433 resultados para Watercolor illusion
L’interazione che abbiamo con l’ambiente che ci circonda dipende sia da diverse tipologie di stimoli esterni che percepiamo (tattili, visivi, acustici, ecc.) sia dalla loro elaborazione per opera del nostro sistema nervoso. A volte però, l’integrazione e l’elaborazione di tali input possono causare effetti d’illusione. Ciò si presenta, ad esempio, nella percezione tattile. Infatti, la percezione di distanze tattili varia al variare della regione corporea considerata. Il concetto che distanze sulla cute siano frequentemente erroneamente percepite, è stato scoperto circa un secolo fa da Weber. In particolare, una determinata distanza fisica, è percepita maggiore su parti del corpo che presentano una più alta densità di meccanocettori rispetto a distanze applicate su parti del corpo con inferiore densità. Oltre a questa illusione, un importante fenomeno osservato in vivo è rappresentato dal fatto che la percezione della distanza tattile dipende dall’orientazione degli stimoli applicati sulla cute. In sostanza, la distanza percepita su una regione cutanea varia al variare dell’orientazione degli stimoli applicati. Recentemente, Longo e Haggard (Longo & Haggard, J.Exp.Psychol. Hum Percept Perform 37: 720-726, 2011), allo scopo di investigare come sia rappresentato il nostro corpo all’interno del nostro cervello, hanno messo a confronto distanze tattili a diverse orientazioni sulla mano deducendo che la distanza fra due stimoli puntuali è percepita maggiore se applicata trasversalmente sulla mano anziché longitudinalmente. Tale illusione è nota con il nome di Illusione Tattile Orientazione-Dipendente e diversi risultati riportati in letteratura dimostrano che tale illusione dipende dalla distanza che intercorre fra i due stimoli puntuali sulla cute. Infatti, Green riporta in un suo articolo (Green, Percpept Pshycophys 31, 315-323, 1982) il fatto che maggiore sia la distanza applicata e maggiore risulterà l’effetto illusivo che si presenta. L’illusione di Weber e l’illusione tattile orientazione-dipendente sono spiegate in letteratura considerando differenze riguardanti la densità di recettori, gli effetti di magnificazione corticale a livello della corteccia primaria somatosensoriale (regioni della corteccia somatosensoriale, di dimensioni differenti, sono adibite a diverse regioni corporee) e differenze nella dimensione e forma dei campi recettivi. Tuttavia tali effetti di illusione risultano molto meno rilevanti rispetto a quelli che ci si aspetta semplicemente considerando i meccanismi fisiologici, elencati in precedenza, che li causano. Ciò suggerisce che l’informazione tattile elaborata a livello della corteccia primaria somatosensoriale, riceva successivi step di elaborazione in aree corticali di più alto livello. Esse agiscono allo scopo di ridurre il divario fra distanza percepita trasversalmente e distanza percepita longitudinalmente, rendendole più simili tra loro. Tale processo assume il nome di “Rescaling Process”. I meccanismi neurali che operano nel cervello allo scopo di garantire Rescaling Process restano ancora largamente sconosciuti. Perciò, lo scopo del mio progetto di tesi è stato quello di realizzare un modello di rete neurale che simulasse gli aspetti riguardanti la percezione tattile, l’illusione orientazione-dipendente e il processo di rescaling avanzando possibili ipotesi circa i meccanismi neurali che concorrono alla loro realizzazione. Il modello computazionale si compone di due diversi layers neurali che processano l’informazione tattile. Uno di questi rappresenta un’area corticale di più basso livello (chiamata Area1) nella quale una prima e distorta rappresentazione tattile è realizzata. Per questo, tale layer potrebbe rappresentare un’area della corteccia primaria somatosensoriale, dove la rappresentazione della distanza tattile è significativamente distorta a causa dell’anisotropia dei campi recettivi e della magnificazione corticale. Il secondo layer (chiamato Area2) rappresenta un’area di più alto livello che riceve le informazioni tattili dal primo e ne riduce la loro distorsione mediante Rescaling Process. Questo layer potrebbe rappresentare aree corticali superiori (ad esempio la corteccia parietale o quella temporale) adibite anch’esse alla percezione di distanze tattili ed implicate nel Rescaling Process. Nel modello, i neuroni in Area1 ricevono informazioni dagli stimoli esterni (applicati sulla cute) inviando quindi informazioni ai neuroni in Area2 mediante sinapsi Feed-forward eccitatorie. Di fatto, neuroni appartenenti ad uno stesso layer comunicano fra loro attraverso sinapsi laterali aventi una forma a cappello Messicano. E’ importante affermare che la rete neurale implementata è principalmente un modello concettuale che non si preme di fornire un’accurata riproduzione delle strutture fisiologiche ed anatomiche. Per questo occorre considerare un livello astratto di implementazione senza specificare un’esatta corrispondenza tra layers nel modello e regioni anatomiche presenti nel cervello. Tuttavia, i meccanismi inclusi nel modello sono biologicamente plausibili. Dunque la rete neurale può essere utile per una migliore comprensione dei molteplici meccanismi agenti nel nostro cervello, allo scopo di elaborare diversi input tattili. Infatti, il modello è in grado di riprodurre diversi risultati riportati negli articoli di Green e Longo & Haggard.
