324 resultados para Whooping cough.
Objective While respiratory symptoms in the first year of life are relatively well described for term infants, data for preterm infants are scarce. We aimed to describe the burden of respiratory disease in a group of preterm infants with and without bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) and to assess the association of respiratory symptoms with perinatal, genetic and environmental risk factors. Methods Single centre birth cohort study: prospective recording of perinatal risk factors and retrospective assessment of respiratory symptoms during the first year of life by standardised questionnaires. Main outcome measures: Cough and wheeze (common symptoms), re-hospitalisation and need for inhalation therapy (severe outcomes). Patients: 126 preterms (median gestational age 28.7 weeks; 78 with, 48 without BPD) hospitalised at the University Children's Hospital of Bern, Switzerland 1999-2006. Results Cough occurred in 80%, wheeze in 44%, rehospitalisation in 25% and long term inhalation therapy in wheezers in 13% of the preterm infants. Using logistic regression, the main risk factor for common symptoms was frequent contact with other children. Severe outcomes were associated with maximal peak inspiratory pressure, arterial cord blood pH, APGAR and CRIB-Score. Conclusions Cough in preterm infants is as common as in term infants, whereas wheeze, inhalation therapy and re-hospitalisations occur more often. Severe outcomes are associated with perinatal risk factors. Preterm infants who did not qualify for BPD according to latest guidelines also showed a significant burden of respiratory disease in the first year of life.
REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Efficacy of medications for recurrent airway obstruction is typically tested using clinical, cytological and lung function examinations of severely affected animals. These trials are technically challenging and may not adequately reflect the spectrum of disease and owner complaints encountered in clinical practice. OBJECTIVE: To determine if owners of horses with chronic airway disease are better able to detect drug efficacy than a veterinarian who clinically examines horses infrequently. METHOD: In a double-blinded randomised controlled trial, owners and a veterinarian compared the efficacy of dexamethasone (0.1 mg/kg bwt per os, q. 24 h, for 3 weeks; n = 9) to placebo (n = 8) in horses with chronic airway disease. Before and after treatment, owners scored performance, breathing effort, coughing and nasal discharge using a visual analogue scale (VAS). The clinician recorded vital parameters, respiratory distress, auscultation findings, cough and nasal discharge, airway mucus score, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) cytology and arterial blood gases. RESULTS: The VAS score improved significantly in dexamethasone- but not placebo-treated horses. In contrast, the clinician failed to differentiate between dexamethasone- and placebo-treated animals based on clinical observations, BALF cytology or endoscopic mucus score. Respiratory rate (RR) and arterial oxygen pressure (PaO(2)) improved with dexamethasone but not placebo. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In the design of clinical trials of airway disease treatments, more emphasis should be placed on owner-assessed VAS than on clinical, cytological and endoscopic observations made during brief examinations by a veterinarian. Quantifiable indicators reflecting lung function such as RR and PaO(2) provide a good assessment of drug efficacy.
Mild encephalopathy with reversible splenial lesions has mainly been associated with influenza A and B virus infection. Patients present with neurologic symptoms 1 to 3 days after a prodromal illness and recover completely within a few days. Magnetic resonance imaging typically shows reversible lesions with reduced diffusion in the corpus callosum, predominantly in the splenium. We report on a 5-year old Caucasian boy who was referred with recurrent seizures and decreased level of consciousness after a 2-day prodromal fever and cough. Magnetic resonance imaging showed cytotoxic edema of the entire corpus callosum and the adjacent periventricular white matter with diffusion restriction and faint T(2)-hyperintensity. Parainfluenza virus type 1-3 infection was documented by direct immunofluorescence in the initial nasopharyngeal swab, but polymerase chain reaction for parainfluenza virus type 1-4 in the cerebrospinal fluid remained negative. This is-to our knowledge-the first description of mild encephalopathy with reversible splenial lesions in association with parainfluenza virus infection. The pathogenesis of mild encephalopathy with reversible splenial lesions, however, still remains unclear, and further studies investigating detailed mechanisms that lead to the typical brain lesions are warranted.
We report the clinical outcome of a 46-year-old man referred for percutaneous closure of an atrial septal defect under transthoracic echocardiographic and fluoroscopic guidance, whose upper left pulmonary vein was erroneously obliterated using an Amplatzer atrial septal defect occluder. Various medical conditions have been associated with pulmonary vein stenosis including dyspnea on exertion or at rest, cough, and hemoptysis. However, there were no short- or long-term symptoms in this patient.
