlled “before and after” experimental or observational studies of the effect of any type of intervention on cycling behaviour measured at either individual or population level.

Results Twenty five studies (of which two were randomised controlled trials) from seven countries were included. Six studies examined interventions aimed specifically at promoting cycling, of which four (an intensive individual intervention in obese women, high quality improvements to a cycle route network, and two multifaceted cycle promotion initiatives at town or city level) were found to be associated with increases in cycling. Those studies that evaluated interventions at population level reported net increases of up to 3.4 percentage points in the population prevalence of cycling or the proportion of trips made by bicycle. Sixteen studies assessing individualised marketing of “environmentally friendly” modes of transport to interested households reported modest but consistent net effects equating to an average of eight additional cycling trips per person per year in the local population. Other interventions that targeted travel behaviour in general were not associated with a clear increase in cycling. Only two studies assessed effects of interventions on physical activity; one reported a positive shift in the population distribution of overall physical activity during the intervention.

Conclusions Community-wide promotional activities and improving infrastructure for cycling have the potential to increase cycling by modest amounts, but further controlled evaluative studies incorporating more precise measures are required, particularly in areas without an established cycling culture. Studies of individualised marketing report consistent positive effects of interventions on cycling behaviour, but these findings should be confirmed using more robust study designs. Future research should also examine how best to promote cycling in children and adolescents and through workplaces. Whether interventions to promote cycling result in an increase in overall physical activity or changes in anthropometric measures is unclear.


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Gender differences in cycling are well-documented. However, most analyses of gender differences make broad comparisons, with few studies modeling male and female cycling patterns separately for recreational and transport cycling. This modeling is important, in order to improve our efforts to promote cycling to women and men in countries like Australia with low rates of transport cycling. The main aim of this study was to examine gender differences in cycling patterns and in motivators and constraints to cycling, separately for recreational and transport cycling.

Adult members of a Queensland, Australia, community bicycling organization completed an online survey about their cycling patterns; cycling purposes; and personal, social and perceived environmental motivators and constraints (47% response rate). Closed and open-end questions were completed. Using the quantitative data, multivariable linear, logistic and ordinal regression models were used to examine associations between gender and cycling patterns, motivators and constraints. The qualitative data were thematically analyzed to expand upon the quantitative findings.

In this sample of 1862 bicyclists, men were more likely than women to cycle for recreation and for transport, and they cycled for longer. Most transport cycling was for commuting, with men more likely than women to commute by bicycle. Men were more likely to cycle on-road, and women off-road. However, most men and women did not prefer to cycle on-road without designed bicycle lanes, and qualitative data indicated a strong preference by men and women for bicycle-only off-road paths. Both genders reported personal factors (health and enjoyment related) as motivators for cycling, although women were more likely to agree that other personal, social and environmental factors were also motivating. The main constraints for both genders and both cycling purposes were perceived environmental factors related to traffic conditions, motorist aggression and safety. Women, however, reported more constraints, and were more likely to report as constraints other environmental factors and personal factors.

Differences found in men’s and women’s cycling patterns, motivators and constraints should be considered in efforts to promote cycling, particularly in efforts to increase cycling for transport.


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Issue addressed: 

Although increases in cycling in Brisbane are encouraging, bicycle mode share to work (the proportion of people travelling to work by bicycle) in the state of Queensland remains low. The aim of this qualitative study was to draw upon the lived experiences of Queensland cyclists to understand the main motivators for utility cycling (cycling as a means to get to and from places) and compare motivators between utility cyclists (those who cycle for utility as well as for recreation) and non-utility cyclists (those who cycle only for recreation).

For an online survey, members of a bicycle group (831 utility cyclists and 931 non-utility cyclists, aged 18–90 years) were asked to describe, unprompted, what would motivate them to engage in utility cycling (more often). Responses were coded into themes within four levels of an ecological model.