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht, wie sich Greenaways Filme selbstreflexiv zur Problematik des filmischen Mediums stellen, d.h. wie der Illusions- und Artefaktcharakter des Films im Film selbst thematisiert wird. Die Untersuchung der Selbstreflexion wird konkret unter drei Untersuchungsaspekten erfolgt, nämlich die systematisch und künstlich organisierte formale Struktur, die Narrativität und die Wahrnehmungsweise des Zuschauers. Greenaways Filme veranschaulichen auf der formalen Ebene:· daß die Filmbilder diskontinuierlich und uneinheitlich sind, · wie einzelnen visuellen, akustischen und technischen Zeichen systematisch und künstlich organisiert sind und schließlich· wie die diskontinuierlichen und uneinheitlichen Filmbilder durch die systematische und künstliche Organisation der Zeichen kontinuierlich und einheitlich wirken. Seine Filme thematisieren auch auf der allegorischen, symbolischen und metaphorischen Ebene das Verhältnis zwischen der formalen Struktur, der Geschichte und der interaktiven Wahrnehmungsweise des Zuschauers, und die Beziehung zwischen dem Zuschauer, dem Film, dem Filmemacher. Die männliche Hauptfigur metaphorisiert den Zuschauer. Die Frauenfiguren allegorisieren die zwei Seiten des Films, die Form und den Inhalt des Films. Die sexuelle Beziehung zwischen der männlichen Hauptfigur und den Frauen umfaßt auf der metaphorischen Ebene die Interaktivität des Zuschauers mit dem Film.
At the light of what happened in 2010 and 2011, a lot of European countries founded themselves in a difficult position where all the credit rating agencies were downgrading debt states. Problem of solvency and guarantees on the states' bond were perceived as too risky for a Monetary Union as Europe is. Fear of a contagion from Greece as well was threatening the other countries as Italy, Spain, Portugal and Ireland; while Germany and France asked for a division between risky and riskless bond in order to feel more safe. Our paper gets inspiration by Roch and Uhlig (2011), it refers to the Argentinian case examined by Arellano (2008) and examine possible interventions as monetization or bailout as proposed by Cole and Kehoe (2000). We propose a model in which a state defaults and cannot repay a fraction of the old bond; but contrary to Roch and Uhlig that where considering a one-time cost of default we consider default as an accumulation of losses, perceived as unpaid fractions of the old debts. Our contributions to literature is that default immediately imply that economy faces a bad period and, accumulating losses, government will be worse-off. We studied a function for this accumulation of debt period by period, in order to get an idea of the magnitude of this waste of resources that economy will face when experiences a default. Our thesis is that bailouts just postpone the day of reckoning (Roch, Uhlig); so it's better to default before accumulate a lot of debts. What Europe need now is the introduction of new reforms in a controlled default where the Eurozone will be saved in its whole integrity and a state could fail with the future promise of a resurrection. As experience show us, governments are not interested into reducing debts since there are ECB interventions. That clearly create a distortion between countries in the same monetary union, giving to the states just an illusion about their future debtor position.
