304 resultados para Wonder.


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Who invents medicines for the poor of the world? This question becomes very important where the WTO allows low income countries to be unbound by the TRIPS agreement. This agreement concerns medicines for infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. These diseases cause serious damage to low income countries. Under these circumstances, some scholars wonder if anyone will continue innovative activities related to treating these diseases. This paper sought to answer this question by collecting and analyzing patent data of medicines and vaccines for diseases using the database of the Japan Patent Office. Results indicate that private firms have led in innovation not only for global diseases such as HIV/AIDS but also diseases such as malaria that are spreading exclusively in low income countries. Innovation for the three infectious diseases is diverse among firms, and frequent patent applications by high-performing pharmaceutical firms appear prominent even after R&D expenditure, economies of scale, and economies of scope are taken into account.


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La usabilidad es un atributo de la calidad del software que se encuentra en la mayoría de las clasificaciones. En este contexto, se entiende por usabilidad la medida en que un producto satisface las necesidades de los stakeholders para alcanzar determinados objetivos de eficacia, eficiencia y satisfacción sin efectos adversos en un contexto específico de uso. En este contexto, no es de extrañar que la usabilidad sea cada vez más reconocida como uno de los factores críticos para la aceptación de un sistema software. En la literatura se encuentran recomendaciones para mejorar la usabilidad de los sistemas software. Sin embargo, no existen datos empíricos que demuestren cómo estas recomendaciones contribuyen positiva o negativamente a cada atributo de usabilidad. En este contexto, el objetivo de la tesis doctoral es la obtención de evidencias empíricas sobre el impacto de la inclusión de mecanismos de usabilidad en un sistema software, más concretamente en los atributos de eficacia, eficiencia y satisfacción-- En esta tesis doctoral se trabaja con mecanismos de usabilidad con gran impacto en la arquitectura software, ya que los mismos deben ser especialmente considerados durante el proceso de desarrollo software. Para obtener evidencias empíricas sobre la inclusión de dichos mecanismos, se ha realizado un experimento piloto y 4 experimentos definitivos utilizando aplicaciones software especialmente desarrolladas para tal fin. Una vez realizada la contrastación empírica de la influencia de estos mecanismos para diferentes sistemas software se pueden realizar las siguientes recomendaciones generales: -La inclusión de cada uno de los mecanismos considerados aumenta considerablemente la satisfacción del usuario en su interacción con las aplicaciones software. -La inclusión de aquellos mecanismos que introducen cuadros de interacción adicionales, disminuye la eficiencia de los usuarios, ya que aumenta el tiempo de duración de las tareas. -Existen una serie de mecanismos que como consecuencia de su ausencia en las aplicaciones resulta imposible la realización de las tareas asociadas a los mismos. Dentro de éste grupo de mecanismos se encuentran aquellos que permiten cancelar o deshacer acciones previamente tomadas y aquellos que provean ayuda en la introducción de información en formularios. Esto implica que su presencia permite la realización exitosa de las tareas y como consecuencia la interacción es mucho más eficaz. En definitiva, se ha encontrado que los distintos mecanismos de usabilidad tienen un impacto diferente en cada atributo, dependiendo su inclusión del/los atributos a potenciar en cada proyecto. Usability is an aspect of software quality that´s found in most classifications. In this context usability is understood as the measure in which a product satisfies the needs of the stakeholders in order to reach certain effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction goals without adverse sideeffects in a specific context of use. It´s no wonder usability is increasingly being recognized as one of the critical factors for the acceptance of a software system. Recommendations are found in literature to improve the usability of software systems. Nevertheless, there is no empirical data that shows how these recommendations contribute positively or negatively to each usability aspect. In this context, the objective of this doctoral thesis is to obtain empirical evidence on the impact of the inclusion of usability mechanisms in a software system, specifically in the attributes of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction. This doctoral thesis deals with usability mechanisms of great impact in software architecture, since they have to be considered during the software development process. In order to get empirical evidence on the inclusion of such mechanisms, a pilot experiment and four definitive experiments have been performed through software applications especially developed for this end. Once the empirical assessment of the influence of these mechanisms on different software systems has been performed, the following general recommendations can be made: -The inclusion of each of the considered mechanisms considerably increases the user´s satisfaction in his interaction with software applications. -The inclusion of those mechanisms that introduce additional interaction frames diminishes the efficiency of the users, since it increases task duration time. -As a consequence of being absent in applications, there is a series of mechanisms whose associated tasks are impossible to perform. Within this group we find those mechanisms that allow cancelling or undoing previous actions, and those that provide help with the introduction of information in forms. This implies that their presence allows the successful completion of tasks, and as a consequence, the interaction is much more effective. In summary, it has been found that the diverse usability mechanisms has a different impact on each attribute, and their inclusion depends on the attribute or attributes to enhance in each project.


