269 resultados para aides reçues


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Recent federal legislation has provided renewed interest in improving the quality of nursing home care. The lack of both funding and personnel are significant barriers that may keep psychology's disciplinary expertise from being fully used in nursing homes. Nursing homes may be forced to undertake mandated activities (e.g., preadmission screening, nurses aides' training, and evaluation) without psychologists' expertise, relying either on medical practitioners with little knowledge of mental health interventions or on minimally qualified, entry-level mental health workers. Advocates for improved nursing home care must see the links among basic disciplinary skills, interdisciplinary collaboration, and improved care for mentally impaired elderly individuals.


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Nurse's aides are the primary caregivers in nursing homes, a major receiving site for elders with behavioral and psychiatric problems. We describe the development, psychometric properties, and utility of a brief instrument designed to assess aides' knowledge of three specific mental health problems (depression, agitation, and disorientation) and behavioral approaches to them. The instrument was administered to 191 nurse's aides and 21 clinicians with training in behavioral management and experience with older residents. The nurse's aides averaged 11 of 17 correct answers, and the clinicians averaged 15 of 17 correct answers. Implications for staff training and consultation activities in nursing homes are discussed.


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In 2009, Clark University was accepted as the university to represent Massachusetts in the National Policy Institute for Family Impact Seminars at the University of Wisconsin – Madison (http://familyimpactseminars.org). Family Impact Seminars are a series of annual seminars, briefing reports, and discussion sessions that provide up-to-date, solution-oriented research on current issues for state legislators, their aides, and legislative support bureau personnel. The seminars provide objective, nonpartisan research on current issues and do not lobby for particular policies. Seminar participants discuss policy options and identify common ground where it exists.


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A rigorous between-subjects methodology employing independent random samples and having broad clinical applicability was designed and implemented to evaluate the effectiveness of back safety and patient transfer training interventions for both hospital nurses and nursing assistants. Effects upon self-efficacy, cognitive, and affective measures are assessed for each of three back safety procedures. The design solves the problem of obtaining randomly assigned independent controls where all experimental subjects must participate in the training interventions.


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The proposed paper will present first results of a research project investigating how nursing homes in Switzerland deal with migrant elders who are in intensive need of care. Focusing on the end-of-life in institutional care settings, the intention is to explore the dimensions of ‘doing death’ in Swiss nursing homes when the elderly involved are of migrant background. The focus is laid on the co-construction of end of life in interactions between residents of migrant background and professional carers involved (often of migrant background themselves), and will thereby focus on processes of ‘doing diversity’ while ‘doing death’. To do so, we chose an ethnographic approach focusing on the participant observation of everyday practices of ‘doing death’ and ‘death work’ and on interviewing staff, residents and their relatives. Caring for ageing migrants at the end of their lives is studied in different types of assisted living at the end of life: The field of research was entered by studying a group specific department for residents of so-called ‘Mediterranean’ background. It was contrasted by a department stressing the individuality of each resident but including a considerable number of residents with migrant background. We are interested in how (and if at all) specific forms of ‘doing community’ within different types of departments may also lead to specific ways of ‘doing death’, which aim at a stronger embeddedness of dying trajectories in social relations of reciprocity and exchange. Furthermore, migrant ‘doing death’ is expected to be particularly negotiable since the potential diversities of symbolic reference systems and daily practices are widened. If the respective resident is limited in his/her capacities to play an active part in negotiating about ‘good care’ and ‘good dying’ – either due to language competences, which would be migrant specific, or due to degenerative diseases, which is not migrant specific – the field of negotiations will be left up to the professionals within the organization (and to the relatives, which are, however, not constantly present). Strategies of stereotyping the ‘other’ as well as driving nurses, caring aides and other professionals of migrant background into roles of ‘cultural experts’ or ‘transcultural translators’ are expected to be common in such situations. However, the task of negotiating what would be a ‘good dying’ and what measures are appropriate is always at stake in contemporary heterogeneous societies. Therefore we would argue that studying dying processes involving migrant residents is looking at paradigmatic manifestations of doing death in recent contexts of reflexive modernity.