The body is represented in the brain at levels that incorporate multisensory information. This thesis focused on interactions between vision and cutaneous sensations (i.e., touch and pain). Experiment 1 revealed that there are partially dissociable pathways for visual enhancement of touch (VET) depending upon whether one sees one’s own body or the body of another person. This indicates that VET, a seeming low-level effect on spatial tactile acuity, is actually sensitive to body identity. Experiments 2-4 explored the effect of viewing one’s own body on pain perception. They demonstrated that viewing the body biases pain intensity judgments irrespective of actual stimulus intensity, and, more importantly, reduces the discriminative capacities of the nociceptive pathway encoding noxious stimulus intensity. The latter effect only occurs if the pain-inducing event itself is not visible, suggesting that viewing the body alone and viewing a stimulus event on the body have distinct effects on cutaneous sensations. Experiment 5 replicated an enhancement of visual remapping of touch (VRT) when viewing fearful human faces being touched, and further demonstrated that VRT does not occur for observed touch on non-human faces, even fearful ones. This suggests that the facial expressions of non-human animals may not be simulated within the somatosensory system of the human observer in the same way that the facial expressions of other humans are. Finally, Experiment 6 examined the enfacement illusion, in which synchronous visuo-tactile inputs cause another’s face to be assimilated into the mental self-face representation. The strength of enfacement was not affected by the other’s facial expression, supporting an asymmetric relationship between processing of facial identity and facial expressions. Together, these studies indicate that multisensory representations of the body in the brain link low-level perceptual processes with the perception of emotional cues and body/face identity, and interact in complex ways depending upon contextual factors.
La ricerca sulla comunicazione e gestione multilingue della conoscenza in azienda si è sinora concentrata sulle multinazionali o PMI in fase di globalizzazione. La presente ricerca riguarda invece le PMI in zone storicamente multilingui al fine di studiare se l’abitudine all’uso di lingue diverse sul mercato locale possa rappresentare un vantaggio competitivo. La tesi illustra una ricerca multimetodo condotta nel 2012-2013 in Alto Adige/Südtirol. Il dataset consiste in 443 risposte valide a un questionario online e 23 interviste con manager e imprenditori locali. Le domande miravano a capire come le aziende altoatesine affrontino la sfida del multilinguismo, con particolare attenzione ai seguenti ambiti: comunicazione multilingue, documentazione, traduzione e terminologia. I risultati delineano un quadro generale delle strategie di multilinguismo applicate in Alto Adige, sottolineandone punti di forza e punti deboli. Nonostante la presenza di personale multilingue infatti il potenziale vantaggio competitivo che ne deriva non è sfruttato appieno: le aziende si rivolgono ai mercati in cui si parla la loro stessa lingua (le imprese a conduzione italiana al mercato nazionale, quelle di lingua tedesca ad Austria e Germania). La comunicazione interna è multilingue solo nei casi in sia imprescindibile. Le “traduzioni fai-da-te” offrono l’illusione di gestire lingue diverse, ma il livello qualitativo rimane limitato. I testi sono sovente tradotti da personale interno privo di competenze specifiche. Anche nella cooperazione con i traduttori esterni si evidenza la mancata capacità di ottenere il massimo profitto dagli investimenti. La tesi propone delle raccomandazioni pratiche volte a ottimizzare i processi attuali e massimizzare la resa delle risorse disponibili per superare la sfida della gestione e comunicazione multilingue. Le raccomandazioni non richiedono investimenti economici di rilievo e sono facilmente trasferibili anche ad altre regioni multilingui/di confine, come ad altre PMI che impiegano personale plurilingue. Possono dunque risultare utili per un elevato numero di imprese.
Negli ultimi anni, studi scientifici hanno evidenziato come il nostro sistema nervoso abbia la capacità di combinare e integrare informazioni di diversa natura sensoriale. Una interazione ampiamente studiata è quella audiovisiva. Oggetto principale di questa tesi è un esempio di interazione audiovisiva, ovvero un fenomeno illusorio visivo indotto dal suono che prende il nome “sound-induced flash illusion”: quando una coppia flash+beep è preceduta o seguita - ad una distanza temporale detta Stimulus Onset Asynchorny (SOA) - da un secondo beep, i soggetti spesso riportano la percezione di aver visto due flash. Il fenomeno illusorio tende a svanire al crescere dell’SOA, e si definisce “finestra temporale d’integrazione” l’intervallo di valori di SOA all’interno del quale si verifica l’illusione. Il fenomeno illusorio è presente anche nei soggetti autistici; questi, rispetto ai soggetti sani, presentano una maggiore propensione nel riportare l’illusione e una finestra temporale d’integrazione di durata maggiore. Obiettivo di questo lavoro è stato approfondire questi fenomeni di interazione mediante l’utilizzo di un modello di rete neurale precedentemente sviluppato dal gruppo di Bioingegneria dell’Università di Bologna. Tale modello era in grado di simulare il fenomeno illusorio, ma presentava il limite di non considerare l’intera finestra temporale in cui tale fenomeno si verifica. Un’analisi di sensitività del modello ha individuato quali variazioni dei parametri potessero spiegare l’illusione in un ampio intervallo temporale e interpretare le differenze tra soggetti sani e soggetti autistici. I risultati delle simulazioni hanno evidenziato un soddisfacente accordo con i dati di letteratura. Le analisi svolte possono contribuire a chiarire i meccanismi alla base del fenomeno illusorio e della finestra temporale in cui esso ha luogo e a fare luce sulle possibili alterazioni nelle singole aree cerebrali e nella interazione tra esse che possono interpretare le differenze osservate nei soggetti autistici rispetto ai sani.
