907 resultados para Zambrano, María (1904-1991)


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Back cover. We Need Your Help! Map.


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This series will include all those people who, by means of their contributions, great and small, played a part in the consolidation of ichthyology in Argentina. The general plan of this work consists of individual factsheets containing a list of works by each author, along with reference bibliography and, whenever possible, personal pictures and additional material. The datasheets will be published primarily in chronological order, although this is subject to change by the availability of materials for successive editions. This work represents another approach for the recovery and revalorization of those who set the foundations of Argentine ichthyology while in diverse historical circumstances. I expect this to be the beginning of a major work that achieves the description of such a significant part of the history of natural sciences in Argentina.


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Front cover. Title page. Photo of Prince Philip.


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Este trabalho discute conjuntos de relações político-institucionais entre movimentos negros e Estado no Brasil e Colômbia de uma perspectiva comparativa entre os anos de 1991 e 2006. Procuro mostrar que ambos os países tem histórias de formação racial que se assemelham e se diferenciam substancialmente. Tais semelhanças e diferenças, como por exemplo, a construção do mito da democracia racial e a ideologia da mestiçagem, irão influenciar os modos pelos quais os movimentos negros brasileiros e colombianos tem negociado políticas de superação das desigualdades raciais com o Estado. Argumento que Brasil e Colômbia adotaram políticas raciais racistas entre fins do século XIX e as primeiras décadas do século XX, proibindo a entrada de imigrantes negros, asiáticos e árabes e incentivando a entrada de imigrantes europeus. A principal justificativa era de que estes últimos impulsionariam o desenvolvimento econômico, quando na realidade o propósito era o de embranquecer a população existente naquele momento, composta majoritariamente de negros e mestiços. Após os anos de 1990, a ideia de políticas raciais ganha novos contornos, passando a significar políticas públicas de promoção da igualdade racial e de reconhecimento identitário dos afrodescendentes. Neste sentido, as políticas de ação afirmativa passam a ser demandadas pelos movimentos negros de ambos os países como políticas raciais


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No âmbito do ensino-aprendizagem de línguas adicionais, pesquisas acerca do desenvolvimento da oralidade têm demonstrado que se trata de um fenômeno multidimensional. Nakatani (2010) mostrou que o domínio de estratégias comunicacionais são indicadores de desempenho linguístico e se relacionam com a proficiência do aprendiz; Kang, Rubin e Pickering (2010) observaram que os traços fonológicos afetam a percepção sobre inteligibilidade e proficiência; Hewitt e Stephenson (2011), e Ahmadian (2012) indicaram que as condições psicológicas individuais interferem na qualidade da produção oral. Escribano (2004) sugeriu que a referência contextual é essencial na construção de sentido; Gao (2011) apontou os benefícios do ensino baseado na construção do sentido, a partir de metáforas conceptuais (LAKOFF e JOHNSON, 1980), codificação dupla (CLARK e PAIVIO, 1991) e esquemas imagéticos (LAKOFF, 1987); e Ellis e Ferreira-Junior (2009) demonstraram que as construções exibem efeitos de recência e priming, afetando o uso da linguagem dos parceiros interacionais. Tais estudos apontam para a natureza complexa da aquisição de L2, mas o fazem dentro do paradigma experimental da psicolinguística. Já Larsen-Freeman (2006), demonstra que a fluência, a precisão e a complexidade desenvolvem-se com o tempo, com alto grau de variabilidade, dentro do paradigma da Teoria da Complexidade. Em viés semelhante, Paiva (2011) observa que os sistemas de Aquisição de Segunda Língua (ASL) são auto-organizáveis. Esses trabalhos, no entanto, não abordaram aprendizes de L2 com proficiência inicial, como pretendo fazer aqui. Tendo como referenciais teóricos a Teoria da Complexidade e a Linguística Cognitiva, o presente trabalho apresenta um estudo de caso, qualitativo-interpretativista, com nuances quantitativos, que discute os processos de adaptação que emergiram na expressão oral de um grupo de aprendizes iniciantes de inglês como língua adicional no contexto vocacional. Parte do entendimento de que na sala de aula vários (sub)sistemas complexos coocorrem, covariando e coadaptando-se em diferentes níveis. A investigação contou com dados transcritos de três avaliações coletados ao longo de 28 horas de aula, no domínio ENTREVISTA DE EMPREGO. Após observar a produção oral das aprendizes, criei uma taxonomia para categorizar as adaptações que ocorreram na sintaxe, semântica, fonologia e pragmática da língua-alvo. Posteriormente organizei as categorias em níveis de prototipicidade (ROSCH et al, 1976) de acordo com as adaptações mais frequentes. Finalmente, avaliei a inteligibilidade de cada elocução, classificando-as em três níveis. A partir desses dados, descrevi como a prática oral dessas participantes emergiu e se desenvolveu ao longo das 28 horas. Os achados comprovam uma das premissas da Linguística Cognitiva ao mostrarem que os níveis de descrição linguística funcionam conjuntamente em prol do sucesso comunicacional. Além disso, demonstram que a função do professor, como discutem LARSEN-FREEMAN e CAMERON (2008), não é gerar uniformidade, mas sim oportunizar vivências que estabeleçam continuidade entre o mundo, o corpo e a mente


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In this report, accurate data from coastal stations and from the Vridi hydrological station were gathered. The used experiments took place from 1989 to 1991.


