1000 resultados para WELL


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Result of experimental lobster fishing with three new designs, namely rectangular, Australian pot and ink-well traps at Muttam, Kadiapatnam, Colachal, Enayam and Vizhinjam, south-west coast of India during 1979-80 are reported. Preliminary studies show that Australian pot and rectangular traps as more efficient to the ink-well type.


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Optimisation of cooling systems within gas turbine engines is of great interest to engine manufacturers seeking gains in performance, efficiency and component life. The effectiveness of coolant delivery is governed by complex flows within the stator wells and the interaction of main annulus and cooling air in the vicinity of the rim seals. This paper reports the development of a test facility which allows the interaction of cooling air and main gas paths to be measured at conditions representative of those found in modern gas turbine engines. The test facility features a two stage turbine with an overall pressure ratio of approximately 2.6:1. Hot air is supplied to the main annulus using a Rolls-Royce Dart compressor driven by an aero-derivative engine plant. Cooling air can be delivered to the stator wells at multiple locations and at a range of flow rates which cover bulk ingestion through to bulk egress. The facility has been designed with adaptable geometry to enable rapid changes of cooling air path configuration. The coolant delivery system allows swift and accurate changes to the flow settings such that thermal transients may be performed. Particular attention has been focused on obtaining high accuracy data, using a radio telemetry system, as well as thorough through-calibration practices. Temperature measurements can now be made on both rotating and stationary discs with a long term uncertainty in the region of 0.3 K. A gas concentration measurement system has also been developed to obtain direct measurement of re-ingestion and rim seal exchange flows. High resolution displacement sensors have been installed in order to measure hot running geometry. This paper documents the commissioning of a test facility which is unique in terms of rapid configuration changes, non-dimensional engine matching and the instrumentation density and resolution. Example data for each of the measurement systems is presented. This includes the effect of coolant flow rate on the metal temperatures within the upstream cavity of the turbine stator well, the axial displacement of the rotor assembly during a commissioning test, and the effect of coolant flow rate on mixing in the downstream cavity of the stator well. Copyright © 2010 by ASME.


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The growth techniques which have enabled the realization of InGaN-based multi-quantum-well (MQW) structures with high internal quantum efficiencies (IQE) on 150mm (6-in.) silicon substrates are reviewed. InGaN/GaN MQWs are deposited onto GaN templates on large-area (111) silicon substrates, using AlGaN strain-mediating interlayers to inhibit thermal-induced cracking and wafer-bowing, and using a SiN x interlayer to reduce threading dislocation densities in the active region of the MQW structure. MQWs with high IQE approaching 60% have been demonstrated. Atomic resolution electron microscopy and EELS analysis have been used to study the nature of the important interface between the Si(111) substrate and the AlN nucleation layer. We demonstrate an amorphous SiN x interlayer at the interface about 2nm wide, which does not, however, prevent good epitaxy of the AlN on the Si(111) substrate. Copyright © 2012 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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Ultrashort superradiant pulse generation from a 1580 nm AlGaInAs multiple quantum-well (MQW) semiconductor structure has been experimentally demonstrated for the first time. Superradiance is confirmed by analyzing the evolution of the optical temporal waveforms and spectra. Superradiant trends and regimes are studied as a function of driving condition. An optical pulse train is obtained at 1580 nm wavelength, with pulse durations as short as 390 fs and pulse peak powers of 7.2 W.


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Market competitiveness for aero engine power plant dictates that improvements in engine performance and reliability are guaranteed a priori by manufacturers. The requirement to accurately predict the life of engine components makes exacting demands of the internal air system, which must provide effective cooling over the engine duty cycle with the minimum consumption of compressor section air. Tests have been conducted at the University of Sussex using a turbine test facility which comprises a two stage turbine with an individual stage pressure ratio of 1.7:1. Main annulus air is supplied by an adapted Rolls-Royce Dart compressor at up to 440 K and 4.8 kg s-1. Cooling flow rates ranging from 0.71 to 1.46 Cw, ent, a disc entrainment parameter, have been used to allow ingress or egress dominated stator well flow conditions. The mechanical design of the test section allows internal cooling geometry to be rapidly re-configured, allowing the effect of jet momentum and coolant trajectory to be investigated. An important facet to this investigation is the use of CFD to model and analyse the flow structures associated with the cavity conditions tested, as well as to inform the design of cooling path geometry. This paper reports on the effectiveness of stator well coolant flow rate and delivery configurations using experimental data and also CFD analysis to better quantify the effect of stator well flow distribution on component temperatures. Copyright © 2011 by Rolls-Royce plc.


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Gas turbine engine performance requires effective and reliable internal cooling over the duty cycle of the engine. Life predictions for rotating components subject to the main gas path temperatures are vital. This demands increased precision in the specification of the internal air system flows which provide turbine stator well cooling and sealing. This in turn requires detailed knowledge of the flow rates through rim seals and interstage labyrinth seals. Knowledge of seal movement and clearances at operating temperatures is of great importance when prescribing these flows. A test facility has been developed at the University of Sussex, incorporating a two stage turbine rated at 400 kW with an individual stage pressure ratio of 1.7:1. The mechanical design of the test facility allows internal cooling geometry to be rapidly re-configured, while cooling flow rates of between 0.71 CW, ENT and 1.46 C W, ENT, may be set to allow ingress or egress dominated cavity flows. The main annulus and cavity conditions correspond to in cavity rotational Reynolds numbers of 1.71×106< Reφ <1.93×106. Displacement sensors have been used to establish hot running seal clearances over a range of stator well flow conditions, allowing realistic flow rates to be calculated. Additionally, gas seeding techniques have been developed, where stator well and main annulus flow interactions are evaluated by measuring changes in gas concentration. Experiments have been performed which allow rim seal and re-ingestion flows to be quantified. It will be shown that this work develops the measurement of stator well cooling flows and provides data suitable for the validation of improved thermo-mechanical and CFD codes, beneficial to the engine design process. Copyright © 2011 by Rolls-Royce plc.