Résumé: Par le biais de cette thèse, nous nous aventurons dans le monde des Villes invisibles d'Italo Calvino à travers un voyage qui nous portera à affronter des thèmes tels que l'insuffisance du langage pour décrire les multiples formes de la réalité ; l'importance de la relation entre l'oeil et l'esprit ; les instruments déployés par Italo Calvino pour atteindre son objectif: toucher du doigt l'essence même de la réalité. Pour ce faire, l'écrivain puisera dans une tradition séculaire d'oeuvres littéraires, y compris et surtout Ovide et ses Métamorphoses, qui fera l'objet dune étude plus poussée étant donné que Calvino et lui partagent la conviction que l'art et l'illusion qu'il comporte nous guident vers une réalité nouvelle. Nous finirons par l'étude de certains concepts récurrents dans la littérature en général, mais surtout dans celle de l'écrivain. Des thèmes comme l'échiquier, le labyrinthe ou encore la carte nous apparaissent comme autant de moyens employés par Calvino pour comprendre notre monde. Le tout à travers un voyage initiatique qui nous permettra non seulement de mieux comprendre la réalité dans laquelle nous vivons et par conséquent nous-même, mais aussi d'entrer dans l'esprit de l'auteur sans toutefois oublier que nous ne pouvons qu'effleurer la surface de ce dernier. Abstract: Through this thesis, we will enter the world of Italo Calvino's Invisible cities in a trip that will bring us to analyse subjects such as the language inadequacy when it comes to describing reality and its multiple forms ; the importance of the link between the eye and the mind ; the tools used by Italo Calvino in order to achieve his goal: reach the very essence of reality. To do so, the writer will make full use of a tradition that comes from centuries of literary books, included and most of all Ovid and his Metamorphoses, which we will study more deeply as Calvino shares with him the belief that art and illusion that derives from it, bring us towards a new reality. Finally, we will analyse some topics which are generally recurrent not only in literature, but also in Calvino's work. Topics such as chessboard, labyrinth, map that are may different ways used by Calvino to understand our world. All of this will take us through an initiatory trip that will allow us not only to better understand the reality we live in and therefore ourselves, but also to enter the writer's mind without however forgetting that we cannot but only scratch the surface of the latter.
The mutoscope is a cylindrical container ranging in size from a large, standing viewing station down to a smaller, more transportable unit. These machines hold hundreds of small cards with images printed on them attached to a circular core. This core is attached to an external crank which is turned by the viewer. The booklet turns, and the cards are held tensely bent into viewing position by a small metal piece. As the cards flip by, the rapid frame rate produces the illusion of a moving image (Rossell,Living Pictures, 96).
The object consists of a disc with 20 or so images of an object/person around the edges, each slightly in a different position and space. Extending from the edges of the disc is a shutter: there are slots that one looks through with a solid part in between that blocks some of our view when in rotation to give the illusion of movement. A mirror is also used with the device. The user spins the wheel, while looking at the mirror and seeing the reflection of the phenakistoscope. The shutter blocks some of the image so that what we see appears to be moving, or animated. (Leskosky, 178)
Wheatstone’s stereoscope placed two mirrors on either side that were mounted at a right angle in order to view the two dissimilar drawings presented (Hankins 148). There are two identical monocular tubes that allow each eye to view the images (Hankins 148). Each eye views the image it was intended to see. The two eyes see slightly different images through this binocular vision (Hankins 148). The combination of the two images creates this illusion of depth and solidarity through their superimposition (Hankins 154). In order to view these images, the eyes were covered from all external light (Clay 152). The stereoscope was first seen as a philosophical toy along with other inventions such as the zoetrope, providing entertainment as well as scientific insight (Hankins 148). The stereoscope above is more similar to the “Holmes Stereoscope”, which transformed Wheatstone’s stereoscope into a handheld version that could be put on a stand (Hawkins 155). He replaced the retina of the eye with a sensitive plate; therefore, the lenses acted as the eyes (Silverman 738). In the video, an embellishment adorns the bottom of the stand that holds up the binocular lens and the images. The lenses are in a wooden frame that has an attached stand that holds the slides of images. There also is a knob on the side of the device that can adjust the lens on the two monocular tubes (Bokander 485).
