365 resultados para banded preconditioner


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The chromosome number and meiotic cycle of triatomines were investigated. All five species presented the same diploid chromosome number, 2n = 22 (20A + XY in the male). Phylogenetic relationships based on chromosomal evidence and C-banded karyotypes in the subfamily are discussed. It is suggested that differences in DNA content are mainly due to variations in the amount of C-heterochromatin, which may be interpreted as loss and/or gain of C-regions. This interpretation is supported by the presence of meiotic and mitotic chromocentres which facilitate the transfer of C-positive material.


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The cytogenetic study of 182 river buffalo (Bubalus bubalis L., 2n=50) of Murrah, Mediterranean and Jaffarabadi breeds, from the State of São Paulo, was carried out to characterize their chromosomes and to detect possible chromosomal abnormalities. The karyotypes were indistinguishable with conventional staining as well as with C and replication R banding techniques. In about 44% of the sample (8 males and 72 females), an X marker chromosome due to a fragile site was shown. The frequency of metaphases expressing the fragility site on the X was highly variable, from 2.86 to 41.03%. In females, the fragile site, rarely appeared on both X chromosomes. Most of the metaphases showed only 1 marker chromosome. In R-banded metaphases using 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) treatment, it corresponded in general to the late replicating X chromosome. No correlation between the X fragile site and altered phenotype was found. Structural and numerical chromosome rearrangements were ruled out in the present sample of buffalo. (C) 1998 by Elsevier B.V.


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A comparative analysis of G-banded karyotypes was performed for seven species of Chiroptera, representing two families (Phyllostomidae and Molossidae). Despite the differences in diploid and fundamental numbers, extensive homologies between six karyotypes were identified: A . planirostris, P. lineatus, S. lilium, G. soricina, P. hastatus (Phyllostomidae) and M. rufus (Molossidae). Robertsonian rearrangements and pericentric inversions account for the differences between the karyotypes of phyllostomid and molossid species. The homologies and rearrangements observed reinforce the monophiletic origin of phyllostomids and the inclusion of species in different subfamilies. In situ hybridization with genomic DNA revealed considerable conservation of the karyotypes, including C. perspicillata, that did not show G-band homologies with the other species analyzed. For the first time, chromosomal evidence is presented of a common origin for Phyllostomidae and Molossidae.


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The habitat of the mycelial saprobic form of Paracoccidio ides brasiliensis, which produces the infectious propagula, has not been determined and has proven difficult for mycologists to describe. The fungus has been rarely isolated from the environment, the disease has a prolonged latency period and no outbreaks have been reported. These facts have precluded the adoption of preventive measures to avoid infection. The confirmation of natural infections in nine-banded armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus) with P. brasiliensis, in high frequency and wide geographic distribution, has opened new avenues for the study and understanding of its ecology. Armadillos belong to the order Xenarthra, which has existed in South America ever since the Paleocene Era (65 million years ago), when the South American subcontinent was still a detached land, before the consolidation of what is now known as the American continent. on the other hand, strong molecular evidence suggests that P. brasiliensis and other dimorphic pathogenic fungi - such as Blastomyces dermatitidis, Coccidioides immitis and Histoplasma capsulatum - belong to the family Onygenaceae sensu Into (order Onygenales, Ascomycota), which appeared around 150 million years ago.P. brasiliensis ecology and relation to its human host are probably linked to the fungal evolutionary past, especially its long coexistence with and adaptation to animal hosts other than Homo sapiens, of earlier origin. Instead of being a blind alley, the meaning of parasitism for dimorphic pathogenic fungi should be considered as an open two-way avenue, in which the fungus may return to the environment, therefore contributing to preserve its teleomorphic (sexual) and anamorphic (asexual) forms in a defined and protected natural habitat. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The introduction of alien species is one of the main threats to the conservation of native species, especially in island ecosystems. Here, we report on the population growth of 15 species of mammals introduced in 1983 on the island of Anchieta, an 828 ha land-bridge island in southeastern Brazil. We estimated the density of mammals through 296 km of line transect census. Five species introduced became extinct (coypu, brocket deer, six-banded armadillo, nine-banded armadillo, maned three-toed sloth); six became over-abundant (marmoset, coati, agouti, seven-banded armadillo, and capybara); one has a stable population (capuchin monkey). Anchieta Island has the highest density of mammals in the entire Atlantic forest (486.77 ind/km(2)), especially nest predators (232.83 ind/km(2)) and herbivores (253.58 ind/km(2)). Agoutis (Dasyprocta spp.) and marmosets (Callithrix penicillata) were, by far, the species with the highest population growth. The high density of mammals in this island may have strong consequences for plant recruitment and bird diversity.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A review is presented concerning Archaean granulites occurring in some old domains of the South American Platform, which was consolidated at the end of the Brazilian Cycle (900-500 Ma). The rocks occur in different geotectonic environments and show variable ages, structures and lithological associations. The most important complexes are the Atlantic Granulite Belt in the São Francisco Craton and the Goias Granulite Belt in the Central Goias Massif, both several hundred kilometres long. The former is composed of the Caraibas Complex, the Jequié Complex, the Salvador Complex and several minor granulite occurrences along the Brazilian coast in the States of Espírito Santo and Rio de Janeiro. The latter includes the large basic-ultrabasic complexes of Barro Alto, Tocantins and Canabrava. Both belts consist of massive or foliated rocks, banded or homogeneous and varying from acidic to ultrabasic in composition. They are the result of metamorphism affecting diversified supra- and infracrustal material. The Atlantic Granulite Belt lies between greenstone/granite terrains which show ovoid and boomerang-type dome structures. The contacts between both are either tectonic or transitional. Another occurrence of Archaean granulites comprises intercalations of palaeosomes and melanosomes within migmatites and anatectic rocks. These vary in size from small lenses to irregular complexes which may attain sizes of several hundred square kilometres. Apart from migmatites, they are associated with gneisses, schists and granitoid bodies. They are located in regions which underwent remobilization of varying intensity during the Middle and Late Precambrian. The rocks show polymetamorphism, K-feldspar blastesis, tectonic overprinting and isotopic rejuvenation. These granulites are in some cases very similar to those formed during the Middle Precambrian. In some places it is therefore quite difficult to distinguish between Early and Middle Precambrian granulites - the more so, since interpretations of radiometric age values are largely controversial. At present there is no evidence of granulitic rocks related to the Late Precambrian geotectonic cycles of Brazil. © 1979.