Syncope is defined as an acute, brief and transient loss of consciousness and postural tone with spontaneous and complete recovery. Neurovascular ultrasound has contributed to elucidate the underlying mechanism of different types of syncope. In routine diagnostic work-up of patients with syncope, however, neurovascular ultrasound is not among the first line tools. In particular, an ultrasound search for occlusive cerebro-vascular disease is of limited value because cerebral artery obstruction is a very rare and questionable cause of syncope. Transcranial Doppler sonography monitoring of the cerebral arteries is useful in the diagnostic work-up of patients with suspicion of postural related, cerebrovascular, cough and psychogenic syncope, and in some cases for differentiating focal epileptic seizures from transient ischemic attacks and migraine with aura.
HISTORY: A 76-year-old woman and a 62-year-old man were both referred to our clinic because of an unexplained weight loss, increasing dry cough and shortness of breath. INVESTIGATIONS: Investigations revealed an adenocarcinoma of the colon with retroperitoneal, mediastinal and supraclavicular lymph node metastasis and poorly differentiated carcinoma of the prostate with extensive bone metastases. During their hospital stay both patients developed increasing shortness of breath and clinical signs of right heart failure. Echocardiography confirmed severe pulmonary hypertension and dilatation of the right ventricle in both patients. Despite the high degree of clinical suspicion CT scans of the thorax could not demonstrate pulmonary embolism. DIAGNOSIS, TREATMENT AND COURSE: During the following days the patients condition deteriorated further and both patients' died from irreversible right heart failure. Both autopsies showed extensive metastatic adenocarcinoma with marked angiosis carcinomatosa of the lungs with numerous occlusions of small arteries and arterioles and resulting cor pulmonale. Thrombotic pulmonary embolism could not be detected. CONCLUSION: In patients with malignant neoplasms, especially adenocarcinomas, dyspnea and signs of increasing pulmonary artery pressure, the possibility of a microscopic pulmonary tumor embolism should be considered after exclusion of more usual causes especially thrombotic pulmonary embolism. In selected cases a cytologic examination of blood aspirated from a wedged pulmonary artery catheter can be performed to prove angiosis is carcinomatosa.
The current study aimed to assess prevalence and distribution of use of asthma medication for wheeze in pre-school children in the community. We sent a postal questionnaire to the parents of a random population-based sample of 4,277 UK children aged 1-5 years; 3,410 participated (children of south Asian decent were deliberately over-represented). During the previous 12 months, 18% of the children were reported to have received bronchodilators, 8% inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) and 3% oral corticosteroids. Among current wheezers these proportions were 55%, 25%, and 12%, respectively. Use of ICS increased with reported severity of wheeze, but did not reach 60% even in the most severe category. In contrast, 42% of children receiving ICS reported no or very infrequent recent wheeze. Among children with the episodic viral wheeze phenotype, 17% received ICS compared with 40% among multiple-trigger wheezers. Use of ICS by current wheezers was less common in children of South Asian ethnicity and in girls. Although a high proportion of pre-school children in the community used asthma inhalers, treatment seemed to be insufficiently adjusted to severity or phenotype of wheeze, with relative under-treatment of severe wheeze with ICS, especially in girls and South Asian children, but apparent over-treatment of mild and episodic viral wheeze and chronic cough.
BACKGROUND: Many studies showing effects of traffic-related air pollution on health rely on self-reported exposure, which may be inaccurate. We estimated the association between self-reported exposure to road traffic and respiratory symptoms in preschool children, and investigated whether the effect could have been caused by reporting bias. METHODS: In a random sample of 8700 preschool children in Leicestershire, UK, exposure to road traffic and respiratory symptoms were assessed by a postal questionnaire (response rate 80%). The association between traffic exposure and respiratory outcomes was assessed using unconditional logistic regression and conditional regression models (matching by postcode). RESULTS: Prevalence odds ratios (95% confidence intervals) for self-reported road traffic exposure, comparing the categories 'moderate' and 'dense', respectively, with 'little or no' were for current wheezing: 1.26 (1.13-1.42) and 1.30 (1.09-1.55); chronic rhinitis: 1.18 (1.05-1.31) and 1.31 (1.11-1.56); night cough: 1.17 (1.04-1.32) and 1.36 (1.14-1.62); and bronchodilator use: 1.20 (1.04-1.38) and 1.18 (0.95-1.46). Matched analysis only comparing symptomatic and asymptomatic children living at the same postcode (thus exposed to similar road traffic) showed similar ORs, suggesting that parents of children with respiratory symptoms reported more road traffic than parents of asymptomatic children. CONCLUSIONS: Our study suggests that reporting bias could explain some or even all the association between reported exposure to road traffic and disease. Over-reporting of exposure by only 10% of parents of symptomatic children would be sufficient to produce the effect sizes shown in this study. Future research should be based only on objective measurements of traffic exposure.