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In the past stock assessment surveys were generally reactive in response to a particular problem e.g. a pollution incident and as such were limited in the information they provided. A programme of strategic stock assessment would be more beneficial, providing up to date information on the status and composition of the stock. On a national level this could reveal trends in population dynamics and enable comparisons to be made between key rivers and between regions. The Stock Assessment Task Group (1991) has recommended annual strategic surveys for juvenile salmonids and triennial strategic surveys for coarse fish and non- migratory salmonids. The aim of this pilot study was to gain information on species distribution and their relative abundance within the River Lune catchment, and to compare the findings with the surveys carried out between 1981-1985. This would provide valuable information on the current status of the stock and provide an indication of the resources required to conduct such strategic surveys on other river catchments in the North West Region of the National Rivers Authority.


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This report summarises the fisheries electrofishing survey work undertaken on the River Lune, England, in the period 1981-85 and 1991. As part of a long term monitoring programme by the National Rivers Authority, juvenile surveys, with the emphasis on salmonids, have been carried out on the River Lune on a number of occasions since 1981. The latest survey in 1991 now gives the opportunity to assess what, if any, changes have occurred in the juvenile populations across the last 11 years and how future fisheries management may impact on the River Lune as a fishery. The areas of trout and salmon, fry and parr production will be considered in detail, as will adult trout populations. Water quality issues will be mentioned briefly as will habitat issues, where they are deemed to be important in affecting fish densities.


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1000 log books were issued to anglers of which 236 were returned, those from the rivers Derwent, Kent, Lune and Ribble accounted for the vast majority. The Derwent had the highest catch rate of these rivers: one salmon every 13.89 hours followed by the Lune, Kent and Ribble at 16.39, 18.87 and 35.71 hours, respectively. For sea trout the Lune, Derwent and Ribble had a catch rate of approximately one fish every 10.0 hours (9.8, 10.0 and 10.64 hours),and for the Kent one fish per 16.1 hours fished. Salmon angling visits were, in general,longer than those for sea trout being between 2 and 6 hours as opposed to 2 to 4 hours. On the majority of visits (>80%) no fish were caught and was the same for salmon and sea trout. For salmon the majority of fish were caught on fly, spinner or worm, and the least on prawn. For sea trout fly predominated. The majority of salmon caught were less than 91b in weight and were presumed to be grilse (1 sea winter). The majority of the sea trout caught weighed between 1 and 31b. The pattern of catch, effort, CPUE, abundance and catchability for salmon and sea trout were modelled using the data from the rivers Derwent, Kent and Lune. Flow significantly influenced catch, effort and catchability of salmon which had entered in a particular month. For sea trout flow was not significantly correlated with any of the dependent variables. The catchability coefficient for salmon, determined from the total number of fish, remained relatively constant over the period June to October indicating that CPUE was a reasonable measure of within season abundance. This was not found to be the case for sea trout.


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This annual report is presented under the following major headings: 1) acting officer-in-charge's report; 2) project coordinator's report; 3) evaluation of some components of the Lake Kariba "kapenta fishing unit"; 4) comparative study of growth of Limnothrissa miodon (Boulenger) in Lake Kariba; 5) the pre-recruitment ecology of the freshwater sardine Limnothrissa miodon (Boulenger) in Lake Kariba; 6) the ecology of the inshore fishery of Lake Kariba; the biology of Synodontis zambezensis ; 7) database; and, 8) publications.


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This statistical report covers catch records from the Zimbabwe part of Lake Kariba for the period 1974-1991. Landings, catches and fishing effort statistics are included for both the kapenta and the inshore artisanal fishing sectors.


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This fisheries report summarises developments of the year 1991 in the region of the North West Water Authority. It provides catch statistics, rod and line and commercial catches for salmon and sea trout, fish culture and hatchery operations, restocking with trout and freshwater fish, upstream fish movement recorded at authority fish counters, counts of salmon and sea trout spawning redds, fish mortalities, licences issued, and prosecutions. Among the streams that are covered in the report are the River Lune, River Kent, River Leven, River Duddon, River Ribble, River Wyre, River Derwent and River Esk.


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[ES] La iglesia de Santa María tiene una planta de unos 22x18 metros y cuenta con tres pórticos (sur, oeste y norte) así como una espadaña exenta. Adyacente al sudeste se encuentra la ermita de Santa Lucía. Las excavaciones arqueológicas de dos zonas de unos 6 x 3 metros en el interior y el exterior de la iglesia sirven como hilo conductor a las jornadas de puertas abiertas al público.