986 resultados para Wolff, Charlotta


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Lisäpainokset: 2. p. 1897.


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Syftet med denna avhandling är att beskriva svenskspråkiga elevers uppfattningar om och erfarenheter av att gå i en samlokaliserad skola med finskspråkiga elever. Utgående från syftet har tre forskningsfrågor utformats:1. Har de svenskspråkiga elevernas kontakt med de finskspråkiga eleverna förändrats, och i så fall på vilket sätt? 2. Har de svenskspråkiga elevernas användning av det finska språket förändrats, och i så fall på vilket sätt? 3. Har de svenskspråkiga elevernas attityder gentemot de finskspråkiga eleverna förändrats, och i så fall på vilket sätt? Som datainsamlingsmetod används kvalitativa par- och gruppintervjuer. Respondenterna är 11 elever i en samlokaliserad skola och de intervjuas för första gången våren 2010 när de går i årskurs 2. Samma respondenter intervjuas på nytt i december 2012 när de går i årskurs 5. Resultaten redovisas i avhandlingen med hjälp av narrativa berättelser enskilt för varje par och grupp. I slutet av resultatredovisningen jämförs även de förändringar som skett inom varje par och grupp sinsemellan för att läsaren ska få en helhetsbild av förändringarna. Undersökningen visar att det inte skett någon förändring i de svenskspråkiga elevernas kontakt med de finskspråkiga eleverna, men att en vilja till en ökad kontakt har vuxit fram under åren i den samlokaliserade skolan. Det har inte heller skett någon markant förändring i de svenskspråkiga elevernas användning av det finska språket. Även de svenskspråkiga elevernas attityder gentemot de finskspråkiga eleverna har hållits stabila för en del elever, samtidigt som attitydutvecklingen för en del flickor varit positiv. Med hjälp av avhandlingens resultat kan elevernas uppfattningar och erfarenheter tas i beaktande när samlokaliserade skolor planerar sin vardag och funderar på samarbete över språkgränsen. Avhandlingens resultat och elevernas åsikter kan även tas i beaktande när beslut om samlokaliserade skolor görs inför framtiden.


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Invokaatio: D.D.


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Dedikaatio: Johan Gustaf Grunér [ruots. pr.], Hedvig Charlotta Grunér född Chöler [!] [ruots. pr.].


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Invokaatio: I.N.J.


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The generalized maximum likelihood method was used to determine binary interaction parameters between carbon dioxide and components of orange essential oil. Vapor-liquid equilibrium was modeled with Peng-Robinson and Soave-Redlich-Kwong equations, using a methodology proposed in 1979 by Asselineau, Bogdanic and Vidal. Experimental vapor-liquid equilibrium data on binary mixtures formed with carbon dioxide and compounds usually found in orange essential oil were used to test the model. These systems were chosen to demonstrate that the maximum likelihood method produces binary interaction parameters for cubic equations of state capable of satisfactorily describing phase equilibrium, even for a binary such as ethanol/CO2. Results corroborate that the Peng-Robinson, as well as the Soave-Redlich-Kwong, equation can be used to describe phase equilibrium for the following systems: components of essential oil of orange/CO2.


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This work describes a method to predict the solubility of essential oils in supercritical carbon dioxide. The method is based on the formulation proposed in 1979 by Asselineau, Bogdanic and Vidal. The Peng-Robinson and Soave-Redlich-Kwong cubic equations of state were used with the van der Waals mixing rules with two interaction parameters. Method validation was accomplished calculating orange essential oil solubility in pressurized carbon dioxide. The solubility of orange essential oil in carbon dioxide calculated at 308.15 K for pressures of 50 to 70 bar varied from 1.7± 0.1 to 3.6± 0.1 mg/g. For same the range of conditions, experimental solubility varied from 1.7± 0.1 to 3.6± 0.1 mg/g. Predicted values were not very sensitive to initial oil composition.


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Invokaatio: Auspice Deo.


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Variante(s) de titre : Cahiers de Mécislas Golberg


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1907/01 (N1)-1907/06 (N2).


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A number of synthetically useful ring systems can be prepared via the intramolecular insertion of a metal-stabilized carbenoid into a heteroaromatic systems. The chemical outcome of these reactions are dependent not only on the nature of the heteroatom but also on the length of the aliphatic tether linking the carbenoid moiety with the aromatic fragment. Our work with furanyl and thienyl systems containing a single methylene tether have allowed for some rather atypical chemistry. For example, treatment of l-diazo-3-(2-thienyl)-2-propanone (6) with catalytic rhodium (II) acetate yields 5,6- dihydro-4^-cyclopenta[Z>]thiophen-5-one (3) while, the isomeric l-diazo-3-(3-thienyl)-2- propanone(15) gives a spiro-disulphide (20). Novel chemistry was also exhibited in the analogous furanyl systems. While treatment of l-diazo-3-(3-furanyl)-2-propanone (52) with Rh2(OAc)4 resulted in the expected 2-(4-Oxo-2-cyclopentenyliden)acetaldehyde (54), isomeric l-diazo-3-(2- furanyl)-2-propanone (8) undergoes vinylogous Wolff rearrangement to give a mixture of 6a-methyl-2,3,3a,6a-tetrahydrofuro[2,i-^>]furan-2-one (44) and 2-(2-methyl-3-furyl)acetic acid (43). Rhodium acetate catalyzed decomposition of l-diazo-3-(3-benzofuranyl)-2- propanone (84) and l-diazo-3-(2-benzofuranyl)-2-propanone (69)also allows for vinylogous Wolff rearrangement, a chemistry unseen in benzofuranyl systems with longer tethers. A number of interesting products were isolated from the trapping of intermediate ketenes. Decomposition of l-diazo-3-(3-benzothienyl)-2-propanone (100) resulted in the formation of 2,3-dihydro-l//-benzo[^]cyclopenta[^thiophen-2-one (102). However, in addition to (102), a dimer was also generated from the decomposition of l-diazo-3-(2- benzothienyl)-2-propanone (109). The insight into the mechanistic underpinnings of the above reactions are provided by molecular modeling at a PM3 level.


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Sport for Development (SFD) uses the power of sport to support international development initiatives that affect social change and empower under-resourced communities (Levermore, 2008a). Currently, there are more than 1,000 SFD organizations globally (Doyle, Payne, & Wolff, 2011) working to enact change and development initiatives in the least developed regions of the world. Stakeholders are key components of the long-term sustainability, development, and success of these SFD organizations. The purpose of this research is to examine the relationships between SFD organizations and their stakeholders through the lens of social responsibility (SR). Through the analysis of interviews conducted with SFD leaders and their stakeholders, this research offers a modified version of Carroll’s (1979) four categories of SR. This modified version addresses the differences that exist with SFD stakeholder relationships from the perspectives of the organizations and their stakeholders. Further, broader implications will be discussed in terms of compatibility and long-term sustainability.