248 resultados para alienation
This dissertation examines the fictional character Kitty Pryde from the X-Men comic book series during the tenure of writer Chris Claremont. Claremont's work on the character primarily involves the years 1980-1990, though a return to writing the character in the 2000s is also discussed when relevant. The thesis question revolves around the definition of the bildungsroman genre and whether Claremont's narrative arc for Kitty Pryde's character fulfills that definition. Jerome Hamilton Buckley's 1974 book Season of Youth: The Bildungsroman from Dickens to Golding is used as the primary authority for the bildungsroman genre, and more specifically a list of nine criteria that Buckley deems particularly key to the definition of the genre. Each of the nine criteria is looked at in depth, demonstrating where and how they can be found in the narrative, if at all. However, because Buckley's perspective and criteria come from a time of less diversity, examination from a feminist and minority perspective is also added with ideas from Rita Felski and Stella Bolaki. Combining Buckley's initial list of nine criteria with more modern criticism, these ideas are then used to analyze Kitty Pryde's narrative arc and to determine whether it can be seen as a bildungsroman. The findings support reading Claremont's narrative arc of the Kitty Pryde character as a bildungsroman. Three of Buckley's nine key themes are identified as particularly prevalent in the narrative: the search for a vocation, ordeal by love, and the conflict of generations. Three more key themes are found to be less prevalent but still clearly present: the search for a working philosophy, the larger society, and alienation. Because Buckley's definition for the bildungsroman genre requires the presence of six of his nine key themes, the presence of the aforementioned six thus validate the reading of the narrative as a bildungsroman. The text also provides some suggestions for finding the three least applicable key themes within the narrative, but because their presence is not necessary to fulfill the definition of the bildungsroman, they are not rigorously examined. In addition to fulfilling Buckley's key themes, the paper also discusses the more modern minority-oriented views. It is shown how the narrative can be read in terms of a journey to diverge from norms, as per Felski's ideas of the unique qualities of the specifically female bildungsroman. As Kitty Pryde's narrative can be shown to conform to the bildungsroman ideas of both Buckley and Felski, the thesis question is thus answered positively: Chris Claremont's X-Men can indeed be read as Kitty Pryde's bildungsroman.
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Geografia, Programa de Pós Graduação em Geografia, 2015.
Se muestra que la novela El sueño del ángel, de la nicaragüense Gloria Elena Espinoza, se articula narrativamente alrededor de una serie de caídas, que afectan a los personajes. Son caídas que abarcan varios niveles: el natural, el antropológico, el axiológico y el divino; además, es una caída planteada desde una perspectiva milenarista y apocalíptica, que manifiesta una visión del mundo terrenal como corrupto y en decadencia. Se señala la condición del ángel caído (o exiliado) como una metáfora de la condición humana, asociada al desarraigo y a la derrota.It is shown how the Nicaraguan novel El sueño del ángel [The angel's dream] by Gloria Elena Espinoza is narrated around a series of falls affecting the characters. These falls span several levels: natural, anthropological, axiological and divine. The falls are also seen from a millenary and apocalyptical perspective, which sets forth a view of life on earth as corrupt and decadent. The condition of the fallen (or exiled) angel is explored as a metaphor for the human condition, related to alienation and defeat.
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Centro de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação sobre as Américas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Comparados sobre as Américas, 2016.
Both ludic and macabre, the theatrical works of Samuel Beckett and Jean Genet are a paradox to behold. Indeed, as this thesis seeks to illustrate, despite their vastly differing aesthetics, at the core of each playwright’s stage productions is a tension between the characters’ yearning for silence and invisibility, and the continual creation of an often humorous, chaotic, exaggerated or theatrical image that depicts this very longing. Seeking an impossible intersection between their image and their death, they are trapped in a double bind that guarantees aesthetic failure. In order to grasp the close, yet delicate, relationship between the image of death and the death of the image, as presented in the plays of Beckett and Genet, we will explore how the characters’ creative processes deflate the very images — both visual and auditory — that they create. More specifically, we will examine how mimesis both liberates and confines the characters; while the symbolic realm provides the only means of self-representation, it is also a source of profound alienation and powerlessness, for it never adequately conveys meaning. Thus, body, gesture, language and voice are each the site of simultaneous and ceaseless reappearance and disappearance, for which death remains the only (aporetic) cure. Struggling against theatrical form, which demands the actors’ and the audience’s physical presence, both playwrights make shrewd use of metatheatre to slowly empty the stage and thereby suggest the impending, yet impossible, erasure of their characters.
