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算法被誉为计算的“灵魂”(spirit of computing),算法程序的可靠性和正确性对软件系统的可信度起着至关重要的作用。动态规划、贪心、分支限界等传统的算法设计策略缺乏有效的选择标准,一些算法形式化开发方法和工具的应用水平和范围也很有限,因此算法的可靠性已成为高可信软件系统的一个主要瓶颈。 作为军事运筹学的一个重要分支,装备保障计算主要研究军事活动中装备领域的决策优化问题,保障计算软件特别是算法的可靠性在很大程度上决定了装备保障的效率乃至军事行动的成败。利用形式化软件工程的研究成果、特别是引入算法程序的形式化开发方法,对我军通用装备保障领域中的大量算法类问题进行有效求解,有利于优化保障结构、统筹保障资源、整合保障力量、提高保障时效,促进装备整体战斗力水平的提升。 本文以高可信软件开发方法PAR为基础,面向装备保障计算的领域需求,提出了一类离散最优化问题(discrete optimization problem, DOP)的结构模型和算法推演技术,并成功推演了一系列典型的装备保障算法。本论文的主要创新性贡献如下: (1)定义了DOP的结构模型,提出了基于单点结构(Singleton)的问题分划递推策略,进而通过PAR算法推演生成问题的高效求解算法,涵盖了多种传统算法设计策略,显著提高了算法程序设计的机械化水平。 (2)提出了描述DOP分划递推过程的问题简约图(problem reduction graph, PRG)模型,并针对典型DOP结构推演得到了一组PRG构造算法模式,其中每个算法模式都涵盖了满足特定代数结构性质的一大类具体问题。 (3)阐述了PAR算法推演的范畴模型,为算法设计和重用提供了抽象而有效的方法指导。 (4)对我军通用装备保障领域具有代表性的48个问题进行了形式化的算法推演,构建了领域算法库。 (5)在PAR平台的基础上设计了装备保障算法开发平台的原型COPALM,支持DOP算法推演和重用,进而提高了相关应用软件的开发效率。
Etude par analyse d’images en 2D des processus d’agregation et d’evolution des prosites dans les sol
The objectives of this paper are to study the thermodynamic cycles in an inertance tube pulse tube refrigerator (ITPTR) by means of CFD method The simulation results show that gas parcels working in different parts of ITPTR undergo different thermodynamic cycles The net effects of those thermodynamic cycles are pumping heat from the low temperature part to the high temperature part of the system The simulation results also show that under different frequencies of piston movement the gas parcels working in the same part of the system will undergo the same type of thermodynamic cycles The simulated thermal cycles are compared with those thermodynamic analysis results from a reference Comparisons show that both CFD simulations and theoretical analysis predict the same type of thermal cycles at the same location However only CFD simulation can give the quantitative results while the thermodynamic analysis is still remaining in quality (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved
Porphyra katadae Miura var. hemiphylla Tseng et T. J. Chang, a species distributed around the Liaodong and Shandong Peninsulas of China, produces gametophytes from late winter to early spring. These are monoecious with male and female reproductive tissues in distinct halves or sectors. Vegetative tissues from sectors expected to differentiate into sexual tissue were cultured in the laboratory. Male and female reproductive organs, as well as conchocelis and blades, were differentiated from these tissues. The male and female reproductive tissues were in patches and mixed on the cultured tissue pieces. This was quite different from the wild-type sectored individuals. The F-1 conchospore germlings also produced monospores, carposporangia, spermatangia and conchocelis. These carposporangia and spermatangia were in patches and were mixed on the F-1 fronds. The results imply that P. katadae var. hemiphylla is possibly sex-differentiated rather than sex-determined. This is the first report of such a dimorphic life history in the genus Porphyra.
This paper provides basic information on the general ecology and life history cycles of various flatfish species in the Bohai Sea, China. The species studied are Paralichthys olivaceus (Temminck & Schlegel), Cleisthenes herzensteini (Schmidt), Eopsetta grigorjewi (Herzenstein), Verasper variegatus (Temminck & Schlegel), Pleuronichthys cornutus (Temminck & Schlegel), Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae (Gunther), Pseudopleuronectes herzensteini (Jordan & Snyder), Kareius bicoloratus (Basilewsky), Zebrias zebra (Bloch), Cynoglossus semilaevis Gunther, Cynoglossus abbreviatus (Gray) and Cynoglossus joyneri Gunther. Information on reproduction, eggs and larval distribution, growth and adult abundance is presented. Based on the biology and ecology of these flatfish, artificial enhancement of the commercial species in the Bohai Sea is discussed.
Resumo: O objetivo desse estudo é apresentar o Programa Proambiente, que se afigura como inovadora política pública para a Amazônia, e contribuir para a formulação de procedimentos de avaliação de serviços ambientais em estabelecimentos rurais participantes do programa..
Hill, Joe M., Lloyd, Noel G., Pearson, Jane M., 'Centres and limit cycles for an extended Kukles system', Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2007(2007), No. 119, pp. 1-23.