936 resultados para Whole body counters


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A high-quality cDNA library was constructed from whole body tissues of the zhikong scallop, Chlamys farreri, challenged by Listonella anguillarum. A total of 5720 clones were sequenced, yielding 5123 expressed sequence tags (ESTs). Among the 3326 unique genes identified, 2289 (69%) genes had no significant (E-value < 1e-5) matches to known sequences in public databases and 194 (6%) matched proteins of unknown functions. The remaining 843 (25%) genes that exhibited homology with genes of known functions, showed broad involvement in metabolic processes (31%), cell structure and motility (20%), gene and protein expression (12%), cell signaling and cell communication (8%), cell division (4%), and notably, 25% of those genes were related to immune function. They included stress response genes, complement-like genes, proteinase and proteinase inhibitors, immune recognition receptors and immune effectors. The EST collection obtained in this study provides a useful resource for gene discovery and especially for the identification of host-defense genes and systems in scallops and other molluscs. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Lipopolysaccharide and beta-1,3-glucan-binding protein (LGBP) play a crucial role in the innate immune response of invertebrates as a pattern recognition protein (PRP). The scallop LGBP gene was obtained from Chlamys farreri challenged by Vibrio anguillarum by randomly sequencing cDNA clones from a whole body cDNA library, and by fully sequencing a clone with homology to known LGBP genes. The scallop LGBP consisted of 1876 nucleotides with a canonical polyadenylation signal sequence AATAAA and a poly(A) tail, encoding a polypeptide of 440 amino acids with the estimated molecular mass of 47.16 kDa and a predicted isoelectric point of 5.095. The deduced amino acid sequence showed a high similarity to that of invertebrate recognition proteins from blue shrimp, black tiger shrimp, mosquito, freshwater crayfish, earthworms, and sea urchins, with conserved features including a potential polysaccharide-binding motif, a glucanase motif, and N-glycosylation sites. The temporal expression of LGBP genes in healthy and V. anguillarum-challenged C farreri scallop, measured by real-time semiquantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (PCR), showed that expression was up-regulated initially, followed by recovery as the stimulation cleared. Results indicated that scallop LGBP was a constitutive and inducible acute-phase protein that could play a critical role in scallop-pathogen interaction. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ecdysone inducible gene. E75 is a primary target of ecdysone receptor (EcR). and is found to play a critical role in the molting process of arthropods In this study, a cDNA encoding the E75 of Chinese shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis (FcE75) was cloned using RT-PCR and RACE techniques FcE75 cDNA was 3611 bp in length with an ORF of 2394 bp. The deduced amino acid sequence of FcE75 had the highest sequence identity to E75 from a land crab Gecarcinus lateral's and E75 of the shrimp Metapenaeus crisis Quantitative real-time PCR revealed a prominently high expression of FcE75 mRNA in the whole body RNA extract of late premolt period (D3) juvenile shrimp. The role of E75 in the process of shrimp molting was investigated using the RNA interference technique Long double-stranded RNA corresponding to the FcE75 (dsE75) efficiently silenced the FcE75 transcript levels in juvenile F. chinensis. Further, injection with dsE75 completely arrested the molting process in experimental shrimp which eventually caused death Setogenic analysis of the uropods from molt-arrested shrimp, showed defective epidermal retraction, poor development of setae and new cuticle. These results indicate that E75 might be related to the molting process and is essential for proper molting and survival of shrimp This is the first report demonstrating the use of double stranded RNA to elucidate the possible role of E75 in the molting of decapod crustaceans (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved


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The bay scallop, Argopecten irradians irradians, introduced from North America, has become one of the most important aquaculture species in China. Inan effort to identify scallop genes involved in host defense, a high-quality cDNA library was constructed from whole body tissues of the bay scallop. A total of 5828 successful sequencing reactions yielded 4995 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) longer than 100 bp. Cluster and assembly analyses of the ESTs identified 637 contigs (consisting of 2853 sequences) and 2142 singletons, totaling 2779 unique sequences. Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) analysis showed that the majority (73%) of the unique sequences had no significant homology (E-value >= 0.005) to sequences in GenBank. Among the 748 sequences with significant GenBank matches, 160 (21.4%) were for genes related to metabolism, 131 (17.5%) for cell/organism defense, 124 (16.6%) for gene/protein expression, 83 (11.1%) for cell structure/motility, 70 (9.4%) for cell signaling/communication, 17 (2.3%) for cell division, and 163 (21.8%) matched to genes of unknown functions. The list of host-defense genes included many genes with known and important roles in innate defense such as lectins, defensins, proteases, protease inhibitors, heat shock proteins, antioxidants, and Toll-like receptors. The study provides a significant number of ESTs for gene discovery and candidate genes for studying host defense in scallops and other molluscs.


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Reproduction and chromosome inheritance in triploid Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas Thunberg) were studied in diploid female x triploid male (DT) and reciprocal (TD) crosses. Relative fecundity of triploid females was 13.4% of normal diploids. Cumulative survival from fertilized eggs to spat stage was 0.007% for DT crosses and 0.314% for TD crosses. Chromosome number analysis was conducted on surviving progeny from DT and TD crosses at 1 and 4 years of age. At Year 1, oysters from DT crosses consisted of 15% diploids (2n = 20) and 85% aneuploids. In contrast, oysters from TD crosses consisted of 57.2% diploids, 30.9% triploids (3n = 30) and only 11.9% aneuploids, suggesting that triploid females produced more euploid gametes and viable progeny than triploid males. Viable aneuploid chromosome numbers included 2n + 1, 2n + 2, 2n + 3, 3n - 2 and 3n - 1. There was little change over time in the overall frequency of diploids, triploids and aneuploids. Among aneuploids, oysters with 2n + 3 and 3n-2 chromosomes were observed at Year 1, but absent at Year 4. Triploid progeny were significantly larger than diploids by 79% in whole body weight and 98% in meat weight at 4 years of age. Aneuploids were significantly smaller than normal diploids. This study suggests that triploid Pacific oyster is not completely sterile and cannot offer complete containment of cultured populations.


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Azadirachtin (Az), as a botanical insecticide, is relatively safe and biodegradable. It affects a wide vaariety of biological processes, including the reduction of feeding, suspension of molting, death of larvae and pupae, and sterility of emerged adults in a dose-dependent manner. However, the mode of action of this toxin remains obscure. By using ion chromatography, we analyzed changes in six inorganic cation (Li+, Na+, NH4+, K+, Mg2+, and Ca2+) distributions of the whole body and hemolymph in Ostrinia furnacalis (G.) after exposure to sublethal doses of Az. The results showed that Az dramatically interfered with Na+, NH4+, K+, Mg2+, and Ca2+ distributions in hemolymph of O. furnacalis (G.) and concentrations of these five cations dramatically increased. However, in the whole body, the levels of K+, Mg2+, and Ca2+ significantly, decreased after exposure to Az, except that Na+ and NH4+ remained constant. Li+ was undetected in both the control and treated groups in the whole body and hemolymph. It is suggested that Az exerts its insecticidal effects on O. furnacalis (G.) by interfering with the inorganic cation distributions related to ion channels.


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The outcomes for both (i) radiation therapy and (ii) preclinical small animal radio- biology studies are dependent on the delivery of a known quantity of radiation to a specific and intentional location. Adverse effects can result from these procedures if the dose to the target is too high or low, and can also result from an incorrect spatial distribution in which nearby normal healthy tissue can be undesirably damaged by poor radiation delivery techniques. Thus, in mice and humans alike, the spatial dose distributions from radiation sources should be well characterized in terms of the absolute dose quantity, and with pin-point accuracy. When dealing with the steep spatial dose gradients consequential to either (i) high dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy or (ii) within the small organs and tissue inhomogeneities of mice, obtaining accurate and highly precise dose results can be very challenging, considering commercially available radiation detection tools, such as ion chambers, are often too large for in-vivo use.

