988 resultados para Wolff, Corinna
A macrófita aquática Salvinia auriculata tem sido utilizada em vários programas de monitoramento em corpos d'água passíveis de eutrofização, sendo considerada uma planta bioindicadora. Contudo, sabe-se que a salvínia também tem um potencial fitorremediador, acumulando em seus tecidos concentrações consideráveis de poluentes. Com isso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial fitorremediador e bioindicador dessa planta, avaliando as características morfológicas da salvínia quando submetida a doses excessivas de zinco (Zn), bem como o teor desse metal acumulado em seus tecidos. Os indivíduos foram coletados em águas livres de contaminação e cultivados sob condições controladas, em vasos com solução nutritiva, em casa de vegetação, e submetidos aos tratamentos com zinco na forma de ZnSO4. 7H2O, nas seguintes concentrações: 0; 2,5; 5,0; 7,5; e 10,0 mg L-1. As alterações morfológicas foram observadas diariamente e, após dez dias de exposição dos vegetais ao zinco, procedeu-se à colheita das plantas. As plantas colhidas foram lavadas, secas, pesadas, moídas e digeridas em solução com ácido nítrico e ácido perclórico, obtendo-se extratos para determinação dos teores de zinco por espectrofotometria de absorção atômica. Os resultados indicaram que S. auriculata apresentou danos morfológicos, com o desenvolvimento de lesões e necroses marginais nas folhas em concentrações de zinco na solução superiores à permitida pela legislação, porém não diferiram no que se refere ao crescimento populacional. Em relação ao acúmulo, a absorção de zinco pelas plantas aumentou proporcionalmente com a concentração do metal em solução. O zinco, quando em concentrações elevadas, tornou-se tóxico às plantas, sendo as alterações morfológicas de plantas de S. auriculata de fácil detecção, podendo ser utilizadas no biomonitoramento de ecossistemas aquáticos contaminados com zinco.
A partir do livro Os mistérios da fé, de autoria da principal liderança da Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus, Edir Macedo, procuro refletir sobre a noção de fé e sobre as características do discurso do autor. Considero que, a partir do texto de Macedo, é possível falar sobre estratégias discursivas reproduzidas no interior da denominação, assim como caracterizar as investidas proselististas que se realizam a partir delas. Ao examinar a tradução que Macedo faz sobre a noção de fé nessa publicação, destaco o emprego das idéias de "fé natural" e "fé sobrenatural", sublinhando continuidades e descontinuidades entre mundo secularizado e universo religioso dentro da proposta do autor.
Lisäpainokset: 2. p. 1897.
Lisäpainokset: 2. p. 1897.
The generalized maximum likelihood method was used to determine binary interaction parameters between carbon dioxide and components of orange essential oil. Vapor-liquid equilibrium was modeled with Peng-Robinson and Soave-Redlich-Kwong equations, using a methodology proposed in 1979 by Asselineau, Bogdanic and Vidal. Experimental vapor-liquid equilibrium data on binary mixtures formed with carbon dioxide and compounds usually found in orange essential oil were used to test the model. These systems were chosen to demonstrate that the maximum likelihood method produces binary interaction parameters for cubic equations of state capable of satisfactorily describing phase equilibrium, even for a binary such as ethanol/CO2. Results corroborate that the Peng-Robinson, as well as the Soave-Redlich-Kwong, equation can be used to describe phase equilibrium for the following systems: components of essential oil of orange/CO2.
This work describes a method to predict the solubility of essential oils in supercritical carbon dioxide. The method is based on the formulation proposed in 1979 by Asselineau, Bogdanic and Vidal. The Peng-Robinson and Soave-Redlich-Kwong cubic equations of state were used with the van der Waals mixing rules with two interaction parameters. Method validation was accomplished calculating orange essential oil solubility in pressurized carbon dioxide. The solubility of orange essential oil in carbon dioxide calculated at 308.15 K for pressures of 50 to 70 bar varied from 1.7± 0.1 to 3.6± 0.1 mg/g. For same the range of conditions, experimental solubility varied from 1.7± 0.1 to 3.6± 0.1 mg/g. Predicted values were not very sensitive to initial oil composition.
Variante(s) de titre : Cahiers de Mécislas Golberg
1907/01 (N1)-1907/06 (N2).