BACKGROUND: Particulate matter <10 mum (PM(10)) from fossil fuel combustion is associated with an increased prevalence of respiratory symptoms in children and adolescents. However, the effect of PM(10) on respiratory symptoms in young children is unclear. METHODS: The association between primary PM(10) (particles directly emitted from local sources) and the prevalence and incidence of respiratory symptoms was studied in a random sample cohort of 4400 Leicestershire children aged 1-5 years surveyed in 1998 and again in 2001. Annual exposure to primary PM(10) was calculated for the home address using the Airviro dispersion model and adjusted odds ratios (ORS) and 95% confidence intervals were calculated for each microg/m(3) increase. RESULTS: Exposure to primary PM(10) was associated with the prevalence of cough without a cold in both 1998 and 2001, with adjusted ORs of 1.21 (1.07 to 1.38) and 1.56 (1.32 to 1.84) respectively. For night time cough the ORs were 1.06 (0.94 to 1.19) and 1.25 (1.06 to 1.47), and for current wheeze 0.99 (0.88 to 1.12) and 1.28 (1.04 to 1.58), respectively. There was also an association between primary PM(10) and new onset symptoms. The ORs for incident symptoms were 1.62 (1.31 to 2.00) for cough without a cold and 1.42 (1.02 to 1.97) for wheeze. CONCLUSION: In young children there was a consistent association between locally generated primary PM(10) and the prevalence and incidence of cough without a cold and the incidence of wheeze which was independent of potential confounders.
Respiratory symptoms are common in infancy. Nevertheless, few prospective birth cohort studies have studied the epidemiology of respiratory symptoms in normal infants. The aim of this study was to prospectively obtain reliable data on incidence, severity, and determinants of common respiratory symptoms (including cough and wheeze) in normal infants and to determine factors associated with these symptoms. In a prospective population-based birth cohort, we assessed respiratory symptoms during the first year of life by weekly phone calls to the mothers. Poisson regression was used to examine the association between symptoms and various risk factors. In the first year of life, respiratory symptoms occurred in 181/195 infants (93%), more severe symptoms in 89 (46%). The average infant had respiratory symptoms for 4 weeks and 90% had symptoms for less than 12 weeks (range 0 to 23). Male sex, higher birth weight, maternal asthma, having older siblings and nursery care were associated with more, maternal hay fever with fewer respiratory symptoms. The association with prenatal maternal smoking decreased with time since birth. This study provides reliable data on the frequency of cough and wheeze during the first year of life in healthy infants; this may help in the interpretation of published hospital and community-based studies. The apparently reduced risk in children of mothers with hayfever but no asthma, and the decreasing effect of prenatal smoke exposure over time illustrate the complexity of respiratory pathology in the first year of life.
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: There are few standardised questionnaires for the assessment of respiratory symptoms in preschool children. We have developed and tested the short-term repeatability of a postal questionnaire on respiratory symptoms for 1-year-old children. METHODS: A newly developed postal questionnaire for the assessment of wheeze and other respiratory symptoms was sent to parents of a population-based random sample of 4300 children aged 12-24 months. After an interval of 3 months, a random sample of 800 respondents received the questionnaire a second time. The responses were compared using Cohen's kappa (kappa) to assess agreement corrected for chance. RESULTS: The first questionnaire was returned by 3194 (74%) families, the second one by 460/800 (58%). Repeatability was excellent (kappa 0.80-0.96) for questions on household characteristics, environmental exposures and family history, good (kappa 0.61-0.80) for questions on prevalence, severity and treatment of wheeze, and moderate (kappa 0.39-0.66) for chronic cough and upper respiratory symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: This short postal questionnaire designed for use in population-based studies has excellent repeatability for family and household characteristics and good repeatability for questions on wheeze. Short-term changes in symptom status might be responsible for variable answers on recent chronic cough and upper respiratory symptoms. Overall, the questionnaire is a valuable instrument for community-based research on respiratory symptoms in 1 to 2-year-old children.