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Cytogenetic studies performed on 17 specimens (11 females and six males) of Astyanax scabripinnis paranae from the Cascatinha stream showed that this population has 2n = 50 chromosomes (8M + 22SM + 10ST + 10A), two chromosome pairs with NORs and conspicuous C-band positive blocks in the terminal position of the long arm of five chromosome pairs. Three females presented 2n = 51 chromosomes and the extra chromosome was a large metacentric similar in size and morphology to the first chromosome pair in the karyotype. This accessory chromosome was entirely heterochromatic in C-banded metaphases, which permitted its classification as a supernumerary chromosome. Some aspects related to the morphology of such macro B-chromosomes are discussed.


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A Robertsonian centric fusion between chromosomes 1 and 25 in Blonde d'Aquitaine cattle in New Zealand is reported. This fused chromosome is the same as the widely reported 1/29 translocation chromosome with the difference in the numbering arising from inconsistencies in the G- and R-banded cattle karyotypes of the International System for Cytogenetic Nomenclature of Domestic Animals, 1989.


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We analysed samples of Aedes aegypti from Sao Jose do Rio Preto and Franca (Brazil) by C-banding and Ag-banding staining techniques. C-banding pattern of Ae. aegypti from Sao Jose do Rio Preto examined in metaphase cells differed from Franca. The chromosomes 2, 3 and X showed centromeric C-bands in both populations, but a slightly stained centromeric band in the Y chromosome was observed only in Sao Jose do Rio Preto. In addition, the X chromosome in both populations and the Y chromosome of all individuals from Sao Jose do Rio Preto showed an intercalary band on one of the arms that was absent in Franca. An intercalary, new band, lying on the secondary constriction of chromosome 3 was also present in mosquitoes of both populations. The comparison of the present data with data in the literature for Ae. aegypti from other regions of the world showed that they differ as to the banding pattern of sex chromosomes and the now described intercalary band in chromosome 3. The observations suggested that the heterochromatic regions of all chromosomes are associated to constitute a single C-banded body in interphase cells. Ag-banding technique stained the centromeric regions of all chromosomes (including the Y) and the intercalary C-band region of the X chromosome in both populations. As Ae. aegypti populations are widespread in a great part of the world, the banding pattern variations indicate environmental interactions and may reveal both the chromosome evolutionary patterns in this species and the variations that may interfere with its vector activity.


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The iron ores of Alegria mine are composed of itabirites enclosing minor bodies of high-grade ores. The itabirites are classified according to mineralogical composition in five types: martite-rich, goethite-rich, specularite-rich, magnetite-rich and anphibolite-rich ores. The hematites are martite-rich, magnetite-rich, specularite-rich and more rarely, amphibolite-rich. Other classification criteria of the ores are based on the physical properties and the degree of compaction. As such, the itabirites and hematites can be classified as hard, friable and soft types. The mineralogical/textural evolution of the ores is linked to the pressure and temperature conditions that accompanied the tectonic processes in anphibolite facies and the different degrees of subsequent surficial weathering processes. Petrographic and microstructural studies indicate that the magnetite and amphibole bearing itabirites represent the parent rocks that created the other itabirites and that the specularite itabirites and the hard martite types are related to silica dissolution and redeposition in zones of high and low strain. Most of itabirites ores correspond to chert oxide facies banded iron formation, except the goethite and amphibole bearing itabirite that resemble a silicate or oxide-silicate facies with minor carbonate impurities. The great mass and pods of soft martite itabirites are probably shaley oxide facies BIFs with little volcanic contribution. Trace element contents of the Alegria's itabirites show strong dissimilarities with BIFs associated with volcanism (Algoma type), but closely ressemble to the Lake Superior type, with high content in Cr, Co and low V, Ni, Cu and Zn. Although the absolute contents of REE present in the Alegria's itabirites are, in general very low, the pattern when normalised by NASC is similar to the great majority of the Archean and Paleoproterozoic BIFs elsewhere in the world, and characterised by positive Eu anomaly.


