961 resultados para Zuccotti, Susan: Under his very windows
“Capacity” and “competency” are terms that are often used interchangeably. However, under Iowa law and specifically within the context of an individual’s rights to make his/ her own decisions, there is a very important difference between the two words. An understanding of the difference between “capacity” and “competency” (as explained on this fact sheet) is essential to determine whether an individual’s consent is valid.
Background: We report the case of a chronic stroke patient (62 months after injury) showing total absence of motor activity evoked by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of spared regions of the left motor cortex, but near-to-complete recovery of motor abilities in the affected hand. Case presentation: Multimodal investigations included detailed TMS based motor mapping, motor evoked potentials (MEP), and Cortical Silent period (CSP) as well as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) of motor activity, MRI based lesion analysis and Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) Tractography of corticospinal tract (CST). Anatomical analysis revealed a left hemisphere subinsular lesion interrupting the descending left CST at the level of the internal capsule. The absence of MEPs after intense TMS pulses to the ipsilesional M1, and the reversible suppression of ongoing electromyographic (EMG) activity (indexed by CSP) demonstrate a weak modulation of subcortical systems by the ipsilesional left frontal cortex, but an inability to induce efficient descending volleys from those cortical locations to right hand and forearm muscles. Functional MRI recordings under grasping and finger tapping patterns involving the affected hand showed slight signs of subcortical recruitment, as compared to the unaffected hand and hemisphere, as well as the expected cortical activations. Conclusions: The potential sources of motor voluntary activity for the affected hand in absence of MEPs are discussed. We conclude that multimodal analysis may contribute to a more accurate prognosis of stroke patients.
This paper investigates the asymptotic uniform power allocation capacity of frequency nonselective multiple-inputmultiple-output channels with fading correlation at either thetransmitter or the receiver. We consider the asymptotic situation,where the number of inputs and outputs increase without boundat the same rate. A simple uniparametric model for the fadingcorrelation function is proposed and the asymptotic capacity perantenna is derived in closed form. Although the proposed correlationmodel is introduced only for mathematical convenience, itis shown that its shape is very close to an exponentially decayingcorrelation function. The asymptotic expression obtained providesa simple and yet useful way of relating the actual fadingcorrelation to the asymptotic capacity per antenna from a purelyanalytical point of view. For example, the asymptotic expressionsindicate that fading correlation is more harmful when arising atthe side with less antennas. Moreover, fading correlation does notinfluence the rate of growth of the asymptotic capacity per receiveantenna with high Eb /N0.
Patients undergoing spinal surgery are at risk of developing thromboembolic complications even though lower incidences have been reported as compared to joint arthroplasty surgery. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) has been studied extensively in the context of spinal surgery but symptomatic pulmonary embolism (PE) has engaged less attention. We prospectively followed a consecutive cohort of 270 patients undergoing spinal surgery at a single institution. From these patients, only 26 were simple discectomies, while the largest proportion (226) was fusions. All patients received both low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) initiated after surgery and compressive stockings. PE was diagnosed with spiral chest CT. Six patients developed symptomatic PE, five during their hospital stay. In three of the six patients the embolic event occurred during the first 3 postoperative days. They were managed by the temporary insertion of an inferior vena cava (IVC) filter thus allowing for a delay in full-dose anticoagulation until removal of the filter. None of the PE patients suffered any bleeding complication as a result of the introduction of full anticoagulation. Two patients suffered postoperative haematomas, without development of neurological symptoms or signs, requiring emergency evacuation. The overall incidence of PE was 2.2% rising to 2.5% after exclusion of microdiscectomy cases. The incidence of PE was highest in anterior or combined thoracolumbar/lumbar procedures (4.2%). There is a large variation in the reported incidence of PE in the spinal literature. Results from the only study found in the literature specifically monitoring PE suggest an incidence of PE as high as 2.5%. Our study shows a similar incidence despite the use of LMWH. In the absence of randomized controlled trials (RCT) it is uncertain if this type of prophylaxis lowers the incidence of PE. However, other studies show that the morbidity of LMWH is very low. Since PE can be a life-threatening complication, LMWH may be a worthwhile option to consider for prophylaxis. RCTs are necessary in assessing the efficacy of DVT and PE prophylaxis in spinal patients.
BACKGROUND: Genetic factors play a role in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) but are poorly understood. A number of candidate genes have been proposed on the basis of the pathogenesis of COPD. These include the matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) genes which play a role in tissue remodelling and fit in with the protease--antiprotease imbalance theory for the cause of COPD. Previous genetic studies of MMPs in COPD have had inadequate coverage of the genes, and have reported conflicting associations of both single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and SNP haplotypes, plausibly due to under-powered studies. METHODS: To address these issues we genotyped 26 SNPs, providing comprehensive coverage of reported SNP variation, in MMPs- 1, 9 and 12 from 977 COPD patients and 876 non-diseased smokers of European descent and evaluated their association with disease singly and in haplotype combinations. We used logistic regression to adjust for age, gender, centre and smoking history. RESULTS: Haplotypes of two SNPs in MMP-12 (rs652438 and rs2276109), showed an association with severe/very severe disease, corresponding to GOLD Stages III and IV. CONCLUSIONS: Those with the common A-A haplotype for these two SNPs were at greater risk of developing severe/very severe disease (p = 0.0039) while possession of the minor G variants at either SNP locus had a protective effect (adjusted odds ratio of 0.76; 95% CI 0.61 - 0.94). The A-A haplotype was also associated with significantly lower predicted FEV1 (42.62% versus 44.79%; p = 0.0129). This implicates haplotypes of MMP-12 as modifiers of disease severity.