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Obesity rates around the nation have risen to epidemic proportions. Rates of childhood obesity are at very high levels with 24.4% of preschool-aged children in the U.S. currently considered as overweight or obese. The percentage of childhood obesity is much higher in the southern part of the United States as compared to the rest of the nation. Minority populations, especially African American and Hispanic, are affected more than other ethnic groups. Obesity prevention programs are needed targeting young children <6 years of age from minority populations. Currently, there are few obesity prevention programs that have been implemented and evaluated in children <6 years of age. Gardening programs have been successful in improving the health status of elementary school children by increasing fruit and vegetable intake and increasing preferences for healthier food choices. However, there is no evidence of the feasibility and acceptability of a garden-based obesity prevention program among preschoolers. This pretest study, a classroom-based gardening curriculum program with 16 lesson plans and coordinating activities for preschool age children (3-5 years old) enrolled in Head Start, provides the opportunity to address this need. The study included 103 preschoolers from two centers and 9 teachers or teachers' aides. Qualitative data on feasibility and acceptability was collected from process evaluation forms of individual lesson plans and focus groups with teachers. Teacher questionnaires assessed individual teacher characteristics and provided feedback regarding the curriculum. Quantitative measures of teachers' self-efficacy, attitudes, and knowledge pertaining to nutrition were analyzed from pre and post-test surveys. Results revealed this preschool garden-based nutrition curriculum was both feasible and acceptable. The program improved teacher's self-efficacy, knowledge, and attitudes about nutrition, with teacher's confidence in ability to teach a gardening curriculum increasing from a mean score of 2.14 to 3.00 from pre to post test (P value = 0.0046). These results indicate implementing garden-based nutrition lessons within preschools is achievable. Employing garden-based nutrition lessons in the classroom is the first step in teaching children about nutrition and gardening concepts. Constructing gardening beds for more hands-on learning is the next proposed step in the larger parent study of this program.^


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O trabalho em equipe representa estratégia para superação da frágil articulação entre profissionais, sendo potencializado pela prática colaborativa entre agentes e gestão participativa. Entretanto, os arranjos organizacionais não favorecem a interação entre os profissionais e dificultam o trabalho em equipe. A magnitude dos agravos cardiovasculares por serviços regulados e estruturados, pautados num enfoque multiprofissional em saúde, a carência de publicações científicas sobre trabalho em equipe na atenção hospitalar, a potência do trabalho em equipe para responder às demandas reais de saúde justificam investigações a respeito do trabalho em equipe de saúde em Unidade Coronariana, particularizando a compreensão de aspectos que dificultam e facilitam esse trabalho. Assim, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar o trabalho em equipe, desenvolvido em unidade hospitalar de alta densidade tecnológica, segundo a perspectiva da equipe de saúde. É um estudo descritivo, utilizando dados qualitativos e quantitativos, realizado em Unidade Coronariana de um Hospital público, de ensino, de nível terciário, referência para atendimento de alta densidade tecnológica. A população constituiu-se de profissionais da equipe multiprofissional que atuavam na referida unidade há, pelo menos, um ano, sendo excluídos aqueles que se encontravam afastados do trabalho à época da coleta dos dados e os não localizados após três tentativas para agendamento da entrevista. Utilizou-se a Técnica do Incidente Crítico, e os dados primários foram coletados por meio de entrevista semiestruturada. A análise dos dados fundamentou-se em análise de conteúdo. Participaram do estudo 45 profissionais da equipe de saúde, sendo 20 técnicos/auxiliares de enfermagem; 11 médicos; nove enfermeiros; quatro fisioterapeutas e um psicólogo. Das entrevistas, emergiram 49 situações, das quais 38 (77,6%) receberam referências negativas e 11 (22,4%), positivas; 385 comportamentos, sendo 209 (54,2%) positivos e 176 (45,8%) negativos; além de 182 consequências que receberam 131 (71,9%) referências negativas e 51 (28,1%) positivas. As referências positivas indicam aspectos que facilitam o trabalho em equipe e as negativas, aqueles que dificultam. Foram considerados facilitadores do trabalho em equipe colaborar/relacionar-se com os outros profissionais, desenvolver assistência ao paciente conforme a competência profissional, relacionamento entre agentes pautado na prática colaborativa e comunicação. Aspectos como baixa colaboração entre profissionais, gerenciamento inadequado de agentes, despreparo profissional no atendimento à parada cardiorrespiratória/emergência, divergências nas condutas terapêuticas, limitação de recursos materiais e agir de maneira descomprometida com o trabalho dificultam o trabalho em equipe. Conclui-se que, apesar do predomínio de situações e consequências negativas relativas à dinâmica do trabalho em equipe nessa Unidade Coronariana, a ênfase em comportamentos positivos, favoráveis ao trabalho em equipe, evidencia investimento e esforço para superar dificuldades, na perspectiva da potência do trabalho em equipe para atingir a finalidade do trabalho em saúde. A partir dos resultados, acredita-se que aspectos relativos à formação/capacitação profissional e à organização do serviço precisam favorecer o trabalho em equipe, estando a centralidade do processo de trabalho dessa equipe nas relações entre agentes


