414 resultados para Winner, Langdon
Durante o processo de projeto, o arquiteto transpõe suas ideias para o campo real, do concreto. Os diversos modos de expressão e representação têm como função mediar essa interação, diminuindo a distância entre esses dois campos. Vive-se hoje, um momento de intensa transformação das estratégias projetuais, propiciadas pelos novos meios digitais. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo o estudo do uso das representações tridimensionais, especificamente dos modelos físicos e digitais. Pretende-se flagrar os momentos contributivos dos modelos no processo projetivo e as características intrínsecas a eles. A discussão busca não apenas destacar a importância dessa ferramenta, como também, traçar uma breve comparação entre a tecnologia digital e a feitura manual. Para este trabalho foram selecionados alguns arquitetos significativos do cenário da arquitetura paulista em cujos projetos comparecem o uso de modelos. Como estudos de caso tem-se a Residência do arquiteto Marcos Acayaba e o projeto vencedor do Concurso para o Instituto Moreira Salles/ SP, do escritório Andrade Morettin Arquitetos. Soma-se a estes objetivos, a apresentação do uso de modelos físicos e digitais em uma experiência didática projetiva.
[ES] Esta aplicación web realizada en Ruby on Rails, tiene como objetivo principal la gestión del ranking para una asociación de perros de exposición. Dicha asociación es la “Asociación Española para el Fomento de la Raza Bulldog Francés”. En dicha asociación, los perros participan en exposiciones caninas y de acuerdo con una tabla y los resultados, les adjudican puntos a los perros. La tabla de asignación de puntos puede variar cada año. El perro que más puntos obtiene gana el ranking, hay un ganador hembra y otro ganador macho. Por otra parte, los posibles roles de usuarios son: el rol de administrador, los cuales pueden manejar todos los recursos; el rol de socio, que puede crear nuevos perfiles de perros, enviar resultados de sus perros y demás acciones posibles para este rol; el rol de usuarios registrado, que son usuarios que fueron socios y que ya no lo son. Dicho tipo de usuario puede modificar su perfil, pero ya no podría hacer cambios o eliminar sus perros de la aplicación. Y tampoco podría borrar resultados de sus perros que ya hubiesen sido enviados cuando era socio; y el rol de usuario no registrado que sólo pueden ver los listados de perros, ver sus perfiles y demás acciones que sólo sean ver pero no crear, modificar ni borrar nada. Como resultado final a este trabajo de fin de grado se ha obtenido una aplicación con los requisitos necesarios para cubrir las necesidades para la asociación de perros de exposición, en el cual se gestiona el ranking, también se gestionan los perfiles tanto de perros como de usuarios, control de accesos según el rol del usuario, gestión de las exposiciones, etc.
Il seguente lavoro di tesi tratta l'argomento delle aste in modo tecnico, ovvero cerca di descriverne i modelli e le caratteristiche principali, spesso ignorate dagli stessi fruitori. Nel capitolo 1 si introduce brevemente il concetto di asta, descrivendone i principali elementi costitutivi. Si ripercorrono poi le origini di questa procedura ed alcuni suoi utilizzi. Nel capitolo 2 si presentano inizialmente le principali tipologie di aste conosciute e si accenna al processo di valutazione dell'oggetto d'asta. Si introduce poi il concetto di Private Value, analizzandolo per ogni tipo di asta e confrontando queste sotto l'aspetto della rendita. Si enuncia in seguito un principio fondamentale, quale quello dell'equivalenza delle rendite, rilassandone alcuni assunti basilari. Infine si passa al concetto di valori interdipendenti all'interno delle aste, valutandone equilibri, rendite ed efficienza, accennando nel contempo al problema denominato Winner's curse. Nel capitolo 3 si parla dei meccanismi di asta online, ponendo l'attenzione su un loro aspetto importante, ovvero la veridicità, ed analizzandoli attraverso l'analisi del caso peggiore e del caso medio in alcuni esempi costruiti ad-hoc. Nel capitolo 4 si descrivono in particolare le sponsored search auctions, narrandone inizialmente la storia, e successivamente passando all'analisi di equilibri, rendite ed efficienza; si presenta, infine, un modello di tali aste mettendone in rapporto la computabilità con quella dei meccanismi offline conosciuti.