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Los fundamentos de la Teoría de la Decisión Bayesiana proporcionan un marco coherente en el que se pueden resolver los problemas de toma de decisiones. La creciente disponibilidad de ordenadores potentes está llevando a tratar problemas cada vez más complejos con numerosas fuentes de incertidumbre multidimensionales; varios objetivos conflictivos; preferencias, metas y creencias cambiantes en el tiempo y distintos grupos afectados por las decisiones. Estos factores, a su vez, exigen mejores herramientas de representación de problemas; imponen fuertes restricciones cognitivas sobre los decisores y conllevan difíciles problemas computacionales. Esta tesis tratará estos tres aspectos. En el Capítulo 1, proporcionamos una revisión crítica de los principales métodos gráficos de representación y resolución de problemas, concluyendo con algunas recomendaciones fundamentales y generalizaciones. Nuestro segundo comentario nos lleva a estudiar tales métodos cuando sólo disponemos de información parcial sobre las preferencias y creencias del decisor. En el Capítulo 2, estudiamos este problema cuando empleamos diagramas de influencia (DI). Damos un algoritmo para calcular las soluciones no dominadas en un DI y analizamos varios conceptos de solución ad hoc. El último aspecto se estudia en los Capítulos 3 y 4. Motivado por una aplicación de gestión de embalses, introducimos un método heurístico para resolver problemas de decisión secuenciales. Como muestra resultados muy buenos, extendemos la idea a problemas secuenciales generales y cuantificamos su bondad. Exploramos después en varias direcciones la aplicación de métodos de simulación al Análisis de Decisiones. Introducimos primero métodos de Monte Cario para aproximar el conjunto no dominado en problemas continuos. Después, proporcionamos un método de Monte Cario basado en cadenas de Markov para problemas con información completa con estructura general: las decisiones y las variables aleatorias pueden ser continuas, y la función de utilidad puede ser arbitraria. Nuestro esquema es aplicable a muchos problemas modelizados como DI. Finalizamos con un capítulo de conclusiones y problemas abiertos.---ABSTRACT---The foundations of Bayesian Decisión Theory provide a coherent framework in which decisión making problems may be solved. With the advent of powerful computers and given the many challenging problems we face, we are gradually attempting to solve more and more complex decisión making problems with high and multidimensional uncertainty, múltiple objectives, influence of time over decisión tasks and influence over many groups. These complexity factors demand better representation tools for decisión making problems; place strong cognitive demands on the decison maker judgements; and lead to involved computational problems. This thesis will deal with these three topics. In recent years, many representation tools have been developed for decisión making problems. In Chapter 1, we provide a critical review of most of them and conclude with recommendations and generalisations. Given our second query, we could wonder how may we deal with those representation tools when there is only partial information. In Chapter 2, we find out how to deal with such a problem when it is structured as an influence diagram (ID). We give an algorithm to compute nondominated solutions in ID's and analyse several ad hoc solution concepts.- The last issue is studied in Chapters 3 and 4. In a reservoir management case study, we have introduced a heuristic method for solving sequential decisión making problems. Since it shows very good performance, we extend the idea to general problems and quantify its goodness. We explore then in several directions the application of simulation based methods to Decisión Analysis. We first introduce Monte Cario methods to approximate the nondominated set in continuous problems. Then, we provide a Monte Cario Markov Chain method for problems under total information with general structure: decisions and random variables may be continuous, and the utility function may be arbitrary. Our scheme is applicable to many problems modeled as IDs. We conclude with discussions and several open problems.