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O Poder Judiciário expressa a vontade política do Estado interpretando o direito e mantendo a força normativa da Constituição, sobretudo frente as normas que expressam direitos fundamentais por sua alta carga valorativa, sendo o juiz o último intérprete da norma, o qual não deve tutelar sempre o direito fundamental sob maior ataque, mas sim encontrando critérios científicos que leve em consideração sua efetividade e as medidas restritivas a ele impostas. No estudo abordou-se sem exclusividade os métodos de interpretação constitucional, e seu princípios interpretativos, visando harmonizá-los e não valorizar partes do texto constitucional, ante sua força decorrer da unidade. Abordados os princípios da supremacia da Constituição, da unidade de seu texto, máxima efetividade de suas disposições, e força normativa, com enfoque no princípio da interpretação conforme, não só no controle concentrado como também no difuso de constitucionalidade. Analisou-se técnicas de decisão no controle de constitucionalidade, não só a declaração de inconstitucionalidade com e sem redução do texto, como sua diferenciação da interpretação conforme. Explanadas ainda as ações de controle concentrado perante o Supremo Tribunal Federal, e esclarecidas a repercussão geral em recurso extraordinário, o mandado de injunção, as súmulas vinculantes e impeditivas de recursos, a reclamação constitucional, o controle de constitucionalidade no âmbito dos Tribunais estaduais, e o praticado pelos juízes de primeiro grau. E no controle difuso de constitucionalidade foi abordada o controle de convencionalidade dos tratados internacionais sobre direitos humanos. Finalizando com a omissão do Estado frente aos direitos fundamentais, reconhecendo seu papel de destaque no ordenamento jurídico constitucional por não estarem só naquele texto, mas espargidos por todo o sistema jurídico interno e externo. Ao final tratou-se das omissões estatais da assistência judiciária gratuita, da regulamentação do direito de greve dos servidores públicos, e das omissões nas prestações dos serviços públicos de saúde e educação.


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Ce travail de recherche s’est intéressé aux mères adolescentes du Gabon, pays d’Afrique Centrale. S’inscrivant en faux contre l’idée préconçue selon laquelle les grossesses à l’adolescence conduisent inéluctablement au décrochage scolaire, les résultats de recherche présentés dans ce document rendent plutôt compte d’expériences inverses, à savoir celles des mères adolescentes qui parviennent à persévérer dans leurs études. Le présent mémoire vise à comprendre et à analyser le vécu des jeunes filles mères scolarisées. Il questionne le parcours de vie de ces « mamans ados » et conséquemment les mécanismes qui leur permettent de concilier études et maternité. La démarche repose sur une méthode qualitative. Des entretiens semi-directifs auprès de 18 jeunes filles mères scolarisées ont été conduits à Libreville, capitale gabonaise. Les jeunes filles rencontrées étaient âgées de 15 à 19 ans. Les entrevues ont été enregistrées et retranscrites. Quels sont les facteurs favorisant la conciliation études/maternité chez les jeunes filles ? Nos données ont permis de mettre en évidence quatre facteurs cruciaux à cet égard. Ces facteurs sont premièrement, une capacité d’organisation et un degré d’auto-responsabilisation très poussés chez ces jeunes filles ; deuxièmement, l’activation d’un soutien important de la part du réseau familial ; troisièmement, une implication et des aides importantes apportées par le père de l’enfant ; enfin, une valorisation affirmée de l’éducation de la part des parents de la jeune mère. Il ressort aussi de nos analyses que moyennant au moins l’un, sinon plusieurs, de ces facteurs, les jeunes mères adolescentes à Libreville parviennent à mener de front études et maternité. Cela veut dire que le décrochage scolaire chez les mères adolescentes n’est pas une fatalité si des formes d’accompagnement et de soutien existent.