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This paper describes the karyotype of Odontesthes regia by means of Giemsa staining, C-banding, to reveal the distribution of the constitutive heterochromatin, and by Ag-staining and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), to locate ribosomal genes (rDNA). The chromosome diploid modal count in the species was 2n = 48. The karyotype is composed of one submetacentric pair (pair 1), 16 subtelocentric pairs (pairs 2 to 17), and 7 acrocentric pairs (pairs 18 to 24). With the exception of pair 1 it was not possible to classify the homologous chromosomes accurately because differences in chromosome size were too slight between adjacent pairs. The distribution of C-banded heterochromatin allowed for a more accurate matching of the majority of chromosomes of the subtelocentric series. Silver staining of metaphase spreads allowed for the identification of Nucleolus Organizer Regions (Ag-NOR) on pair 1. FISH experiments showed that 18S rDNA sequences were located, as expected, in the same chromosome pair identified as the Ag-NOR-bearing one.


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Background. Several pathogens that cause important zoonotic diseases have been frequently associated with armadillos and other xenarthrans. This mammal group typically has evolved on the South American continent and many of its extant species are seriously threatened with extinction. Natural infection of armadillos with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis in hyperendemic areas has provided a valuable opportunity for understanding the role of this mammal in the eco-epidemiology of Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), one of the most important systemic mycoses in Latin America. Findings. This study aimed to detect P. brasiliensis in different xenarthran species (Dasypus novemcinctus, Cabassous spp., Euphractus sexcinctus, Tamandua tetradactyla and Myrmecophaga tridactyla), by molecular and mycological approaches, in samples obtained by one of the following strategies: i) from road-killed animals (n = 6); ii) from naturally dead animals (n = 8); iii) from animals that died in captivity (n = 9); and iv) from living animals captured from the wild (n = 2). Specific P. brasiliensis DNA was detected in several organs among 7/20 nine-banded armadillos (D. novemcinctus) and in 2/2 anteaters (M. tridactyla). The fungus was also cultured in tissue samples from one of two armadillos captured from the wild. Conclusion. Members of the Xenarthra Order, especially armadillos, have some characteristics, including a weak cellular immune response and low body temperature, which make them suitable models for studying host-pathogen interaction. P. brasiliensis infection in wild animals, from PCM endemic areas, may be more common than initially postulated and reinforces the use of these animals as sentinels for the pathogen in the environment. © 2009 Bagagli et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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We developed and optimized a simple, efficient and inexpensive method for in vitro culture of peripheral blood lymphocytes from the Brazilian tortoise Chelonoidis carbonaria (Testudinidae), testing various parameters, including culture medium, mitogen concentration, mitotic index, culture volume, incubation time, and mitotic arrest. Peripheral blood samples were obtained from the costal vein of four couples. The conditions that gave a good mitotic index were lymphocytes cultured at 37°C in minimum essential medium (7.5 mL), with phytohemagglutinin as a mitogen (0.375 mL), plus streptomycin/penicillin (0.1 mL), and an incubation period of 72 h. Mitotic arrest was induced by 2-h exposure to colchicine (0.1 mL), 70 h after establishing the culture. After mitotic arrest, the cells were hypotonized with 0.075 M KCl for 2 h and fixed with methanol/acetic acid (3:1). The non-banded mitotic chromosomes were visualized by Giemsa staining. The diploid chromosome number of C. carbonaria was found to be 52 in females and males, and sex chromosomes were not observed. We were able to culture peripheral blood lymphocytes of a Brazilian tortoise in vitro, for the preparation of mitotic chromosomes.


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This study presents new information on feeding habits of Guiana dolphins, Sotalia guianensis, in south-eastern Brazil, together with new regression equations to evaluate the weight and length of fish from otoliths, showing an overview on the knowledge about this species-diet in this area. Eighteen stomach contents had been analysed and compared to 180 samples collected in another eight feeding studies. The analysed specimens were either incidentally caught in gillnets used in coastal waters by the fleet based in the Cananéia main harbour (25°00âS 47°55âW), south of São Paulo State, or found dead in inner waters of the Cananéia estuary between 2003 and 2009. Based on the index of relative importance analysis, the most important fish species were the banded croaker, Paralonchurus brasiliensis. Doryteuthis plei was the most representative cephalopod species. Stellifer rastrifer was the most important fish species observed in dolphins in inner estuarine waters and P. brasiliensis in recovered dolphins from coastal waters. Loliguncula brevis is the only cephalopod species reported from dolphins found in inner estuarine waters up to date. Doryteuthis plei was the most important cephalopod species observed in coastal dolphins. When considering other feeding studies, the most representative fish family in the diet of S. guianensis was Sciaenidae, which is mainly represented by demersal fishes. The main preys of S. guianensis are abundant in the studied areas, which may indicate an opportunistic feeding habit. The majority of them are not the most important target species by the commercial fishery in south-eastern Brazil. © 2012 Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom.