421 resultados para Zoning.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT
As atividades humanas que alteram as concentrações de gases de efeito estufa terão influências diretas sobre os problemas fitossanitários. A fim de minimizar tanto a perda de produção, quanto a qualidade de safras, além de orientar a escolha de estratégias de adaptação e de gestão, novos estudos para investigar os impactos das mudanças climáticas na agricultura - nas escalas espaciais e temporais - e seus patógenos são necessários. O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi investigar o impacto da mudança climática global, na ecoclimatologia da mosca-negra-dos-citrus (Aleurocanthus woglumi Ashby) no Estado do Pará. Para isso, foram analisadas as exigências térmicas da A. woglumi, desenvolvidas em laboratório e no zoneamento ecoclimatológico, com base no número de gerações do inseto a cada ano, realizado a partir de dados de temperatura do ar de 15 estações meteorológicas ao longo do estado. Em seguida, foi simulado o aumento populacional de insetos estudados, através das projeções do modelo climático global CCSM 3.0, entre os anos de 2030 e 2090. Os resultados das simulações sugerem que o número de gerações do inseto vai aumentar 50% no Estado do Pará.
As opalas de Pedro II e Buriti dos Montes, no estado do Piauí, constituem as mais importantes ocorrências brasileiras dessa gema, tanto em termos de volume quanto pela qualidade gemológica, que é comparável à das famosas opalas australianas. No entanto, a informalidade na extração e comercialização destas opalas, assim como a falta de informações quanto à gênese destes depósitos não permitem a prospecção por novas jazidas e o estabelecimento de um certificado de procedência para as opalas do Piauí que permitisse sua inserção formal no mercado gemológico internacional. Alguns autores têm se dedicado ao estudo dessas opalas, revelando fortes evidências de sua origem hidrotermal, mas até então, nenhum trabalho abordou as características físico-químicas dos fluidos que teriam originado esses depósitos de opalas. Diante disso, o principal objetivo deste trabalho foi entender o sistema hidrotermal responsável pela gênese das opalas do Piauí, ou seja, caracterizar os fluidos que originaram a mineralização e mostrar sua relação com o contexto geológico da região. Os municípios de Pedro II e Buriti dos Montes se localizam na porção nordeste do estado do Piauí, a aproximadamente 230 km a leste da capital Teresina, e as ocorrências de opala se encontram na porção basal da Bacia do Parnaíba, constituindo veios e vênulas nos arenitos dos grupos Serra Grande (Buriti dos Montes) e Canindé (Pedro II), os quais são seccionados por soleiras e diques de diabásio da Formação Sardinha. Elas também ocorrem cimentando brechas e como depósitos coluvionares e de paleocanal. Associados às opalas, localmente encontram-se veios de quartzo, calcedônia, barita e hematita (ou goethita). De maneira geral, as opalas de Pedro II apresentam jogo de cores, são predominantemente brancas ou azuladas com aspecto leitoso, semitranslúcidas a opacas e com inclusões sólidas pouco aparentes. Em contrapartida, as opalas de Buriti dos Montes não apresentam jogo de cores, a cor varia entre amarelo claro e vermelho amarronzado, são semitransparentes a translúcidas e contêm grande variedade de inclusões sólidas. Os dados obtidos revelam que as opalas de Pedro II são tipicamente do tipo amorfo (opala-A), enquanto as opalas de Buriti dos Montes variam entre amorfas e cristobalita-tridimita (opala-CT). Na opala preciosa, o típico jogo de cores é causado pelo arranjo regular das esferas de sílica que as constituem. A ausência de cimento opalino entre as esferas reforça a beleza desse efeito. Em contrapartida, as opalas laranja não apresentam jogo de cores, mas têm maior transparência devido ao diminuto tamanho das esferas. As inclusões sólidas também produzem belos efeitos nas opalas estudadas, principalmente na variedade laranja, que é mais transparente. Além disso, o conjunto de inclusões sólidas revela características intrínsecas aos processos hidrotermais que originaram as opalas estudadas. Agregados botrioidais, dendríticos e nodulares são exemplos de inclusões formadas por fragmentos dos arenitos hospedeiros carreados pelos fluidos hidrotermais que geraram as opalas. As inclusões sólidas também têm relação direta com a cor das opalas. Nas opalas de Buriti dos Montes, os tons de vermelho, laranja e amarelo são produzidos pela dissolução parcial das inclusões constituídas por oxihidróxidos de Fe. De maneira semelhante, a cor verde nas opalas preciosas está relacionada aos microcristais de Co-pentlandita inclusos nas mesmas. O conjunto de minerais associados às opalas conduz a uma assinatura mineralógicogeoquímica marcada pelos elevados teores de Fe e Al nas opalas com inclusões de hematita/goethita e caulinita, e assim também com aumento considerável dos teores de elementos terras raras nas opalas em que se concentram as inclusões de caulinita e apatita. Entre os elementos-traço, Ba é o mais abundante, e provavelmente foi incorporado pelo fluido hidrotermal, tendo em vista que veios de barita são encontrados com frequência nessa região da Bacia do Parnaíba. Várias feições como estruturas de fluxo nas opalas, corrosão e dissolução parcial dos cristais de quartzo hialino e de inclusões mineralógicas, vênulas de quartzo hidrotermal sobrecrescidas aos grãos detríticos, e zoneamento dos cristais de quartzo confirmam que essas opalas têm origem hidrotermal. A ruptura do Gondwana teria provocado um vasto magmatismo básico fissural, que por sua vez foi responsável pelo aporte de calor que gerou as primeiras células convectivas de fluidos quentes. A água contida nos arenitos certamente alimentou o sistema e se enriqueceu em sílica através da dissolução parcial ou total dos próprios grãos de quartzo dos arenitos. Este fluido hidrotermal foi posteriormente aprisionado em sistemas de fraturas e nelas se resfriou, precipitando a opala e minerais associados.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA
Vivendo em uma paisagem defaunada: fatores determinantes nas relações espaciais de grandes mamíferos
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Irrigação e Drenagem) - FCA
The aim of this study was to estimate milk production and food consumption during the occurrence of heat waves in the Triangulo Mineiro and Alto Paranaiba, MG by means of bioclimatic zoning based on the Temperature and Humidity Index (THI). Therefore a history of heat wave occurrence between the years 2000-2010 was compiled. The decline in milk production (DMP) and reduced food consumption (RFC) were simulated in cities where periods of heat waves were identified. Frutal and Ituiutaba had the highest rate of heat wave occurrence per year. The DMP and RFC showed bioclimatic differences between the cities of Uberaba, Ituiutaba and Frutal. The cities with the best bioclimatic conditions were Sacramento and Patrocinio, as they presented a THI classified outside of the emergency range, with a night THI of below 76 and without heat waves. Therefore, the occurrence of heat waves can impair food intake and decrease milk production, thereby most effectively demonstrating the effects of thermal stress on dairy cows in the Triangulo Mineiro and Alto Paranaiba, MG region.
The lack of environment planning studies in Brazil drives to an imbalance due to a disorderly occupation in some areas. As the youngest Brazilian state facing a fast occupation, Tocantins is included on this situation. In order to provide guidelines for an environment planning studies, this paper is under geoenvironmental zoning which is based on the integration of physical aspects. This detailed study supported by maps elaborated on GIS environment, will be able to present the support for planning studies focused on the potential or limitation of the area
This study characterizes the city of Cristais Paulista (SP) the occurrence of lithologies formal and allostratigraphic units (new sedimentary deposits) and soil, through mapping, determining the material properties in laboratory and field, based on the data it is proposed evolutionary pattern for the residual material weathered and transported (allostratigraphic units), with the integration of the all data was generated as a final product Zoning Geoenvironmental in the study area is an important tool for urban planning area.
The disorded and unnplaned occupation is not recent in out territory but it concerns to a historical territorial invasion that roots the time of our country discovery. However, they have started to cause issues nowadays, as in the case of urban conurbations. Somehow these unorganized urban, industrial and agricultural occupations did not have any sort of information or indication of the appropriate situation at that time. Because of that there has been researches by several groups to induce the users of the several renewable and non renewable resources to explore them according to their natural potential capacity.The Ceramic Pole of Santa Gertrudes, the national largest producer of ceramic tile, faces this problem of disorder occupation. Among other themes, the reorganization of the physical environment, proposed by several groups of researchers and scholars of this subject, is gaining attention now.The method of Geoenvironmental Zoning results in a way of prevention from this issue. Crossing information of the physical environment and generating maps whose areas and subdivisions have similar characteristics, it is possible to manage studies and handle these areas according to their potentiality.
In the last few decades, Brazil has experienced an accelerated urbanization process in which many cities have grown in a disorderly way occupying environmentally fragile areas unsuitable for habitation. Anthropogenic actions such as high levels of impermeable soil, structural changes in watercourses, lack of riparian vegetation, illegal presence of trash and rubbish along the river banks added to irregular settlements in floodplains result in the rise of high risk areas. When accompanied by intense and prolonged rainfall phenomena, those areas have been the scenery of serious accidents such as floods. This study aims to classify the level of the risk of floods in the neighborhood of Jardim Inocoop, in the town of Rio Claro, São Paulo countryside, Brazil. One of the main technical support to tackle this issue is the identification and classification of the risks. In order to classify the risk level of flood in this case study, the methodology adopted was developed by the Ministry of Cities and Technology Research Institute, and take into account the arrangement of the hydrological scenario, vulnerability of households and dangerous process according to the distance of the houses from the axis of drainage. Therefore, the risk levels adopted to classify are listed below: very high (MA), high risk (A), moderate (M) and low risk (B). In conclusion, it is imperative to develop prevention plans in order to avoid or to minimize the damages caused by natural disasters. Therefore, the zoning of the risk sceneries remains as an important issue once it helps to identify the areas with high level risk of flood. Consequently, the occupation must be regulated where there is low or absent risk and it must be often forbidden where the high risk of flood is detected. Thus, the present study remains as an attempt to notify the risk of floods through its spatialization on a map, remainig...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
The region of the biome Cerrado is under threat due to the replacement of their native areas for expansion of agriculture and livestock. This occupation is responsible for the loss of about 50% of two million square kilometers of original native savannah. The land use, without control or zoning, has caused serious damage to natural resources of this biome, considered as an international hotspot area. As a result, some problems caused by ecological imbalances already topping the urban and rural environments, such as species extinction, water scarcity and desertification. Any occupation in this biome should be evaluated with caution, because this region, besides being considered one of the most productive of Brazil, is also rich in biodiversity and water resources. The understanding of the importance of the Cerrado biome and its remaining areas, allows the preparation of detailed studies of environmental valuation, which is essential for the development of conservation policies, avoiding even greater environmental impacts. To meet the growing demand for food, you can increase productivity through agroforestry, for example, and to preserve the remaining areas, you can create new protected areas and tailor existing units
Planning is an essential instrument for the agricultural occupation of the lands, because it supports the activities of food production and raw materials. It must be driven by techniques that provide the sustainability of these activities, so that also ensures the environmental balance of agroecosystems. Lands misuse can be considered as one of the causes of frustration of agricultural activities. Thus, the occurrence of discrepancies between the effective use (real use) of the land and its agricultural aptitude can compete, in many cases, to the decrease of productivity, as well as for soil degradation. In this way, this research intends to study the relationship between the temporary cultivations, halfperennial cultures, perennial and its developmental environment, determining the edaphoclimatic characteristics of landscapes. From then on, a letter shall be subject to the use and occupation of the soil for agriculture in the municipality of Cristais Paulista-SP, aiming to describe the spatial organization of land use and vegetation cover, and emphasizing management and conservative practices. For that, climatic factors were characterized, fundamentally humidity, temperature and luminosity; edaphics, including parental material, chemical and physical properties, fertility, soil temperature and climatic zoning; biotic, referring to the suitability of different cultures or to be implanted; physical, such as geomorphology, slope, geology, hypsometry and hydrology; socioeconomic, in particular production and marketing seasons; and the way they all, together, affect the adaptation, distribution and production of crops. Using this information, the zoning of the area of study was done based on the 21 nominated groups obtained, in addition to recommendations and suggestions for handling each type of cultivation... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)