A variable temperature field sets exacting demands to the structure under mechanical load. Most of all the lifetime of the rotating drum structure depends on temperature differences between parts inside the drum. The temperature difference was known because of the measurements made before. The list of demands was created based on customers’ needs. The limits of this paper were set to the inner structure of the drum. Creation of ideas for the inner structure was started open minded. The main principle in the creation process was to create new ideas for the function of the product with the help of sub-functions. The sub-functions were created as independent as possible. The best sub-functions were combined together and the new working principles were created based on them. Every working principle was calculated separately and criticized at the end of the calculation process. The main objective was to create the new kind of structure, which is not based too much to the old, inoperative structure. The affect of own weight of the inner structure to the stress values was quite small but it was also taken into consideration when calculating the maximum stress value of the structure. Because of very complex structures all of the calculations were made with the help of the ProE – Mechanica software. The fatigue analyze was made also for the best structure solution.
The question of how to quantify insufficient coping behavior under chronic stress is of major clinical relevance. In fact, chronic stress increasingly dominates modern work conditions and can affect nearly every system of the human body, as suggested by physical, cognitive, affective and behavioral symptoms. Since freshmen students experience constantly high levels of stress due to tight schedules and frequent examinations, we carried out a 3-center study of 1,303 students from Italy, Spain and Argentina in order to develop socioculturally independent means for quantifying coping behavior. The data analysis relied on 2 self-report questionnaires: the Coping Strategies Inventory (COPE) for the assessment of coping behavior and the Zurich Health Questionnaire which assesses consumption behavior and general health dimensions. A neural network approach was used to determine the structural properties inherent in the COPE instrument. Our analyses revealed 2 highly stable, socioculturally independent scales that reflected basic coping behavior in terms of the personality traits activity-passivity and defeatism-resilience. This replicated previous results based on Swiss and US-American data. The percentage of students exhibiting insufficient coping behavior was very similar across the study sites (11.5-18.0%). Given their stability and validity, the newly developed scales enable the quantification of basic coping behavior in a cost-efficient and reliable way, thus clearing the way for the early detection of subjects with insufficient coping skills under chronic stress who may be at risk of physical or mental health problems.
Stability of airborne nanoparticle agglomerates is important for occupational exposure and risk assessment in determining particle size distribution of nanomaterials. In this study, we developed an integrated method to test the stability of aerosols created using different types of nanomaterials. An aerosolization method, that resembles an industrial fluidized bed process, was used to aerosolize dry nanopowders. We produced aerosols with stable particle number concentrations and size distributions, which was important for the characterization of the aerosols' properties. Next, in order to test their potential for deagglomeration, a critical orifice was used to apply a range of shear forces to them. The mean particle size of tested aerosols became smaller, whereas the total number of particles generated grew. The fraction of particles in the lower size range increased, and the fraction in the upper size range decreased. The reproducibility and repeatability of the results were good. Transmission electron microscopy imaging showed that most of the nanoparticles were still agglomerated after passing through the orifice. However, primary particle geometry was very different. These results are encouraging for the use of our system for routine tests of the deagglomeration potential of nanomaterials. Furthermore, the particle concentrations and small quantities of raw materials used suggested that our system might also be able to serve as an alternative method to test dustiness in existing processes.
Analysis of firewall and antivirus log files without any kind of log analysis tool could be very difficult for normal computer user. In log files every event is organized according to time, but reading those with understanding without any kind of log analysis tool requires expert knowledge. In this Bachelor’s Thesis I put together a software packet for normal private computer user and this software packet allows user to analyze log files in Windows environment without any additional effort. Most of the private computer users don’t have much of experience about computers and data security so this Bachelor’s Thesis can be also used as a manual for analysis tool used in this work.
Author: Lorentz Nordenadler.
Citrus orchards are very important in Brazil, especially in São Paulo State, where occupy an area of 600,000 ha approximately. To identify sustainability degree of citrus production system, an energy analysis allows evaluating efficiency of direct and indirect applied inputs. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate citrus production system under energetic point of view, in which invested energy is paid back with citrus production; being compared within three scenarios for operational field efficiency. As result, by sensitivity analysis was determined that fuel was the main energy demander, followed by pesticides and fertilizers. In operational work capacity analysis, all combinations between efficiency (minimum, typical and maximum) and yield levels became positive in the seventh year, except for the combination minimum efficiency and 10 % less yield, positive in the eighth year. The best combination (maximum efficiency and 10 % more yield) has promoted investment payoff around the sixth and seventh year. By this study, it is possible to determine the total energy demand to produce citrus and indentify the applied inputs that need more attention by the decision-makers. Labor and seedlings can be ommited for further studies with citrus, since they were irrelevant. Management of agricultural machinery may pose an important role on decreasing environmental impact of citrus production.
Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää välimiehen vahingonkorvausoikeudellista asemaa suhteessa välimiesmenettelyn asianosaisiin ja välimiehen korvausvastuuta eri tilanteissa välimiesmenettelystä annetun lain mukaisessa sopimusperusteisessa välimiesmenettelyssä. Tutkielma on menetelmältään lainopillinen ja tutkielman aineisto koostuu pääosin oikeuskirjallisuudesta. Välimiehen ja asianosaisten välinen oikeussuhde voidaan katsoa rinnastuvan sopimussuhteeseen, mikä mahdollistaa sopimusperusteisen vahingonkorvausvastuun normien soveltamisen. Välimiehen korvausvastuu vaikuttaa mahdolliselta – vaikkakin käytännössä harvinaiselta – menettelyn viivästymisen, välimiehen aiheettoman tehtävästä luopumisen sekä välitystuomion mitättömyyden ja kumoamisen perusteella. Vastuu vaikuttaa syntyvän helpommin sellaisissa välimiehen velvoitteen rikkomistilanteissa, joissa välimiehen menettely ei edellytä oikeudellista harkintaa. Korvausvastuun arviointiin vaikuttavat useiden perusteiden osalta tilannekohtaiset tekijät ja välimiehen velvoitteen tulkinnanvaraisuus voi sulkea pois korvausvastuun. Välimiehen vastuun syntyminen salassapitovelvollisuuden rikkomisen perusteella on monilta osin epäselvä johtuen välimiehen salassapitovelvollisuuden heikosta normipohjasta. Vastuu välitystuomion aineellisoikeudellisen virheellisyyden perusteella vaikuttaa hyvin epätodennäköiseltä.
The use of high-strength aluminium alloys as material for injection molding tools to produce small and medium batches of plastic products as well as prototyping molds is becoming of increasing demand by the tooling industry. These alloys are replacing the traditional use of steel in the cases above because they offer many advantages such as very high thermal conductivity associated with good corrosion and wear resistance presenting good machinability in milling and electrical discharge machining operations. Unfortunately there is little technological knowledge on the Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) of high-strength aluminium alloys, especially about the AMP 8000 alloy. The duty factor, which means the ratio between pulse duration and pulse cycle time exerts an important role on the performance of EDM. This work has carried out an experimental study on the variation of the duty factor in order to analyze its influence on material removal rate and volumetric relative wear under roughing conditions of EDM process. The results showed that high values of duty factor are possible to be applied without bringing instability into the EDM process and with improvement of material removal rate and volumetric relative wear.
The objective of this work was to evaluate characteristics associated with the photosynthetic activity of cassava plants in competition with weeds or not. The trial was performed on open environment conditions, with experimental units consisting of fiber glass vases with 150 dm³ filled with Red Yellow Latosol, previously fertilized. Treatments consisted in the cultivation of cassava plants isolated and associated to three weed species (Bidens pilosa, Commelina benghalensis and Brachiaria plantaginea). After cassava shooting, 15 days after planting, a removal of the weeds excess was performed, sown at the time of cassava planting, leaving six plants m-2 of B. pilosa and four plants m-2 of C. benghalensis and B. plantaginea. At 60 days after emergence (DAE), stomatal conductance (Gs), vapor pressure in the substomatal cavity (Ean), temperature gradient between leaf and air (ΔT), transpiration rate (E) and water use efficiency (WUE) were evaluated. B. pilosa showed greater capacity to affect growth of cassava plants. B. plantaginea is very efficient in using water, especially by presenting C4 metabolism, and remains competitive with cassava even under temporarily low water status. C. benghalensis, in turn, is not a good competitor for light and apparently is not the primary cause of water depletion in the soil. The effects of weeds, in this case, were more associated with the competition. However, they were found between moderate to low. This implies that the competition established at experimental level was low.
Concerns about the sustainability of large-scale, direct-drilled RR-soybeans (Glycine max), and RR-maize (Zea mays) under monoculture in central Argentina are growing steadily. An experiment was conducted during three consecutive years to determine the effects of crops and systems (monocultures and strips) and herbicide strategy on weed density, population rate of change (l), b community diversity (H´), crop yields and Land Equivalent Ratio (LER). Not only crops but also crop systems differentially influenced weed densities along their growth and development. For crop harvests, weed densities increased in both maize crop systems as compared to in the one for soybeans, but the lowest increase occurred in soybean strips. Differences were leveled by both herbicide strategies, which achieved 73% efficacy during the critical periods in both crops. l of annual monocotyledonous increased, thus shifting the weed community composition. Species richness and H´ were not affected by crop systems, but both herbicide strategies, particularly POST, either in soybeans in monoculture or in maize strips, significantly enhanced H´. Crop yields significantly increased in the maize-strip system with POST (Year 1) or PRE (Years 2 and 3) strategies, thus increasing LER above 1. Herbicide Environmental Load treatments fall within very low or low field use rating.