827 resultados para and criticism


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Few studies relating to librarianship as a science, because it is argued that the Library lacks a body of theory, an object of study and methodology of its own. According to Murcia and Tamayo "science is a critical task not dogmatic, that puts all its cases to trial and criticism." 0 is, science tests the presumed knowledge. He adds that science related facts and interconnected with each other, in order to achieve logical connections that allow the provision of postulates and axioms from the systematization achieved through research and the scientific method to determine the objectivity that exists between facts and phenomena. For him, scientific research is the instrument by which science makes it to scientific knowledge. (1982, p. 11)


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La Teoría del Derecho Penal del Enemigo postula la existencia de un ordenamiento penal que distinga entre personas fieles al ordenamiento jurídico y aquellos que con su conducta demuestran una posición contraria al orden jurídico y tienen como fin la desestabilización del sistema estatal. La presente investigación está destinada al análisis de la Legislación Penal Ecuatoriana y su vinculación con la denominada doctrina penal a través del delito de terrorismo. En un primer momento realizaremos un análisis de la doctrina en mención, sus postulados y finalidades. Posterior a ello, describiremos el Constitucionalismo Garantista y Dignatario y su fuerte contradicción con los postulados del jurista alemán Gunther Jakobs, titular de la teoría del “Derecho Penal del Enemigo”. Finalmente analizaremos el tipo penal Terrorismo en relación con el Derecho Penal del Acto, junto al estudio y crítica del caso denominado “Los 10 de Luluncoto” a la luz de los Derechos Humanos.


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[Introduction] The moments before beauty are often the most chaotic. Legions of chattering spectators pick their way through the rows of seats, flipping fervently through the program, exclaiming praise and criticism upon the conductor, the repertoire, the concertmaster, and the soloist.


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Pretende-se elaborar um modelo de apoio psicossocial dada a necessidade organizacional e da gestão dos recursos humanos afetos a esta resposta, demonstrando preocupação pela qualidade de vida dos indivíduos que lidam com vulnerabilidades indutoras de stress - visto que o presente estudo se desenvolve para a Sociedade Nacional da Cruz Vermelha: organização com cariz iminentemente social, estando na primeira linha da intervenção em incidentes geradores de stress, nas vítimas e nos profissionais que intervêm. Analisar-se-á o estado da arte dos modelos de intervenção psicossocial em incidentes e elaborar­se-á proposta de modelo teórico a aplicar na CVP - considerando que a estrutura trabalha com e para pessoas, e que todos podem enfrentar fatores de vulnerabilidade. Recorreu-se à metodologia da entrevista sarni-diretiva da amostra relevante para o estudo; efetuou-se pesquisa bibliográfica exploratória; elaborou-se revisão da literatura multidisciplinar e crítica, viabilizando a construção do modelo de apoio psicossocial que pode aplicar-se à intervenção da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa. ABSTRACT: lntend to elaborate model of psychosocial support given the need for organizational and management of human resources dedicated to this response, showing concern for the quality of life of individuals who deal with vulnerabilities that induce stress - because the present study develops for the National Society of the Red Cross organization eminently social nature, being the first line of intervention in incidents generating stress on the victims and the professionals involved. Analyze will be state of the art models of psychosocial intervention in incidents and draw will be proposed a theoretical model applied in the CVP - considering that the structure works with and for people, and that all may experience vulnerability factors. Resorted to the methodology of semi-directive interview sample relevant to the study, was carried out bibliographical research; elaborated multidisciplinary review of the literature and criticism, making the construction of the model of psychosocial support that may apply to the intervention of Portuguese Red Cross.


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A tese teórico-prática de doutoramento apresentada contempla a investigação, a criação, a produção e a conceptualização da instalação artística interativa intitulada Por baixo da pele outra pele. A Obra é constituída por três objetos tridimensionais concebidos à escala humana. Recorre a materiais flexíveis, como têxteis, convidando o público (interator), à envolvência física, numa relação corporal sensorial e sensual com a obra. Os objetos contêm dispositivos técnicos interativos e sensores tácteis, que, ao serem utilizados, desencadeiam estímulos multissensoriais no espectador. A instalação interativa focaliza a experiência háptica e íntima do interator considerando os seus mecanismos sensoriais e cognitivos como um potencial aparato na construção de experiências fenomenológicas, singulares e individuais. A autora considera a interatividade enquanto elemento potenciador da experiência estética visual háptica. Na argumentação conceitual da obra, reflete-se sobre o tema da visualidade háptica interativa a partirdos conceitos de ecrã, corpo e interface, assim como de endossensorialidade. Instrumentam-se metodologias de investigação em ação, experimentais e observacionais. Apresentam-se os processos investigativos, criativos e técnicos necessários ao desenvolvimento e à materialização da instalação artística. A investigação revela-se de grande interesse para o avanço da pesquisa de novas linguagens experimentais apresentando estratégias de criação artística que, ao privilegiarem o corpo físico e fenomenológico do interator, transpõe a experiência háptica interativa para um grau interno de imersão motoro-sensorial; Underneath the skin another skin: art installation. Body, screen and interface towards an interactive haptic visuality. Abstract: The theoretical-practical doctorate dissertation presents the research and conceptual framework behind, and the processes leading to, the creation and production of the interactive installation art piece Underneath the skin, another skin. The piece is presented in the shape of three human-scale tridimentional objects. It is made from flexible materials, such as textiles, inviting the (interacting) audience, to physically engage in a bodily sensorial, and sensuous, relationship with the artwork. The objects enclose interactive devices and tactile sensors that, when used, trigger in the interactor multiple sensorial stimuli. The interactive installation focuses on the interactor's intimate haptic experience taking in consideration his or hers sensorial and cognitive mechanisms as a potential apparatus in the construction of unique individual phenomenological experiences. The author understands interactivity as a triggering element into an haptic visual aesthetical experience. The supporting conceptual reasoning deals with thought and criticism on interactive haptic visuality applied to the concepts of screen, body and interface, as well as with that of endo-sensoriality. The dissertation describes the use of experimental and observation research methodologies. It also elaborates on the research, creative and technical processes at play in the installation's development and realization. The research at hand has shown great potential for the further development of new experimental languages, as it presents art-creation strategies privileging the interactor's physical and phenomenological body, and thus able to take the interactive haptic experience onto an greater inner level of motor-sensorial immersion.


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The crisis of literary criticism, an essay published by Theodor Adorno in 1953, is dedicated to important problems of Literary Studies, such as the role of the critic himself. Adorno gave a class on Social Sciences in Frankfurt, in 1968, discussing ways of studying and thinking social matters. As an ensemble, these two works are an important contribution to the debate on quality of academic production.


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Three experiments were conducted examining group members' responses to criticism from ingroup and outgroup members. In Experiment I a, Australians read scripts of a person making either negative or positive comments about Australia. The speaker was identified as coming from either Australia (ingroup member) or another country (outgroup member). Responses indicated an intergroup sensitivity effect; that is, while ingroup criticisms were tolerated surprisingly well, outgroup criticisms were met with sensitivity and defensiveness. This pattern was replicated using the identity of,university student' (Experiment 1b). Experiment 2 demonstrated that the intergroup sensitivity effect is driven by perceptions that ingroup criticisms are seen to be more legitimate and more constructive than are outgroup criticisms. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for intragroup and intergroup relations. Copyright (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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Recensão de: George Baker, "'Late Criticism' in Canvases and Careers Today. Criticism and its Markets", Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2008


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