971 resultados para WNT pathway genes


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The Wnt/Frizzled signaling pathway plays multiple functions in animal development and, when deregulated, in human disease. The G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) Frizzled and its cognate heterotrimeric Gi/o proteins initiate the intracellular signaling cascades resulting in cell fate determination and polarization. In this review, we summarize the knowledge on the ligand recognition, biochemistry, modifications and interacting partners of the Frizzled proteins viewed as GPCRs. We also discuss the effectors of the heterotrimeric Go protein in Frizzled signaling. One group of these effectors is represented by small GTPases of the Rab family, which amplify the initial Wnt/Frizzled signal. Another effector is the negative regulator of Wnt signaling Axin, which becomes deactivated in response to Go action. The discovery of the GPCR properties of Frizzled receptors not only provides mechanistic understanding to their signaling pathways, but also paves new avenues for the drug discovery efforts.


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BACKGROUND: Mood disorders are polygenic disorders in which the alteration of several susceptibility genes results in dysfunctional mood regulation. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying their transcriptional dysregulation are still unclear. The transcription factor cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) response element binding protein (CREB) and the neurotrophin brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) have been implicated in rodent models of depression. We previously provided evidence that Bdnf expression critically rely on a potent CREB coactivator called CREB-regulated transcription coactivator 1 (CRTC1). METHODS: To further evaluate the role of CRTC1 in the brain, we generated a knockout mouse line and analyzed its behavioral and molecular phenotype. RESULTS: We found that mice lacking CRTC1 associate neurobehavioral endophenotypes related to mood disorders. Crtc1(-/-) mice exhibit impulsive aggressiveness, social withdrawal, and decreased sexual motivation, together with increased behavioral despair, anhedonia, and anxiety-related behavior in the novelty-induced hypophagia test. They also present psychomotor retardation as well as increased emotional response to stressful events. Crtc1(-/-) mice have a blunted response to the antidepressant fluoxetine in behavioral despair paradigms, whereas fluoxetine normalizes their aggressiveness and their behavioral response in the novelty-induced hypophagia test. Crtc1(-/-) mice strikingly show, in addition to a reduced dopamine and serotonin turnover in the prefrontal cortex, a concomitant decreased expression of several susceptibility genes involved in neuroplasticity, including Bdnf, its receptor TrkB, the nuclear receptors Nr4a1-3, and several other CREB-regulated genes. CONCLUSIONS: Collectively, these findings support a role for the CRTC1-CREB pathway in mood disorders etiology and behavioral response to antidepressants and identify CRTC1 as an essential coactivator of genes involved in mood regulation.


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Purpose of reviewMedulloblastomas are very rare in adults. Usual treatment consists of craniospinal radiation with or without chemotherapy. Current efforts focus on a better understanding of tumour biology, stratifying patients into risk groups and adapting treatment accordingly. This review discusses clinical and new molecular risk factors that will help to optimize treatment in adult medulloblastoma patients.Recent findingsThe clinical risk stratification should be complemented with new molecular prognostic markers. Gene-expression profiling has permitted identification of four to six molecular medulloblastoma subgroups. The WNT subgroup shows overexpression of genes of the WNT/wingless signalling pathway with frequent mutations of the CNNTB1 gene, loss of chromosome 6 and accumulation of nuclear beta-catenin, and is most often seen in children with medulloblastomas of classical histology. This variant has a good prognosis. Activation of the sonic hedgehog pathway with frequent mutations of the PTCH and SUFU genes, loss of 9q, and positivity for GLI1 and SFRP1 is more frequent in children less than 3 years old and in adults, commonly associated with desmoplastic histology. Other subgroups are not so well defined and have overlapping characteristics, but MYC/MYCN amplification, 17q gain and, large cell/anaplastic histology are factors of poor prognosis.SummaryNew molecular subgroups will help tailor treatment and further develop new targeted therapies. Prospective and ideally randomized trials should be performed in adults, including risk stratification by molecular markers, to identify optimal treatment for each risk group.