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Machinability of materials is one of the factors that make us wonder what tools to use and what material is best suited for a particular cutting tool and which process is more efficient in the production of a component. In the case of parts for the aerospace industry, manufacturing processes assume greater importance due to the extreme demands on reliability and quality.


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El motivo de abordar esta Tesis responde al hecho personal de haber vivido históricamente momentos cumbre de la Construcción Naval en España y no dejar de plantearme, a pesar de mi distancia del sector desde el punto de vista profesional, en las opciones de futuro para volver a ser competitivos en un sector que ha tenido un peso tan importante en la economía española, y que tanto ha ilusionado a centenares de profesionales y compañeros a lo largo de muchas décadas con el optimismo de estar aportando valor para que España fuera competitiva. A lo largo de los últimos años, y la relación con el ámbito de la dirección de Empresas desde el punto de vista de una Escuela de Negocios, así como el contacto con enfoques estratégicos en sectores muy diversos me animó a plantearme la Tesis con el objetivo de reflejar el estado actual del sector y poder valorar alternativas de futuro para la Construcción Naval española, aun sabiendo que son muchos los “maestros” realmente autorizados en nuestros país, con amplios conocimientos y experiencia, que muchas veces, a pesar de las propuestas y de los esfuerzos que han realizado para impulsar el sector, se han encontrado con situaciones adversas, bien de tipo económico, social‐laboral, político ‐a nivel nacional, europeo o global‐, etc., que han impedido un fortalecimiento del sector como todos hubiéramos deseado. La presión histórica ejercida por los países competidores en Construcción naval del ámbito asiático y lejano oriente, así como los compromisos derivados de las Directivas europeas, han obligado al sector de la Construcción Naval en España a buscar unos nuevos posicionamientos estratégicos presentes y, sobre todo, de futuro. Partiendo de un análisis del sector naval, tanto del mercado nacional como del internacional, con especial foco en los países líderes, se plantea investigar, siguiendo el modelo de Porter, las fuerzas competitivas que han influido en estas últimas décadas y que han conducido a la situación actual, valorando la estructura competitiva, el entorno relevante y los efectos de la globalización, con las amenazas de los nuevos y actuales competidores y las barreras existentes. Para abordar esta investigación se ha realizado un análisis del sector naval con la siguiente metodología: 1. Análisis del estado actual de la construcción naval en España. 2. Análisis del estado actual de la construcción naval en el mundo. 3. Estudio de la demanda en el mercado y evolución de la misma en los últimos años: muy centrada en los países líderes y más competitivos. 4. Estudio de las perspectivas de negocio en el sector marítimo y oceánico: estudio particular del transporte marítimo y una comparativa con la explotación de recursos oceánicos. Finalmente se decidió no abordar por falta de datos de futuro las construcciones militares. 5. Estudio de características de la industria naval española y capacidad de los astilleros. Se ha focalizado especialmente en la construcción para valorar la capacidad de futuro. 6. Análisis de fuerzas competitivas de la industria naval española a partir del modelo de Porter. En esta parte se incluyen alguno de los factores críticos externos e internos que ayudan a identificar barreras y estrategias en el entorno de la construcción naval como sector global. 7. Identificación de las oportunidades de negocio hacia el 2050. 8. Alternativas para una estrategia competitiva de actuación frente a las oportunidades de futuro en el 2050. Con esta Tesis se aporta un estudio competitivo actualizado, de acuerdo con el modelo de Porter, con el fin de proponer una posible estrategia competitiva de futuro, que posicione competitivamente la industria naval y el sector marítimo en España en las próximas décadas. ABSTRACT The reason for addressing this thesis responds to my personal experience about having lived historical moments summit Shipbuilding in Spain. Despite my distance from this industry from a professional point of view, I have never stopped wonder myself which are the options for the future to become competitive in an industry that has had such an important weight in the Spanish economy, which has excited so hundreds of professionals and peers through many decades with optimism to be adding value to Spain in order to be competitive again. Over recent years, and the relationship with the field of business management from the point of view of a business school, as well as contact with strategic approaches in diverse sectors encouraged me to wonder Thesis order to reflect the current state of the sector and to evaluate future alternatives for the Spanish Shipbuilding, knowing that many "teachers" really allowed in our country, with extensive knowledge and experience that often, despite proposals and the efforts that have been made to boost the sector, have met with adverse situations, whether economic, social and labor, political kind ‐at national, European or global‐level, etc., that have prevented a strengthening of all sectors we wished. The historical pressure from competing countries in Shipbuilding Asian area and Far East, as well as commitments arising from EU directives, have forced the shipbuilding industry in Spain to seek a new strategic positions present and, above all, future. Starting from an analysis of the shipbuilding sector, both national and international market, with special focus on the leading countries, we propose to investigate, following the model of Porter, the competitive forces that have influenced recent decades and have led to the current situation, assessing the competitive structure of the relevant environment and the effects of globalization, with the threat of new and existing competitors and barriers. To address this research has analyzed the naval sector with the following methodology: 1. Analysis of the current state of shipbuilding in Spain. 2. Analysis of the current state of shipbuilding in the world. 3. Study of the demand in the market and evolution of the same in recent years: very focused on the leading and most competitive countries. 4. Study of business prospects in the maritime and oceanic sector: private study of maritime transport and a comparison with the exploitation of ocean resources. Finally it was decided not to address a lack of data future military construction. 5. Study of characteristics of the Spanish shipbuilding and shipyard capacity. It is particularly focused on building the capacity to assess future. 6. Analysis of competitive forces of the Spanish shipbuilding industry from the model of Porter. In this part they include some critics of the external and internal factors that help identify barriers and strategies in the environment of global shipbuilding sector. 7. Identification of business opportunities by 2050. 8. Alternatives to a competitive strategy of action against future opportunities in 2050. This thesis has sought to provide a competitive study updated according to Porter's model, in order to propose a possible future competitive strategy to reach a competitive position at the shipbuilding industry and the maritime sector in Spain in the coming decades. The historical pressure from competing countries in the Asian sphere Shipbuilding and Far East, as well as commitments arising from EU directives have forced the shipbuilding industry in Spain to seek a new strategic positioning. Starting from an analysis of the shipbuilding sector, both national and international market, with a special focus on the leading countries, it is proposed to analyze, following the model of Porter, the competitive forces that have influenced in recent decades and have led to the current situation, studying the competitive structure of the relevant environment and the effects of globalization, with the threat of new and existing competitors and barriers. It concludes with a forecast of future market and business opportunities arising in the global environment of maritime and naval Industry, in order to propose a possible competitive strategy for the near future, which could help to achieve a competitive position on the shipbuilding and maritime sector in Spain for the coming decades.