A number of synthetically useful ring systems can be prepared via the intramolecular insertion of a metal-stabilized carbenoid into a heteroaromatic systems. The chemical outcome of these reactions are dependent not only on the nature of the heteroatom but also on the length of the aliphatic tether linking the carbenoid moiety with the aromatic fragment. Our work with furanyl and thienyl systems containing a single methylene tether have allowed for some rather atypical chemistry. For example, treatment of l-diazo-3-(2-thienyl)-2-propanone (6) with catalytic rhodium (II) acetate yields 5,6- dihydro-4^-cyclopenta[Z>]thiophen-5-one (3) while, the isomeric l-diazo-3-(3-thienyl)-2- propanone(15) gives a spiro-disulphide (20). Novel chemistry was also exhibited in the analogous furanyl systems. While treatment of l-diazo-3-(3-furanyl)-2-propanone (52) with Rh2(OAc)4 resulted in the expected 2-(4-Oxo-2-cyclopentenyliden)acetaldehyde (54), isomeric l-diazo-3-(2- furanyl)-2-propanone (8) undergoes vinylogous Wolff rearrangement to give a mixture of 6a-methyl-2,3,3a,6a-tetrahydrofuro[2,i-^>]furan-2-one (44) and 2-(2-methyl-3-furyl)acetic acid (43). Rhodium acetate catalyzed decomposition of l-diazo-3-(3-benzofuranyl)-2- propanone (84) and l-diazo-3-(2-benzofuranyl)-2-propanone (69)also allows for vinylogous Wolff rearrangement, a chemistry unseen in benzofuranyl systems with longer tethers. A number of interesting products were isolated from the trapping of intermediate ketenes. Decomposition of l-diazo-3-(3-benzothienyl)-2-propanone (100) resulted in the formation of 2,3-dihydro-l//-benzo[^]cyclopenta[^thiophen-2-one (102). However, in addition to (102), a dimer was also generated from the decomposition of l-diazo-3-(2- benzothienyl)-2-propanone (109). The insight into the mechanistic underpinnings of the above reactions are provided by molecular modeling at a PM3 level.
Sport for Development (SFD) uses the power of sport to support international development initiatives that affect social change and empower under-resourced communities (Levermore, 2008a). Currently, there are more than 1,000 SFD organizations globally (Doyle, Payne, & Wolff, 2011) working to enact change and development initiatives in the least developed regions of the world. Stakeholders are key components of the long-term sustainability, development, and success of these SFD organizations. The purpose of this research is to examine the relationships between SFD organizations and their stakeholders through the lens of social responsibility (SR). Through the analysis of interviews conducted with SFD leaders and their stakeholders, this research offers a modified version of Carroll’s (1979) four categories of SR. This modified version addresses the differences that exist with SFD stakeholder relationships from the perspectives of the organizations and their stakeholders. Further, broader implications will be discussed in terms of compatibility and long-term sustainability.
Die Polymerisation von α-Olefinen mit Derivaten von Gruppe-4-Metallocenen ist von großem technologischen Interesse. In den letzten Jahren hat sich bei der Suche nach metallocenalternativen Präkatalysatoren u.a. aufgrund der theoretischen Arbeiten von Ziegler gezeigt, dass Di(amido)-Chelatkomplexe mit Gruppe-4-Metallen vielversprechende Spezies für die α-Olefinpolymerisation darstellen. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit sollten die stereoelektronischen Eigenschaften solcher Komplexe durch Arylgruppen mit sterisch anspruchsvollen Alkylsubstituenten beeinflusst werden. Weitere interessante Eigenschaften sollten durch die die Stickstoffatome verbrückende Ferroceneinheit erzielt werden, da diese als molekulares Kugellager und redoxaktive Schaltereinheit fungieren kann. Die Di(arylamino)ferrocenligandvorstufen Fe[(C5H4)NHPh]2, Fe[(C5H4)NH(2,6-C6H3Me2)]2 und Fe[(C5H4)NH(2,4,6-i-Pr3C6H2)]2 konnten durch Hartwig-Buchwald-artige Kreuzkupplung von 1,1´-Diaminoferrocen mit dem jeweiligen Arylbromid erhalten werden. Dagegen misslangen über diese Syntheseroute zahlreiche Versuche zur Synthese von Derivaten mit Substituenten in meta-Position des Arylringes. Die Darstellung der Titan- und Zirkoniumchelatkomplexe gelang durch Metathesereaktion der Di(arylamino)ferrocene mit M(NMe2)4 bzw. M(CH2Ph)4 (M = Ti, Zr), die unter Eliminierung von 2 Äquivalenten HNMe2 bzw. Toluol ablaufen. Dabei zeigte sich, dass bei sterisch anspruchsvollen Di(arylamino)ferrocenligandsystemen keine Metathesereaktion mit Ti(NMe2)4 möglich ist, was auch für analoge Reaktionen mit Ti(CH2Ph)4 zu erwarten ist. Ganz anders sind dagegen die Verhältnisse in der Zirkoniumchemie. Hier konnten durch Umsetzung von Fe[(C5H4)NH(2,4,6-i-Pr3C6H2)]2 mit Zr(NMe2)4 bzw. Zr(CH2Ph)4 die Komplexe [{Fe[C5H4(NC6H2-2,4,6-i-Pr3)]2}Zr(NMe2)2] und [{Fe[C5H4(NC6H2-2,4,6-i-Pr3)]2}Zr(CH2Ph)2] dargestellt werden. Hier findet sich eine senkrechte Anordnung der Arylringe zur Chelatringebene, die die nach Ziegler günstige Orbitalüberlappung ermöglicht, die zu einer besonders hohen katalytischen Aktivität dieser Komplexe in der Ethylenpolymerisation führen sollte. Nach üblicher Aktivierung zeigen diese Komplexe jedoch nur niedrige Aktivitäten in der Ethylenpolymerisation. Ob strukturelle Parameter für dieses Ergebnis verantwortlich sind, oder sogar Defizite im Ziegler-Modell vorliegen, sollte Gegenstand zukünftiger Untersuchungen sein.