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Salicylate is a precursor of pyochelin in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and both compounds display siderophore activity. To elucidate the salicylate biosynthetic pathway, we have cloned and sequenced a chromosomal region of P. aeruginosa PAO1 containing two adjacent genes, designated pchB and pchA, which are necessary for salicylate formation. The pchA gene encodes a protein of 52 kDa with extensive similarity to the chorismate-utilizing enzymes isochorismate synthase, anthranilate synthase (component I) and p-aminobenzoate synthase (component I), whereas the 11 kDa protein encoded by pchB does not show significant similarity with other proteins. The pchB stop codon overlaps the presumed pchA start codon. Expression of the pchA gene in P. aeruginosa appears to depend on the transcription and translation of the upstream pchB gene. The pchBA genes are the first salicylate biosynthetic genes to be reported. Salicylate formation was demonstrated in an Escherichia coli entC mutant lacking isochorismate synthase when this strain expressed both the pchBA genes, but not when it expressed pchB alone. By contrast, an entB mutant of E. coli blocked in the conversion of isochorismate to 2,3-dihydro-2,3-dihydroxybenzoate formed salicylate when transformed with a pchB expression construct. Salicylate formation could also be demonstrated in vitro when chorismate was incubated with a crude extract of P. aeruginosa containing overproduced PchA and PchB proteins; salicylate and pyruvate were formed in equimolar amounts. Furthermore, salicylate-forming activity could be detected in extracts from a P. aeruginosa pyoverdin-negative mutant when grown under iron limitation, but not with iron excess. Our results are consistent with a pathway leading from chorismate to isochorismate and then to salicylate plus pyruvate, catalyzed consecutively by the iron-repressible PchA and PchB proteins in P. aeruginosa.


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Wounding plant tissues initiates large-scale changes in transcription coupled to growth arrest, allowing resource diversion for defense. These processes are mediated in large part by the potent lipid regulator jasmonic acid (JA). Genes selected from a list of wound-inducible transcripts regulated by the jasmonate pathway were overexpressed in Arabidopsis thaliana, and the transgenic plants were then assayed for sensitivity to methyl jasmonate (MeJA). When grown in the presence of MeJA, the roots of plants overexpressing a gene of unknown function were longer than those of wild-type plants. When transcript levels for this gene, which we named JASMONATE-ASSOCIATED1 (JAS1), were reduced by RNA interference, the plants showed increased sensitivity to MeJA and growth was inhibited. These gain- and loss-of-function assays suggest that this gene acts as a repressor of JA-inhibited growth. An alternative transcript from the gene encoding a second protein isoform with a longer C terminus failed to repress jasmonate sensitivity. This identified a conserved C-terminal sequence in JAS1 and related genes, all of which also contain Zim motifs and many of which are jasmonate-regulated. Both forms of JAS1 were found to localize to the nucleus in transient expression assays. Physiological tests of growth responses after wounding were consistent with the fact that JAS1 is a repressor of JA-regulated growth retardation.


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Tumor-host interaction is a key determinant during cancer progression, from primary tumor growth to metastatic dissemination. At each step, tumor cells have to adapt to and subvert different types of microenvironment, leading to major phenotypic and genotypic alterations that affect both tumor and surrounding stromal compartments. Understanding the molecular mechanisms that govern tumor-host interplay may be essential for better comprehension of tumorigenesis in an effort to improve current anti-cancer therapies. The present work is composed of two projects that address tumor-host interactions from two different perspectives, the first focusing on the characterization of tumor-associated stroma and the second on membrane trafficking in tumor cells. Part 1. To selectively address stromal gene expression changes during cancer progression, oligonucleotide-based Affymetrix microarray technology was used to analyze the transcriptomes of laser-microdissected stromal cells derived from invasive human breast and prostate carcinoma. Comparison showed that invasive breast and prostate cancer elicit distinct, tumor-specific stromal responses, with a limited panel of shared induced and/or repressed genes. Both breast and prostate tumor-specific deregulated stromal gene sets displayed statistically significant survival-predictive ability for their respective tumor type. By contrast, a stromal gene signature common to both tumor types did not display prognostic value, although expression of two individual genes within this common signature was found to be associated with patient survival. Part 2. GLG1 is known as an E-selectin ligand and an intracellular FGF receptor, depending on cell type and context. Immunohistochemical and immunofluorescence analyses showed that GLG1 is primarily localized in the Golgi of human tumor cells, a central location in the biosynthetic/secretory pathways. GLG1 has been shown to interact with and to recruit the ARF GEF BIGI to the Golgi membrane. Depletion of GLG1 or BIGI markedly reduced ARF3 membrane localization and activation, and altered the Golgi structure. Interestingly, these perturbations did not impair constitutive secretion in general, but rather seemed to impair secretion of a specific subset of proteins that includes MMP-9. Thus, GLG1 coordinates ARF3 activation by recruiting BIGI to the Golgi membrane, thereby affecting secretion of specific molecules. - Les interactions tumeur-hôte constituent un élément essentiel à la progression tumorale, de la croissance de la tumeur primaire à la dissémination des métastases. A chaque étape, les cellules tumorales doivent s'adapter à différents types de microenvironnement et les détourner à leur propre avantage, donnant lieu à des altérations phénotypiques et génotypiques majeures qui affectent aussi bien la tumeur elle-même que le compartiment stromal environnant. L'étude des mécanismes moléculaires qui régissent les interactions tumeur-hôte constitue une étape essentielle pour une meilleure compréhension du processus de tumorigenèse dans le but d'améliorer les thérapies anti cancer existantes. Le travail présenté ici est composé de deux projets qui abordent la problématique des interactions tumeur-hôte selon différentes perspectives, le premier se concentrant sur la caractérisation du stroma tumoral et le second sur le trafic intracellulaire des cellules tumorales. Partie 1. Pour examiner les changements d'expression des gènes dans le stroma en réponse à la progression du cancer, des puces à ADN Affymetrix ont été utilisées afin d'analyser les transcriptomes des cellules stromales issues de carcinomes invasifs du sein et de la prostate et collectées par microdissection au laser. L'analyse comparative a montré que les cancers invasifs du sein et de la prostate provoquent des réponses stromales spécifiques à chaque type de tumeur, et présentent peu de gènes induits ou réprimés de façon similaire. L'ensemble des gènes dérégulés dans le stroma associé au cancer du sein, ou à celui de la prostate, présente une valeur pronostique pour les patients atteints d'un cancer du sein, respectivement de la prostate. En revanche, la signature stromale commune aux deux types de cancer n'a aucune valeur prédictive, malgré le fait que l'expression de deux gènes présents dans cette liste soit liée à la survie des patients. Partie 2. GLG1 est connu comme un ligand des sélectines E ainsi que comme récepteur intracellulaire pour des facteurs de croissances FGFs selon le type de cellule dans lequel il est exprimé. Des analyses immunohistochimiques et d'immunofluorescence ont montré que dans les cellules tumorales, GLG1 est principalement localisé au niveau de l'appareil de Golgi, une place centrale dans la voie biosynthétique et sécrétoire. Nous avons montré que GLG1 interagit avec la protéine BIGI et participe à son recrutement à la membrane du Golgi. L'absence de GLG1 ou de BIGI réduit drastiquement le pool d'ARF3 associé aux membranes ainsi que la quantité d'ARF3 activés, et modifie la structure de l'appareil de Golgi. Il est particulièrement intéressant de constater que ces perturbations n'ont pas d'effet sur la sécrétion constitutive en général, mais semblent plutôt affecter la sécrétion spécifique d'un sous-groupe défini de protéines comprenant MMP-9. GLG1 coordonne donc l'activation de ARF3 en recrutant BIGI à la membrane du Golgi, agissant par ce moyen sur la sécrétion de molécules spécifiques.


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Muscle stem cells and their progeny play a fundamental role in the regeneration of adult skeletal muscle. We have previously shown that activation of the canonical Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway in adult myogenic progenitors is required for their transition from rapidly dividing transient amplifying cells to more differentiated progenitors. Whereas Wnt signaling in Drosophila is dependent on the presence of the co-regulator Legless, previous studies of the mammalian ortholog of Legless, BCL9 (and its homolog, BCL9-2), have not revealed an essential role of these proteins in Wnt signaling in specific tissues during development. Using Cre-lox technology to delete BCL9 and BCL9-2 in the myogenic lineage in vivo and RNAi technology to knockdown the protein levels in vitro, we show that BCL9 is required for activation of the Wnt/beta-catenin cascade in adult mammalian myogenic progenitors. We observed that the nuclear localization of beta-catenin and downstream TCF/LEF-mediated transcription, which are normally observed in myogenic progenitors upon addition of exogenous Wnt and during muscle regeneration, were abrogated when BCL9/9-2 levels were reduced. Furthermore, reductions of BCL9/9-2 inhibited the promotion of myogenic differentiation by Wnt and the normal regenerative response of skeletal muscle. These results suggest a critical role of BCL9/9-2 in the Wnt-mediated regulation of adult, as opposed to embryonic, myogenic progenitors.