BACKGROUND: The relationship between airway structural changes and inflammation is unclear in early cystic fibrosis (CF) lung disease. A study was undertaken to determine changes in airway remodelling in children with CF compared with appropriate disease and healthy controls. METHODS: Bronchoalveolar lavage and endobronchial biopsy were performed in a cross-sectional study of 43 children with CF (aged 0.3-16.8 years), 7 children with primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD), 26 with chronic respiratory symptoms (CRS) investigated for recurrent infection and/or cough and 7 control children with no lower airway symptoms. Inflammatory cells, cytokines, proteases and matrix constituents were measured in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF). Reticular basement membrane (RBM) thickness was measured on biopsy specimens using light microscopy. RESULTS: Increased concentrations of elastin, glycosaminoglycans and collagen were found in BALF from children with CF compared with the CRS group and controls, each correlating positively with age, neutrophil count and proteases (elastase activity and matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) concentration). There were significant negative correlations between certain of these and pulmonary function (forced expiratory volume in 1 s) in the CF group (elastin: r = -0.45, p<0.05; MMP-9:TIMP-1 ratio: r = -0.47, p<0.05). Median RBM thickness was greater in the CF group than in the controls (5.9 microm vs 4.0 microm, p<0.01) and correlated positively with levels of transforming growth factor-beta(1) (TGF-beta(1); r = 0.53, p = 0.01), although not with other inflammatory markers or pulmonary function. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides evidence for two forms of airway remodelling in children with CF: (1) matrix breakdown, related to inflammation, proteolysis and impaired pulmonary function, and (2) RBM thickening, related to TGF-beta(1) concentration but independent of other markers of inflammation.
An 80-year-old nonsmoking man was referred to our hospital with bilateral perihilar pulmonary opacities. He had a history of epilepsy, sclerosing cholangitis, cutaneous lesions previously diagnosed as localised Langerhans cell histiocytosis. Symptoms included dry cough and dyspnea. Chest CT showed bilateral perihilar alveolar consolidation with bronchiectasis. Histological examination of a lung biopsy showed typical features of Langerhans cell granulomatosis. Investigations revealed anterior and posterior hypopituitarism. An important improvement occurred with corticosteroid and vinblastine treatment.
BACKGROUND: In tuberculosis (TB), the risk of exposure is determined mainly by the proximity to and the hours of direct contact with an infectious patient. We describe the contact investigation after detection of an infectious form of TB in a military camp using an Interferon-g-Release-Assay (IGRA, QuantiFERON-TB Gold In Tube [QTF-GIT]) eight weeks after detection of the index case. INDEX PATIENT: The index patient presented with fever, cough and weight loss in the military hospital six weeks after entering the camp. TB was suspected and anti-tuberculous therapy given immediately. Subsequently, TB was microbiologically confirmed. METHODS: Four exposure groups were formed a priori based on the proximity and the hours of direct contact to the index case. 168 (95.5%) agreed to be investigated: - Group A: sharing the same dormitory (15 persons) - Group B: same platoon, but not sharing the dormitory (20 persons) - Group C: staff and patients of the military hospital (22 persons) - Group D: other three platoons and senior military staff (111 persons). RESULTS: 34 (20.2%) out of 168 contacts tested positive in the QFT-GIT assay. For the exposure groups, the respective QFT-GIT testing results were: group A, 14/15 (93%); group B, 4/20 (20%); group C, 5/22 (22.7%); and group D, 11/111 (9.9%). No secondary TB cases were identified. CONCLUSIONS: In our study, test results show a correlation with the risk of exposure, suggesting that IGRA may be useful for the assessment of TB infection in TB contacts. The high mobility of recruits reduced traceability of contacts. In this context, QFT-GIT allowed for an efficient screening of contacts at a single time point.
Questionnaire data may contain missing values because certain questions do not apply to all respondents. For instance, questions addressing particular attributes of a symptom, such as frequency, triggers or seasonality, are only applicable to those who have experienced the symptom, while for those who have not, responses to these items will be missing. This missing information does not fall into the category 'missing by design', rather the features of interest do not exist and cannot be measured regardless of survey design. Analysis of responses to such conditional items is therefore typically restricted to the subpopulation in which they apply. This article is concerned with joint multivariate modelling of responses to both unconditional and conditional items without restricting the analysis to this subpopulation. Such an approach is of interest when the distributions of both types of responses are thought to be determined by common parameters affecting the whole population. By integrating the conditional item structure into the model, inference can be based both on unconditional data from the entire population and on conditional data from subjects for whom they exist. This approach opens new possibilities for multivariate analysis of such data. We apply this approach to latent class modelling and provide an example using data on respiratory symptoms (wheeze and cough) in children. Conditional data structures such as that considered here are common in medical research settings and, although our focus is on latent class models, the approach can be applied to other multivariate models.