796 resultados para anticorpos anti H-Y


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A esclerose múltipla é uma doença desmielinizante do sistema nervoso central (SNC), considerada a principal causa de incapacidade neurológica em adultos jovens e está associada a substanciais custos econômicos, pessoais e sociais. Como não existe cura para a doença, estratégias profiláticas e/ou terapêuticas são necessárias. A encefalite autoimune experimental (EAE) em ratos Lewis é considerada um modelo adequado para a investigação destas estratégias. Nos últimos anos observou-se um aumento na incidência de doenças autoimunes e alérgicas em países desenvolvidos. A Hipótese da Higiene propõe que o contato com determinados antígenos ambientais (helmintos, micobactérias e lactobacilos) pode diminuir ou até impedir as manifestações clínicas dessas doenças. Neste contexto, o objetivo desta investigação foi avaliar o efeito de múltiplas infecções prévias com Strongyloides venezuelensis no desenvolvimento (características clínicas, imunológicas e histopatológicas) da EAE em ratos Lewis. Foram então realizadas quatro infecções com 4000 L3 em ratos Lewis fêmeas, utilizando-se a via subcutânea. Cerca de quinze dias após a última infecção, foi realizada a indução da EAE por imunização com proteína básica de mielina associada ao adjuvante completo de Freund contendo Mycobacterium butyricum. Vinte dias após a indução da doença, os animais foram submetidos à eutanásia e avaliados quanto ao peso, escore clínico da doença, quantificação de anticorpos anti-mielina e anti- S. venezuelensis e dosagens de citocinas... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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A artrite reumatóide (AR) é uma doença inflamatória crônica de caráter autoimune que compromete as articulações. A maioria das terapias aprovadas para o tratamento desta e outras patologias autoimunes é baseada na inibição global da resposta imune, o que aumenta a susceptibilidade aos agentes infeciosos. O objetivo geral deste projeto foi definir se a associação de vitamina D (VitD3) com o antígeno proteoglicano (PG) é tolerogênica e serve como medida terapêutica. Para isso, utilizamos o modelo de artrite experimental obtido pela imunização de camundongos BALB/c com PG. Inicialmente, os animais foram imunizados com diferentes doses do antígeno específico (PG) na presença de VitD3 para determinação da dose tolerogênica. O potencial terapêutico da estratégia mais tolerogênica foi testado no período pré-clínico da doença, isto é, no período após o aparecimento do nível máximo de anticorpos anti-PG, mas antes das manifestações clínicas da artrite (eritema e edema articular). A eficácia terapêutica foi avaliada através da incidência de artrite e do escore clínico da doença. O possível mecanismo imunológico envolvido no efeito terapêutico foi estudado por avaliação dos níveis de citocinas (IL-6, TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-10 e IL-17) produzidas por células esplênicas estimuladas in vitro com PG. Analisados em conjunto, os resultados obtidos mostraram que os três procedimentos (PG, VitD3 e PG+VitD3) determinaram efeito terapêutico. Entretanto, a análise mais detalhada, incluindo número de animais com escore clínico maior que oito (escore > 8), início dos sintomas clínicos e escore máximo atingido, sugere que o uso de PG50 (50μg de PG) associado à VitD3 ou o uso isolado de VitD3 foram os procedimentos terapêuticos mais eficazes. A produção mais elevada de IL-10 nestes dois grupos sugere contribuição desta citocina neste efeito terapêutico


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The aim of this study was to study the seroepidemiological profile of brucellosis and leptospirosis in horses traction Island Maiandeua, state of Para. In two distinct periods, blood samples were collected from 52 animals of both sexes and different ages (2 to 17 years), totaling 104 samples. For the research of antibodies anti-Brucella abortus were used in rapid agglutination test in plate. In the first harvest, none animal was positive, however in the second harvest there were three animals reactive serum. The research of antibodies anti-Leptospira spp. was performed with the use of the microscopic agglutination test (MAT), the first harvest was 23.07% reacting animals and 15.38% at the second harvest, for one or more Leptospira spp. with titers ranging from 100 to 200. The predominant serotype at first and second harvest was the Autumnalis 40% and 37.5% respectively. According to age, it was observed in group 1 (2 to 7 years) 27.78% and 13.89% respectively in the two samples and the second group (> 7 years) was found 12.50% and 18 75% of reactive serum. The results observed in this study demonstrated that the island of Maiandeua, state of Para, there is the presence of Leptospira spp, with the most frequent serovar autumnalis and possible exposure of animals to brucella smooth, suggesting low risk of infection in the population of horses examined.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this work was draw an endemic level of reproductive losses and determine positivity for four infectious agents related to reproductive problems in dairy cattle on a property in São Carlos city. Blood serum samples were collected of 142 breeding animals more than two years old, from which 21.1% showed history of abortions or stillbirths in at least one pregnancy. Immunofluorescent antibody technique, tamponated acidified antigen test, serum neutralization technique and microscopic agglutination test, were used for detection of antibody anti-Neospora caninum, anti- Brucella abortus, anti-Bovine Herpesvirus Type-1 (BoHV-1) and anti-Leptospira spp , respectively. The serological tests carried out showed that 28.9% of the animals had titers greater than or equal to 100 of anti-Neospora caninum. Viral neutralization tests demonstrated that 26.8% of the animals had titers greater or equal to 256 for antibody anti-BoHV-1.Only 7.7% of the animals studied had titers equal to or greater than 100 in the microscopic agglutination test for Leptospira spp. There weren’t observed positive reactions to the tamponated acidified antigen test for diagnosis of bovine brucellosis. The study suggests the presence of BoHV-1, N. caninum and Leptospira spp in contact with dairy cattle property and could be involved in the occurrence of abortions and stillbirths in cattle. Reproductive losses are endemic and implies a possible behavior of chronic infections caused by these microorganisms.