In this dissertation two tools are developed and applied for both clinical and preclinical radiation measurement. The first tool is a novel radiation detector for acquiring physical measurements, fabricated from an inorganic nano-crystalline scintillator that has been fixed on an optical fiber terminus. This dosimeter allows for the measurement of point doses to sub-millimeter resolution, and has the ability to be placed in-vivo in humans and small animals. Real-time data is displayed to the user to provide instant quality assurance and dose-rate information. The second tool utilizes an open source Monte Carlo particle transport code, and was applied for small animal dosimetry studies to calculate organ doses and recommend new techniques of dose prescription in mice, as well as to characterize dose to the murine bone marrow compartment with micron-scale resolution.

Hardware design changes were implemented to reduce the overall fiber diameter to <0.9 mm for the nano-crystalline scintillator based fiber optic detector (NanoFOD) system. Lower limits of device sensitivity were found to be approximately 0.05 cGy/s. Herein, this detector was demonstrated to perform quality assurance of clinical 192Ir HDR brachytherapy procedures, providing comparable dose measurements as thermo-luminescent dosimeters and accuracy within 20% of the treatment planning software (TPS) for 27 treatments conducted, with an inter-quartile range ratio to the TPS dose value of (1.02-0.94=0.08). After removing contaminant signals (Cerenkov and diode background), calibration of the detector enabled accurate dose measurements for vaginal applicator brachytherapy procedures. For 192Ir use, energy response changed by a factor of 2.25 over the SDD values of 3 to 9 cm; however a cap made of 0.2 mm thickness silver reduced energy dependence to a factor of 1.25 over the same SDD range, but had the consequence of reducing overall sensitivity by 33%.

For preclinical measurements, dose accuracy of the NanoFOD was within 1.3% of MOSFET measured dose values in a cylindrical mouse phantom at 225 kV for x-ray irradiation at angles of 0, 90, 180, and 270˝. The NanoFOD exhibited small changes in angular sensitivity, with a coefficient of variation (COV) of 3.6% at 120 kV and 1% at 225 kV. When the NanoFOD was placed alongside a MOSFET in the liver of a sacrificed mouse and treatment was delivered at 225 kV with 0.3 mm Cu filter, the dose difference was only 1.09% with use of the 4x4 cm collimator, and -0.03% with no collimation. Additionally, the NanoFOD utilized a scintillator of 11 µm thickness to measure small x-ray fields for microbeam radiation therapy (MRT) applications, and achieved 2.7% dose accuracy of the microbeam peak in comparison to radiochromic film. Modest differences between the full-width at half maximum measured lateral dimension of the MRT system were observed between the NanoFOD (420 µm) and radiochromic film (320 µm), but these differences have been explained mostly as an artifact due to the geometry used and volumetric effects in the scintillator material. Characterization of the energy dependence for the yttrium-oxide based scintillator material was performed in the range of 40-320 kV (2 mm Al filtration), and the maximum device sensitivity was achieved at 100 kV. Tissue maximum ratio data measurements were carried out on a small animal x-ray irradiator system at 320 kV and demonstrated an average difference of 0.9% as compared to a MOSFET dosimeter in the range of 2.5 to 33 cm depth in tissue equivalent plastic blocks. Irradiation of the NanoFOD fiber and scintillator material on a 137Cs gamma irradiator to 1600 Gy did not produce any measurable change in light output, suggesting that the NanoFOD system may be re-used without the need for replacement or recalibration over its lifetime.

For small animal irradiator systems, researchers can deliver a given dose to a target organ by controlling exposure time. Currently, researchers calculate this exposure time by dividing the total dose that they wish to deliver by a single provided dose rate value. This method is independent of the target organ. Studies conducted here used Monte Carlo particle transport codes to justify a new method of dose prescription in mice, that considers organ specific doses. Monte Carlo simulations were performed in the Geant4 Application for Tomographic Emission (GATE) toolkit using a MOBY mouse whole-body phantom. The non-homogeneous phantom was comprised of 256x256x800 voxels of size 0.145x0.145x0.145 mm3. Differences of up to 20-30% in dose to soft-tissue target organs was demonstrated, and methods for alleviating these errors were suggested during whole body radiation of mice by utilizing organ specific and x-ray tube filter specific dose rates for all irradiations.