La Muay Thai, comunemente detta “Boxe Thailandese” è un'arte marziale che rientra nella classificazione delle attività intermittenti con entrambi i sistemi energetici reclutati, aerobico e anaerobico, è inoltre caratterizzata dal fatto che il combattimento alla distanza si alterna alla lotta, denominata “clinch”. Nonostante la popolarità della Muay Thai, in ambito mondiale, stia progressivamente aumentando così come è in aumento il numero di atleti che la praticano, le ricerche incentrate su questa arte marziale e gli studi relativi agli aggiustamenti cardiometabolici nonché alle modalità temporali con cui gli specifici gesti atletici si possono succedere nel tempo durante un match, sono ancora estremamente esigui. L’oggetto del nostro studio è stato l’analisi della struttura temporale del combattimento, tramite la Match Analysis off line (analisi visiva del combattimento), con comparazione dei dati ottenuti tra il vincitore (winner) e il perdente (loser) e la valutazione dell’andamento di alcuni importanti parametri metabolici attraverso la misurazione del lattato e della HR, durante un incontro reale di Boxe Thailandese. La sperimentazione è stata condotta su un gruppo di dieci soggetti di sesso maschile, praticanti la disciplina ad un alto livello nazionale, la cui media ± deviazione standard (DS), di età, peso e altezza è di 24,6 ±4,01 anni, 69,4 ±7 kg e 174,1 ±4,3 cm. Gli atleti sono stati sottoposti, in due diverse giornate separate da almeno tre giorni, a due test; durante una prima seduta sperimentale preliminare abbiamo determinato il massimo consumo di ossigeno (VO2max) nel corso di un test sul nastro trasportare, con concomitante stima della Soglia anaerobica (SA) e misura della massima frequenza cardiaca (HR max). In una seconda seduta sperimentale abbiamo effettuato i test di combattimento in palestra e infine abbiamo analizzato i video degli incontri attraverso la Match Analysis. Dai risultati della Match - Analysis è scaturito che i vincitori hanno eseguito un numero più elevato di azioni efficaci (p < 0,05) rispetto ai non-vincitori, grazie ad un numero maggiore di combinazioni (C ) e di attacchi singoli (A) e un numero minore di difese (D) e di tecniche inefficaci. È così emerso come il livello delle realizzazioni sia quasi esclusivamente dovuto all’efficacia della tecnica e alla tattica delle azioni. Abbiamo quindi focalizzato la nostra attenzione sul clinch e sulle azioni di attacco perché si ipotizzava che potessero essere attività dispendiose e probabilmente responsabili dell’incremento di lattato durante il combattimento, dall’ analisi dei dati però non è stata riscontrata nessuna significativa correlazione tra l’andamento dei dati metabolici e le fasi di attacco e di lotta. Dai nostri risultati emerge in maniera interessante come durante le fasi attive del combattimento si siano raggiunti alti valori di lattato ematico e di frequenza cardiaca, rispettivamente di 12,55 mmol/L e di 182,68 b/min, ben oltre la SA rilevata nel test incrementale dove la HR si posizionava a 168,2 b/min. In conclusione si evidenzia come la Boxe Thailandese sia una disciplina caratterizzata da un considerevole impegno energetico-metabolico, sia aerobico che anaerobico. La predominanza del metabolismo lattacido è dimostrata dagli elevati valori di lattato osservati nel presente studio e dalla frequenza degli attacchi (8,6 ± 3,5 sec.). Questo studio potrà essere utilizzato dagli allenatori per la predisposizione di allenamenti specifici che inducano gli adattamenti propri della Muay Thai.
Es ist bekannt, dass sowohl Hypothermie (HT) als auch Dexmedetomidin (DEX) das neurologische Endergebnis verbessern können. In dieser Studie wird der Einfluss von HT oder DEX auf den neuronalen Zelluntergang bei 104 Ratten nach inkompletter zerebraler Hemisphärenischämie durch unilaterale Karotis-Okklusion unter hämorrhagischer Hypotension und anschließender Reperfusion untersucht. In beiden Behandlungs-Gruppen zeigt sich gegenüber der Kontroll-Gruppe in der Hämatoxylin-Eosin-Färbung eine tendentielle Reduktion des Ausmaßes der Schädigung und der Anzahl nekrotischer Zellen, in der immunhistologischen Färbung mit Antikörpern gegen aktivierte Caspase-3 eine tendentielle Verringerung apoptotischer Zellen. Diese Arbeit deutet darauf hin, dass sowohl HT als auch DEX den neuronalen Schaden nach zerebraler Ischämie tendentiell zu reduzieren vermögen.
Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit Eduard Study (1862-1930), einem der deutschen Geometer um die Jahrhundertwende, der seine Zeit zum Einen durch seine Kontakte zu Klein, Hilbert, Engel, Lie, Gordan, Halphen, Zeuthen, Einstein, Hausdorff und Weyl geprägt hat, zum Anderen in ihr aber auch für seine beißenden und stilistisch ausgefeilten Kritiken ebenso berühmt wie berüchtigt war. Da sich Study mit einer Vielzahl mathematischer Themen beschäftigt hat, führen wir zunächst in die von ihm bearbeiteten Gebiete der Geometrie des 19. Jahrhunderts ein (analytische und synthetische Geometrie im Sinne von Monge, Poncelet, Plücker und Reye, Invariantentheorie Clebsch-Gordan'scher Prägung, abzählende Geometrie von Chasles und Halphen, die Werke Lie's und Grassmann’s, Liniengeometrie sowie Axiomatik und Grundlagenkrise). In seiner darauf folgenden Biographie finden sich als zentrale Stellen seine Habilitation bei Klein über die Chasles’sche Vermutung, sein Streit mit Zeuthen darüber als eine der Debatten der Mathematischen Annalen (aus der er historisch zwar nicht, mathematisch aber tatsächlich als Gewinner hätte herausgehen müssen, wie wir an der Lösung des Problems durch van der Waerden sehen werden) und seine Auseinandersetzungen als etablierter Bonner Professor mit Engel über Lie, Weyl über Invariantentheorie, zahlreichen philosophischen Richtungen über das Raumproblem, Pasch’s Axiomatik, Hilbert’s Formalismus sowie Brouwer’s und Weyl’s Intuitionismus.
Cell competition is a mechanism that eliminates slow dividing cells from a growing population. It is believed that the genes wasp, psr, and draper are active in the cells that win the competition ("winner cells") and that they are essential in the winner cells for the induction of apoptosis and for the elimination of the "loser cells." Here, we show that lack of those genes in winner cells appears to be dispensable for cell-competition-induced apoptosis and during dmyc-induced supercompetition. Moreover, winner clones do not need those genes in order to preserve their growth advantage. Finally, we find that most of the clearance of the apoptotic debris is not performed by winners but by recruited hemocytes, which are required for the removal of the apoptotic corpses at the very end. Therefore, engulfment is a consequence-not a cause-of loser cells' death.
Social experience influences the outcome of conflicts such that winners are more likely to win again and losers will more likely lose again, even against different opponents. Although winner and loser effects prevail throughout the animal kingdom and crucially influence social structures, the ultimate and proximate causes for their existence remain unknown. We propose here that two hypotheses are particularly important among the potential adaptive explanations: the 'social-cue hypothesis', which assumes that victory and defeat leave traces that affect the decisions of subsequent opponents; and the 'self-assessment hypothesis', which assumes that winners and losers gain information about their own relative fighting ability in the population. We discuss potential methodologies for experimental tests of the adaptive nature of winner and loser effects.
The report examines the relationship between day care institutions, schools and so called “parents unfamiliar to education” as well as the relationship between the institutions. With in Danish public and professional discourse concepts like parents unfamiliar to education are usually referring to environments, parents or families with either no or just very restricted experience of education except for the basic school (folkeskole). The “grand old man” of Danish educational research, Prof. Em. Erik Jørgen Hansen, defines the concept as follows: Parents who are distant from or not familiar with education, are parents without tradition of education and by that fact they are not able to contribute constructively in order to back up their own children during their education. Many teachers and pedagogues are not used to that term; they rather prefer concepts like “socially exposed” or “socially disadvantaged” parents or social classes or strata. The report does not only focus on parents who are not capable to support the school achievements of their children, since a low level of education is usually connected with social disadvantage. Such parents are often not capable of understanding and meeting the demands from side of the school when sending their children to school. They lack the competencies or the necessary competence of action. For the moment being much attention is done from side of the Ministries of Education and Social Affairs (recently renamed Ministry of Welfare) in order to create equal possibilities for all children. Many kinds of expertise (directions, counsels, researchers, etc.) have been more than eager to promote recommendations aiming at achieving the ambitious goal: 2015 95% of all young people should complement a full education (classes 10.-12.). Research results are pointing out the importance of increased participation of parents. In other word the agenda is set for ‘parents’ education’. It seems necessary to underline that Danish welfare policy has been changing rather radical. The classic model was an understanding of welfare as social assurance and/or as social distribution – based on social solidarity. The modern model looks like welfare as social service and/or social investment. This means that citizens are changing role – from user and/or citizen to consumer and/or investor. The Danish state is in correspondence with decisions taken by the government investing in a national future shaped by global competition. The new models of welfare – “service” and “investment” – imply severe changes in hitherto known concepts of family life, relationship between parents and children etc. As an example the investment model points at a new implementation of the relationship between social rights and the rights of freedom. The service model has demonstrated that weakness that the access to qualified services in the field of health or education is becoming more and more dependent of the private purchasing power. The weakness of the investment model is that it represents a sort of “The Winner takes it all” – since a political majority is enabled to make agendas in societal fields former protected by the tripartite power and the rights of freedom of the citizens. The outcome of the Danish development seems to be an establishment of a political governed public service industry which on one side are capable of competing on market conditions and on the other are able being governed by contracts. This represents a new form of close linking of politics, economy and professional work. Attempts of controlling education, pedagogy and thereby the population are not a recent invention. In European history we could easily point at several such experiments. The real news is the linking between political priorities and exercise of public activities by economic incentives. By defining visible goals for the public servants, by introducing measurement of achievements and effects, and by implementing a new wage policy depending on achievements and/or effects a new system of accountability is manufactured. The consequences are already perceptible. The government decides to do some special interventions concerning parents, children or youngsters, the public servants on municipality level are instructed to carry out their services by following a manual, and the parents are no longer protected by privacy. Protection of privacy and minority is no longer a valuable argumentation to prevent further interventions in people’s life (health, food, school, etc.). The citizens are becoming objects of investment, also implying that people are investing in their own health, education, and family. This means that investments in changes of life style and development of competences go hand in hand. The below mentioned programmes are conditioned by this shift.