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This study, using the portraiture methodology, provides an analysis of the lifelong significance of an undergraduate program that integrates literature with an outdoor experiential platform. With limited research on long-term effects of an academic outdoor experiential course on one's life, there is space to wonder about the prospect and nature of the long-term significance of an academic course that may offer technical skill, intrapersonal and interpersonal development, and also the delivery of subject matter related to a traditional or mainstream academic area of study. Utilizing an academic skills-oriented lens as well as a character strengths lens, portraits were crafted of four former participants of the University of Michigan's New England Literature Program (NELP) to shed light on the long-term influence of this type of course, crucial participant characteristics that contribute to the program's impact, and specific components of the program that are particularly integral to the course's efficacy. Since 1975, each spring term a small contingent of students and educators has lived in the woods in the New England region as a community of learners, artists and explorers. NELP is an exemplar of a longstanding undergraduate academic English course that integrates the literature of New England writers, exploratory writing and student experiences relating to regional literature and the land. Emergent themes of this course's long-term influence on former participants include increased collaborative skills, increased self-confidence and self-knowledge, a reinforcement of lifelong relationships with the outdoors, and nurtured creativity. For participants to reap benefit from this course, it was important for them to enter with maturity to conduct themselves with openness to new experiences, relationships, and extensive reflection. Findings relating to the integral components of such a program include that of being place-based, oriented towards process, and being an intentional, collaborative community.