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Aiming at developing a tool for assessing the magnitude of farm animal health, an indicator named herd “animal health status” was built. To illustrate the construction of the indicator, serum samples were taken from 923 goats on 17 goat farms in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, where three diseases were evaluated along with their impact percentages: caprine arthritis encephalitis, toxoplasmosis and neosporose – all of an infectious and transmissible nature and the cause of considerable economic losses. The mathematical rationale underlying the building of the “animal health status” indicator ranks properties on a 0 - 100% scale in terms of disease positivity in the herd, with the lowest indicator value indicating the highest cumulative disease frequency (0% = all animals tested positive for the three diseases, 100% = all animals tested negative for all diseases). Anti-T. gondii, anti-N. caninum and anti-CAEV antibodies were tested using indirect immunofluorescence reaction (IIFR ≥ 16), Neospora agglutination test (NAT ≥ 25) and agarose gel immunodiffusion (AGID positive or negative), respectively. The animal health status of the farms ranged from 32.38% to 96.40% according to disease positivity. The animal health status value will have a direct reflection on the production chain both on and off the farm, providing not only great market advantages, due to how the expression of animal health will add value to livestock farms, as well as on the consumer who can check the quality of animal health at the beginning of the production chain.


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Toxoplasmosis is a worldwide zoonosis caused by Toxoplasma gondii, and can infect a wide variety of animals including humans. Domestic animals can be an important sentinel population for infection in the community. Occurrence of T. gondii infection was assessed in dogs in the urban area of Botucatu city, SP, Brazil. In the sample, 10% rate for error estimate, 95% confidence interval, and 5% significance level were established. Serum samples were collected from dogs during a rabies vaccination campaign, and were processed using modified agglutination test (MAT). Blood samples were collected from 670 dogs, with homogeneous distribution in five regions in the urban area, representing 3.74% of 17,910 animals vaccinated. In this sample, 17.3% (116/670) dogs (68 – 58.6% female and 48 – 41.4% male) were positive for T. gondii infection (p<0.03). Regarding age of the infected dogs 4.6% (4/88) were younger and 95.4% (84/88) were older than one year (p<0.01); the age of 28 positive animals were undetermined. The serum titers of anti-T. gondii antibodies were: 16 (69.8%; 81/116), 64 (13.8%; 16/116), 256 (15.5%; 18/116), and 1024 (0.9%; 1/116). Prevalence was distributed among the North 14.2% (19/134), South 18.0% (31/172), East 15.7% (19/121), West 21.6% (27/125), and Central 16.9% (20/118) regions of the municipality (p=0.5). In all these regions, females and dogs aged more than one year showed a higher occurrence of T. gondii infection (p<0.05).


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Introduction: Rodent-borne hantaviruses cause severe human diseases. We completed a serological survey of hantavirus infection in rural inhabitants of Turvo County, in the southern state of Santa Catarina, Brazil, in which seropositivity for hantavirus was correlated to previous disease in the participants. Methods: The levels of IgG antibodies to hantavirus Araraquara in the sera of 257 individuals were determined using an immunoenzymatic assay. Results: IgG antibodies to hantavirus were found in 2.3% of the participants. All seropositive participants reported previous disease with symptoms suggestive of hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome. Conclusions: Human infections causing unreported cardiopulmonary syndrome probably occur in the southern state of Santa Catarina.


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Toxocariasis is a worldwide public-health problem that poses major risks to children who may accidentally ingest embryonated eggs of Toxocara. The objectives of this study were to investigate the occurrence of anti-Toxocara spp. antibodies in children and adolescents and the variables that may be involved, as well as environmental contamination by Toxocara spp. eggs, in urban recreation areas of north central mesoregion, Paraná State, Brazil. From June 2005 to March 2007. a total of 376 blood samples were collected by the Public Health Service from children and adolescents one to 12 years old, of both genders. Samples were analyzed by the indirect ELISA method for detection of anti-Toxocara antibodies. Serum samples were previously absorbed with Ascaris suum antigens, and considered positive with a reagent reactivity index ≥1. Soil samples from all of the public squares and schools located in the four evaluated municipalities that had sand surfaces (n = 19) or lawns (n = 15) were analyzed. Of the 376 serum samples, 194 (51.6%) were positive. The seroprevalence rate was substantially higher among children aging one to five years (p = 0.001) and six to eight years (p = 0.022). The clinical signs and symptoms investigated did not show a statistical difference between seropositive and seronegative individuals (p > 0.05). In 76.5% of the investigated recreation places, eggs of Toxocara were detected in at least one of the five collected samples. Recreation areas from public schools were 2.8 times more contaminated than from public squares. It is important to institute educational programs to inform families and educators, as well as to improve sanitary control of animals and cleaning of the areas intended for recreation in order to prevent toxocariasis.