ContentsAfrican agricultureCrazy ideas welcome for Mark RasmussenVoting or not can impact student life in electionTrain system could come to LA soonISD Sports editorial board chooses its Heisman winner
William Osler (1849-1919): America’s Most Famous Physician (Robert E. Rakel) The Assassination of John F. Kennedy: A Neurosurgeon’s Eyewitness Account of the Medical Aspect of the Events of November 22, 1963 (Robert G. Grossman) Making Cancer History: Disease and Discovery at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (James S. Olson) The History of Pathology as a Biological Science and Medical Specialty (L. Maximillian Buja) “Medicine in the Mid-19th Century America” (Student Essay Contest Winner) (David Hunter) The Achievements and Enduring Relevance of Rudolph Virchow (Nathan Grohmann) Medicine: Perspectives in History and Art (Robert E. Greenspan) What Every Physician Should Know: Lessons from the Past (Robert E. Greenspan) Medicine in Ancient Mesopotamia (Sajid Haque) The History of Texas Children’s Hospital (B. Lee Ligon) Visualizing Disease: Motion Pictures in the History of Medical Education (Kirsten Ostherr)
"Medicine: Perspectives in History and Art" (Robert E. Greenspan) Eight Practical Lessons from Osler That Will Better Your Life (Bryan Boutwell) History of the American Mental Hospital: From networking to not working & Back (Ed Fann) Ambiguities and Amputations: Methods, mishaps, and the surgical quest to cure breast cancer (Student Essay Contest Winner) (Matt Luedke) An Automated, Algorithmic, Retrospective Analysis of the Growing Influence of Statistics in Medicine (Student Essay Contest Winner) (Ryan Rochat) What’s Special about William Osler? (Charles S. Bryan) The Virtuous Physician: Lessons from Medical Biography (Charles S. Bryan) Legacy: 50 Years of Loving Care – The History of Texas Children’s Hospital, 1954-2004 (Betsy Parish) The Education of a University President: Edgar Odell Lovett of Rice University (John B. Boles) Artists and Illness: The Effect of Illness on an Artist’s Work (David Bybee)
The mean majority deficit in a two-tier voting system is a function of the partition of the population. We derive a new square-root rule: For odd-numbered population sizes and equipopulous units the mean majority deficit is maximal when the member size of the units in the partition is close to the square root of the population size. Furthermore, within the partitions into roughly equipopulous units, partitions with small even numbers of units or small even-sized units yield high mean majority deficits. We discuss the implications for the winner-takes-all system in the US Electoral College.
The prenatal development of neural circuits must provide sufficient configuration to support at least a set of core postnatal behaviors. Although knowledge of various genetic and cellular aspects of development is accumulating rapidly, there is less systematic understanding of how these various processes play together in order to construct such functional networks. Here we make some steps toward such understanding by demonstrating through detailed simulations how a competitive co-operative ('winner-take-all', WTA) network architecture can arise by development from a single precursor cell. This precursor is granted a simplified gene regulatory network that directs cell mitosis, differentiation, migration, neurite outgrowth and synaptogenesis. Once initial axonal connection patterns are established, their synaptic weights undergo homeostatic unsupervised learning that is shaped by wave-like input patterns. We demonstrate how this autonomous genetically directed developmental sequence can give rise to self-calibrated WTA networks, and compare our simulation results with biological data.