This article focuses on several key philosophical themes in the criticism of Sakaguchi Ango (1906–1955), one of postwar Japan’s most influential and controversial writers. Associated with the underground Kasutori culture as well as the Burai-ha of Tamura Taijirō (1911–1983), Oda Sakunosuke (1913–1947) and Dazai Osamu (1909–1948), Ango gained fame for two provocative essays on the theme of daraku or “decadence”—Darakuron and Zoku darakuron—pubished in 1946, in the wake of Japan’s traumatic defeat and the beginnings of the Allied Occupation. Less well-known is the fact that Ango spent his student years studying classical Buddhist texts in Sanskrit, Pali and Tibetan, and that he at at one time aspired to the priesthood. The article analyses the concept of daraku in the two essays noted above, particularly as it relates to Ango’s vision of a refashioned morality based on an interpretation of human subjectivity vis-à-vis the themes of illusion and disillusion. It argues that, despite the radical and modernist flavor of Ango’s essays, his “decadence” is best understood in terms of Mahāyāna and Zen Buddhist concepts. Moreover, when the two essays on decadence are read in tandem with Ango’s wartime essay on Japanese culture (Nihon bunka shikan, 1942), they form the foundation for a “postmetaphysical Buddhist critique of culture,” one that is pragmatic, humanistic, and non-reductively physicalist.
Increasing evidence suggests that the basic foundations of the self lie in the brain systems that represent the body. Specific sensorimotor stimulation has been shown to alter the bodily self. However, little is known about how disconnection of the brain from the body affects the phenomenological sense of the body and the self. Spinal cord injury (SCI) patients who exhibit massively reduced somatomotor processes below the lesion in the absence of brain damage are suitable for testing the influence of body signals on two important components of the self-the sense of disembodiment and body ownership. We recruited 30 SCI patients and 16 healthy participants, and evaluated the following parameters: (i) depersonalization symptoms, using the Cambridge Depersonalization Scale (CDS), and (ii) measures of body ownership, as quantified by the rubber hand illusion (RHI) paradigm. We found higher CDS scores in SCI patients, which show increased detachment from their body and internal bodily sensations and decreasing global body ownership with higher lesion level. The RHI paradigm reveals no alterations in the illusory ownership of the hand between SCI patients and controls. Yet, there was no typical proprioceptive drift in SCI patients with intact tactile sensation on the hand, which might be related to cortical reorganization in these patients. These results suggest that disconnection of somatomotor inputs to the brain due to spinal cord lesions resulted in a disturbed sense of an embodied self. Furthermore, plasticity-related cortical changes might influence the dynamics of the bodily self.
The project aimed to analyse representations of motherhood in Polish cinema as a special case of a more general system within the representation of women. It concentrated on the image of the Polish Mother created during the 19th century in Polish culture under the influence of specific political, social and religious factors. Ms. Ostrowska's initial hypothesis was that this symbolic image became one of the most stable elements in Polish cinema and as her research revealed, it was valuable for the preservation of national identity but nevertheless a fiercely constraining model for Polish femininity. In order to fully understand the nature of this persistent image it was initially necessary to related it to broader contexts and issues in representation. These included the image of the Polish Mother within general mythological structures (using the notion of myth in the Barthesian sense). Following her initial research Ms. Ostrowska felt that it was most appropriate to view the myth of the Polish Mother as a dominant ideological structure in the discourse of motherhood within Polish culture. An analysis of the myth of the Polish Mother can provide an insight into how Polish society sees itself at different periods in time and how a national identity was constructed in relation to particular ideological demands stemming from concrete historical and political situations. The analysis of the film version of this myth also revealed some aspects of the national character of Polish cinema. There the image of woman has become enshrined as the "eternal feminine", with virtues which are inevitably derived directly from Catholicism, particularly in relation to the networks of meanings around the central figure of Mary, Mother of God. In 19th century Poland these were linked with patriotic values and images of woman became part of the defence of the very idea of Poland and Polishness. After World War Two, this religious-political image system was adapted to the demands of the new communist ideology. The possibility of manipulating the ideological dimensions of the myth of the Polish Mother is due to the very nature of the image, which as a symbol of civil religion had been able to function independently of any particular state or church institution. Although in communist ideology the stress was on the patriotic aspect of the myth, its pronounced religious aspect was also transmitted, consciously or not, in the denotation process, this being of great significance in the viewer's response to the female character. This appropriation of elements derived from the national patriotic tradition into the discourse of communist ideology was a very efficient