1000 resultados para amostragem sistemática


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The passive sampling technique has been widely used for many years in the measurement of personal exposure to pollutantes in the workplace. In recent years the technique has been used too for measurements in ambient air. In the specific case of SO2 a variety of passive samplers have been described in the literature. The great number are diffusive samplers and some few are permeation samplers. They are basically of two types: badge and tube-type. However there are more than 10 variations in relation to the sampler dimensions, diffusion barriers and pollutant sorption medium. The technique trend to be very used in the near future with samplers able to reach very low detection limits, proposing a viable option for monitoring specific species at urban, regional and global scales.


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IR bands related to M-C stretchings are not diagnostically significant for the identification of carbonyl groups in the spectra of carbonyl complexes. Otherwise, the frequency, intensity and number of bands for the CO stretchings provide very useful informations about the number of CO ligands and many others structural proprieties, like the presence of bridged CO groups. We report about a relatively simple and useful method for the determination of the CO stretchings of carbonyl complexes, which considers only the bond stretching internal coordinates of the CO groups.


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This work presents a detailed routine applied to the identification of unknown chemicals and wastes. 786 specimens were analyzed during 20 months. Unknown materials fell into three basic classes: (i) commercial chemicals without labels or illegible ones; (ii) laboratory synthesis products; (iii) used solvents (including mixtures). Uranium and thorium were recovered form their wastes. Unknown chemicals were mainly inorganic compounds, many of which had never been opened. Alkaline salts were dominant, but also precious metal compounds were identified. Laboratory synthesis products were organic compounds. The final destination depended on the nature of the chemical. Most organic compounds were sent to incineration; inorganic salts were distributed among several public organizations, including secondary and technical schools. The work described in this paper greatly reduced the amount of wastes that had to be sent to disposal.


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In atmospheric aerosol sampling, it is inevitable that the air that carries particles is in motion, as a result of both externally driven wind and the sucking action of the sampler itself. High or low air flow sampling speeds may lead to significant particle size bias. The objective of this work is the validation of measurements enabling the comparison of species concentration from both air flow sampling techniques. The presence of several outliers and increase of residuals with concentration becomes obvious, requiring non-parametric methods, recommended for the handling of data which may not be normally distributed. This way, conversion factors are obtained for each of the various species under study using Kendall regression.


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The sampling of volatile organic compounds using solid phase microextraction is reviewed and its principles are described. The development and application of solid phase microextraction in the sampling of VOCs are presented and discussed.


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This work describes a systematic study for bovine liver sample preparation for Cd and Pb determination by solid sampling electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. Samples were prepared using different procedures: (1) drying in a household microwave oven followed by drying in a stove at 60 ºC until constant mass, and (2) freeze-drying. Ball and cryogenic mills were used for grinding. Particle size, sample size and micro sample homogeneity were investigated. All prepared samples showed good homogeneity (He < 10) even for low sample mass, but samples dried in a microwave oven/stove and ground in a ball mill presented the best homogeneity.


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In spite of the availability of large databases of chromatographic data on several standardized systems, one major task in systematic toxicological analysis remains, namely how to handle the experimental data and retrieve data from the large available databases in a meaningful and productive way. To achieve this purpose, our group proposed an Internet-based tool using previously published STA databases, which interlaboratorial reproducibility tests have already evaluated. The developed software has the capability to calculate corrected chromatographic parameters, after the input of data obtained with standard mixtures of calibrators, and search the databases, currently incorporating TLC, color reactions, GC and HPLC data. At the end of the process, a list with candidate substances and their similarity indexes is presented.


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This work presents a review of sampling and analytical methods that can be applied to atmospheric traces of reduced sulphur compounds (RSC) in the atmosphere. Sampling methodology involving discontinuous methods with preconcentration is mostly used. For the most part, adsorption on solids and cryogenic capture are applied as a procedure. The analysis of these compounds has been done mainly by gas chromatography with FPD, fluorescence and spectrophotometry. Advantages and disadvantages of the methodologies are also mentioned in this paper, aiming to guide the reader towards the most appropriate choice of a sampling and analytical method for RSCs.


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Using a sampling method of particulate matter (PM) without the use of a dilution tunnel allows for evaluations of the volatile hydrocarbons (HC) in the emissions of diesel cycle engines. The procedure in this work applied a heated filter with temperature controlled. The volatile compounds are condensed at low temperature, allowing for evaluation of the HC by thermal desorption of the PM and for analysis of the condensed compounds of the exhaust gases.


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Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) is a solvent commonly used in chemical, paint and shoe industry. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a method for urinary quantification of MEK, employing headspace solid phase micro extraction sampling (SPME) coupled to gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (GC-FID). The calibration curve (y=4.6851x-0.0011) presented good linearity with r²=0.9993. Accuracy (94-109%), intra-assay precision (4.07-5.91%) and inter-assay precision (3.03-5.62%) were acceptable. The quantification limit was 0.19 mg/L. This low cost method can be used routinely in the biological monitoring of occupational exposure to MEK, according to the requirements of the Brazilian legislation.