Within an ecological model, built environment influences on motivation were grouped according to whether they related to appeal (safety), convenience (accessibility) or attractiveness (more amenities) and included adequate infrastructure for short trips, bikeway connectivity, end-of-trip facilities at public locations and easy and safe bicycle access to destinations outside of cities. A key social–cultural influence related to improved interactions among different road users.

The built and social–cultural environments need to be more supportive of utility cycling before even current utility and non-utility cyclists will be motivated to engage (more often) in utility cycling.

So what?
Additional government strategies and more and better infrastructure that support utility cycling beyond commuter cycling may encourage a utility cycling culture.


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One way to manage disturbance to waterbirds in natural areas where humans require access is to promote the occurrence of stimuli for which birds tolerate closer approaches, and so cause fewer responses. We conducted 730 experimental approaches to 39 species of waterbird, using five stimulus types (single walker, three walkers, bicycle, car and bus) selected to mimic different human management options available for a controlled access, Ramsar-listed wetland. Across species, where differences existed (56% of 25 cases), motor vehicles always evoked shorter flight-initiation distances (FID) than humans on foot. The influence of stimulus type on FID varied across four species for which enough data were available for complete cross-stimulus analysis. All four varied FID in relation to stimuli, differing in 4 to 7 of 10 possible comparisons. Where differences occurred, the effect size was generally modest, suggesting that managing stimulus type (e.g. by requiring people to use vehicles) may have species-specific, modest benefits, at least for the waterbirds we studied. However, different stimulus types have different capacities to reduce the frequency of disturbance (i.e. by carrying more people) and vary in their capacity to travel around important habitat


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Background People living in neighbourhoods of lower socioeconomic status have been shown to have higher rates of obesity and a lower likelihood of meeting physical activity recommendations than their more affluent counterparts. This study examines the sociospatial distribution of access to facilities for moderate or vigorous intensity physical activity in Scotland and whether such access differs by the mode of transport available and by Urban Rural Classification. Methods A database of all fixed physical activity facilities was obtained from the national agency for sport in Scotland. Facilities were categorised into light, moderate and vigorous intensity activity groupings before being mapped. Transport networks were created to assess the number of each type of facility accessible from the population weighted centroid of each small area in Scotland on foot, by bicycle, by car and by bus. Multilevel modelling was used to investigate the distribution of the number of accessible facilities by small area deprivation within urban, small town and rural areas separately, adjusting for population size and local authority. Results Prior to adjustment for Urban Rural Classification and local authority, the median number of accessible facilities for moderate or vigorous intensity activity increased with increasing deprivation from the most affluent or second most affluent quintile to the most deprived for all modes of transport. However, after adjustment, the modelling results suggest that those in more affluent areas have significantly higher access to moderate and vigorous intensity facilities by car than those living in more deprived areas. Conclusions The sociospatial distributions of access to facilities for both moderate intensity and vigorous intensity physical activity were similar. However, the results suggest that those living in the most affluent neighbourhoods have poorer access to facilities of either type that can be reached on foot, by bicycle or by bus than those living in less affluent areas. This poorer access from the most affluent areas appears to be reversed for those with access to a car.


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Cycling education programs were found to provide much needed support to Australian women as they commenced participation in different forms of cycling. To further encourage women’s participation, a network of cycling education providers, social riding groups and bicycle retailers could be established make cycling a less daunting prospect for new participants.


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In this research there was an evaluation of the best conditions of nitriding in plasma within a cathodic cage at an atmosphere of 80% N2-20%H2 in samples of tool manganese steel AISI D6, cold working, treated thermally in the following conditions: tension relief, treated thermally to temperature of maximum heat, temperate heat and temperate and temperate heat. A pressure of 2.5mbar and temperatures of 400 and 300ºC com treatment time of two and three hours were used to evaluate its performance as cutting tool (punch) of bicycle backs. Hardness, micro-structural aspects (layer thickness, interface, grain size etc), and crystal phases on the surface were appraised. When treated to tension relief, thermally treated to maximum heat temperature, temperature and temperate heat, the samples presented hardness levels of 243HV, 231HV, 832HV, and 653HV, respectively. The best nitrification conditions were: four hours and 300ºC for heat samples. A superficial hardness of 1000HV and a 108µm thickness for the nitrided layer were found in these samples