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Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are lipid-activated transcription factors that belong to the steroid/thyroid/retinoic acid receptor superfamily. All their characterized target genes encode proteins that participate in lipid homeostasis. The recent finding that antidiabetic thiazolidinediones and adipogenic prostanoids are ligands of one of the PPARs reveals a novel signaling pathway that directly links these compounds to processes involved in glucose homeostasis and lipid metabolism including adipocyte differentiation. A detailed understanding of this pathway could designate PPARs as targets for the development of novel efficient treatments for several metabolic disorders.


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BACKGROUND: The need for an integrated view of data obtained from high-throughput technologies gave rise to network analyses. These are especially useful to rationalize how external perturbations propagate through the expression of genes. To address this issue in the case of drug resistance, we constructed biological association networks of genes differentially expressed in cell lines resistant to methotrexate (MTX). METHODS: Seven cell lines representative of different types of cancer, including colon cancer (HT29 and Caco2), breast cancer (MCF-7 and MDA-MB-468), pancreatic cancer (MIA PaCa-2), erythroblastic leukemia (K562) and osteosarcoma (Saos-2), were used. The differential expression pattern between sensitive and MTX-resistant cells was determined by whole human genome microarrays and analyzed with the GeneSpring GX software package. Genes deregulated in common between the different cancer cell lines served to generate biological association networks using the Pathway Architect software. RESULTS: Dikkopf homolog-1 (DKK1) is a highly interconnected node in the network generated with genes in common between the two colon cancer cell lines, and functional validations of this target using small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) showed a chemosensitization toward MTX. Members of the UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A (UGT1A) family formed a network of genes differentially expressed in the two breast cancer cell lines. siRNA treatment against UGT1A also showed an increase in MTX sensitivity. Eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 1 (EEF1A1) was overexpressed among the pancreatic cancer, leukemia and osteosarcoma cell lines, and siRNA treatment against EEF1A1 produced a chemosensitization toward MTX. CONCLUSIONS: Biological association networks identified DKK1, UGT1As and EEF1A1 as important gene nodes in MTX-resistance. Treatments using siRNA technology against these three genes showed chemosensitization toward MTX.


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PURPOSE: A homozygous mutation in the H6 family homeobox 1 (HMX1) gene is responsible for a new oculoauricular defect leading to eye and auricular developmental abnormalities as well as early retinal degeneration (MIM 612109). However, the HMX1 pathway remains poorly understood, and in the first approach to better understand the pathway's function, we sought to identify the target genes. METHODS: We developed a predictive promoter model (PPM) approach using a comparative transcriptomic analysis in the retina at P15 of a mouse model lacking functional Hmx1 (dmbo mouse) and its respective wild-type. This PPM was based on the hypothesis that HMX1 binding site (HMX1-BS) clusters should be more represented in promoters of HMX1 target genes. The most differentially expressed genes in the microarray experiment that contained HMX1-BS clusters were used to generate the PPM, which was then statistically validated. Finally, we developed two genome-wide target prediction methods: one that focused on conserving PPM features in human and mouse and one that was based on the co-occurrence of HMX1-BS pairs fitting the PPM, in human or in mouse, independently. RESULTS: The PPM construction revealed that sarcoglycan, gamma (35kDa dystrophin-associated glycoprotein) (Sgcg), teashirt zinc finger homeobox 2 (Tshz2), and solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, glycine) (Slc6a9) genes represented Hmx1 targets in the mouse retina at P15. Moreover, the genome-wide target prediction revealed that mouse genes belonging to the retinal axon guidance pathway were targeted by Hmx1. Expression of these three genes was experimentally validated using a quantitative reverse transcription PCR approach. The inhibitory activity of Hmx1 on Sgcg, as well as protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, O (Ptpro) and Sema3f, two targets identified by the PPM, were validated with luciferase assay. CONCLUSIONS: Gene expression analysis between wild-type and dmbo mice allowed us to develop a PPM that identified the first target genes of Hmx1.