ResumenEl presente artículo se propone como una disertación en torno al fenómeno del abuso sexual infantily el Backlash, comprendiendo a este último como un contra-movimiento social que buscalegitimar diversas manifestaciones de violencia en contra de las mujeres y las personas menoresde edad. En aras de alcanzar dicho propósito, el artículo parte de la conceptualización del términoabuso sexual infantil, resaltando sus principales características y consecuencias, continúa con unadiscusión conceptual en torno al Backlash y sus principales derivaciones y concluye con una reflexiónrespecto a la relación entre este y el abuso sexual infantil. Producto del recorrido emprendido seafirma que, si bien el Backlash nace como una respuesta contraria y contestataria al éxito obtenidopor el movimiento de mujeres, ha evolucionado e incursionado en otras áreas temáticas, como lo esel abuso sexual infantil, cuya comprensión y atención se ha visto influenciada por teorías “pseudocientíficas” como el síndrome de alienación parental y el síndrome de falsas memorias, desde lascuales se desacredita la revelación de las víctimas. En tanto el uso de teorías compatibles con elBacklash en procesos de custodia y juicios por denuncias de abuso sexual se encuentra en aumentovertiginoso, se concluye que el movimiento de derechos humanos debe fortalecer una respuestaconjunta y sólida frente a esta reacción extrema.AbstractThe present article is a dissertation proposal regarding the child sexual abuse phenomenon and the Backlash, being the last a social countermovement which pretends to legitimize various manifestations of violence towards women and underage people. The article starts from the conceptualization of the term child sexual abuse, highlighting its key characteristics and consequences, moving on to a conceptual discussion concerning Backlash and its main derivations, and ending in a reflection about its relationship with child sexual abuse. From the research undertaken it is stated that, while Backlash started out as a counter response to the success achieved by the women movement, it has evolved and moved into other thematic areas, such as child sexual abuse, which understanding and focus have been influenced by pseudoscientific theories like the parental alienation syndrome and the false memory syndrome, from which the victims’ declarations are discredited. While the use of Backlash compatible theories in custody processes and sexual abuse accusation trials shows an accelerated increase, it is concluded that the human rights movement needs to build up a solid and joint answer against this extreme response.Keywords:Backlash, child sexual abuse, parental alienation syndrome, false memories syndrome.
Questo studio si concentra su tre direttrici fondamentali: la monomania religiosa, la medicina legale e il diritto penale nell'Italia postunitaria. Nell’ambito di un contesto temporale ben definito, i cui estremi cronologici coincidono con l’Unificazione italiana (1861) e con i primi anni del XX secolo, si sono approfondite le numerose implicazioni mediche e giuridiche della malattia mentale nella forma di monomania religiosa. In particolare, prendendo spunto da una serie di condotte criminali frutto di suggestione religiosa o di deliri ascetici in soggetti diagnosticati come ‛monomani’, si sono indagati i risvolti giuridico-processuali di alcune vicende fortemente rappresentative di tali percorsi. L'ampia documentazione d'archivio recuperata consente di verificare l'orientamento della magistratura all'indomani dell'entrata in vigore del Codice penale per il Regno d'Italia (1889). Nei casi esaminati, alla diagnosi di alienazione mentale degli imputati seguiva la dichiarazione di non imputabilità e l'affidamento degli stessi all'Autorità amministrativa che ne disponeva il ricovero in manicomio.
Le presenti ricerche indagano la disciplina delle «meliorationes, quae graeco vocabulo emponemata dicuntur» nell’ambito dell’enfiteusi privata giustinianea, pervenendo, a seguito della ricostruzione della nozione di «emponemata», a una interpretazione di C. 4.66.3 (a. 530) secondo la quale questa costituzione non implicherebbe – anche in ragione del confronto testuale con Nov. 64 (a. 538), in materia di «misthosis» – una deroga al principio «superficies solo cedit» e – con riferimento alla fattispecie della loro alienazione – farebbe del termine «meliorationes» un uso condizionale e metonimico, volto a enucleare – nell’ambito delle diverse possibilità di trasferimento «inter vivos» dell’enfiteusi – il caso (oggetto di speciale normazione) della «venditio» per la sola ipotesi in cui sul fondo enfiteutico fossero intervenute «meliorationes» tali da poter essere qualificate come «emponemata».