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To evaluate the effects of warm-up and stretching, singly or combined, on isokinetic performance and electromyographic activity of the biceps femoris. Materials and methods: Sixty-four volunteers of both sexes, with mean age of 23,1 ± 3,5 years and mean body mass index of 23,5 ± 2,5 Kg/m2 were randomly assigned into 4 groups: control, warm-up (stationary bicycle for 10 minutes), stretching (4 sets of 30 seconds of hamstring muscles static stretching) and warm-up + stretching. All the volunteers were submitted to evaluation pre and post-intervention of the muscle latency time and biceps femoris RMS and the passive torque, peak torque and power of the hamstring muscles. Results: The warm-up + stretching group had reduction of muscle latency time. There was a reduction of RMS during passive torque evaluation in stretching group. The RMS during isometric evaluation was reduced in all experimental groups. The RMS during eccentric evaluation showed reduction in control and warm-up + stretching groups. The passive torque and the eccentric peak torque had no significant differences pre to post-intervention in any group. There was reduction in isometric peak torque in all groups. Conclusion: The warm-up and stretching, when applied in combination can reduce the muscle latency time; stretching protocol promoted neural changes; the protocols used did not alter the muscle viscoelastic properties


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Dental trauma has been considered as a public health problem that affects mainly children and youngsters and due to its impact on the patient's quality of life. This study presents the results of a 6-year survey of the occurrence and characteristics of dental trauma in patients admitted to the Service of Surgery and Oral and Maxillofacial Traumatology of the School of Dentistry of Aracatuba (UNESP, Brazil) after emergency care in hospital facilities in the region of Aracatuba, SP, Brazil. For such purpose, the clinical files of patients treated at the Service between 1999 and 2005 were reviewed. Information regarding gender, age, number of traumatized teeth, etiology and diagnosis of the trauma was collected from the files of patients with tooth injuries and recorded in case report forms specifically designed for this purpose. The results showed that from a total of 4112 patients admitted to the Service within the surveyed period, 266 (6.5%) had tooth injuries (172 males - 64.7%; 94 females - 35.3%). The total number of traumatized teeth was 496. Most patients belonged to the 16-20 year-old age group (20.3%) and the most frequent causes of tooth injuries were bicycle accidents (28.6%), motorcycle accidents (19.2%) and falls (18.8%). Injuries to the periodontal tissues were the most frequent type of tooth injuries (408 teeth; 82.26%), occurring in 118 primary and 290 permanent teeth. Among the injuries to the periodontal tissues, avulsion was the most common (32.86%) (29.41% for primary and 34.0% for permanent teeth), followed by extrusive luxation (19.15%) (25.21% for primary and 17.24% for permanent teeth). In conclusion, in the surveyed population, cases of tooth injuries were more frequent in males aged 16-20 years old due to cyclist accidents with predominance of injuries to the periodontal tissues, in particular, avulsions.


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OBJETIVO: Determinar os efeitos do estado e especificidade de treinamento aeróbio na relação entre o percentual do consumo máximo de oxigênio (%VO2max) e o percentual da frequência cardíaca máxima (%FCmax) durante o exercício incremental realizado no cicloergômetro. MÉTODOS: Sete corredores, 9 ciclistas, 11 triatletas e 12 sedentários, todos do sexo masculino e aparentemente saudáveis, foram submetidos a um teste incremental até a exaustão no cicloergômetro. Regressões lineares entre %VO2max e %FCmax foram determinadas para cada indivíduo. Com base nessas regressões, foram calculados %FCmax correspondentes a determinados %VO2max (50, 60, 70, 80 e 90%) de cada participante. RESULTADOS: Não foram encontradas diferenças significantes entre todos os grupos nos %FCmax para cada um dos %VO2max avaliados. Analisando-se os voluntários como um único grupo, as médias dos %FCmax correspondentes a 50, 60, 70, 80 e 90% %VO2max foram 67, 73, 80, 87, e 93%, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: Nos grupos analisados, a relação entre o %VO2max e %FCmax durante o exercício incremental no ciclismo não é dependente do estado e especificidade do treinamento aeróbio.