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Jasmonates control defense gene expression and male fertility in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. In both cases, the involvement of the jasmonate pathway is complex, involving large-scale transcriptional reprogramming. Additionally, jasmonate signaling is hard-wired into the auxin, ethylene, and salicylate signal networks, all of which are under intense investigation in Arabidopsis. In male fertility, jasmonic acid (JA) is the essential signal intervening both at the level of anther elongation and in pollen dehiscense. A number of genes potentially involved in jasmonate-dependent anther elongation have recently been discovered. In the case of defense, at least two jasmonates, JA and its precursor 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid (OPDA), are necessary for the fine-tuning of defense gene expression in response to various microbial pathogens and arthropod herbivores. However, only OPDA is required for full resistance to some insects and fungi. Other jasmonates probably affect yet more physiological responses. A series of breakthroughs have identified the SKP/CULLIN/F-BOX (SCF), CORONATINE INSENSITIVE (COI1) complex, acting together with the CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC 9 (COP9) signalosome, as central regulatory components of jasmonate signaling in Arabidopsis. The studies, mostly involving mutational approaches, have paved the way for suppressor screens that are expected to further extend our knowledge of jasmonate signaling. When these and other new mutants affecting jasmonate signaling are characterized, new nodes will be added to the Arabidopsis Jasmonate Signaling Pathway Connections Map, and the lists of target genes regulated by jasmonates in Arabidopsis will be expanded.