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The structural and optical properties of trench defects, which are poorly understood yet commonly occurring defects observed on the surfaces of InGaN multiple quantum wells (MQW), are reported. These defects comprise near-circular trenches which enclose areas of MQW which give rise to a red shift in peak photoluminescence emission and a change in cathodoluminescence intensity with respect to the surrounding material. Atomic force microscopy shows that the height of trench-enclosed areas differs from that of the surrounding quantum well structure, and that trenches are unrelated to the commonly observed V-defects in InGaN films, despite being occasionally intersected by them. Cross-sectional electron microscopy analysis of trenches with raised centres suggests that the red shift in the observed cathodoluminescence peak emission may be due to the quantum wells being thicker in the trench-enclosed regions than in the surrounding quantum well area. The mechanism of trench formation and its implication for the control of the emission properties of light-emitting diodes is discussed. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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Soil liquefaction following large earthquakes is a major contributor to damage to infrastructure and economic loss, as borne out by the earthquakes in Japan and New Zealand in 2011. While extensive research has been conducted on soil liquefaction and our understanding of liquefaction has been advancing, several uncertainties remain. In this paper the basic premise that liquefaction is an 'undrained' event will be challenged. Evidence will be offered based on dynamic centrifuge tests to show that rapid settlements occur both in level ground and for shallow foundations. It will also be shown that the definition of liquefaction based on excess pore pressure generation and the subsequent classification of sites as liquefiable and non-liquefiable is not satisfactory, as centrifuge test data shows that both loose and dense sand sites produce significant excess pore pressure. Experimental evidence will be presented that shows that the permeability of sands increases rapidly at very low effective stresses to allow for rapid drainage to take place from liquefied soil. Based on these observations a micro-mechanical view of soil liquefaction that brings together the Critical State view of soil liquefaction and the importance of dynamic loading will be presented. © 2012 Indian Geotechnical Society.


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In any thermoacoustic analysis, it is important not only to predict linear frequencies and growth rates, but also the amplitude and frequencies of any limit cycles. The Flame Describing Function (FDF) approach is a quasi-linear analysis which allows the prediction of both the linear and nonlinear behaviour of a thermoacoustic system. This means that one can predict linear growth rates and frequencies, and also the amplitudes and frequencies of any limit cycles. The FDF achieves this by assuming that the acoustics are linear and that the flame, which is the only nonlinear element in the thermoacoustic system, can be adequately described by considering only its response at the frequency at which it is forced. Therefore any harmonics generated by the flame's nonlinear response are not considered. This implies that these nonlinear harmonics are small or that they are sufficiently filtered out by the linear dynamics of the system (the low-pass filter assumption). In this paper, a flame model with a simple saturation nonlinearity is coupled to simple duct acoustics, and the success of the FDF in predicting limit cycles is studied over a range of flame positions and acoustic damping parameters. Although these two parameters affect only the linear acoustics and not the nonlinear flame dynamics, they determine the validity of the low-pass filter assumption made in applying the flame describing function approach. Their importance is highlighted by studying the level of success of an FDF-based analysis as they are varied. This is achieved by comparing the FDF's prediction of limit-cycle amplitudes to the amplitudes seen in time domain simulations.


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The aim of this study was to explore how the remote control of appliances/lights (active energy management system) affected household well-being, compared to in-home displays (passive energy management system). A six-week exploratory study was conducted with 14 participants divided into the following three groups: active; passive; and no equipment. The effect on well-being was measured through thematic analysis of two semi-structured interviews for each participant, administered at the start and end of the study. The well-being themes were based on existing measures of Satisfaction and Affect. The energy demand for each participant was also measured for two weeks without intervention, and then compared after four weeks with either the passive or active energy management systems. These measurements were used to complement the well-being analysis. Overall, the measure of Affect increased in the passive group but Satisfaction decreased; however, all three measures on average decreased in the active group. The measured energy demand also highlighted a disconnect between well-being and domestic energy consumption. The results point to a need for further investigation in this field; otherwise, there is a risk that nationally implemented energy management solutions may negatively affect our happiness and well-being. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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We have investigated the growth, structural properties and photoluminescence of novel GaAs/AlGaAs radial heterostructure nanowires, fabricated by metalorganic chemical vapour deposition. The effect of growth temperature on nanowire morphology is discussed. Strong photoluminescence is observed from GaAs nanowires with AlGaAs shells. Core/multishell nanowires, of GaAs cores clad in several alternating layers of thick AlGaAs barrier shells and thin GaAs quantum well shells, exhibit a blue-shifted photoluminescence peak believed to arise from quantum confinement effects. A novel two-temperature growth procedure for obtaining GaAs cores is introduced, and other nanowire heterostructures are addressed. © 2006 IEEE.