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Controversy still exists concerning the potential ergogenic benefit of caffeine (CAF) for exercise performance. The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of CAF ingestion on endurance performance during exercise on a bicycle ergometer at two different intensities, i.e., approximately 10% below and 10% above the anaerobic threshold (AT). Eight untrained males, non-regular consumers of CAF, participated in this study. AT, defined as the intensity (watts) corresponding to a lactate concentration of 4 mM, was determined during an incremental exercise test from rest to exhaustion on an electrically braked cycle ergometer. on the basis of these measurements, the subjects were asked to cycle until exhaustion at two different intensities, i.e., approximately 10% below and 10% above AT. Each intensity was performed twice in a double-blind randomized order by ingesting either CAF (5 mg/kg) or a placebo (PLA) 60 min prior to the test. Venous blood was analyzed for free fatty acid, glucose, and lactate, before, during, and immediately after exercise. Rating of perceived exertion and time to exhaustion were also measured during each trial. There were no differences in free fatty acids or lactate levels between CAF and PLA during and immediately after exercise for either intensity. Immediately after exercise glucose increased in the CAF trial at both intensities. Rating of perceived exertion was significantly lower (CAF = 14.1 ± 2.5 vs PLA = 16.6 ± 2.4) and time to exhaustion was significantly higher (CAF = 46.54 ± 8.05 min vs PLA = 32.42 ± 14.81 min) during exercise below AT with CAF. However, there was no effect of CAF treatment on rating of perceived exertion (CAF = 18.0 ± 2.7 vs PLA = 17.6 ± 2.3) and time to exhaustion (CAF = 18.45 ± 7.28 min vs PLA = 19.17 ± 4.37 min) during exercise above AT. We conclude that in untrained subjects caffeine can improve endurance performance during prolonged exercise performed below AT and that the decrease of perceived exertion can be involved in this process


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β-Adrenoreceptor blockade is reported to impair endurance, power output and work capacity in healthy subjects and patients with hypertension. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect in eighth athletic males of an acute β-adrenergic blockade with propranolol on their individual power output corresponding to a defined lactate minimum (LM). Eight fit males (cyclist or triathlete) performed a protocol to determine the power output corresponding to their individual LM (defined from an incremental exercise test after a rapidly induced exercise lactic acidosis). This protocol was performed twice in a double-blind randomized order by each athlete first ingesting propranolol (80mg) and in a second trial a placebo, 120 minutes respectively prior to the test sequence. The blood lactate concentration obtained 7 minutes after anaerobic exercise (a Wingate test) was significantly lower after acute β-adrenergic blockade (8.6 ± 1.6mM) than under the placebo condition (11.7 ± 1.6mM). The work rate at the LM was lowered from 215.0 ± 18.6 to 184.0 ± 18.6 watts and heart rate at the LM was reduced from 165 ± 1.5 to 132 ± 2.2 beats/minute as a result of the blockade. There was a non-significant correlation (r = 0.29) between the power output at the LM with and without acute β-adrenergic blockade. In conclusion, since the intensity corresponding to the LM is related to aerobic performance, the results of the present study, are able to explain in part, the reduction in aerobic power output produced during β-adrenergic blockade.