Monte Carlo analysis was used on 1 µm resolution CT images of a mouse femur and a mouse vertebra to calculate the dose gradients within the bone marrow (BM) compartment of mice based on different radiation beam qualities relevant to x-ray and isotope type irradiators. Results and findings indicated that soft x-ray beams (160 kV at 0.62 mm Cu HVL and 320 kV at 1 mm Cu HVL) lead to substantially higher dose to BM within close proximity to mineral bone (within about 60 µm) as compared to hard x-ray beams (320 kV at 4 mm Cu HVL) and isotope based gamma irradiators (137Cs). The average dose increases to the BM in the vertebra for these four aforementioned radiation beam qualities were found to be 31%, 17%, 8%, and 1%, respectively. Both in-vitro and in-vivo experimental studies confirmed these simulation results, demonstrating that the 320 kV, 1 mm Cu HVL beam caused statistically significant increased killing to the BM cells at 6 Gy dose levels in comparison to both the 320 kV, 4 mm Cu HVL and the 662 keV, 137Cs beams.


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Heat stress represents one of the major environmental factors that adversely affect the reproductive performance of cattle. In this paper the behavioral adjustments, physical mechanisms and physiological responses to heat loss are described; bos indicus adaptive advantages with respect to bos Taurus, pathophysiology of heat stress and heat stress effects in animal reproduction, both the male and the female.


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Tissue-implanted ultra-high frequency (UHF) radio devices are being employed in both humans and animals for telemetry and telecommand applications, This paper describes the experimental measurement and electromagnetic modeling of propagation from 418-MHz and 916.5-MHz sources placed in the human vagina. Whole-body homogeneous and semi-segmented software models were constructed using data from the Visible Human Project. Bodyworn radiation efficiencies for a vaginally placed 418-MHz source were calculated using finite-difference time-domain and ranged between 1.6% and 3.4% (corresponding to net body losses of between 14.7 and 18.0 dB), Greater losses were encountered at 916.5 MHz, with efficiencies between 0.36% and 0.46% (net body loss ranging between 23.4 and 24.4 dB), Practical measurements were in good agreement with simulations, to within 2 dB at 418 MHz and 3 dB at 916.5 MHz. The degree of tissue-segmentation for whole-body models was found to have a minimal effect on calculated azimuthal radiation patterns and bodyworn radiation efficiency, provided the region surrounding the implanted source was sufficiently detailed.


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Suddenly changing direction requires a whole body reorientation strategy. In sporting duels such as an attacker vs. a defender in rugby, successful body orientation/reorientation strategies are essential for successful performance. The aim of this study is to examine which biomechanical factors, while taking into account biomechanical constraints, are used by an attacker in a 1 vs. 1 duel in rugby. More specifically we wanted to examine how an attacker tries to deceive the defender yet disguise his intentions by comparing effective deceptive movements (DM+), ineffective deceptive movements (DM-), and non-deceptive movements (NDM). Eight French amateur expert rugby union players were asked to perform DMs and NDMs in a real 1 vs. 1 duel. For each type of movement (DM+, DM-, NDM) different relevant orientation/reorientation parameters, medio-lateral displacement of the center of mass (COM), foot, head, upper trunk, and lower trunk yaw; and upper trunk roll were analyzed and compared. Results showed that COM displacement and lower trunk yaw were minimized during DMs while foot displacement along with head and upper trunk yaw were exaggerated during DMs (DM+ and DM-). This would suggest that the player is using exaggerated body-related information to consciously deceive the defender into thinking he will run in a given direction while minimizing other postural control parameters to disguise a sudden change in posture necessary to modify final running direction. Further analysis of the efficacy of deceptive movements showed how the disguise and deceit strategies needed to be carefully balanced to successfully fool the defender. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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PURPOSE: Animal models are important for pre-clinical assessment of novel therapies in metastatic bladder cancer. The F344/AY-27 model involves orthotopic colonisation with AY-27 tumour cells which are syngeneic to F344 rats. One disadvantage of the model is the unknown status of colonisation between instillation and sacrifice. Non-invasive optical imaging using red fluorescence reporters could potentially detect tumours in situ and would also reduce the number of animals required for each experiment.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: AY-27 cells were stably transfected with either pDsRed2-N1 or pcDNA3.1tdTomato. The intensity and stability of fluorescence in the resultant AY-27/DsRed2-N1 and AY-27/tdTomato stable cell lines were compared using Xenogen IVIS®200 and Olympus IX51 systems.