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Le vote du 9 février sur l'immigration a eu des répercussions sur les programmes de formation et de recherche académique, Eramsus+ et Horizon 2020. - L'initiative « Protection contre la sexualisation à l'école maternelle et primaire » a récolté le nombre de signatures requises. - La question de l'équivalence des diplômes de la formation professionnelle supérieure a fait débat. - La loi sur la formation continue a abouti. - Le contre-projet indirect à l'initative sur les bourses d'étude propose une réforme de la loi sur les aides à la formation. - La participation de la Suisse à la « Source européenne de spallation ESS » à passer le cap du premier Conseil.


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Ce travail de recherche s’est intéressé aux mères adolescentes du Gabon, pays d’Afrique Centrale. S’inscrivant en faux contre l’idée préconçue selon laquelle les grossesses à l’adolescence conduisent inéluctablement au décrochage scolaire, les résultats de recherche présentés dans ce document rendent plutôt compte d’expériences inverses, à savoir celles des mères adolescentes qui parviennent à persévérer dans leurs études. Le présent mémoire vise à comprendre et à analyser le vécu des jeunes filles mères scolarisées. Il questionne le parcours de vie de ces « mamans ados » et conséquemment les mécanismes qui leur permettent de concilier études et maternité. La démarche repose sur une méthode qualitative. Des entretiens semi-directifs auprès de 18 jeunes filles mères scolarisées ont été conduits à Libreville, capitale gabonaise. Les jeunes filles rencontrées étaient âgées de 15 à 19 ans. Les entrevues ont été enregistrées et retranscrites. Quels sont les facteurs favorisant la conciliation études/maternité chez les jeunes filles ? Nos données ont permis de mettre en évidence quatre facteurs cruciaux à cet égard. Ces facteurs sont premièrement, une capacité d’organisation et un degré d’auto-responsabilisation très poussés chez ces jeunes filles ; deuxièmement, l’activation d’un soutien important de la part du réseau familial ; troisièmement, une implication et des aides importantes apportées par le père de l’enfant ; enfin, une valorisation affirmée de l’éducation de la part des parents de la jeune mère. Il ressort aussi de nos analyses que moyennant au moins l’un, sinon plusieurs, de ces facteurs, les jeunes mères adolescentes à Libreville parviennent à mener de front études et maternité. Cela veut dire que le décrochage scolaire chez les mères adolescentes n’est pas une fatalité si des formes d’accompagnement et de soutien existent.


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Shipping list no.: 92-205-P.


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Research conducted by LaSalle Governmental Consultants, Ltd.


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Elderly caregiving, a fact of life for millions of Americans, has gained significance with the increase in the elderly population. Over 25 million family caregivers in the US, most of whom are women rearing their own children, care for severely ill or disabled family members. The increased flow of women into the labor force has caused this traditional role to be entrusted to hired caregivers, mainly home health aides. ^ This case study describes and explains the dyadic experiences of elderly Jewish clients and their Jamaican home health aides in a mixed-culture environment. The inquiry was conducted with a purposive sample of four dyads, their case manager, and the placement officer, all of whom were selected through a home care agency in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Strategies of data collection including non-participant observation, interviews, document analysis, and researcher's journals. Data from verbatim transcription of interviews and field notes were coded, sorted into emic categories, and reduced as linkages were identified via cross-case comparison. Three major themes—mixed-culture experiences, relationship building and maintenance, and agency role perceptions—emerged from the interpretative analysis of the data. ^ Assertions from these findings include that dyads have established a range of relationships to meet their personal needs, expectations, and desires in these goal-driven relationships. Relationally, they have reached interactional synchrony with some achieving the ideal family-type bond. Cultural difference is but one of the many contextual variables in the home care environment, which has its own cultural norms and expectations. Conflicts transcend cultural difference and seemed more a factor of individual relational disposition. ^