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Our solemn homage to the great Master Otto R. Gottlieb who knew how to teach the mystery of evolutionary relationships between chemistry and its natural sources. The micromolecular chemical study of the family Bignoniaceae shows a profile predominantly characterized by the occurrence of metabolites derived from acetic acid biosynthetic pathways such as terpenoids, quinones, flavonoids and special aromatic derivatives. Analysis of different chemosystematic parameters for the metabolite data collected, provided valuable information for the systematic characterization of the Bignoniaceae family within the Angiosperm derived taxa.


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The efficiency of XAD®-2 resin in sampling the pesticides α and β-endosulfan from air contaminated in the laboratory was evaluated. Sampling efficiency ranged from 87 to 108% for α-endosulfan and from 71 to 84% for β-endosulfan with relative standard deviation lower than 19%. The pesticides were not detected in the second section of the cartridge showing the good retention capacity of XAD®-2 for these analytes. Method quantification limits were 0.32 and 0.34 µg m-3 for α and β-endosulfan, respectively. These results suggest that the proposed method may be useful for evaluating occupational exposure to these compounds.


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A amostragem de amônia no ar é feita usualmente com filtro impregnado com ácido. O ácido ascórbico, quando usado como impregnante, é facilmente oxidado em meio básico e aquoso, gerando uma solução fortemente colorida que inviabiliza a determinação por colorimetria. Este trabalho apresenta um novo procedimento para extração do íon amônio dos filtros de amostragem, transferindo o íon amônio para uma gota de solução contendo ácido sulfúrico 0,1 mol L-1. A amostra do filtro é inicialmente solubilizada com água. A solução é colocada dentro de uma câmara com posterior adição de solução de NaOH 1,5 mol L-1. Com a ajuda de com borbulhamento de nitrogênio, a amônia formada passa para a fase gasosa, sendo finalmente recolhida para uma gota de ácido sulfúrico. A esta gota é adicionado um reagente e o produto determinado colorimetricamente pela reação do indofenol. Além da eliminação de interferentes, o procedimento apresenta a vantagem de fazer uma nova pré-concentração da amônia, possibilitando melhorar o limite de detecção do método de determinação.


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A relevância da educação em ética médica na formação do profissional de Medicina tem sido cada vez mais reconhecida em todo o mundo. No Brasil, a Resolução 08/1969 do Conselho Federal de Educação tornou obrigatório o ensino da deontologia nas escolas médicas. Com o objetivo de avaliar a evolução do ensino da ética em escolas médicas brasileiras, foi realizada uma revisão sistemática dos levantamentos nacionais sobre o ensino da disciplina de deontologia, ética médica ou bioética, publicados nos últimos 30 anos. Foram localizados três estudos, publicados em três diferentes décadas, que mostraram estagnação no número de disciplinas específicas para a ética médica ao longo do tempo, baixa carga horária reservada ao seu ensino e reduzido número de professores exclusivos, em sua maioria vinculados à especialidade de medicina legal. Os temas de responsabilidade profissional e segredo profissional foram os mais abordados, sendo o conteúdo ministrado principalmente em aulas expositivas e discussão de casos. A importância da educação em ética médica nos cursos de graduação exige o seu ensino, em todos os períodos, por docentes com vivência profissional e conhecimentos na área de ciências humanas, de forma integrada com outras instâncias responsáveis por aspectos éticos nas instituições, com o objetivo de for-mar profissionais eticamente competentes para o melhor exercício da ciência e arte da medicina.


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O aumento crescente da utilização das medicinas alternativas e complementares (MAC) requer que os profissionais de saúde estejam aptos a informar e atender seus pacientes, reconhecer efeitos colaterais, interações medicamentosas e praticar com segurança as medicinas complementares, isoladas ou associadas às medicinas convencionais. Este trabalho faz uma revisão sistemática da literatura (RSL) sobre o ensino das MAC em escolas médicas, com a finalidade de refletir sobre as evidências publicadas. Foram analisados 33 artigos indexados no banco eletrônico de referências Pubmed, identificados a partir dos descritores: "ensino das medicinas alternativas e complementares" e "comple mentary and alternative medicine teaching". Observaram-se diferentes formas de inserção das MAC no ensino, atitudes positivas dos estudantes de Medicina frente a elas e desejo de aprendê-las com o objetivo de tratar e orientar futuros pacientes. Conclui-se que o ensino das MAC nas escolas de Medicina tem como fundamento adicionar à prática médica ferramentas diagnósticas e terapêuticas para a atenção, prevenção e promoção, nos diversos níveis de complexidade do sistema de saúde.