RESULTS: AY-27/tdTomato fluorescence intensity was 60-fold brighter than AY-27/DsRed2-N1 and was sustained in AY-27/tdTomato cells following freezing and six subsequent sub-cultures. After sub-cutaneous injection, fluorescence intensity from AY-27/tdTomato cells was threefold stronger than that detected from AY-27/DsRed2-N1 cells. IVIS®200 detected fluorescence from AY-27/tdTomato and AY-27/DsRed2-N1 cells colonising resected and exteriorised bladders, respectively. However, the deep-seated position of the bladder precluded in vivo imaging. Characteristics of AY-27/tdTomato cells in vitro and in tumours colonising F344 rats resembled those of parental AY-27 cells. Tumour transformation was observed in the bladders colonised with AY-27/DsRed2-N1 cells.

CONCLUSIONS: In vivo whole-body imaging of internal red fluorescent animal tumours should use pcDNA3.1tdTomato rather than pDsRed2-N1. Optical imaging of deep-seated organs in larger animals remains a challenge which may require proteins with brighter red or far-red fluorescence and/or alternative approaches.


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This paper describes the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) analysis of antenna-body interaction effects occurring when chest-mounted 418 MHz radio transmitters are used for medical telemetry applications. Whole-body software models (homogeneous, layered and tissue-segmented) were developed for an adult male subject. Using an electrically small (300 mm(2)) planar loop antenna, calculated radiation efficiencies ranged between 33.5% and 39.2% for a whole-body model, and between 60.7% and 66.1% for a torso; radiation patterns were found to be largely independent of model composition. The computed radiation efficiency for a 21.5 kg phantom representing a six-year-old female was within 1.1 dB of measured results (actual body mass 28 kg) and well-correlated azimuthal radiation patterns were noted.


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Background: One-carbon metabolism involves both mitochondrial and cytosolic forms of folate-dependent enzymes in mammalian cells, but few in vivo data exist to characterize the biochemical processes involved.

Objective: We conducted a stable-isotopic investigation to determine the fates of exogenous serine and serine-derived one carbon units in homocysteine remethylation in hepatic and whole-body metabolism.

Design: A healthy man aged 23 y was administered [2,3,3 H-2(3)]serine and [5,5,5-H-2(3)]leucine by intravenous primed, constant infusion. Serial plasma samples were analyzed to determine the isotopic enrichment of free glycine, serine, leucine, methionine, and cystathionine. VLDL apolipoprotein B-100 served as an index of liver free amino acid labeling.

Results: [H-2(1)]Methionine and [H-2(2)]methionine were labeled through homocysteine remethylation. We propose that [H-2(2)]methionine occurs by remethylation with [H-2(2)]methyl groups (as 5-methyltetrahydrofolate) formed only from cytosolic processing of [H-2(3)]serine, whereas [H-2(1)]methionine is formed with labeled one-carbon units from mitochondrial oxidation of C-3 serine to [H-2(1)]formate to yield cytosolic [H-2(1)]methyl groups. The labeling pattern of cystathionine formed from homocysteine and labeled serine suggests that cystathionine is derived mainly from a serine pool different from that used in apolipoprotein B-100 synthesis.

Conclusions: The appearance of both [H-2(1)]- and [H-2(2)]methionine forms indicates that both cytosolic and mitochondrial metabolism of exogenous serine generates carbon units in vivo for methyl group production and homocysteine remethylation. This study also showed the utility of serine infusion and indicated functional roles of cytosolic and mitochondrial compartments in one-carbon metabolism.