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The objective of the present study was to compare pulmonary gas exchange kinetics (VO 2 kinetics) and time to exhaustion (Tlim) between trained and untrained individuals during severe exercise performed on a cycle ergometer and treadmill. Eleven untrained males in running (UR) and cycling (UC), nine endurance cyclists (EC), and seven endurance runners (ER) were submitted to the following tests on separate days: (i) incremental test for determination of maximal oxygen uptake (VO 2max) and the intensity associated with the achievement of VO 2max (IVO 2max) on a mechanical braked cycle ergometer (EC and UC) and on a treadmill (ER and UR); (ii) all-out exercise bout performed at IVO 2max to determine the time to exhaustion at IVO 2max (Tlim) and the time constant of oxygen uptake kinetics (τ). The τ was significantly faster in trained group, both in cycling (EC = 28.2 ± 4.7 s; UC = 63.8 ± 25.0 s) and in running (ER = 28.5 ± 8.5 s; UR = 59.3 ± 12.0 s). Tlim of untrained was significantly lower in cycling (EC = 384.4 ± 66.6 s vs. UC; 311.1 ± 105.7 s) and higher in running (ER = 309.2 ± 176.6 s vs. UR = 439.8 ± 104.2 s). We conclude that the VO 2 kinetic response at the onset of severe exercise, carried out at the same relative intensity is sensitive to endurance training, irrespective of the exercise type. The endurance training seems to differently influence Tlim during exercise at IVO 2max in running and cycling. © 2003 Taylor & Francis Ltd.


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The EtOH crude extract from the leaves of Nectandra grandiflora collected in the Atlantic Forest, Brazil, showed antioxidant activity towards β-carotene in a TLC assay. The bioassay-guided fractionation led to the isolation of protocatechuic acid and two flavonol glycosides: afzelin and quercetrin, which showed free radical scavenging activity towards DPPH (ΔA 32, 16 and 73% at 50 μmol L-1) and were compared to commercial antioxidants rutin (81% at 50 μmol L-1) and BHT (9% at 50 μmol L-1), used as standard compounds. Additionally, three inactive neolignans, including the new bicycle[3.2.1]octane neolignan 2′-oxo-piperol B were obtained and characterized by spectrometric methods. ©2005 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.


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The perceived exertion has been a target of several investigations, many times with association with objective physiological indicators in exercise. Recently, the identification of the perceived exertion threshold (PET) was proposed in the water running, which presented no difference in relation to the critical velocity. Theoretically, both parameters would be indicators of the maximum steady state of variables such as V̇O2 and blood lactate. The objective of this work was to verify the coincidence between PET, critical power (PCrit) and an indicator of maximum V̇O2 steady state (PCrit') in cycle ergometer. Eight male participants were submitted to progressive effort test in order to determine V̇O2peak (46.7 ± 8.5 ml/kg/min) and to four rectangular tests until exhaustion for the estimation of the critical power model parameters, PET and PCrit'. The hyperbolic relation between mechanical power and time spent for the V̇O2peak to be reached in each test was used for the PCrit' estimation, considered as the asymptote in the power axis, and the portion of the anaerobic work capacity (CTAnaer) depleted up to the establishment of the V̇O2peak (CTAnaer'). In order to identify PET, the straight lines angular coefficients of the perceived exertion in time (ordinate) and the powers used (abscissa) were adjusted to a linear function that provided a point in the power axis in which the perceived exertion would be kept indefinitely stable. The parameters PCrit and CTAnaer were estimated by means of the power-time non-linear equation. In order to compare the estimations of PET, PCrit and PCrit', the analysis of variance ANOVA for repeated measurements was employed, and the associations were established through the Pearson correlation. CTAnaer and CTAnaer' were compared through the t test. PET (180 W ± 61 W), PCrit (174 W ± 43 W) and PCrit' (176 W ± 48 W) were not significantly different and the correlations were of 0.92-0.98. CTAnaer' (14,080 ± 5,219 J) was lower than CTAnaer (22,093 ± 9,042 J). One concludes that the PET predicts the intensity of PCrit and PCrit' with accuracy.