strategy to establish the illusion of continuity in national existence, which was supposed to convince society of the rightness of the new political situation. The analysis of films made in the post-war period showed the persistence of this discourse on motherhood in a range of cinematic texts regardless of the changing political situation. Ms. Ostrowska claims that the stability of this discursive formation is to a certain extent the result of the mythological aspect of the mother figure. This mythological structure also belongs to the ideology of Romanticism which in general continues to prevail in Polish cultural discourse as a meta-language of national community. The analysis of the films confirmed the hypothesis of the Polish Mother as a myth-sign whose signifier is stable whereas the signified depends on the specific historical conditions in which it is set. Therefore in the famous propaganda documentary Kobiety naszych dni (Women of Our Days, 1951) by Jan Zelnik, and in other films made after the October 1956 "thaw" it functions as an "empty sign. She concludes that it would be difficult to deny that the myth of the Polish Mother has offered Polish women a special role in national life, granting them a high moral position in the social, hierarchy. However the processes of idealisation involved have resulted in a deprivation of her subjectivity and the right to decide about her own life. This idealisation also served to strengthen traditional patriarchal structures through this set of female obligations to the mother land. In Polish ideology it is not a man who demands sacrifice from a woman but the motherland, which, deprived of the institutions of male power for nearly 150 years, had functioned as a feminine structure. That is why oppressive aspects of the myth have been obscured for so long. While Polish women were doubtless able to accept the constrictions because of their sense of national duty and any misgivings were overridden by the argument of the cause, it is important to recognise that the strength of these constructions, compounded by the ways in which they spoke of and continue to speak of a certain perfection, make them persist into contemporary Poland. Poland is however no longer embattled and the signs that made these meanings are potentially empty. This space for meaning will be and is already being contested and increasingly colonised by current western models of femininity. Ms. Ostrowska's final question is whether this will help to prevent a possible resentful victimisation of the silent and noble Polish Mother.
The welfare state concepts in Eastern Europe under state socialism (1945-1990) were based on the conviction that only the state was responsible for solving all social problems. The 'bourgeois' manners of individual care were substituted by general measures in the field of labour- and family politics, as well as urban development. The experience showed however that this way of substitution was an illusion, because certain target groups were still in need of help (for example ill or handicapped children and adults, elderly people etc). Nevertheless, most of the Eastern European countries - with the exception of Yugoslavia - decided to abolish the existing forms of professional social work and the training for social workers. Instead, they invented 'surrogate structures' to manage the care for the 'needy': Various institutions and occupational groups (schools, hospitals and ambulances, employees groups etc.) took over the tasks of social workers and were trained to fulfil this as a kind of 'social practice'. Therefore, it is wrong to claim that social work was completely abolished under state socialism, But: as social work 'as such' did not exist any longer, it is more reasonable to speak of welfare state concepts, including social policy on one hand, and non- or paraprofessional social practice on the other. To characterize the effect of these welfare state concepts three parameter of interpretation seem to be useful: 'traditions', 'visions', and 'deconstructions' - embedded in a system of repression as well as incentives. Traditions: The huge 'social laboratory' that was installed was not a totally new one - it still carried on the heritage of the bygone: some bourgeois traces as well as elements out of the fascist heritage and -last but not least - the traditions of their own socialist movement. Visions: The socialist traditions included visions of social justice, the creation of a 'new mankind', a classless society, the end of exploitation and a peaceful living together of all people. Although the 'real existing socialism' has destroyed most of these visions, the power of these utopian ideas has outshined a lot of the every day’s misfortune and injustice for quite a long time. Deconstructions: The term of 'deconstruction' has a threefold meaning: the deconstruction of professional welfare, the deconstruction - in the sense of reinterpretation - of the socialist ideals such as social justice and social security, making an instrument of inclusion and exclusion out of it. And the deconstruction that is necessary to free the history of social work under state socialism from the prejudices and distorting practices, from both sides, the east and the west. In the contribution these three parameter of interpretation are applied on the following issues: The gaps in the 'overall system' of social security; working morale and education for work; mass organisations as an instrument of egalitarianism and general prevention; de-professionalisation by 'surrogating' social work; the 'transparent client'; church as refuge or 'state organ'; women’s politics as bio-politics.