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A French biologist who moved in Surrealist circles, Jean Painlevé began making films about underwater creatures in 1927, and by 1982 had created over two hundred films on a broad range of natural, scientific, and political subjects. His underwater films remain the most ethereal and poetic works in his oeuvre, and he specifically used cinema to capture the mystery and wonder of nature.


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Samurai Son is a story that captures the beauty, wonder and imagination of Japanese legends and mythology with some modern-day sensibilities and morals against the backdrop of medieval Japan. The story blends Shinto religion and stories about the tengu, bird-like wind spirits with a modern plotline in a Japanese fantasy universe. This world is filled with magic, demons, kami (magical spirits), gods and goddesses, samurai, ninja and martial arts.


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This study is in the frame of the cooperative line that several Spanish Universities and other foreign partners started with the Haitian government in 2010. According to our studies (Benito et al. in An evaluation of seismic hazard in La Hispaniola, after the 2010 Haiti earthquake, 33rd General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Moscow, Russia, 2012) and recent scientific literature, the earthquake hazard in Haiti remains high (Calais et al. in Nat Geosci 3:794–799, 2010). In view of this, we wonder whether the country is currently ready to face another earthquake. In this sense, we estimated several damage scenarios in Port-au-Prince and Cap-Haitien associated to realistic possible major earthquakes. Our findings show that almost 50 % of the building stock of both cities would result uninhabitable due to structural damage. Around 80 % of the buildings in both cities have reinforced concrete structure with concrete block infill; however, the presence of masonry buildings becomes significant (between 25 and 45 % of the reinforced concrete buildings) in rural areas and informal settlements on the outskirts, where the estimated damage is higher. The influence of the soil effect on the damage spatial distribution is evident in both cities. We have found that the percentage of uninhabitable buildings in soft soil areas may be double the percentage obtained in nearby districts located in hard soil. These results reveal that a new seismic catastrophe of similar or even greater consequences than the 2010 Haiti earthquake might happen if the earthquake resilience is not improved in the country. Nowadays, the design of prevention actions and mitigation policies is the best instrument the society has to face seismic risk. In this sense, the results of this research might contribute to define measures oriented to earthquake risk reduction in Haiti, which should be a real priority for national and international institutions.


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Suite à la crise financière de 2008 les pays du G20 se sont interrogés sur la transparence des marchés, la stabilité du système et une façon de réguler les risques posés par le nouvel environnement économique. Les produits dérivés de gré à gré ont été identifiés et des engagements ont été pris en faveur de nouvelles régulations des dérivés de gré à gré et la gestion des risques sous-jacents. Les régulateurs ont donc adopté chacun à leur tour un cadre législatif régulant les dérivés de gré à gré tout en déployant un effort international d'harmonisation et de reconnaissance des contreparties assujetties à des régimes équivalents. Les autorités canadiennes en valeurs mobilières ont publié des projets de règlements. Nous nous interrogerons sur ce nouveau cadre réglementaire des dérivés de gré à gré élaboré par les autorités canadiennes en valeurs mobilières, prenant en considération les spécificités canadiennes et les acteurs actifs sur leur territoire. Notre étude traite de ces projets de règlements et de la difficulté d'encadrer les marchés des dérivés de gré à gré qui par définition ne comportent pas de plateformes de négociation ou de lieu géographique et de frontières mais se caractérisent surtout par le lien contractuel entre les parties et l'identification de ces parties. L'élaboration d'un nouveau cadre pour les dérivés de gré à gré qui régule les transactions transfrontières semble très délicat à traiter et les possibles conflits et chevauchements de lois seront inévitables. Confrontés à des définitions divergentes de contreparties locales, les parties à une opération seront condamnées à un risque de qualification en vertu des règlements nationaux sur les dérivés de gré à gré. Une concertation pourrait être renforcée et la détermination de l'autorité compétente ainsi que les concepts de contreparties locales, succursales ou filiales pourraient être harmonisés.