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Abstract : The maintenance of genome stability is a challenge for all living organisms. DNA is regularly subjected to chemical alterations by both endogenous and exogenous DNA damaging agents. If left unrepaired, these lesions will create mutations or lead to chromosomal instability. DNA crosslinking agents probably bring about the most toxic lesions. By linking covalently the two strands of DNA, crosslinking agents will impede essential cellular processes such as replication and transcription. Cells from Fanconi anaemia patients are extremely sensitive to these agents. Fanconi anaemia (FA) is a rare chromosomal instability disorder that leads to developmental defects, pancytopenia and cancer susceptibility. FA is a genetically heterogeneous disease with thirteen complementation groups identified. Proteins encoded by the FA genes work together in the FA pathway. Eight of these proteins form the FA core complex (FANC-A, B, C,E, F, G, L and -M), whose integrity is required to monoubiquitinate FANCD2 and FANCI in response to DNA damage. The hypersensitivity of FA cells to crosslinking agents, which perturb the progression of replication forks, has led to the hypothesis that FA proteins play a crucial role in the response to replication stress. However, at the molecular level, the functions of the FA pathway remain largely unknown. Our efforts were first focused on the characterization of FANCD2, "the key effector of the FA pathway". Using different substrates, we found that in vitro, purified hFANCD2 preferentially binds single strand DNA and double strand DNA extremities. Concomitantly, FANCM was identified as a new component of the FA core complex. Moreover FANCM was shown to have specific branch migration activities and probably a role as a "landing platform" on DNA for the other components of the core complex. By using FANCM mutants carrying deletions within the internal domain, we investigated the role of FANCM as a DNA anchor protein for the core complex. We observed that indeed, a specific part of the internal domain of FANCM interacts with components of the core complex. Finally, in collaboration with Weidong Wang's lab we characterized two new components of the FA pathway: FAAP10 and FAAP16. As a heterodimer these two proteins show affinity for dsDNA, and anneal complementary oligonucleotides in vitro. Moreover these proteins can associate with FANCM via a part of its internal domain. We find that FANCM, FAAP 10 and FAAP 16 can co-exist on the branch point of replication and recombination intermediates, and that FAAP10 and FAAP16 stimulate replication fork reversal by FANCM. These results suggest that FANCM may function as a landing platform for the core complex. After loading on DNA, the core complex can activate FANCD2 through monoubiquitination leading to its recruitment to the site of damage. Since ssDNA and double strand breaks are intermediates that are generated as a consequence of collapsed replication forks, FANCD2 by binding to ds DNA ends and ssDNA could protect such structures from the recombination repair machinery and prevent unscheduled recombination events. Alternatively, FANCD2 could avoid nucleases from gaining access to collapsed forks, preserving the DNA in state that can be used as a starting point for resumption of DNA synthesis. The overall comprehension of the FA pathway is far from been complete. Our results unravel new aspects of Fanconi Anaemia, which hopefully in the near future will address keys questions leading to a better understanding of the fascinating Fanconi Anaemia. Résumé : Le maintien de l'intégrité du génome est fondamentale chez tous les organismes vivants. L'ADN est constamment altéré par des composés aussi bien endogènes qu'exogènes. Si ces altérations ne sont pas réparées, elles peuvent conduire à l'apparition de mutations, ainsi qu'à une instabilité génomique accrue. Les lésions les plus sévères qui peuvent survenir sur l'ADN, sont les pontages inter caténaires. Des agents pontants en liant de façon covalente les deux brins d'ADN, vont empêcher le déroulement normal de processus cellulaires essentiels tels que la réplication ou la transcription. La compréhension des mécanismes permettant à la cellule de tolérer et réparer ces lésions est primordiale, notamment dans le cas des patients atteints de l'anémie de Fanconi qui présentent une très grande sensibilité à ces composés pontants. L'anémie de Fanconi est une maladie génétique rare appartenant à un groupe de pathologies associées à une grande instabilité chromosomique. Les patients atteints de l'anémie de Fanconi présentent des malformations du squelette, une pancytopénie et une forte propension à la survenue de cancer. L'anémie de Fanconi est génétiquement très hétérogène. À ce jour, 13 gènes codant pour 13 protéines FANC différentes ont été identifiés. Huit de ces protéines fonctionnent ensemble au sein d'un complexe (nommé le complexe FANC) ayant pour but de monoubiquitiner FANCD2 et FANCI en réponse à la formation de lésions sur l'ADN. L'extrême sensibilité des cellules de patients atteints de l'anémie de Fanconi à ces agents pontant l'ADN suggère l'implication des protéines FANC dans la réponse cellulaire suite à une stress réplicatif. Cependant, le rôle moléculaire exact de ces protéines demeure encore inconnu. Après purification, nous avons observé que FANCD2 était capable de lier l'ADN simple brin, ainsi que les extrémités d'ADN in vitro. Dans le même temps, FANCM fut identifié comme appartenant au complexe FANC. FANCM est décrit comme une translocase capable de promouvoir le déplacement de point de jonction dans des structures d'ADN spécifiques in vitro. De plus, en se liant à l'ADN, FANCM peut agir comme une plateforme pour les autres protéines FANC, leur permettant ainsi d'être adressées à l'ADN. En créant des protéines FANCM recombinantes ayant des délétions dans le domaine interne, nous avons pu observer que certaines protéines du complexe FANC se fixent à des sites spécifiques sur le domaine interne de FANCM. Enfin, au travers d'une collaboration, nous avons été amenés à caractériser deux nouvelles protéines appartenant au complexe FANC : FAAP 10 et FAAP16. Elles s'associent à FANCM par l'intermédiaire du domaine interne, et forment ainsi un hétérotrimére. La présence de FAAP10 et FAAP16 n'affecte pas la liaison de FANCM à l'ADN, mais semble potentialiser son activité de régression in vitro. FANCM semble donc fonctionner comme une plateforme pour les autres composants du complexe FANC. Ces derniers, une fois liés à l'ADN permettent la monoubiquitination de FANCD2 et son recrutement au site lésé de l'ADN. FANCD2 en se liant de façon préférentielle à l'ADN simple brin et aux extrémités d'ADN qui sont générés lors de l'arrêt et du démantèlement d'une fourche de réplication, pourrait protéger ces même fourches de réplication arrêtées, d'évènements de recombinaison aléatoires. Nos résultats apportent de nouveaux éléments concernant les mécanismes moléculaires de l'anémie de Fanconi. Enfin, l'étude de l'anémie de Fanconi permet aussi de mieux comprendre les mécanismes mis en place par la cellule pour tolérer des lésions survenant lors de la réplication.


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Purpose: Consequently to the principle that photoreceptors have to be at a very precise development stage to be successfully transplanted (MacLaren 2006), we are trying to mimic this development stage in vitro using retinal stem cells. The latter one isolated from the newborn mouse retina, derived from the radial glia population, which were previously isolated and characterized in our laboratory. We developed a protocol to commit these cells to the photoreceptor fate, but even if the percentage of cells expressing photoreceptor markers is high (30%), the differentiation process is incomplete so far (Merhi-Soussi 2006). Methods: In order to ameliorate photoreceptor differentiation, we hypothesized that the Notch pathway may interfere with this process by either promoting glia commitment, or maintaining an undifferentiated state. We are thus using a gamma-secretase inhibitor (DAPT), which inhibits Notch receptor cleavage and thus Notch activation. DAPT was used either during the whole differentiation stimulation, or only during a restricted period in two various retinal stem cell lines (RSC AA and RSC MP1). Results: RT-PCR performed during cell proliferation, showed the same positive expression in both cell lines for the following genes: Math3, Six3, Hes1, NeuroD, Pax6 and Notch1. Additionally, Mash1, Hes5, Prox1, Crx and Otx2 were detected in both cell lines but with a stronger expression in RSC MP1. Opposite results were obtained for Chx10. Nrl, Peripherin/RDS, GFAP and Math5 were detected neither in RSC AA, nor in RSC MP1. The constant presence of DAPT i) leads to a 233% (RSC AA) or 900% (RSC MP1) increase in peripherin/RDS-positive (photoreceptor marker) cells, compared to controls (no DAPT, n=3, P<0.02) along with a 68% (RSC AA) or 80% (RSC MP1) decrease in GFAP- positive cells (n=3, P<0.04), ii) modifies the ratio between uni-/bi- (23%) and multi- (77%) polar peripherin/RDS-positive cells to 45% and 55%, respectively, for both cell lines and iii) reduces by 50% the total cell number during the whole differentiation process for both cell lines. Conclusions: We are now exploring whether this reduction in total cell number is due to inhibition of cell proliferation or to cell death and whether photoreceptor differentiation is promoted instead of glial induction. We also want to confirm the results obtained with DAPT with RSCs isolated from Notch1-loxP mice. Such protocol may help to better mimic photoreceptor development, but this needs to be confirmed by genomic and proteomic profile analyses.


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Asparagine N-Glycosylation is one of the most important forms of protein post-translational modification in eukaryotes. This metabolic pathway can be subdivided into two parts: an upstream sub-pathway required for achieving proper folding for most of the proteins synthesized in the secretory pathway, and a downstream sub-pathway required to give variability to trans-membrane proteins, and involved in adaptation to the environment and innate immunity. Here we analyze the nucleotide variability of the genes of this pathway in human populations, identifying which genes show greater population differentiation and which genes show signatures of recent positive selection. We also compare how these signals are distributed between the upstream and the downstream parts of the pathway, with the aim of exploring how forces of population differentiation and positive selection vary among genes involved in the same metabolic pathway but subject to different functional constraints. Our results show that genes in the downstream part of the pathway are more likely to show a signature of population differentiation, while events of positive selection are equally distributed among the two parts of the pathway. Moreover, events of positive selection are frequent on genes that are known to be at bifurcation points, and that are identified as being in key position by a network-level analysis such as MGAT3 and GCS1. These findings indicate that the upstream part of the Asparagine N-Glycosylation pathway has lower diversity among populations, while the downstream part is freer to tolerate diversity among populations. Moreover, the distribution of signatures of population differentiation and positive selection can change between parts of a pathway, especially between parts that are exposed to different functional constraints. Our results support the hypothesis that genes involved in constitutive processes can be expected to show lower population differentiation, while genes involved in traits related to the environment should show higher variability. Taken together, this work broadens our knowledge on how events of population differentiation and of positive selection are distributed among different parts of a metabolic pathway.


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AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: We explored the potential adverse effects of pro-atherogenic oxidised LDL-cholesterol particles on beta cell function. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Isolated human and rat islets and different insulin-secreting cell lines were incubated with human oxidised LDL with or without HDL particles. The insulin level was monitored by ELISA, real-time PCR and a rat insulin promoter construct linked to luciferase gene reporter. Cell apoptosis was determined by scoring cells displaying pycnotic nuclei. RESULTS: Prolonged incubation with human oxidised LDL particles led to a reduction in preproinsulin expression levels, whereas the insulin level was preserved in the presence of native LDL-cholesterol. The loss of insulin production occurred at the transcriptional levels and was associated with an increase in activator protein-1 transcriptional activity. The rise in activator protein-1 activity resulted from activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNK, now known as mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 [MAPK8]) due to a subsequent decrease in islet-brain 1 (IB1; now known as MAPK8 interacting protein 1) levels. Consistent with the pro-apoptotic role of the JNK pathway, oxidised LDL also induced a twofold increase in the rate of beta cell apoptosis. Treatment of the cells with JNK inhibitor peptides or HDL countered the effects mediated by oxidised LDL. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: These data provide strong evidence that oxidised LDL particles exert deleterious effects in the progression of beta cell failure in diabetes and that these effects can be countered by HDL particles.