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Questions regarding oil spills remain high on the political agenda. Legal scholars, legislators as well as the international, European and national Courts struggle to determine key issues, such as who is to be held liable for oil spills, under which conditions and for which damage. The international regime on oil spills was meant to establish an “equilibrium” between the needs of the victims (being compensated for their harm) and the needs of the economic actors (being able to continue their activities). There is, however, a constantly increasing array of legal scholars’ work that criticizes the regime. Indeed, the victims of a recent oil spill, the Erika, have tried to escape the international regime on oil spills and to rely instead on the provisions of national criminal law or EC waste legislation. In parallel, the EC legislator has questioned the sufficiency of the international regime, as it has started preparing legislative acts of its own. One can in fact wonder whether challenging the international liability regime with the European Convention on Human Rights could prove to be a way forward, both for the EC regulators as well as the victims of oil spills. This paper claims that the right to property, as enshrined in Article P1-1 of the Human Rights Convention, could be used to challenge the limited environmental liability provisions of the international frameworks.


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The EU and ASEAN are often compared and seen as relatively successful regional organisations in their respective regions. Yet of late, both regional organisations are under intense scrutiny as they confront challenges posed by the financial crisis and rising geopolitical tensions. Their inability to respond effectively to these challenges has brought about a chorus of criticisms. Noting the current tensions face by both the EU and ASEAN in their respective regions, one could not help but wonder how and if they would be able to deal with the increasing complex security landscape because of a weakened US, and the rise of the rest. This article will compare and contrast the approaches taken by the EU and ASEAN thus far in trying to build peace and prosperity, and how they manage the demands of power politics to distill some lessons on what they can learn from each other in order to navigate an increasingly paradoxical world of economic interdependence but political fragmentation.


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In an attempt to get Europe out of the economic crisis and establish right conditions for growth, the EU coordinates and monitors member states’ economic and budgetary policies via a system called the European Semester. As member states’ spending on the health sector accounts for 10% of GDP and is expected to grow, it is no wonder that an increasing emphasis has been paid to sustainability of health systems – an area that is traditionally considered as a national competence. In this Policy Brief, Annika Hedberg and Martina Morosi reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of the European Semester and country-specific recommendations in promoting more sustainable and efficient health systems in Europe, and why the EU must continue to play a role in encouraging member states to value health and improve their spending on health.


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Suite à la crise financière de 2008 les pays du G20 se sont interrogés sur la transparence des marchés, la stabilité du système et une façon de réguler les risques posés par le nouvel environnement économique. Les produits dérivés de gré à gré ont été identifiés et des engagements ont été pris en faveur de nouvelles régulations des dérivés de gré à gré et la gestion des risques sous-jacents. Les régulateurs ont donc adopté chacun à leur tour un cadre législatif régulant les dérivés de gré à gré tout en déployant un effort international d'harmonisation et de reconnaissance des contreparties assujetties à des régimes équivalents. Les autorités canadiennes en valeurs mobilières ont publié des projets de règlements. Nous nous interrogerons sur ce nouveau cadre réglementaire des dérivés de gré à gré élaboré par les autorités canadiennes en valeurs mobilières, prenant en considération les spécificités canadiennes et les acteurs actifs sur leur territoire. Notre étude traite de ces projets de règlements et de la difficulté d'encadrer les marchés des dérivés de gré à gré qui par définition ne comportent pas de plateformes de négociation ou de lieu géographique et de frontières mais se caractérisent surtout par le lien contractuel entre les parties et l'identification de ces parties. L'élaboration d'un nouveau cadre pour les dérivés de gré à gré qui régule les transactions transfrontières semble très délicat à traiter et les possibles conflits et chevauchements de lois seront inévitables. Confrontés à des définitions divergentes de contreparties locales, les parties à une opération seront condamnées à un risque de qualification en vertu des règlements nationaux sur les dérivés de gré à gré. Une concertation pourrait être renforcée et la détermination de l'autorité compétente ainsi que les concepts de contreparties locales, succursales ou filiales pourraient être harmonisés.


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"A memento of your visit to the du Pont 'Wonder world of chemistry' exhibit at the New York World's fair."--Foreword.